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Posts by Mr Inviso

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  • Sheila Jackson Lee Insulted by Herman Cain’s Claim Black’s Brainwashed Into Vote Democrat…

    10/04/2011 3:57:25 PM PDT · 28 of 36
    Mr Inviso to smokingfrog

    I think her brain was lost down the sink when they were washing it.

  • Rick Perry's record on race stirs praise, doubt

    10/04/2011 3:55:29 PM PDT · 25 of 29
    Mr Inviso to CynicalBear

    “But Perrywinkles in their staunch support of Perry will obfuscate and dodge any honest appraisal of the dangers of not speaking out against Islam and it’s encroachment in this country”

    Then perhaps you should have gone with that, rather than conflating it with the TIC red herring. “Honest” doesn’t fit your posts terribly well here. Again, until we have some sort of legal way to stop “encroachment” in the U.S., there’s not much at all that can be done about it. Should any governor go off in the media about “encroachment”, their effectiveness would be over. The lawsuits about religious persecution would see to that. There’s also the fact that Texas (along with a couple other places) does a LOT more business with the Middle East people, and it’d cost multitudes of jobs here should there be a war of words like that. Want to see all the American oil workers and supporting companies lose their business? I’m sure the Germans and French and the rest would be more than glad to step in. Heck, they tried it right after Saddam was toppled.
    Cutting off one’s nose to spite one’s face comes to mind. Until we could actually DO something (like cutting off visas from Islamic countries, etc) without massive economic dislocation, we’re stuck with the situation as it is. Unless, you LIKE lots of unemployment, and higher energy prices, that is.

  • Rick Perry's record on race stirs praise, doubt

    10/04/2011 12:47:22 PM PDT · 23 of 29
    Mr Inviso to CynicalBear

    “I didn’t realize there was any 2 billion strong Pee Wee Herman organized attempt to destroy any and all non believers in Pee Wee Herman. Do they also advocate destroying any and all disagreement with what Pee Wee Herman says? Do they have sects spreading across the world in an organized attempt to take the world for Pee Wee Herman? Do they have a history of usurping any society they infiltrate? If any of those are the case we may have to stay alert to any attempt for the Pee Wee Herman advocates to destroy this country and the freedoms we hold dear. Please send any and all info you have.”

    All of which may be true, but since there is no law forbidding the organization to which you refer, a contract with them still carries weight. Since we have a First Amendment which protects the Religion of Pieces, they get to run their sham courthouse, for as long as it can stay in business pretending to be a court, and as long as they have suckers willing to abide by their decisions and agree to abide by them in writing. It’s the law, it doesn’t HAVE to make sense. Unless and until the Muslims are no longer considered a religion, with the rights that that entails, we’re going to have to put up with this stuff. Of course, we could always do away with those pesky rights and all that nation of laws, not of men stuff. That is not a great road to follow, though.

    That being said, the apparent motive behind the article about the “Texas Islamic Court” is to pretend that Perry had something to do with it’s existence, and to imply that it is a state agency, which it isn’t.

  • Rick Perry's record on race stirs praise, doubt

    10/04/2011 9:15:54 AM PDT · 21 of 29
    Mr Inviso to CynicalBear

    “Then the 2nd Circuit Court upheld the decision of the TEXAS ISLAMIC COURT, 888 s. Greenville Ave., suite 188, Richardson, Texas which somehow the Perry supporters use as evidence of it conforming to US law. How that works I have no idea.”

    All of the parties involved agreed to be bound by the decision of the entity known as the Texas Islamic Court. They effectively made a contract to have the TIC act as the arbitrator, rather than taking it to an official court. There are lots of contracts for third-party arbitration out there. TIC is a private entity, not a state agency. If the people involved chose to have TIC as their arbitrator, that’s up to them. It’s dumb, but it’s up to them. Since it’s a legally-binding contract, the court upheld it. You could choose to have Pee Wee Herman arbitrate your dispute, and if you draw up the proper documents and get all parties to sign off on it, it’s legal. The fact that they chose an Islamic entity to arbitrate does not make a contract any less legal.

  • Ron Paul's Poisonous Partisans

    09/17/2011 9:49:57 AM PDT · 18 of 88
    Mr Inviso to Interesting Times

    For a “non-politician” , he’s been in DC for decades.
    He decries earmarks, and yet puts them into bills(and crows about voting against them later)
    He claims being pro defense, yet does not disavow Code Pink and other anti-American groups.

    His supporters do obnoxious BS that he doesn’t tell them to knock it off

    And we’re supposed to pick him as our candidate?

