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Posts by Search4Truth

Brevity: Headers | « Text »
  • A Bound Man: Why We Are Excited About Obama And Why He Can’t Win by Shelby Steele

    02/20/2008 7:37:44 PM PST · 52 of 59
    Search4Truth to Landru

    Islam will see President Obama’s presidency as the perfect time to fulfill their ultimate goal - to detonate multiple nuclear warheads in the US. A financial collapse of the US economy will immediately follow. President Obama will promptly call for an East/West Peace summit were the terms of our surrender will be negotiated.

    The Federal government will use the nuclear terrorism to consolidate its power over the American people. Unable to continue to control us through our capital, the federal government will move to control us militarily. Tanks will roll on the streets of American cities.

    When the bombs do go off, 30 million precious souls murdered in their mother’s womb will cry, “justice”. Could that be what the Islamists mean when they call us the “Great Satan” - that we murder our unborn children. Literally ripping them apart as they struggle to be born. Did we really think we could continue that with impunity.

    Fred Thompson would have turned us back from that holocaust of the most innocent. I believe it was our last chance. But the American people didn’t care enough to turn off their TV’s long enough to find out what the stakes were and what they needed to do.

    Virtually over night, at least to most people it will seem, the US will have become a Third World country. The only question is, what will happen afterward.

    As hard as I try, I can find no way out of the inevitability of this scenario. The good news for most will be, that their regularly scheduled TV programs will be uninterrupted.

  • God and Glocks: Why Churches Should Not be Gun Free Zones

    12/22/2007 6:38:17 PM PST · 18 of 26
    Search4Truth to neverdem

    Taurus Titanium Ultralite 38 Special +P “Protector” DA/SA Shrouded Hammer, Hydrashocks, Crimson Trace Laser in a Smart Carry Holster, with 1 Speed Loader and CCW license, and a King James Bible. My Sunday go to meeting requirements. Equally prepared to give’m the gospel or give’m hell.

  • Baptists turn from public schools [NC]

    08/27/2007 6:02:50 PM PDT · 108 of 213
    Search4Truth to jern
    "Church leaders are not calling for a wholesale exodus from public schools, which would be a monumental hit, considering that Southern Baptists make up the nation's largest Protestant denomination with 16 million members."

    What is the SBC waiting for?

    A Strange Faith -- Are Church-Going Kids Christian?

  • Baptists turn from public schools [NC]

    08/27/2007 3:42:11 PM PDT · 100 of 213
    Search4Truth to jern

    This article is an excellent example of the apostasy of Western Christianity. The article represents almost 5,000 words of men and not a single word of God. While claiming to be Christians they give no reverence to God and His word. But they seem quite enamored with their own thoughts and ideas. This must be the Christianity that Barna research tells us over and again is no different than the world.

    Can one really be a Christian, and ignore the word of God?

    Lets see what God has to say about the relationship between believers and unbelievers.

    “Be you not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship has righteousness with unrighteousness? and what partnership has light with darkness? And what harmony has Christ with Belial? or what part has he that believes with an infidel? And what agreement has the temple of God with idols? for you are the temple of the living God; as God has said, I will dwell in them, and walk in them; and I will be their God, and they shall be my people. Therefore come out from among them, and be you separate, says the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you, And will be a Father unto you, and you shall be my sons and daughters, says the Lord Almighty.” (2 Corinthians 6:14-18)

    Now, as Christians, our only duty, is to conform our lives to His word. That is what it means to be a Christian.

  • Islanders grieve for 3 slain pastors

    08/20/2007 7:46:38 AM PDT · 4 of 4
    Search4Truth to fella

    I suppose Eiken Elam Saimon didn’t know that it is against Federal law that anyone possess a firearm in a church. That is probably the reason he was the only one there with a firearm.

    The two safest places for a gunman to go on a shooting spree in America is in a school or a church. Since both places the federal government has outlawed citizens from lawfully carry a concealed firearm under state law.

