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Posts by The_Royal_Navy

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    05/28/2004 3:14:03 PM PDT · 72 of 73
    The_Royal_Navy to TonyRo76; All

    poor kate moss,

    looks like it was a bit chilly by that door way ;)

    not that i was looking at her chest or anything, .. honest! :D

    As far as the princess is concerned, she is only married in to the family... so i'd expect 'genuine' royalty to be better behaved in public. (makes it almost sound like i'm talking about children)

  • British sex education

    05/28/2004 2:02:19 PM PDT · 18 of 18
    The_Royal_Navy to All

    well sex is pritty overated at the best of times, perticualy when your 16,...

    for most women, first time sex is usualy a bit of a let down i should imagine, lads get what they want out of it, and girls are left unsatisfid,...

    masterbation on the 'Other Hand' ;)(All puns intended),.. is far more likly to be rewarding...

    But unfortunatly it's still ofen seen as something to be sniggered at, but if the 'Tabbo' were to be broken, it's actualy perfectuly natural and it's something 2 people can do together.

    yet the silly thing is that 'Oral' sex is probebly more easyly concidered as an openly talked about option, than is masterbation.

    but anyway, at the end of the day, 'if they're gonna do it, they're gonna do it.' So surly 'Any' alternetive is better than no alternative to sex and teenage pregnancy.

    But as far as the law that has been considered about baning 'Any' contact and intermacey of 'Any' kind between anyone under the age of 16,.. well i think that is obseared.

    in canada they alow sex at 14 so long as the age diference between the two people is no more than 2 year's.

    but as soon as they reach 16, it's the same as it is in Britain.

    I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that i think that it is kinda a good idea maybe,... at the end of the day sex is natural, and even my mum had friends at 14 who were not what she would consider as being a 'Child'..
    And that was 56 years ago...

    I was 14 teen once too,... and if id have had the opetunity, then i also would have been doing that kind of thing, it's not nesaselary a case of some one taking advantage, as more the case that at that age it's perfectly natural to 'have' thos kinds of feelings and interests.

    and to have a system simuler to Canada's is to be more at one with the reality of human nature and leving it up to the persons whos life it is to make the choice, and perhaps better to give the education to alow then to make the 'right' choices, while at the same time having a way of not alowing far older people from taking advantege,...

    if someone is going to have sex at 14 then they will do so regardless of what laws there are or what parents think,..

    and alto if i were a parent, i wouldn't be very happy to think a durter of mine were having sex at that age, i would still rather she felt she could talk to me about it rarther than be in a system where she would feel she needed to conseale it from me in fear of punisment from her parents or geting into trouble from the police,...

    if i were a perant, i would rather my daurter felt she could coun't on me for suport if she ended up pregnant, rather than feel she needed to hide it from me and end up maybe having an aboution and having to go thru all that on her own,...

    And to go back to what i said befour, young people will do these things because they 'want' to do them,...

    So what good is a law that only invokes fear and incorages hidding of situations they my be in, at a time when they surly need understanding and suport.

  • Royal Navy calls 'ghostbusters' to 18th century base

    05/28/2004 12:45:16 PM PDT · 22 of 26
    The_Royal_Navy to All

    How did i know you guys wern't going to take this one seriosly...

    "I an't afrade of no ghost..."

    Never fear, ..
    The SupaDupa Royal Navy is here.

    unless of corse your French or German. ;)

  • The Michael Moore Conservatives (some British Conservatives are as anti-American as their Left)

    05/27/2004 7:46:53 AM PDT · 38 of 38
    The_Royal_Navy to olde north church; All

    OMG! do u have "any" idea how log it's taken me to read thru all this?

    well anyway's, that is all i have to say...
    ecept for one confusion,...

    ((( 2. The Germans were toe to toe with the Warsaw Pact. I know missiles and planes can cross a channel with no problem but foot soldiers can't. It gives a sense of protection similiar to a moat.
    3. The Brits know we will be there for them in a heartbeat if asked. The Germans knew they were a trip wire. They were there to just slow the forces. )))

    The above statemet is confusing me, are we talking past or present?, because if it presant then i asume it means as if to say that some other force attacks germany on way to moving to briatn, Britain would then be a "Trip wire" for American intervnting before the force were to move thru Britain an then later on to America,...

