11/06/2022 6:48:07 PM PST
· 44 of 45 SumProVita
to stars & stripes forever
The children will be far better off NOT attending a public school. Time for more Moms to get together to form groups that will put together well-planned home schools.
I bet several good public school teachers would rather be a part of that too!
The UK is now paying those who have been left with physical damage from accepting those mRNA shots. $140,000 is what is offered at present. Other countries are leaning in the same direction. Well-done studies have proven how dangerous the shots are....except in the USA. Why is that?
Most sadly, there are groups of GOOD physicians who know how to treat such patients, often (depending on the variables) with good success.
People should also be aware that they are working to include that mRNA in the fall flu shots as well. WHY, especially after it has been proven to be so dangerous? After all, it surely did not protect the people who got the shots.
A great number of our schools are no longer fit to really educate students in an intelligent manner anymore. Let the system collapse...and later, after good people are in charge, rebuild from the bottom up.
2/3 of the reviewers gave it 1 star and said it was complete and utter T-rash
Thanks! The rest of us know what to do and how to review it and leave the glowing comments it deserves for spreading the truth. :-)
Our family LOVES Professor Swain! Her students at Vanderbilt loved her too. We’ll have to look to see if this redrawing has affected us in any way...and then plan...and pray.
PS Would thoroughly enjoy seeing the moonbats going utterly nuts!