Articles Posted by Pukin Dog
NAVY WINS! Now, back to lurking.
A few days ago, after I created a thread expressing my disappointment in the selection of Harriet Miers for the Supreme Court, a fellow FReeper asked me if there would be an “Opus” coming from me in the near future, to which I expressed bewilderment. Obviously that FReeper understood how things work here better than I do. This is NOT an ‘Opus’ as some might call it, but a final opportunity to share a few thoughts and feelings with some of you who have welcomed and befriended me before I say a final goodbye. I hope this won’t be seen...
The May 2000 Class Action Reporter described a $ 22 million paid by Texas law firm Locke Liddell & Sapp to settle a suit alleging it aided a client in defrauding investors. At the time, SCOTUS nominee Harriet Miers was the law firm's president, although there is no allegation she took part in the fraud. The story: $ 22 Mil Settlement Serves as Warning to Other Law Firms ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Locke Liddell & Sapp's agreement to pay $ 22 million to settle a suit alleging it aided a client in defrauding investors is expected to serve as a warning to other...
Anyone reading Free Republic lately knows that I have been a stalwart defender of the President. I think he is a true patriot. However, I cannot defend the man after the nomination of Harriet Miers for the Supreme Court. I have been in discussions with friends in Washington after receiving a phone call early this morning about the news of this nomination, and there is open anger and rebellion among Conservatives this morning and for good reason. I have nothing against Harriet Miers, and I believe she will be a fine Conservative judge. My disappointment stems from the fact that...
Can’t a guy take a vacation without the nay-sayin ninnies of negativity taking over this place? As the self-appointed optimist of this forum, I must say that I am more than a little P-Od over what I have been reading coming from the scared keyboards of some of you folks. You act as if someone stole your little Republican cookies and ate them in front of you. Look, I know it’s not the best of times for Conservatives if you are concerned about spending or the protection of the borders. However, it escapes me why it seems impossible for some...
Sorry to pull anyone away from our political fight-fest, but I was hoping that some of you with HDTV can suggest some DVD's or other content that would show me what my new Sony Grand Wega (1080p) can really do? I've got HD Direct TV, but I was expecting something special for the money I puked for this thing. Any Suggestions?
Oh yeah, baby. You’ve got us now, don’t you? You’ve got our President by the short hairs, and you are mad as hell, not gonna take it anymore and all that crap, right? I mean, its open season on us, and you are going to make us pay. Finally, all your efforts to bring down this president are about to bear fruit, and you can just taste it. Oh, you are so close, so close to realizing what you have been dreaming about since November 2000. Can you feel me quivering? Read this carefully, my Liberal friends. If you have...
Bear with me folks, this is a long one. Sometimes I wonder what it must be like to be President of the United States of America. I like to write out the whole phrase, instead of writing ‘POTUS’ or some other less gracious way of describing the single most important job in the entire world. I wonder what it must be like to hold the future of humanity in your hands each and every morning. When I awake each morning, my biggest issue to deal with is my transition to decaf, while George Bush wakes with the problems and concerns...
Since I am not flying this week due to a lack of gasoline, I have a little time on my hands. Ya think that if I can fill my Hummer, my employer could fill my 777? Oh well. Since I’m around, I thought I would share my thoughts on what I am seeing on television and on the Internet over the course of the last couple of days, primarily my thoughts on looting. Before I get into looting, I want to share a few thoughts on the plight of the poor in America. I make a point of going to...
Hello again, MSM. I thought it might be time to check in and see if my earlier prediction had come true, and when I tally up the score, it appears that you are losing, and losing bad. This one little website that you and yours like to deride and write off and a haven for right-wing extremism appears to be a lot more popular than those which spout your religion of left-wing victimhood and pray at your alter of abortion-on-demand. You are losing. Impeached anyone lately? Forced any Congressmen out of office? Halliburton is making record profits last time I...
