Posts by jake hoyt

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  • Graffiti Was the Writing on the Wall

    10/31/2003 10:12:14 PM PST · 8 of 8
    jake hoyt to Mad_Tom_Rackham
    Well don't blame ALL Democrats (and us former Demos)!! The ghosts of Harry Truman,and FDR would be rolling in their graves to think that we once fought Fascism and Communism, but now are afraid of despots-thats what the U.S. Army ,Marines,Navy and Air Force (and of course the Nat'l guard and Coast Guard) are designed for-to "liberate" and "crush" tin pot despots and tyrants.When we forget that and support these kooks with those pacifist stickers we court more 9/11 type attacks by evil cowards.As it stands now, the American War machine,with the help of a few "Canucks" and British "tommies" are rolling around globally and trying to keep the world a better,SAFER place for EVERYBODY.Todays democrats might as well call themselves "socialists"-they crush every God fearing,law abiding persons rights so that criminals,sexual deviants, and the merciless (whether in the streets or globally) can have rights..........
  • China's First Taikonaut Gets a Promotion - media blitz highlights math skill

    10/31/2003 9:56:54 PM PST · 9 of 12
    jake hoyt to Cincinatus' Wife
    been busy,so sorry I didn't post lately.No, I don't underestimate the Red Chinese- they "suck" period . If the Taiwanese went to War with them tomorrow, I'd cheer for Taiwan and would expect a bloddy but technical/tactical victory from the smaller Taiwanese forces. The Main landers are a parasites on the western world economy;they're Gov't curses us and all the while they dump cheap slave labor products on us and beg/demand our trade with them. I look first and try diligently not to buy "made in China".America is still on the fore front of the modern world and,like the ancient Romans, its gonna' be a LOOONNNNGGGG time before the "barbarians" knock these walls down.China is the last major nation threatening world peace(they're building more and more advanced nuclear weapons systems while we and the Russians cut back on the earth killing devices.The Chinese still want aircraft carriers to project global power(for what?nobody threatens them, except for their "perverse" fear of the U.S. which is a mirror image of the growing hostility between the U.S. and Imperial Japan,circa 1940) .We may well enter a cold war again with the chinese, and like the Russian Bears' demise in '90, we'll still come out on top in the 21st century.......
  • China's First Taikonaut Gets a Promotion - media blitz highlights math skill

    10/20/2003 3:26:04 AM PDT · 3 of 12
    jake hoyt to Cincinatus' Wife
    You also forgot that "Yang" or "Yong" or whatever his name is- ( He's no Armstrong,Glenn ,or even a McNair!) was probably raised in a party bosses' home or a "priviledged" commie family with all the "opportunities" provided for in a "Communist workers paradise" ( Gee-I bet he sure didn't grow up in poorly educated, peasant,shoe factory worker stock, unlike the working class families many of our astronauts came from)."Dear Wife", our space exploration system is still strong and its only mutual peaceful reasons why we even give MONEY to Russia to help keep their program afloat( The French get a few bucks and some support for their Guyana based space program too).Let the Chinese lie, cheat,fake,steal and do whatever they do to try to emulate a "real super power" ( if only the Brits were as strong as they were at the turn of the 20th century,they'd slap the Red Chinese stupid just for the fun of it!)

    I wish them luck in their wasteful space endeavors, instead of trying to "thrown in" with the US/UK/CIS(Ruskies)/France/India and Japan to share costs and technical help and global cooperation that kind of effort brings.Instead They'll do the usual mindless "worker ant" mentality "thing"- that is, keep over spending,do shoddy workmanship and planning,waste efforts, kill pilots/astronauts(hopefully none of their future space junk kills the residents of the "freeworld" when it fails and falls to earth) and continue to oppress /starve their own people for a "sick fantasy" (ever hear about the "cultural revolution" ?)
  • China Sends Man Into Orbit, Entering U.S.-Russian Club