    By what possible reason, or right, does the federal government usurp the authority and rights of the churches’ pastor, and ultimately the Christians who comprise that church family, to decide if they will or will not allow firearms in their church?

    If my pastor does not have a problem with me carrying a firearm in his church, a firearm that the state has duly licensed me to carry concealed, what right does the federal government have to usurp that pastor’s authority within his own church? Why does the federal government do this? Because they can. They know Americans are too busy with their TV fantasies to do anything about it.

    There is a great evil in our midst. But Americans are too in love with their TV fantasies’ to recognize it or do anything about it.

  • He thinks physics proves Christianity

    06/12/2007 5:00:50 PM PDT · 89 of 99
    Search4Truth to Excellence
    Where is the earth?

    Orbiting the Sun.

    Is this a quiz?

  • He thinks physics proves Christianity

    06/12/2007 4:45:38 PM PDT · 87 of 99
    Search4Truth to Excellence
    Someone please draw for me a formless void.

    It took a little doing. But I think I finally got it. It's right below.









  • State argues: No freedom [for imprisoned punk]

    06/12/2007 4:13:15 PM PDT · 85 of 91
    Search4Truth to Alter Kaker

    The Bailiff could have just whacked the boy on his penis and called it a day.

  • State argues: No freedom [for imprisoned punk]

    06/12/2007 2:37:34 PM PDT · 65 of 91
    Search4Truth to madprof98
    In other news...

    Mary Winkler guilty of voluntary manslaughter in the March 2006 killing of her minister husband, Matthew. Judge gives her only 60 days in mental hospital............................

    Mary Winkler gets 60 days in mental hospital..


  • Hawks for Thompson (Fred alert)

    06/12/2007 1:29:24 PM PDT · 10 of 28
    Search4Truth to pissant

    Thompson/Hunter 2008

  • He thinks physics proves Christianity

    06/12/2007 1:27:07 PM PDT · 80 of 99
    Search4Truth to RightWhale

    You’ll put someone’s eye out with that. :)

  • He thinks physics proves Christianity

    06/12/2007 1:13:00 PM PDT · 78 of 99
    Search4Truth to RightWhale
    No. That is an old opinion of somebody else.

    Is that someone whose thoughts you think a lot of?

    It's like having a conversation with a Chinese fortune cookie. Bye, Eliza.

    That really does sum up your thoughts about the word of God. Which was apparent from the beginning, So what was there really for you and I to converse about. There was only to reveal your contempt for the God of the Bible.

  • He thinks physics proves Christianity

    06/12/2007 12:46:03 PM PDT · 73 of 99
    Search4Truth to RightWhale
    "That's a translation. All the meaning is lost in information."

    So that is what you think? How convenient.

    Oh? Take a poll on FR, see how that hypothesis stands up. Scientific method.

    I stand corrected. You place a lot of importance on what you think.

    When one has the word of God, what man thinks is unimportant.

  • He thinks physics proves Christianity

    06/12/2007 12:17:59 PM PDT · 71 of 99
    Search4Truth to RightWhale
    So what I think about what William Law thinks is important to what you think? You place a lot of importance in what men think.

    The Bible says this. Which is what I was referring to. What I think is of no importance.

    But the natural man receives not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned. (1 Corinthians 2:14)

    For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness; but unto us who are saved it is the power of God. (1 Corinthians 1:18)

    Regards, S4T.

  • He thinks physics proves Christianity

    06/12/2007 11:57:09 AM PDT · 69 of 99
    Search4Truth to dmz; Preachin'
    "Exactly my point. You will not engage with those who think differently than you on a topic near and dear to your heart. You are simply dismissive."

    What you "think" about what the word of God says is dismissed because it is unimportant.

    What you think is only of any importance to you. It is the opinion of the god you have created in your own mind. Which the word of God calls idolatry. That is why you need to defend it in meaningless debate with what others "think".

    To those who are not of the spirit of God, the Bible is just a book. A book which they will manipulate to support the idolatrous god of their imagination. That is not what I think, but what the word of God says.

