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[...why didnt she take off?]
Maybe SHE’S the one hiding from the police.
It could be assigned the new title for Congress...the Congressional Affordable Care Act... CACA.
[... a man who has been one of his loyal supporters from the start...]
A simple answer is that Sessions wanted that AG job and did everything he had to do to get it.
I noticed just as the presser was about over a voice said...”and now a question from an American”.
Trump may have waved it off because a Chinese guy popped up to ask a question.
What makes it worse is congress is about to approve a new FBI Director who will, if confirmed, slam the door on ANY investigations of criminal acts of the 0 regime.
There’s a of CNNISTER people on that network.
[Translation: Putin sees Trump as a true peer.]
Probably when Putins’ pants got all wet and Trump told him it was rain.
[The link is...]= The LEAK is...
[What was leaked?!?!]
The link is that a leak has occured.
He got his Ossbeatoff. NEXT!!!
[Did Comey say he has memos saying that...?]
He is a pretty crafty guy and would never actually publicly say it, he’ll just let the media run with it.
[Comey says he has memos of Trump asking him to stop the investigation into Gen. Flynn.]
NOW he’s saying that he didn’t think , at the time, that Trump was asking him to lay off Flynn.
He knows that he could be brought up on criminal charges for not reporting it to Justice, if it were true.
Of course, his ‘memo’ was a fabrication to begin with.
Someone refused to pay for their monthly protection.
[CEO Elon Musk’s suggestion that he would quit his positions on several White House advisory councils if Trump’s decision is to exit the deal...]
If he has ‘suggested’ that, I wouldn’t give him the chance to quit, I’d fire the disloyal loser.
Covfefe should be Hillary’s nickname.
Sen. McCain Says Select Committee Must Be Formed to Probe Trump about the missing strawberries.
They probably have been monitoring the new Obama Embassy and has seen him entering and leaving.
[Yes, Why????]
Good question, maybe because he’s got nothin’ else to do and out playing golf everyday.
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