    Were you refuring to the 'PAST'..?
    Because if so, then America was 'NOT' there for Britain in WW2 Even tho Chirchill was desparatly calling for American help.

    There is no dout thta the currunt america of today would be here for us, or indeed for anyone 'including france' if needed...

    But back then things were a different story,....

    I am how ever confused, and you were probebly talking about the 'Present' or indeed the 'Future' in witch America i'm sure would be 'hole-heartedly' comitted to standing by her closest friend ,...

    I'm not exsactly fireing on all thrusters at this minuet because of the fact that i have been up "All day and Night and Day....."

    but infact the more my brain thinks (and thus warms up) i belve u meat that germany were a 'trip wire' to any hostilitys from an invading force, and America would be here to stand by britan in the fight to push 'BACK' that hostile foe, while germany 'Slowed them down' in readying for our 2 or 3 pronged assult.

  • UK plans 'mini-nuke' strike force

    05/27/2004 6:18:50 AM PDT · 19 of 19
    The_Royal_Navy to Lazamataz


    OMG!! have You been watching Babalon-5 angin? or have nuke's sudenly got a lot bigger since the run out standered of on avarage a figure of about 20 MegaTons, up to the 'Last I heard' Largest of 50 Mega tons used under the wings of b-52 bombers during the Cold war era?

    I don't know, One little university in cambridge splits the Atom and now were talking about 'mini nukes' ?

    Sounds like it could be very un-nerving for the avrage British moterist the next time he see's one of MG Rovers smallest little cars in his Rear view mirror.

    And 'How" many minis did they produce in total?,.. No wonder they were selling them at a loss.

  • Baby born from 21-year-old sperm

    05/27/2004 5:38:38 AM PDT · 20 of 20
    The_Royal_Navy to martin_fierro

    Ya, most guys cum early anyway,... So this must be a record braker,....

    Either that , or the world worst case of 'Premiture ejaculation' ;)

  • Baby born from 21-year-old sperm

    05/27/2004 5:33:29 AM PDT · 19 of 20
    The_Royal_Navy to Cooter

    I know, they fucked that up some how,.... even on the TV news across briton they were confusing us.... and condradicting them selfs

  • Microsoft behind $12 million payment to Opera

    05/27/2004 5:27:51 AM PDT · 90 of 118
    The_Royal_Navy to FrankR

    Hey, i heard ford's bringing the capri back :)

    the mark 4 was shite, good job ford never sold it in Britain tho,...

    Mustangs still strong in America tho, i take it?

    But if they so much as even "THINK" about makeing a new capri that is not Rear wheel drive, they'll be just waisting there time.

    Why dosn't anybody make 'PROPER' car's anymore?

  • Microsoft behind $12 million payment to Opera

    05/27/2004 5:18:56 AM PDT · 89 of 118
    The_Royal_Navy to FrankR

    there latest cup hilder dosn't fit corectly? uh oh,...

  • Microsoft behind $12 million payment to Opera

    05/25/2004 10:48:37 AM PDT · 14 of 118
    The_Royal_Navy to Snuffington; All
    So microsoftos suckus huh?

    Microsoft the l'OS'ers .. ;)
    (Explorer has generated errors, and will now close)
    'Oh bugger!, not again?'

    Do 'YOU' live in this world too?
    If so, I don't supose you or any one know's of any UK built brousers and/or OSystem's? to replace what i Affectionately like to call the 'Microsoft l'OS'ers system'?
  • Baby born from 21-year-old sperm

    05/25/2004 8:05:40 AM PDT · 9 of 20
    The_Royal_Navy to Ezra Pound

    LOL, :D

    That was actualy something quite funny you said there.

    But if so, then because hes in Britain, he's all rdy been old enough to vote and drink for the last 'Two' years,..

