Thanks for the map and link, and thanks PhatHead for posting it originally. It’s very helpful. Is there a transcript of the call to the girlfriend? I thought all we had is a summary from the girl’s lawyer—who is convinced that Martin was “cornered” and then “pushed.”
But GZ says, “OK” in response to the dispatcher. He agrees. Then he says “he ran” and further along in the tape he has no idea when the guy is, and doesn’t want to give his address for that reason.
I know, but no one’s trying to convert the race-pimps. I think at this point even a few CNN fans are getting a little skeptical, and stuff like this helps. They watch CSI.
Don’t watch much prime time tv myself, but this is certainly the impression you get from commercials during games. If you didn’t know otherwise, you’d also guess that African-Americans were about 50% of the population, and definitely the brighter, cooler, more successful half.
Yeah, if could have forgotten his name, he’d be a lot more respected today. The free-trade treaty w/ Britain and rebuilding Paris were great accomplishments. But he couldn’t resist Bismarck’s bait.