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Articles Posted by LeoMcNeil

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  • Education Privilege Complaints Mask Real Cultural Problems

    02/03/2015 6:35:03 AM PST · by LeoMcNeil · 14 replies
    Leo McNeil ^ | February 3, 2015 | Leo McNeil
    The Washington Post published a piece by a teacher which originally appeared in the Daily Kos. We have another issue to add to the never ending list of “privilege” that the left loves to whine about. Educational privilege is apparently a tragedy that has to be dealt with. The teacher complains about a couple of gifted kids, one who appears to take one government school science class and another who attends a private school on scholarship. These confident gifted kids are compared to the sad storied poor kids the teacher has to deal with every day. She complains about hunger,...
  • Food Politics Is The New Christian Asceticism

    02/02/2015 5:08:56 AM PST · by LeoMcNeil · 81 replies
    Leo McNeil ^ | February 2, 2015 | Leo McNeil
    Food is one issue that unites the far left and the Christian right in America. This hasn’t always been the case but in the last decade the Christian right has begun to embrace the radical food politics of the left. For Christians it has become a new form of asceticism. Paul tells us in 1 Tim 4:1-4: Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils; Speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron; Forbidding to marry, and commanding to...
  • Sarah Palin Should Not Run For President

    01/30/2015 4:54:59 AM PST · by LeoMcNeil · 197 replies
    Leo McNeil ^ | January 30, 2015 | Leo McNeil
    Sarah Palin made headlines last weekend when she said she was interested in running for President. Palin has been an important part of the Tea Party and conservative movements in this country since she came onto the scene in 2008. Nobody on the right throws red meat to a crowd quite like Palin. Her ability to sarcastically tear down liberal sacred cows is second only to Rush Limbaugh. Best of all she drives liberals up a wall. They hate her more than any other conservative in this country, including George W. Bush and Limbaugh. Watching liberals fall to pieces over...
  • Obamacare Costs Continue To Increase

    01/29/2015 5:17:55 AM PST · by LeoMcNeil · 9 replies
    Leo McNeil ^ | January 29, 2015 | Leo McNeil
    Millions of Americans are about to get their first taste of the Obamacare tax. Last year the tax penalty for failing to buy private health insurance is $95 or 1% of income, whichever is greater. Because the media hyped the $95 end of the tax, millions of people are unaware that their taxes are more likely to increase far more. The tax increases to $325 or 2% this year, it increases further in 2016. For many taxpayers, it’s going to be a rude awakening when they discover that Obamacare is going to cost them in tax much more than they...
  • Liberal Sports Media’s Odd Morality

    01/28/2015 5:29:35 AM PST · by LeoMcNeil · 44 replies
    Leo McNeil ^ | January 28, 2015 | Leo McNeil
    Lance Armstrong is back in the news again. I learned this from my pastor, Dr. David Murray, and his blog yesterday. You’ll recall Armstrong won 7 Tour de France cycling titles while on steroids. He basically acknowledges that he’s sorry he got caught but would do it all again. Dr. Murray’s focus is on repentance, trying to apply it to our own lives which can be difficult in light of the fact that Armstrong isn’t a Christian. Lance Armstrong has always been an odd character. He was involved in a sport that no one in America cares about except the...
  • Republican Cowards Cave On Abortion

    01/26/2015 5:14:10 AM PST · by LeoMcNeil · 6 replies
    Leo McNeil ^ | January 26, 2015 | Leo McNeil
    The new Republican Congress is weak and has almost no unity. What their message or agenda is changes almost daily. You would think though that Republicans could be counted on to defend the rights of the unborn. You would even like to think that Republicans could successfully present a case against infanticide. Unfortunately, the Republicans can’t even get behind a bill that would ban infanticide. House Republicans proposed a bill that would ban the abortion of babies over 20 weeks. Such a ban is popular among the general public. They even allowed for an exception for rape and incest, which...
  • Obama’s Middle Class Economics A Disaster

    01/22/2015 6:11:01 AM PST · by LeoMcNeil · 4 replies
    Leo McNeil ^ | January 22, 2015 | Leo McNeil
    President Obama believes that “middle class economics” work. This meaningless tag line must have been popular in focus groups. What exactly qualifies as “middle class economics”? Based on the President’s State of the Union speech and the lead up to it, it apparently entails a bunch of big government programs provided to the middle class for “free.” Unlike the lower classes, who pay very little in taxes, the middle class likely isn’t fooled by the ruse of “free.” Most in the middle class understand that free means taxes are increased, likely on them. While the President offered a few middle...
  • Supreme Court Will Likely Support Homosexual Marriage