    So then dose that mean he's also been old enough to get his 'end away' for the last 'FIVE' years? ;) ...

    i guess he realy 'Will' be a late starter. - if u know what i mean ;)

  • Britain Says It Learned from Mars Probe Flop

    05/25/2004 1:58:20 AM PDT · 7 of 7
    The_Royal_Navy to Lokibob

    not only that, but it was by-and-large an almost 'non' government project, and where witch the government only stepped in to cover the cost of lack of funds raised...(witch the government prity much ended up paying for the 'Lions' share)

    Some people have criticized it, poking fun at the guy (a farmer) who's idea it was, but this is unfair,...

    NASA have had many failers to the red planet and indeed on other projects, there is allways risk, no mater how much you spend.

    And if it had suceded, then these people would have been pating him on the back, not trying to make fun of him. And with it having been a very low budget affair, i think it calls for Britain to place MORE not less effort in the direction of space exploration, and I don't only mean in way of going thru ESA,.. but for Britain to reastablish it's launch sites witch were abandoned in the 1950's...

    Brittan should work with ESA but not rely 'solely' on ESA, and should take a more active role in the 'LANUCH' stage, as well as being an atractive alternative to reliying on ESA for other company's to maybe consider using us for launches, as well as to work with them on there projects.

    In ESA today, the level of work that is given to it's member states is awarded on the basis of 'WHO PAYS THE MOST' towards ESA and theses projects, and 'NOT' instead to whom may or may 'not' be best to do the work it self... Witch is aggain 'unfair'.
    And there are many who are interested in this side of science, and who like myself, thinks the Government should increase it's budget towards the "British-Space-Agency"(or what ever it's called these days), and so be able to be far more independent from the ESA as well as investing more to work 'with them'.

    Britain 'is' considering or starting to invest more in this side of science, but since the end of the 50's, we seem to have taken a 'BACK SEAT' as far as Our own Launches and the like are consurned...,
    But with a 'Privet' company soon to have a 3 maned space Vehicle launched in to what is considered to be space only 100 km up,.. then surly are government is more than capable of funding such things if a privet company can achieve it on what is effectively a 'Shoe String'.
  • Blair studies Iraq options as rift with US is exposed (Tories might not support more troops)

    05/24/2004 3:25:59 AM PDT · 5 of 5
    The_Royal_Navy to gary_b_UK

    (( Blair does not need permission from Parliament to deploy troops, he didn't even need it to have Britain join in the Iraq War, as he can use what is known as the Royal Prerogative i.e. using the Queen's reserve executive powers. ))


    You know the Queen can even still have someones head choped off, if the Royal 'We' so wishes... They never revoked that power Either,.

    Or At least that's as far as 'I' know anyway...

    (With Vangaurd Class nuclear submarines in replace of Battle ships at her beck and call, God help the world if she ever did a 'King Gorge the 3rd' on us')

    i'd be very suprized if she had 'that much' power tho.

  • British censors ban nipple in European election film

    05/23/2004 10:50:15 PM PDT · 10 of 10
    The_Royal_Navy to sharkhawk

    There was something simuler i saw on a British TV show that shows clips of adverts from around the world,...

    But insted of a baby it was some big fat ugly bald guy's head in shot sucking on a womans breast,... i cant remember what exsactly it was about, but me thinks it was maybe about 3rd world hunger,... or making a point of something to that effect,...

    It made me Cringe tho,... not the nipple but the guy who was sucking on it,.... (So it had the desired effect, 'on me at least')

    but other than the fore mentioned instence, I personaly am 'All for seeing more breast's on day time T.V (o Y o):p .

    And i sertanly wouldn't say i was 'prudish' towards women breast feeding...

    Hell,... I suck on my Girlfriends Tit's all the time ;D

  • U.K. Paper Publishes Leaked Iraq Memo

    05/23/2004 10:19:02 PM PDT · 10 of 12
    The_Royal_Navy to Gunrunner2

    i supose you take the position that; "HE WHO FIRES 'FIRST', FIRES LAST,..."

    Hasn't 7 seasons of Star-Trek TNG, taught you 'KNOTHING'? J/K

    Anyhow I thought US forces in Iraq 'DID' follow a Heart's and Minds policy?...

    "Aim for the HEAD as well as the CHEST"...(that is) ;P..

    No, sry, I don't actualy really mean what I just said..

