Posts by wynter

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  • Coffin cartoon was disrespectful

    12/08/2004 8:38:37 PM PST · 25 of 32
    wynter to t2buckeye

    We canceled our newspaper 2 mo. ago and are taking another city's paper. We wrote a detailed letter in the cancelation and was contacted by two people that couldn't talk us out of it. I'm sure that cartoon was in the paper we no longer take. I'm glad I missed it or else I'd probably be down there with a sign and bullhorn in my hand protesting.

  • Coffin cartoon was disrespectful

    12/08/2004 6:14:39 PM PST · 19 of 32
    wynter to shotokan

    Thanks for posting it. I hope it bites him in the A--. I wrote him a critique of his work. Thanks to SteveMcKing for Markstein's email, we can all write him.

  • Coffin cartoon was disrespectful

    12/08/2004 5:52:16 PM PST · 1 of 32
    A friend of mine wrote that he had just written the editor of his local paper which had also used the cartoon. He and his wife were so upset over this since their son is in Iraq right now. I was upset myself that the newspapers in this country would find humor in this kind of illustration. His newspaper is the Statesville Record and Landmark in Statesville, NC. Did anyone else see this cartoon? If you did, can you scan it and post it for me. I haven't seen it and want to. I am so mad about this.
  • Election Day: Rigged Polls, Rigged Networks

    11/09/2004 9:40:32 AM PST · 19 of 75
    wynter to mrustow

    I don't know if this is a rumor or not but I heard that some liberals like DU were watching different polls waiting for the exit pollsters. When they spotted one being used they called others to come over. They would go in the election section and come out to be interviewed. It's almost believable since they swamp all media polls this past year with false votes. Another observation that I made and probably others did too... People had weeks to vote early and they were not polled. These were most likely the people that someone else mentioned on here that were voting against all kinds of things.. gay marriage, abortion, etc. So they voted for Bush. A lot of the people who might have turned out on election day were Democrat voters who knew in their media warped minds that there was no urgency. They'd just show up and Kerry would be elected. The rest of us were mad, upset and scared about a Kerry victory. I voted early just to get that out of my system.. with a vengeance especially against Edwards. I'm in N.C. I felt better voting early and I told others to do it for therapy. Just a thought. :-)

  • Kerry Says He Would Add 40,000 to Army

    10/31/2004 1:57:05 PM PST · 44 of 97
    wynter to wynter

    The thing is... how do we get this on the desktop.. Free Republic? I forgot to put that. The news needs to get out. I've sent it to all my mailing list. I should have done this days ago to get the word out by email. I wasn't thinking well. :-(

  • Kerry Says He Would Add 40,000 to Army

    10/31/2004 1:16:24 PM PST · 1 of 97
    College students are being told a lie that Bush will bring back the draft. Obviously college students have no idea what you have to do to bring the draft back. That Bush cannot do this without it being voted on in both houses, passed by a majority. But.. they do believe this lie. I want to ask these students this.. In most speeches, Kerry has said he will increase the army by 40,000. How will he will accomplish this? Bush has explained how he is switching military people out of countries that do not need them anymore thereby increasing the numbers in Iraq. He has told us how he is increasing the number of our volunteer forces. How will Kerry supply 40,000?? Educate a college student before it's too late!!! This is a non-polled group in the swing states that could put Kerry on the top just because they've been lied to and don't know all the facts. This bears repeating!!
  • TIPP Poll 10/31: Bush 48%, Kerry 43%

    10/31/2004 12:31:45 PM PST · 49 of 60
    wynter to rwfromkansas

    I want to add this thought... If all the college kids believe Bush will have a draft.. they really DO NOT understand how things work obviously if they believe this.. but... if they do believe it, then they will go to the polls and vote for Kerry. This group is not polled and could be a massive turn out. This scares me. Then there are the poor people who are usually led around by the Dems with lies like all your benefits will be taken away. The bus will be here at 9 a.m. and here is the sheet with the number you are suppose to vote for. These people turn out in the droves and are not polled. This also scares me. We could lose by people being told lies and who vote only because of these issues. Tell any college student that Kerry said he was going to increase the military by 40,000 people.. then ask them how do you think he is going to do that? Will this be a voluntary force? At least Bush has told how he will switch people out of other countries to increase the people serving in Iraq. Kerry has not explained how he will increase the military by 40,000. Just a thought that needs to be passed around and FAST!!!

  • Tarheels Hold on to Slim Lead in Latest On-field Poll (UNC 28, Miami 21 - 7:05 remaining)

    10/30/2004 7:47:56 PM PDT · 57 of 69
    wynter to Enlightiator

    Go Carolina!!!! It has been an unusual day!! Another weird thing.. Gray Davis is on the podium with Arnold and President Bush.. What's wrong with this picture and.....What a day!!! Go Carolina... Can you tell I'm from N.C.????