I'm not the biggest Hannity fan, but what he just did to Paul Begala was a work of art. Begala started off with his "Bush is a liar" rhetoric, and Hannity read him a bunch of quotes, to which Begala said were lies, lies, lies. Then, Hannity told him the truth, that all the quotes came from John Kerry, not George Bush. Begala was caught so read handed, that he actually said that Kerry's mistake was in believing Bush's lies. Then he tried to attack Hannity for inviting him on his show and lying to him. I have to give...
Just announced, and about to be discussed by the Fox All Stars, the little weasel who was responsible for the NARAL add, has just 'resigned'. Who wants to bet he was told to hit the road? Anyway, we will again.
I've got nothing more to add, but the 'birdie' has not steered me wrong yet. I post what I was told for discussions sake, if the Mods dont want it, they know what to do with it.
If you did not see Matthew Coopers performance this morning on Meet the Press, you should have, because it gave away the plot for the attack on Karl Rove. Cooper flat-out lied when he told Tim Russert that he first heard the identity of Joe Wilson’s wife from Rove. Rove never mentioned the woman’s name, only that Wilson’s wife worked for the CIA. He never said who that woman was. Cooper, clearly under orders to keep the fake-scandal alive, told that whopper to Tim Russert, because without it, the story would die a quick death. Remember what is going on...
Light up a fat one and roll wit me for a minute down the boulevard. Can you bounce wit me, wit me, wit me? (Homage to Jay-Z) There she is. Can you see her? Tired, ragged, with a limp in her step as she moves in the shadows between the light posts. Turned out long ago, she don’t draw near what she used to. Back in the day, she was a number one earner for her man. Now, she has to try a lot harder, stay out longer into the night, and do things she used to say she would...
Don’t ask me, because you know I won’t tell you how I came across this information. Here is the scoop. This is all about the Supreme Court. With the knowledge that Rove was Matthew Cooper’s background source regarding the Plame incident, no matter the fact that no laws were broken, the Democrats leaped upon the matter as a way for Democrats and the MSM to possibly prevent Bush from changing the makeup of the Supreme Court. Under normal circumstances, Democrats cannot stop Bush from reshaping the Supreme Court, and that has Democrats terrified. They cannot sustain a Filibuster without Frist...
Memo to Dems: Turnabout Is Fair Plame Man Does He Look ShiftyOkay, we admit it, we were overthinking the whole Rove-Plame thing. In speculating that this wouldn't destroy him or the White House, we had been hung up on how he didn't break the law. What we realize now is that liberals finally have an issue where the headline hurts Republicans more than it hurts them: "White House Aide Identified Undercover CIA Agent." Now, shut up. Shhh. Zip it. ZZZip. No, really, quiet. Repress natural urge to pedantry. For once, allow Americans' short attention span work for you. And whatever...
Does anyone remember my last rant on the subject of Karl Rove vs. the Democrats? Well, it appears that every thing I wrote is coming to pass, and when this is over, we should all thank God that Karl Rove is on our side. Look at how the Democrats are conveniently (they think) putting words in Bush’s mouth. How Move is out-and-out lying about what Bush said regarding the Valerie Plame investigation in an attempt to score political points. What you have to ask yourself today is: Why are the Democrats so afraid of Karl Rove? Because without seeming...
Oh, they’ve got him now! The Democrats finally believe that they have got their man, due to the mutterings of the laughable Lawrence O’Donnell of “Creepy Liar” fame. The Democrats believe that they have finally found the key to bringing down the Bush Administration, through their favorite bogey-man Karl Rove. Somewhere, as I type this, I believe that Rove is sitting back with a fat cigar, dealing with a back spasm from trying too hard to keep from laughing out loud. If he can just hold on a little longer; through the media questions and rhetorical jabs from the brain-dead...
I haven’t ranted in awhile, but it is time to stand up and cheer Karl Rove’s ‘Art of War’ maneuver against the Democrats. I had read that Rove was a student and proponent of the book, but I had no idea what a skilled practitioner he was until seeing what he just did to the Democratic party. I’m referring to the passage that states: “If your enemy is angry, provoke him.” With one speech, sure to be heard by those very-angry Democrats; angry because we forced that idiot Dick Durban to apologize (even though he didn’t mean it) , something...