Obama’s claim of ignorance may have merit. Afterall, he spent 20 years in Reverend Wright’s church pews and never heard an inflamatory word uttered. Maybe Obama is just as he appears: a slow witted rube with a tender affection for communism.
Speculating on who would do the least damage: John McCain, Hillary Clinton, or Barack Obama? All three are crooked, sleazy, career polititions. Hell, Larry, Moe and Curly would be a vast improvement over this trio of socialist vermin.
The only way this show has even a snowballs chance in hell
of succeeding is if the regular guests include: Glenn Beck,
Rush Limbaugh, Ann Coulter, Michael Savage, Mark Levin, et al.
Otherwise, her show is going nowhere.
It's possible. There could be some obscure leader of a Kenyan tribe who thinks Obama is a conservative. But more importantly, what do the American people think? Most Americans have reached the conclusion that this clown shouldn't be sitting at a desk in the Oval Office, but rather knelt in front of it spit shining shoes. Best I can tell, all he ever does is recite communist philosophy straight from a teleprompter.
"Barack Obama is beginning to look out of his depth"
Our first affirmative action president - a communist from Kenya. Out of his depth? Hell, this clown should be cleaning the white house toilets. He doesn't have clue. His whole life has been spent in a hazy delusion, giddy with images of remaking the country into a communist utopia.
09/18/2009 8:02:28 PM PDT
· 7 of 8 Ragtime
to Kaslin
There was a time in this country when sleazy, crooked, lying politicians were tarred, feathered and ridden out of town on a rail, if not hanged. We are fast approaching the need to revisit those glorious days.