  • Kerry's Hometown Newspaper Endorses Bush

    10/15/2004 9:23:31 AM PDT · 21 of 29
    wynter to wynter

    Great article about Kerry living in Lowell and why he moved there with his past non-wife. It was written in June 2003 I think. Boston Globe

  • Kerry's Hometown Newspaper Endorses Bush

    10/15/2004 9:15:19 AM PDT · 20 of 29
    wynter to NautiNurse

    Gore and Clinton no longer live in their hometowns but I remember how the town rallied when their boys got elected. They named things after them. This town rallies also and is a town that he cut his teeth on at some point.

  • Kerry's Hometown Newspaper Endorses Bush

    10/15/2004 9:11:34 AM PDT · 18 of 29
    wynter to need_a_screen_name

    Yes, it's accurate and I also read the letters that were written in after it was on the front page. It's not a suppose... slanted newspaper and it's the biggest circulation one in the town. Go to the link posted under the article name at the top.

  • Kerry's Hometown Newspaper Endorses Bush

    10/15/2004 8:22:19 AM PDT · 1 of 29
    This has probably been on here but worth repeating. I didn't see it mentioned so others may have missed it.

    10/13/2004 10:28:14 PM PDT · 30 of 32
    wynter to I'm ALL Right!

    She's always been liberal but I thought perhaps FoxNews would change her. With her format of court cases, it's hard to see how she feels. I saw her on CNN before she came over and knew where she stood.


    10/13/2004 9:59:28 PM PDT · 28 of 32
    wynter to Choose Ye This Day

    Check out the poll on CNN Bush has been ahead ever since the debate was over and the DU are pulling their hair out. They keep asking everyone to hit it that Bush can't win. Little do they know.. Bush did win!!

  • DU Has Done a Great Service--They've Posted Links for Us to Use Supporting Sinclair Broadcasting

    10/13/2004 2:02:23 PM PDT · 40 of 42
    wynter to libstripper

    DEMOCRAT Idiots Cultivated UNDERGROUND

  • DU Has Done a Great Service--They've Posted Links for Us to Use Supporting Sinclair Broadcasting

    10/13/2004 1:55:09 PM PDT · 37 of 42
    wynter to wynter

    P.S. With the list that I saw that advertise, I hardly think that these people will go without using one of the businesses. I think the advertisers know that. They've been through it before.

  • DU Has Done a Great Service--They've Posted Links for Us to Use Supporting Sinclair Broadcasting

    10/13/2004 1:52:13 PM PDT · 36 of 42
    wynter to pabianice

    I registered and so far haven't been kicked off at DU. Made a couple of comments but they are so caught up in the moment that I don't think they're reading everything. They are now posting some of the generic emails that they have been receiving. I am sure that Sinclair notified all of their sponsors in advance to allow them to prepare statements. Some of the sponsors are saying that they wouldn't dare air a commercial during something like that nor anything about Bush or Nader. Thing is.. no one is going to advertise. It will be a non-commercial production from what I understand.

  • Bush Senior Strategist Matthew Dowd talks about the polls.

    10/12/2004 9:52:45 PM PDT · 24 of 31
    wynter to CatOwner

    Just jumping in here to ask a question... Where are these 100,000 new voters in Fl. and somewhere else.. can't remember.. coming from. I mean, are they Democrats or Republicans? What stirred them up? I'm getting worried that there are a lot of voters signed up that we have no idea why they're voting. Did someone just round them all up and bus them in? Show them a number and tell them to punch it? That did happen once a few years ago. But they just kept on punching other numbers. Maybe these are the same type of voters. It's really really bothering me. They said they have more people registering now that they've ever had.

  • A way to get rid of Bill O'reilly

    10/12/2004 9:33:48 PM PDT · 73 of 86
    wynter to Deb

    I did catch that part. I couldn't get up from what I was doing to change the channel. That really made me ill when he said.. Oh come on.. they know what they're doing!! Meaning that it was all propaganda? Inferring... Then said ok.. 90 min. for them and 90 min. for Kerry to put something on. You got to be kidding... They've had all year of coverage!! Then he compared the show to Michael Moore's!! That's when I just about lost it. O'Reilly really sucks!! Can I say that on here? That's not a dirty word is it? I can think of worse but I KNOW they're not allowed.

  • A way to get rid of Bill O'reilly

    10/12/2004 9:28:47 PM PDT · 68 of 86
    wynter to WildTurkey

    I just went to the link. Thanks for letting me know. I don't know if I could stay on there very long. Why is it democraticunderground... should it be democrat underground?