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Posts by TheDandyMan

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  • Foreign mercenaries were burned to the ground as unnecessary witnesses at Azovstal

    06/29/2022 11:33:06 AM PDT · 2 of 32
    TheDandyMan to ganeemead
    ”Real military leaders and their causes have never had any use for mercenaries...“

    So why are you peddling Russian propaganda then, when the Russians are using mercenaries all over the world, Ukraine included?

  • 146th Anniversary of the Battle of The Little Bighorn (History Nerd Thread)

    06/25/2022 1:50:11 PM PDT · 24 of 82
    TheDandyMan to Roman_War_Criminal

    I’ve always been of the opinion that the theory about soft copper cartridge cases jamming and fatally slowing the soldiers’ rate of fire touches on a deciding factor (the same theory has been posited about the British annihilation at Isandlwana 3 years later, and I think it’s even more likely to have been the deciding factor in that case). The fact that clutches of bodies have been found further out from the main “last stand” area also suggests that something caused cohesion to break down significantly — maybe just the presence of a thousand Indians, but I think more likely something more panic-inducing would the inability to defend yourself with your weapon.

  • 146th Anniversary of the Battle of The Little Bighorn (History Nerd Thread)

    06/25/2022 1:43:55 PM PDT · 18 of 82
    TheDandyMan to Vigilanteman

    Custer divided his forces. People who like to chortle over American soldiers being wiped out usually fail to mention that elements of Custer’s command took up defensive positions and held out against Indian attacks for long enough for relief to arrive. They were generally aware of where Custer’s column was, and were able to piece together, less and less so as they were pressed on themselves by Indians, what was happening.

  • Vanity: Abortions on Military Bases?

    06/24/2022 6:34:59 AM PDT · 5 of 26
    TheDandyMan to TigerClaws

    I hadn’t heard this, but I’ve read that this was the case in decades prior to Roe V. Wade — that, while it was little spoken of, the few existing female service members were often expected/“voluntold” to get an abortion if they became pregnant, and that it was not illegal on military bases. I don’t know if this is actually true. Either way, this suggestion that the military may be ordered to perform abortions in the context of a post Roe V Wade America is one hasn’t thought of, but sounds disturbingly likely with this administration.

  • Can someone explain why businesses can't find employees?

    06/22/2022 6:37:07 AM PDT · 84 of 287
    TheDandyMan to Labyrinthos

    What’s the logic behind not stating the compensation? The fundamental reason that people work is to be paid. I expect that a lot of people assume based on the lack of mention alone that the compensation is subpar, without contacting you to confirm whether they’re correct or not. In that sense wages might well be your problem.

  • What’s in the Senate’s 80-page bipartisan gun safety bill

    06/21/2022 9:21:36 PM PDT · 4 of 94
    TheDandyMan to PROCON
    ”Enhanced background checks for people 18 to 21“

    And next year the perpetual drumbeat will be “close the over-21 loophole and apply more stringent background checks to all buyers! It’s common sense!”

    What was the democrats compromise in this? Are silencers being removed from the NFA? National reprocity? Oh, democrats offered and compromised on nothing?The Republicans basically negotiated the democrats to take a few slices of bread instead of the whole loaf, despite the republicans having the power to keep the entire loaf of they chose. Typical loser party genius, handing the Dems a big win in an election year.

  • Katie Britt Declared Winner Of Alabama GOP Senate Primary Over Mo Brooks

    06/21/2022 8:21:45 PM PDT · 35 of 53
    TheDandyMan to Beave Meister
    Brooks is completely correct. I understand that I’m in the distinct minority here in that I don’t take it as an article of faith that the election was stolen. That said, let’s for sake of argument assume that 2020 was indeed flipped to Biden by illegal means. It’s odd that Trump demands both absolute fealty to the notion, and perpetual reliving of it, considering that he apparently had no plan in place prior to the election to address such an eventuality except, apparently, to bitch about it and throw a hodgepodge collection of incompetent celebrity lawyers at it. If it were that damn important, he should have had something better in place. Oh, his celebrity lawyers told Georgia republicans not to bother voting j. The senate runoffs, so thanks for that. Really solid plan there.