    01/19/2015 4:58:31 AM PST · by LeoMcNeil · 49 replies
    Leo McNeil ^ | January 19, 2015 | Leo McNeil
    The Supreme Court is going to once again review the issue of homosexual marriage. Last time around the Court punted on ruling whether states had the Constitutional right to outlaw such “marriages.” This time around they won’t be punting. Odds are by the end of June the Supreme Court will dictate to the country that sodomites have the legal right to marry. Our nation will finally have stooped to the point where we’re no better than Sodom and Gomorrah. Marriage was ordained by God in the Garden of Eden, it has lasted since that time as an institution involving one...
  • GOP Already Losing 2016

    01/16/2015 5:15:00 AM PST · by LeoMcNeil · 35 replies
    Leo McNeil ^ | January 16, 2015 | Leo McNeil
    The Republicans won the 2014 midterms in a landslide. They have the most House seats since World War Two and they won the Senate. We’re two weeks into the new term and the Republicans are already losing to Obama and the Democrats. What is the Republican agenda? Rather than having bills up and ready to go, the Republicans have dithered. Rather than taking the fight to the Democrats in the Senate, McConnell is balking at the House’s effort to defund executive amnesty. Keystone XL should have been a simple bill to pass onto the President, it still hasn’t happened. What...
  • Why Rand Paul Has No Shot In 2016

    01/15/2015 4:59:05 AM PST · by LeoMcNeil · 58 replies
    Leo McNeil ^ | January 15, 2015 | Leo McNeil
    Rand Paul has a lot going for him. He inspires the conservative and libertarian wings of the Republican Party. In many ways he’s a breath of fresh air because he’s different than the rest of the GOP. He’s trying to work with constituencies that the GOP normally ignores. He’s making policy arguments that are different than other Republicans and different from other conservatives or libertarians. Rand Paul is personable, which goes a long way on the presidential campaign trail. Rand Paul can unite the right in the GOP. He has the brashness of Ted Cruz and the values of a...
  • Will Obama Use State To Silence Critics Of The False Prophet Muhammad?

    01/14/2015 4:54:49 AM PST · by LeoMcNeil · 22 replies
    Leo McNeil ^ | January 14, 2015 | Leo McNeil
    President Obama’s press secretary is hitting back at journalists who might slander the false prophet Muhammad or otherwise offend Islamic jihadists. Josh Earnest declared that the President wouldn’t be shy about expressing his disapproval of such journalism. He also indicated the President would take “steps that are necessary” to protect the military from such acts of offensive journalism. Earnest argued for the President’s position while hiding behind the strawman of protecting the military. Suddenly we are to believe the President is interested in protecting the lives of military members, this after Benghazi and any number of new conflicts he’s gotten...
  • In Defense Of Obama Not Going To Paris

    01/12/2015 4:39:50 AM PST · by LeoMcNeil · 84 replies
    Leo McNeil ^ | January 12, 2015 | Leo McNeil
    Much is being made of President Obama’s failure to attend the Paris unity march yesterday. Apparently Eric Holder was sent but he was nowhere to be found when 40 world leaders locked arms in a show of unity against Muslim terrorism. This isn’t even a matter of Obama leading from behind, it’s a matter of him not showing up. On the other hand, wasn’t the Paris unity march sort of odd? Where was the unity march with world leaders when the US was attacked on 911? Where was it when London was attacked? Where was it when Australia was attacked...
  • Dishonest Republicans Propose Gas Tax Increase, Obama’s Community College Entitlement

    01/09/2015 5:27:45 AM PST · by LeoMcNeil · 44 replies
    Leo McNeil ^ | January 9, 2015 | Leo McNeil
    The President is set to announce plans to increase the welfare gravy train. This time he wants to make two years of community college free. The cost is unknown at this time though the administration acknowledges it would be significant. After spending $10,000 or more a year per student per year on mediocre government schools, Obama wants taxpayers to further fund mediocre community colleges. College tuition at four year schools has increased dramatically because of the influx of free money via student loans. The cost of “free” community college may be low today but once schools stop chasing students around...
  • Charlie Hebdo Attacks Strengthen European Anti-Immigration Parties

    01/08/2015 5:07:10 AM PST · by LeoMcNeil · 26 replies
    Leo McNeil ^ | January 8, 2015 | Leo McNeil
    You will recall that President Obama once told the UN that the future does not belong to people who insult the prophet Mohammed. Yesterday in Paris Muslim terrorists backed up that statement by killing 12 at the offices of satirical newspaper Charlie Hebdo. This is the same newspaper that the White House recently said was “deeply offensive.” Why exactly the White House is commenting on foreign newspapers isn’t clear. Unfortunately the French government also agrees with Obama’s UN statement. They’ve spent the last several years ceding control of neighborhoods to Muslim terrorists block by block. Weak or no police presence...
  • The Religion Of Peace Strikes Again