  • U.K. Paper Publishes Leaked Iraq Memo

    05/23/2004 10:06:04 PM PDT · 9 of 12
    The_Royal_Navy to willgetsome

    (( Anyhow, the simple response is this:

    British troops are magnificent. Why don't we swap places. US troops will take charge of the Basra region and British troops will take charge of the Sunni Triangle and Baghdad. ))

    umm..., sarcasm... i take it; :D

    (You know not that you speak the truth) hehe, sry i just couldn't resist. ;)

    And my responce would be, "BRING IT ON!!!"

    And besides, Iraq use to be in British hands anyway,... :P


    05/23/2004 9:44:30 PM PDT · 6 of 6
    The_Royal_Navy to TheBigB

    umm, yum yum, she's fit! :)

    altho give me a hot british bird with curry and chips on the end of a saterday night pub crawl, and i'm a very happy chappy. ;)...

    Why some guys pay upwards of 80 pounds for it, i will never understand,.... :s

    When it usualy only cost's 'Me' the mear price of a Drink and bag of chips at the end of "GREAT! Weekend!!'.. :D

  • A380 hits turbulence (Bless Those Environmentalists Alert!!)

    05/23/2004 9:21:05 PM PDT · 39 of 41
    The_Royal_Navy to Pukin Dog

    Oh,.. 'Now' I understand the new policy,..

    The Bigger the plane, the Bigger we can wright our name down the side of it,.. ;) :D

    After all, when your travaling at M:2 i don't supose it's easy to read whos plane it is,....

    Easy on the concorde bashing,...

    Did u know that America was building one also, and was planed to be 'faster' than concorde.

    but after haveing spent just as much as britan and france, all they had was a wooden scale model..

    but if america 'HAD' built it's own super sonic passenger fleet, then it would be praised... but becuase America failed to do so, all that was left for people to say is,.. "Oh!, stupid idea"...

    But if that realy was the case, and realy 'WAS' a stupid idea, why then did america bother trying to build one of her own in the first place?

    Concorde was the future,..
    Because if you can't succeed with a super sonic passenge jet,
    Then How in the world will the 'Next grate idea witch is "Sub-orbitel flight" , ever stand a chance of becoming a reality.

    Concorde was around for a good many years,...

    but the 'TWO' main reasons for it's retirement to the history books, is

    ONE: 9/11,.., a lot of the people who were on them planes and also in the twin towers were concordes 'Life-Blood',..

    And thoughts few rich busness people were either flying on concorde them selfs, and when they wern't, they were paying for others in their company and their friends and family to fly on them also,...

    Concorde was for rich busness men, and so called 'rich-kids', and also 'once-in-a-lifetime' users who had saved and saved for there never again experence.

    But all theres things start out that way,.. being something for thefew and 'privalidged'...

    just like the car was, and the T.V, and it's surly the everything else.

    The 'jumbo jet' was origonaly supose to be 'Spacos' and have all the bells and whisesle that ritcherd branston now wants on his proposed new plane's,... But the jumbo was soon filled out with lots and lots of sheat to be geared towards more passanger numbers and grater 'profit'...

    so this plan for new 'bigger' plain's is only a re invention of the 'Last big plain'.

    and the SECONED reson why concored was decomisiond:

    ritchered branston wanted to buy the concorde fleet of BA(British Airways) but they said 'NO'.... ans why did they say NO,...

    because there is BAD BLOOD between them,... richerd branston snitced on BA for doing something witch i don't actualy know what it was, but basicly BA got ended up getting there hand slaped for it, and ever since BA and VIRGIN have not realy been 'Friend's'...

    just like when they didn't alow Ritcherd Branston to take over the LOTTERY,.. Simply because someone at the top didn't like him, even though he was going to turn the LOTERY in to a 'no-profit' making organisation,...

    me thinks the 'NON-PROFIT' part was the reason.
    And Me 'also' thinks that it meant 'somebody-somewhere' wasn't going to get there share of the procedings if Ritchered Branston took it over.


    05/23/2004 7:51:48 PM PDT · 75 of 87
    The_Royal_Navy to lentulusgracchus

    (( "Watch out, it's a trap -- there's two of them!!!!" ))

    LOL,... hehe,...