    So what’s his plan now, to bitch about it forever and require every Republican to bitch about it forever lest he crush them? The majority of people don’t buy it and are tired of hearing about it. Work at the state and local level to strengthen the barriers against fraud, elect state and local legislators and officials who will take a hard line against fraud and policies that enable it. Quietly, in a low-profile manner. Are we supposed to pretend that there’ll be a do-over of 2020? Is bitching about 2020 indefinitely going to make 2024 magically go our way? Strengthening barriers against fraud and and Against low/no-effort voting is good policy, regardless of whether one believes 2020 was stolen.

  • "Don't Shoot Until You See the Whites of Their Eyes!" -June 1775, The Battle of Bunker Hill

    06/20/2022 6:04:01 AM PDT · 2 of 23
    TheDandyMan to Perseverando
    ”British General Gage had no respect for the rag-tag Americans, resulting in him pridefully committing the serious mistake of ordering a direct assault.“

    This myth, that the British were bumbling, tea-sipping elitists who underestimated the American forces, ought to stop being perpetuated. Gage commanded the experimental light corps during the French and Indian War and fought alongside Americans quite extensively. Howe’s elder brother died in the F&I War and was noted as one of the most beloved officers in America.

    The Brits used the exact same tactic at Fort Carillon in 1758. Would anyone argue that they held French regulars in contempt? It was simply a time during which, barring input from more imaginative officers, a situation such as this was handled with a bloody frontal assault.

  • Request for Help please. Does anyone know if Ivermectin will fight or even neutralize the Covid spike proteins that are in vaccines?

    06/13/2022 12:49:48 PM PDT · 24 of 145
    TheDandyMan to know.your.why
    My understanding is that Executive Order 14042 is under 11 injunctions, some regional, but the Georgia Order (S.D. Ga. & 11th Circuit) injunction halting the contractor and subcontractor vaccine mandate nationwide (only the vaccine, not any other safety steps like mask mandates, requiring remote, etc).

    It’s all mixed up, confusing mess, but I can attest that myself, 2 family members who are also federal contractors, and one family member who is a federal employee are all unvaccinated and all remain employed without penalty…That could change at any time. It really sounds like your potential employer is going out on a limb telling you that the mandate is in force and that religious exemptions don’t as apply, but either way I guess if that’s what they say, that’s what it is.

    With regards to your vaccine question, I was cautiously considering Novavax as the link to abortion is presented as by far the most remote to my understanding, but it seems that Novavax has a higher rate of myocarditis than any of the others, but more to my concern, there sadly is abortion-derived tissue used in testing. To my understanding, Moderna has a far closer link to abortion than they claim. J&Js ethical profile is abysmal.

    My concerns are religious, although I’m not ignorant of the potential side effects as well. If I absolutely had to get any of the available vaccines, from both an ethical and safety perspective, Pfizer seems to be the middle ground. The abortion link to the Pfizer shot precludes me from getting it but you may feel differently.

    If the spike proteins cause problems, I don’t think there’s anything you can do, no treatment, certainly not ivermectin, that will negate or reverse those problems. Most people who have had any variant of the shot are fine. Will they be in 10 years? Nobody can say.

  • Request for Help please. Does anyone know if Ivermectin will fight or even neutralize the Covid spike proteins that are in vaccines?

    06/13/2022 12:32:53 PM PDT · 2 of 145
    TheDandyMan to know.your.why
    I’m a federal contractor who is unvaccinated. I put in my religious exemption request in October and it was never acted on by my employer, and in late December or so they sent a general email stating the federal contractor mandate is on hold indefinitely.

    So it sounds like this company you’re looking at is requiring vaccines on their own volition, rather than due to any mandate?

  • Putin's gloating TV stooges laugh at death sentences handed down to two Britons captured fighting in Ukraine

    06/13/2022 7:00:39 AM PDT · 8 of 61
    TheDandyMan to Mariner

    They aren’t mercenaries, they’re members of the regular Ukrainian military. I had a friend who was mentally shattered after one of his comrades died in his arms in Iraq. The kid who died was a Mexican, living in the US legally as a resident and serving the United States in combat. I suppose that kid was a mercenary too.

  • Russian invaders rename Freedom Square in Mariupol as Lenin Square, hang Russian flag

    06/12/2022 9:39:36 AM PDT · 6 of 22
    TheDandyMan to lodi90
    Oh well then, since anybody opposing the russian invasion has been deemed a tool of the “global reset”, Lenin must have been a great defender of freedom!

    Say otherwise and you’re a globohomo Georgia guidestone.