  • Michele Bachmann: Accidental Kamikaze

    09/13/2011 1:56:58 PM PDT · 67 of 134
    Mr Inviso to Sola Veritas

    “Nonsense.....just because some “physician” advocates it doesn’t make it right. There are physicians that advocate abortion and assisted suicide. This is an appeal to false authority.

    Bottom line is that this vaccine should only be given to adult and informed young women. Bachman was right on this issue.”

    Do you have any concept of the who this “some physician” is?

    He is the new head of MD Anderson Cancer Center.. the #1 cancer center in the US, which has been either #1 or 2 every year since they started rating that. Disclaimer: I work there. He is not just “some physician”, before he was hired here, he was the head of the Dana Farber cancer research facility at this little-known place called Harvard. He has been doing cancer research AND clinical treatment for decades now. They didn’t just pick him for these spots because of the MD (and Ph.D) after his name, but because he’s top-flight. He has to be to even be considered for the post. DePinho lives, sleeps, eats and breathes cancer research.

    That is not “false authority”. it’s REAL AUTHORITY.. he is, in fact, an expert on cancer.

  • Imam Rauf Uses 9/11 Anniversary To Remind Everyone The Ground Zero Mosque Is "Being Moved Forward"

    09/11/2011 11:31:05 AM PDT · 25 of 25
    Mr Inviso to 2ndDivisionVet

    I’m thinking that whoever builds it may need to be really up on fire-resistant construction, because there are likely to be a lot of electrical shorts and the like. Just sayin’

  • Rick Perry’s Air War (with the EPA)

    09/09/2011 8:46:49 AM PDT · 30 of 35
    Mr Inviso to Cincinatus' Wife

    “Texas consumes more fossil fuels and spews more pollution than any other state”

    Maybe that’s because it has a large population and second largest physical size of all the states? I’m sure the fact that it’s freakin’ BIG might cause some need for fuel use? Try driving across Houston like I do pretty much every work day.My commute is over 30 miles each way. Lots of people out on those freeways, going to that thing called WORK that so many seem to no longer participate in or even remember. That tends to cause the use of fuels.

    As far as the pollution goes, well, gee, since fuel for MOST of the US is refined here, it might just cause some of that! Since most of the other states don’t refine much if any crude into fuels, of COURSE TX has higher pollution. It’s doing the dirty job for all those other places. Do they think that gas in their tank just falls from the sky or something?

    The author is chock-full-O-FAIL.

  • Dick Cheney to Hillary Clinton: Run!

    09/07/2011 7:23:02 PM PDT · 50 of 87
    Mr Inviso to Gene Eric

    That is definitely what is called “damning with faint praise”. He just said their cabinet is seriously lacking in talent.

  • Texas Gun Dealer Sues Feds Over Reporting Requirement

    08/26/2011 1:50:57 PM PDT · 20 of 37
    Mr Inviso to marktwain

    Hamilton is a serious gunsmith, IIRC, head of the American Pistolsmith’s Guild, etc. He does REALLY nice work, and I doubt seriously that he’d be the supplier-of-choice for the Cartels. Though they COULD afford his work, it’s more than they’d care to pay.

  • THE TEA PARTY MOVES TO BAN BOOKS (total complete fabrication alert)

    08/26/2011 1:47:13 PM PDT · 10 of 22
    Mr Inviso to denydenydeny

    Marcotte is a barking moonbat loon.

  • President Rick Perry?

    08/26/2011 1:45:44 PM PDT · 58 of 110
    Mr Inviso to Recovering_Democrat

    One mistake/omission

    Gerald Ford was a naval officer in WWII and a very good one at that, if the writings about him are correct. He might actually have been a middling-to-good President under other circumstances. Yes, I know he wasn’t a rock-ribbed conservative, but he certainly would not have been the disaster that Carter was or Obama is. If nothing else, Ford put what he thought was the good of the country as a whole before his own political career. He had to have known that the Nixon pardon was the end for him.

  • Seven ways Rick Perry wants to change the Constitution

    08/20/2011 9:34:47 AM PDT · 72 of 83
    Mr Inviso to fantail 1952

    Bird was not elected by the people of California. She was appointed by Moonbeam, as CA justices are appointed by governors. She WAS removed by the voters in the confirmation process. CA justices face re- confirmation by the people every 10 years, which is one of the very few smart ideas in CA government.

  • Is George Soros Funding at Work at " Non Partisan" Texas Tribune

    08/20/2011 9:14:36 AM PDT · 15 of 24
    Mr Inviso to ncalburt

    I’m definitely not a fan of the TX Tribune. They certainly seem to have a class-envy theme going. My first read of their stuff was seeing my name and what I get paid published by way of their site. They also were making a stink over what a physicist (medical) was getting paid by the state. What he was getting was considerably less than a licensed Ph.D med physicist would get in private practice, not even counting that he was also a department head and teaching besides. So either they are stupid, or deliberately stirring the pot.