    With odds like that, i don't know why they even botherd,..
    loseres, all 150 of them.

  • UK plans 'mini-nuke' strike force

    05/23/2004 6:48:53 PM PDT · 12 of 19
    The_Royal_Navy to jamfull; All

    (( Britain has taken an active part in international efforts to reduce nuclear weapons, slashing its stockpile of warheads by 70% to fewer than 200 ))

    70 % ?

    Well if history were repeting it self then could we be heading for a 3WW or a nuclear war of some sorts,

    After WW1 Britain dismanteled a simuler % of her battle ships and dreadnoughts... In an arms treaty proposed by America to 'PRIVENT' war.(funny that)

    But in the end it was Britan who lost out.
    Our ship yards fell in to disrepare and by the start of WW2
    Britan was left feeling more vunarable then she had been for over 300 years...

    After over a thousand years of British soverenty and of corse history, Britan has fought off threat after threat.

    But in the end, Britans dominance of the sea's and indead her future was on the edge of losing every thing, and all because of folowing Arms treaty's while Hitler on the other hand was secretly building up his forces.

    and so we were nearly left crippled and at the mercey of nothing more thretening than peices of papper...

    So what good are treaty's if your potentiol 'enemy' has no intention of abibing by them either.

    All it leves is you looking like a fool for aggreing to sign them in the first place.

    America 'was' and still is i think the largest economic power in the world, and her growth to the largest Navel and world power was only a matter of time, and so with the few number of ships that America had compared to Britan During WW1, America had very little to lose by cutting back on what few ships she had.

    And unlike Britan, America also had the financel means to 'Aford' to build up her forces again in responce to the out brake of war in europe.

    (Not to mention the 'luxury' of haveing 3 years to prepare,..)

    But it was the financil cost of 'WW1' that had almost killed off the British Empire,
    And so, it was Arms treatys combined with the onset of WW2, that can be seen as the finel nail in it's coffin,...

    And so if Hitler's war in europe had not started 6 years early in 1939 and He had instead been able to keep to his Origanal plans for the war to Begin in 1945 when he was fully ready, then who know's what would have happened.

    After all, during the first WW, Germany had the seconed largest navy in he world, and Britain maintaned a fleet 2 times as large again then even the 'two' seconed largest navys in the world put together.

    And so Hitler may have been MAD but he wasn't stupid,
    He knew what he was doing, And he wanted to take over the world, And with Britan having cut back on her over whelming supremecy of the seas,.. then he must have thought his Christmas, birthday and easter had all come at once.

    Lucky for us then that japan hit Pirel harber; Because America would not have gotten involved and europe would have most sertanly fallen and it would have only been a matter of time before Britan as well would have come tumbeling down after.

    And Hitler wanted The people of America to also know what war is 'REALY' like, Witch was something witch Britan and Germany allready knew all too well.

    And what with his Nazi Germany being so close to developing a Nuclear bomb and also being in the process of developing the tecnolegy needed to build a plane or indeed a powerfull enough rocket witch he would have needed to have flowen the distance nesesery to have brought a Nuclear bomb to America and so with it the war to The American people them selfs, then it 'REALY WOULD' have been an error of judgement for America to have sat there and done nothing.

    In WW2 The then 'British Empire' stood up to Germany to defend her alie Poland and after the fall of france in 1941 and the movement of German troops towards Russa, and british troops being pushed back, Things were getting desprate.

    And despite Churchill's calls for millatery help from America it seemed to be falling on death ears, And the world was on it's way to becoming a very diferent place.

    But thankfully America has since been thru many new Heads of government since WW2, And if Britan or anyone else should ever need them, I'm sure or at least I would hope that America would be there to stand with us from day one...

    Just as the curent british goverment would stand by America also.

    And So if roles reversed and this time it were to be 'Europe' who were to ask 'America' to cut back on her 350 billion pound defence budget; would she do so?

    Well if history is to Show us anything about what happened to Britain after sining 'American' Arms treaty's after WW1; then I think not...

    But I think that of all the weapons conceved by man, I 'do' think that 'Nukes' will allways be the one weapon we should hope 'NEVER' need's useing again on our selfs,.. (As in our fellow Humans)