    10/17/2003 2:03:40 AM PDT · 41 of 41
    jake hoyt to AR15_Patriot
    Ooops, yeah right -it was ,huh?! Well somebody has to do something about them ( P.S. "AR-15", get an AK! That way you'll have plenty of ammo and accessories to "pick up" when we start knocking off these 3rd world despots -LOLOLOL!
  • An Ugly Game

    10/17/2003 1:47:23 AM PDT · 9 of 21
    jake hoyt to expatguy
    Thank you! Getting "huffy" about a stupid game when we call ourselves "n#ggers" publicly, is typical of how backwards we've "allowed" ourselves to be(obviously THATS not a "secret" Whitemans' conspiracy!!)- I rode in a taxi this afternoon (my car was in the shop). The driver(immigrant obviously,but couldn't figure his ethnic origin) was singing the praises of being an American as we went down the road .When I reached La Brea and Adams blvd ( this is in L.A.,folks) we saw a group of young Blk Males fighting each other-they weren't H.S. school teens settling some "play ground beef" but MEN in their 20s, and it was a vicious bout. The driver asked me, "brotha'man,why are black people so angry and violent?" I was actually unable to answer that one.You see as African Americans, we really don't have an excuse-We are a paradox,cursing the "evils" of racism,sexism,urban violence,drug abuse, yet we seem to embrace those same evils.Blacks in America have to stop their OWN degradation (Rap music has truly "F*cked up" the minds of our children, and its poison has now spread to overly impressionable Wht suburban kids telling them that crime,drug abuse, and failure is okay also)I thought that the energy wasted battling in the "hood" could have been used finding a JOB,or if they can't /won't work, they could at least have volunteered at a school,senior citizens home,or just picked up trash in the neighborhood.As far as "so-called" black leaders like former gangbanger Kweisi Mfune(what part of Africa did he come from?-I thought he was raised in Baltimore) and "Rev"Jesse Jackson-Black people wake up! These losers will continue having us as "beggars" and "crybabies"(ghettopoly?!!!) instead of prosperous "Americans" like the rest of our society.Only Black people can change themselves.Despite what people think of Farrakhan( and some of the things he hes said) he truly embodies what African American men should live up to in his speeches-BE Responsible,Respect yourselves and others,Work hard,Take care of your families! Sounds like what the Republicans have been to "preaching" for yrs!!!!!Somebody please bring J.C. Watts back to office !!!
    P.S. I forgot to use paragraphs again,huh?
  • China Sends Man Into Orbit, Entering U.S.-Russian Club

    10/15/2003 3:04:42 AM PDT · 33 of 41
    jake hoyt to Cincinatus' Wife
    Weird,huh? the Chinese want to be a WORLD POWER so badly, but what do they do for the world? they don't "loan" poorer countries money (The U.S,England,most of Europe,Japan, and even "broke" Russia) shell out $$$$ to support poorer nations.They flood the world with cheap,shoddy products (broke several "made in china" torque wrenches with little effort), they threaten the world with a flood of weapons and work steadily to build up a better nuclear arsenal ( by 2020 they will have a missile system equal to Russias or the USA) and for what? EGO AND GREED.The Chinese want to RULE the world and when ready, will be economic and military bullies ( why else would a Country with no TRUE enemies or political concerns around the globe want intercontinental missiles or a Deep water navy,complete with aircraft carriers?).Now space exploration?THEY CAN'T EVEN FEED 25% of their population on a regular basis!Clinton had the chance to"punk" the Chinese but got punked(remember when they "stole" the Navy Orion surveillance plane and held its crew as spies?)!We should have let Taiwan attack them in 1958,and now we let them bully us out of selling Taiwan advanced fighters and missile Destroyers! Read Tom Clancys' the Bear and the Dragon-its one of the better scenarios for bringing the Chinese under control- The U.K. ,India, and even Japan have been warning us for years of Beijings mentality (did you know that China has been responsible for quite a few of the worldwide economy ravaging computer viruses)-but we keep ignoring them-If the U.S. doesn't wake up- we'll be a No#2 power like England or France,but the Chinese won't be as merciful to us as we are to the rest of the world.......
  • Cop-out on Bruce:NYPD pulled Boss' Shea escort after '41 Shots'