  • Rick Perry's Gaffe Problem

    08/19/2011 5:40:36 PM PDT · 95 of 110
    Mr Inviso to nhwingut

    Or could he have the faint fishy smell of a Prawn Paul-bearer?

  • If elected president, Rick Perry could still jog with his gun

    08/16/2011 6:18:50 PM PDT · 55 of 64
    Mr Inviso to WHATNEXT?

    “Now for the important non gun question....what kind of dog does Perry have?”

    If I recall correctly, he has a Lab.

  • Chris Matthews Blast Entire State of Texas as Ignorant, Full of BS, Calls Perry a Wax Figure Clown

    08/12/2011 6:23:31 PM PDT · 36 of 62
    Mr Inviso to Pacothecat

    Well, if this clown gets cancer, I hope he doesn’t come to the “ignorant” Texans at the #1 cancer center in the US, MD Anderson, or if he has a heart problem, I hope he doesnt rely on the “ignorant” Texans at the Cooley or DeBakey institutes at the TEXAS Medical Center, or if he needs rehab like Congresswoman Giffords, he doesn’t darken the doorway of the “ignorant” TIRR, etc etc etc. Not to mention all the “ignorant” people at NASA, or all those “ignorant” people who supply the gasoline that fuels his car, the fuel oil and natural gas that heat his home, and so on.

    I’m not a Texan, can’t claim that after only the few months I’ve lived here, but as well as Texas is doing in comparison to the enlightened liberal Meccas of California, NY, Illinois, there must be something REALLY smart to all that ignorance. There are good things and bad things to every place, but all in all, I’d have to say I’m enjoying Texas. Just wish someone would close the freakin’ door on the sauna (LOL)

  • The Highest-Paying Jobs You Can Get With Just A High School Degree

    08/11/2011 11:16:24 AM PDT · 43 of 45
    Mr Inviso to Oztrich Boy

    I gotta call shenanigans on being a chief without a degree. Maybe in a department of a dozen or so cops. A big city dept? I seriously doubt it. Most are wanting a degree just to make Sgt. these days, and a few even want the 4-year for street cops.

  • Paul lashes out at fellow Texan Perry

    08/10/2011 12:55:01 PM PDT · 33 of 96
    Mr Inviso to CA Conservative

    Prawn Pol(itician) is just mad that he is being left behind again by yet another candidate. Must be hard to keep up with the others running when you’ re hindered by those padded restraints. Not to mention the illusion of being Simon-pure.

  • Can High-Speed Rail Reduce Air Travel and Highway Expansion?

    06/18/2011 10:44:01 AM PDT · 75 of 117
    Mr Inviso to RayChuang88

    “Texas is one of the few places where high-speed trains actually make sense. I mean think about it: how many flights a day Southwest flies between Dallas Love Field and Houston Hobby Airport? Wouldn’t it be better to have 220 mph high-speed rail between downtown Dallas and downtown Houston carrying 400-450 passengers per train three times per hour between 6 am and 12 am?

    I see three lines initially: Dallas to Houston via Bryan/College Station, Dallas-San Antonio via Waco and Austin and San Antonio to Houston. Future extensions would go north from Dallas to Oklahoma City and Tulsa and Dallas-Amarillo via Abilene and Lubbock.”
    I just flew out of Houston here for the first time recently, and I was laughing at the concept of flying from Bush airport out to College Station. Does the plane actually climb to altitude at all? It’s barely an hour and a half trip by car. I see the point of true (meaning at least 125 mile/hr) high speed rail here, though. No major engineering hurdles here like in my prior home of CA. Don’t have mountain ranges and such to cross. It does make sense in comparison to air travel for distances over 150 miles or so, assuming not having all the TSA stuff, baggage claim, etc. at the ends. Once you get over about 600 miles, though, air travel still wins. I don’t see rail being the transcontinental travel champ, but there are a lot of places where it could possibly compete with air, IF you didn’t make the train stop at every little town that has more than an outhouse along the way.
    CA could use the train, for instance, along the center of the state, just make sure that it connects closely at some point with the large or medium hub airports (LAX, SFO, perhaps Sacramento) and with at least one terminal for local transit like BART, the LA Metrorail, Sacramento light rail, etc.

    Problem is, they still want too badly to raid the taxpayers to do it, and use that to reward the unions and the like. I can still remember when BART didnt go to the SF airport because the cabbies were buying the local government. That crap just isn’t supportable (or moral, really).