  • Why I'm 99% certain that Justin Bieber's facial paralysis was caused by the COVID vaccine

    06/12/2022 9:35:24 AM PDT · 4 of 49
    TheDandyMan to dennisw
    Kirsch isn’t a medical doctor. He hasn’t examined Beeber, he doesn’t have access to his medical history or hereditary risk factors. Therefore, he can’t be “99% certain” about anything related to this specific instance. IOW, he’s a lying hack.

    I don’t understand why anyone views this guy as being credible. He’s about as credible as Fauci, Walensky, and the “inventor of MRNA” who, despite allegedly inventing this stuff, knew nothing about it until after he had his full round of Covid shots.

  • ‘God forbid I work my scheduled work hours and leave on time’: Worker calls out bosses who take issue with her leaving when her shift ends

    06/12/2022 6:39:42 AM PDT · 72 of 139
    TheDandyMan to rlmorel
    And I don’t owe them my talents if they don’t prove to ME that the company is willing to make the arrangement worth my time. Because time is the one thing nobody can get back, nobody can buy, and nobody can give you.

    I refuse to get bent over by my employer. Big companies usually expect you to go above and beyond, but don’t even pretend to offer the same dedication they expect of the employees. “Voluntary unpaid overtime is part of our culture!” Well sorry chumps, I guess I’m from a different culture. Embrace diversity and don’t even try to call me outside my hours unless the building is on fire or somebody died.

  • So-called court in Donetsk sentences two captive Britons and one Moroccan to death

    06/09/2022 9:51:40 AM PDT · 34 of 64
    TheDandyMan to NorseViking
    ”The winner decides on who is the criminal.“

    Hence Russian war criminals eating their words all over Ukraine.

    Oh, pardon me, I forgot. Attacking and being beaten back from one city after another was a brilliant plan on the part of a military “superpower” who only intended to secure the territory they already had in the first place! This sort of brilliant 4D chess is necessary, after all, when attacking the poorest country in Europe.

  • So-called court in Donetsk sentences two captive Britons and one Moroccan to death

    06/09/2022 9:43:51 AM PDT · 32 of 64
    TheDandyMan to NorseViking
    ”Second, Ukraine is an aspiring Europeans nation and doesn’t have death penalty.“

    You’re quoting the last words of a number of Russian war criminals.

  • Was 'Seinfeld' a Prophet?

    06/08/2022 10:22:59 AM PDT · 28 of 41
    TheDandyMan to ealgeone
    To my recollection, the characters were naturally adverse to homosexuality, but being vapid and unprincipled, wanted to be perceived as fine with it, hence the disclaimer “not that there’s anything wrong with that.”

    I think there was an episode where Jerry was misidentified as being gay and went through ridiculous high jinks to disavow the notion. Today, an episode centered around a character desperately trying to prove that he isn’t gay would be met with endless accusations of homophobia —You should be FLATTERED to be perceived as gay!

  • The idea of working in the office, all day, every day? No thanks, say workers

    06/07/2022 6:41:32 PM PDT · 14 of 137
    TheDandyMan to Tolerance Sucks Rocks
    I worked in the office 5 days a week, 9-12 hrs a day (sometimes more), plus minimum 1 hr commute one way. Now I’m 100% remote. Customer had an emergency that had to be dealt with and it ran until 1am. I was in bed by 1:05am. Some here would say I’m lazy because I wasn’t in bed at 2:05am instead, after driving an hour.

    Not every job is feasible remote. Mine is, and I would consider it unreasonable to be required to be in an office, at the cost of gas, time, wear and tear on my vehicle, when it’s entirely unnecessary.

    Sorry, I just don’t fetishize getting bent over by my employer.

  • Manchin open to assault weapons ban after wave of mass shootings

    06/06/2022 4:54:10 PM PDT · 6 of 44
    TheDandyMan to Bonemaker

    Presumably still refuses to touch the filibuster, so just trying to have his cake and eat it too? I hope…

  • Man drowns as Arizona police watch: 'I'm not jumping in after you'

    06/06/2022 4:00:25 PM PDT · 11 of 134
    TheDandyMan to NohSpinZone
    Is being a strong swimmer a requirement for being a cop? I’ve never seen a job ad for any police department that requires you to know how to swim at all.

    At a local pool there’s a cop who swims most mornings or evenings, says he wants to be in practice to be able to help people in the water if necessary, but it’s his own initiative, don’t believe his agency requires it.