    10/15/2003 2:33:46 AM PDT · 61 of 61
    jake hoyt to FreeAtlanta
    Well ,New Yorkers do love their Cops,for better or worse , and the Cops LOVE their city and the people(Saw it first hand when a older Irish Cop ran into an apt that was on fire, and came back back 5 mins later with a a heavy set PR woman and two kids! this was in Brooklin in 1999 when I visited my ex-girlfirend.As he sat on the side walk to cough out the smoke and the NYFD showed up,the people from the "hood" patted patted him on the back , ran and got him water to drink , and got him wet towels to wipe his face-YOU just don't see that in L.A.!!) As for Bob Dole,sometimes we look at old somber Politicians and (like old cars) don't think they have the "flash" we need!but its the fact that they keep going,"flashy" or not that matters . Dole was once a Democrat and has always been a man of the people(helped even fight for certain civil rights legislation against his own party in the '60s) Its too bad that the "Stars" like the "Boss" don't do they're homework.....
  • Car rolls toward border agent, driver shot

    10/15/2003 2:14:28 AM PDT · 26 of 26
    jake hoyt to Ready4Freddy
    Pick it upat a store( the koran itself)-It'll embarrass the hell out of some of these "moderate" muslims to show that you know what they "claim" to know( They're as hypocritical as some Christians;Most NEVER READ the Koran and are gullible,like some of us Christians ,which is why they let the Osamas talk them into bombing themselves and others.BET YOU DON'T SEE their "so-called" religious leaders "blowing themselves up" to go to "paradise!)."Ready", thats what will make the USA prevail-we have the right to free speech,religion, and the ability to get information. Barnes and Knobles sell Korans, Bibles and Torahs-they're all on the same shelves/sections-and you know what-theres NO violence or strife going on in that section......
  • Cop-out on Bruce:NYPD pulled Boss' Shea escort after '41 Shots'

    10/08/2003 6:01:43 AM PDT · 16 of 61
    jake hoyt to AppyPappy
    RIGHT! Real revolutionaries don't ask the "Man" for guns and bullets to overthrow the system (kinda' like peeing with your pants zipped up then complaining about getting wet)
  • Cop-out on Bruce:NYPD pulled Boss' Shea escort after '41 Shots'

    10/08/2003 5:53:13 AM PDT · 13 of 61
    jake hoyt to Behind Liberal Lines
    How can I comment? I walk a fine "line" as I consider myself a conservative( changed from Democrat to Republican in '92!) and also an American of African Descent. Diallo was a hard headed African Laborer, but certainly not a criminal with a gun( The NYPD Cops that shot him were TOO used to stopping hostile M/Blks with guns 'til thats all that they "saw" until they realized that is was a WALLET in his hands- have you ever seen the anti-crime squad in NYC? As plain clothes officers, they look like street thugs with guns!!).What everyone must remember is that Bruce has always had "far left" and darn near "Socialist" leanings ( Ala Woodie Guthrie ) but comes off in his music sounding "Patriotic"-most of his feel good "melodies" are often down right "slams" against everything from the Vietnam War ( he conveniently STAYED out of the military) to capitalism (even the " Gangster" rappers embrace that one cherished mark of Americanism ).He played to the liberal crowd that unboutably saw the large # of NYPD blue walking around as the song "41 shots", a protest song, was played-luckily he didn't make unneeded anti-police comments or else some officers would have gotten "thumped". Part of being American is the right, no matter who or what you are, to go down the street safely-not just from the criminal element but from the poor decisions of the people paid to protect you.( I'm usually pro police due to my profession, but I've experienced "walking while black" far too many times, and I dress very conservative) .The other part is having the right to complain or ridicule your Gov't for not doing as it should (In California,we Dumped "pansy" Gray Davis TODAY!!!!!);The "Boss" should also have known that with the right to complain against the system, there is also a need to do it responsibly as those people behind the "blue" are human and want the same freedoms from discrimination that we all want.............
  • Turkey Is Joining Up