    01/07/2015 6:48:22 AM PST · by LeoMcNeil · 22 replies
    Leo McNeil ^ | January 7, 2015 | Leo McNeil
    Muslim terrorists have murdered 12 people at satirical newspaper Charlie Hebdo in Paris. The newspaper recently ran cartoons mocking Mohammed and ISIS. This newspaper was firebombed by Muslims in 2011, so apparently there’s a history of Muslims attacking these people. Parisians are understandably shocked over this barbarous act of terrorism. As well they should be, God help western civilization when it gets to the point that acts of terrorism don’t shock us anymore. Especially so when we’re talking about the acts of barbarian Muslim terrorists. Since the 9-11 attacks on New York and Washington, Muslim terrorists have attacked London, Boston,...
  • What Is The Agenda Of The GOP Congress?

    01/06/2015 5:18:01 AM PST · by LeoMcNeil · 24 replies
    Leo McNeil ^ | January 6, 2015 | Leo McNeil
    The new Congress will begin its session today. Conservatives will try to oust Speaker John Boehner and will fail badly in their efforts. From there the question is what direction is the new Republican Congress going to take things. The next 100 days are crucial for the Republican Party, which badly needs to show its capable of governing. It’s a given that President Obama will veto just about every bill Congress sends him. The key for Republicans will be passing bills the general public can support while making Obama look like an obstructionist in vetoing them. It’s easier said than...
  • Conservatives Are The Real RINO’s

    01/05/2015 5:39:04 AM PST · by LeoMcNeil · 80 replies
    Leo McNeil ^ | January 5, 2015 | Leo McNeil
    When Jeb Bush announced he was running for President conservatives accused him of being RINO. (Republican in name only) Conservatives have said the same thing about Mitt Romney, Chris Christie and a laundry list of moderate to liberal Republicans. The fact though is that the progressives in the GOP aren’t the RINO’s. The Republican Party was founded as the party of big government in 1854. They were the remains of the Whig Party, which at the time was the party of Hamiltonian big government. It was the Democrats who favored Jeffersonian small government. The RINO’s aren’t big government progressives, the...
  • Media Pushing Michael Sam Again

    12/29/2014 6:07:48 AM PST · by LeoMcNeil · 28 replies
    Leo McNeil ^ | December 29, 2014 | Leo McNeil
    Michael Sam is again dominating NFL headlines. You’ll recall that Sam announced he was a homosexual before the NFL Draft. He was then drafted by the St. Louis Rams but didn’t make the team. He was signed to the Dallas Cowboys practice squad but was cut from that as well. Having done absolutely nothing in the NFL, Oprah Winfrey interviewed him and now he’s all the rage again within the liberal sports media. Let’s be clear about Sam, he hasn’t played a single down of football in the NFL. He’s no hero, he’s a washed up linebacker who simply doesn’t...
  • Not Even Vermont Can Afford Socialist Healthcare

    12/24/2014 6:05:50 AM PST · by LeoMcNeil · 35 replies
    Leo McNeil ^ | December 24, 2014 | Leo McNeil
    Vermont Governor Peter Shumlin campaigned on socialist medicine. He promised to turn Vermont into a socialist paradise, complete with “free” healthcare for all. Last week he announced that socialist medicine was too expensive for Vermont. Not even Johnathan Gruber could save the single payer dreams of Vermont socialists. The fact is socialist single payer is too expensive for the people of Vermont. The state has an annual budget of $2.7 billion. Socialist single payer would have added $1.6-2.5 billion to the budget with the latter end of projections more likely. Doubling state expenditures means doubling taxes, with an 8% income...
  • Conservatives Must Oppose Collective Guilt

    12/22/2014 5:41:57 AM PST · by LeoMcNeil · 44 replies
    Leo McNeil ^ | December 22, 2014 | Leo McNeil
    Over the weekend two New York City police officers, Rafael Ramos and Wenjian Liu, were executed by Ismaaiyl Brinsley in apparent retribution for the deaths of Michael Brown and Eric Garner. Mayor Bill de Blasio had previously encouraged leftists to protest the city’s police department. Before a press conference on the death of these two officers, police turned their back on the Mayor. They Mayor in turn attacked the actions of the police. It is obvious there is no love lost between the Mayor and the police department. The police union has so much as declared that blood is on...