True conservatives want the President to live a very long and very very healthy life as he watches the following. 1. The chance of a 2nd term slip away. 2. The removal of Obamacare via both Court and Congressional Action, 3. The reversal of the DADT decision, 4. the securing of the American border and prosecution for Gunwalker, 5. the ending of the permitorium for oil drilling in the Gulf and the drilling of ANWR. WE want to him to watch Americans stand up in droves to thoroughly undo the hopey changey agenda and we want him to replace Jimmuh on the epic fail list! May he live long and marinate in the reversal of his rampant statism!!
Congressman Darrell Issa (R-CA) vowed to have Congress investigate the Obama Administration for sending illegal guns to Mexico!
This historic announcement was made during an evening March 16 interview on The Roger Hedgecock Show, wherein Issa credited Hedgecock as being the impetus for his decision to investigate Eric Holder and the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (BATFE) for their scandalous and deadly Operation Gun Walker sting-gone-South.
During Hedgecocks interview, Darrell Issa said the House Oversight Committee has dispatched four investigators to look into Operation Gun Walker at the BATFE.
For ‘some’ who refuse pat downs and scans, READ: Red State, White Males who once served in the military, and may not approve of Obamacare or Stimulus, see, they are getting a bit too uppity and enough 11k fines and we might be able to close that pesky budget deficit...