    But the natural man receives not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned. (1 Corinthians 2:14)

    For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness; but unto us who are saved it is the power of God. (1 Corinthians 1:18)

    The entire Bibles stands on the book of Genesis. It is repeated and referenced throughout the New Testament. Jesus himself referred to it. (Matthew 19:3-4)

    If one does not believe the book of Genesis, then why should they believe any of the Bible. That is why the Biblical account of Creation has been so relentlessly attacked by humanist, they know it is the foundation of Christianity. If they undermine that book, they destroy the foundations of the Bible.

    "If I have told you earthly things, and you believe not, how shall you believe, if I tell you of heavenly things? (John 3:12)"

    Ken Ham - Genesis - The Key to Reclaiming the Culture (2003)

    The fundamental reason that people reject the God of the Bible is because they love their sin and want to remain in it.

    And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil. For everyone that does evil hates the light, neither comes to the light, lest his deeds should be exposed. But he that does truth comes to the light, that his deeds may be made manifest, that they are worked in God. (John 3:19-21)

    Answers in Genesis - Video on Demand

  • Jobs Friendly America Act (Duncan Hunter's pro-american manufacturing act - 1993)

    06/11/2007 9:00:09 PM PDT · 24 of 28
    Search4Truth to pissant

    Thompson/Hunter 2008

  • Air Force jets collide in mid-air

    06/11/2007 8:09:51 PM PDT · 22 of 43
    Search4Truth to Jet Jaguar

    The collision may be attributed to Air Rage.

  • I Debate Feminist Rebecca Traister in <I>Atlanta Life Magazine</I>

    06/11/2007 8:00:11 PM PDT · 7 of 7
    Search4Truth to PercivalWalks

    I can sympathize with what feminism and Marxist popular culture has put a lot of men through, but it is distinctly un-masculine to whine about it. It is even more so to whine about it to a feminist. The manly thing to do is to take responsibility for your mistakes, learn your lessons, suck it up and move on.

    I really can’t figure out what these men want, for the federal government to give them back their masculinity, to feel their pain, or to make things right? The federal government created the problems. The real problem is that you were enamored by a godless culture and now you’re whining because it turned on you.

    It is still a man’s world. Men should start acting like it and stop whining. Don’t like American women? Go to any non-westernize country in the world and find a wife who will be more than happy to take their place. Don’t like what’s on TV? Turn it off and read a book. The Bible would be a good start. I haven’t had a TV in years. Don’t miss it one bit. Don’t like what they teach in school? Make sure you get a foreign wife who will home school your children. Don’t like what they teach in college? Start a business where you can be your own man. One can make a lot of money in the trades. And you don’t have to put up with feminists or metrosexuals. Leave the fools to their godless Marxist culture. They will self destruct anyway. You can buy everything they own later at foreclosure.

    It’s a man’s world. Stop asking feminists or the federal government for permission to be a man in it. And for crying out loud, stop whining like a bunch of women and start acting like men.

  • Man who shot police officer released (Carry Permit Holder)

    06/10/2007 9:21:51 AM PDT · 77 of 100
    Search4Truth to SWAMPSNIPER

    When one breaks the terms of their concealed carry permit, like exposing their weapon in public, their permit immediately becomes void, and that person then becomes a person in criminal possession of a handgun. At least dems the rules down in Louisiana.

    Anytime a concealed carry permitee draws their weapon on someone, the police should be summoned to make a record of the circumstances of the event. If the police are going to be called you want to make sure it is you that calls them first. That was a recommendation by the career Swat police officer who gave me my CCP training. It was an all day event.

    Stay safe, stay armed. S4T.

  • Wallis is Wrong, Part II: The Socialist Christocrats

    06/10/2007 8:42:59 AM PDT · 5 of 15
    Search4Truth to WorkingClassFilth

    “Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves. You shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles? (Matthew 7:15-16)”