    10/08/2003 5:29:51 AM PDT · 9 of 20
    jake hoyt to a_Turk
    Well, why not? when the middle east power bases are falling ( Saudis covering their butts against the religoius extremists,Iraq squashed like a bug,Iran running scared and in the market for a nuke to bluff the US).If the "turks" play it right , they can 1) stop illegal Iraqi refugees/immigration that is bound to hit their nation, 2) prop themselves up as the alternative in the Muslim world to turn to instead of the "Hated" Christian,Isreal lovin' U.S. 3) get a shot at those Darn "Kurds".I think the 3rd option is appealing to Turkey as the PKK and its off shoots commit "pesky" little acts of violent terrorism/ crime in " turk ville"- and a NATO sponsored -Turkish bullet in the right "skull" would clean up the Kurdish Headache (they've done it before in Armenia ,so what would stop them now?).If given a choice between the French,Russians and Turks as allies, I'd go with the Turks-Takes alwhile and a lot of complainin' to get 'em going but they can fight almost as Good as the Pakistanis,show discipline like the British (when led right),will stay SOBER and are less likely to rape the locals (SO Much for da' Russians) and won't PUNK OUT AND SURRENDER( unless the food and bullets run out, mainly the bullets) like the FRENCH (ever notice that alot of weapons systems used by nations hostile to the U.S. come from France and Russis?).Last bonus- Unlike US kind hearted American"liberators" the Turks won't stand for that killing the "peace keeper" B.S. ,i.e. (1)dead Turk soldier = (20) Dead Iraqis......
  • Car rolls toward border agent, driver shot

    10/08/2003 5:03:53 AM PDT · 5 of 26
    jake hoyt to GeronL
    Wouldn't call it a"nice shooting" unitl the investigation results are in and the Agent is "cleared"(Thank God the Border Patrol is in PORAC and can now get Police union attys!!!) Sadly ,I've seen what the Border Patrol has to go through and what people don't realize is that there is a WAR going on at our borders-Its not just Mexican Nat'ls attempting to "breathe free and enjoy " Good old American freedom and prosperity, but their Countries criminal element as well as "O.T.Ms" ( other than Mexicans).i.e Heroin smuggling,Insurance and mail fraud hustling Nigerians (yuck),Slimey former Iron Curtain mobsters and their dyed blonde hookers,THOUSANDS of asians who will become "indentured servants and sex slaves" to THEIR OWN people once they sneak across, and idiotic,"non- koran" reading muslim sociopaths( trust me, the Koran is just like the Bible or Torah- it doesn't say its okay to kill innocent people,especially Christians or Jews ) that want another 9/11 to occur! What WILL Happen is that the Mexican Gov't will file a protest for "cruel and deplorable acts of barbery" to our embassy and state Dept (ask them though about their jails or how they treat "illegal alien" central Americans-HMMMMMM?). As I always say, if you want to change something, clean up your "own house" and don't worry about your neighbors-Mexico should stop playing the poor neighbor,crack down on its political corruption(disbanding the Socialist "P.R.I." would help),jail/execute its narco empire gangs, and build a real social infra structure to assist its poorer citizens,i.e. build public school system,and provide real economic opportunities like the U.S. and Canada).Then maybe criminal flesh smugglers like the "coyote" that tried to run the Agent down as well as the desperate people in the truck ,wouldn't THINK THEY HAVE THE RIGHT to "invade" our country and threaten the lives of our Gov't employees.Lets pray that the agent is cleared of any wrong doing. P.S. Tell Somebody(Like that loser Lt Gov.Cruz Bustanmante) that although there are a significant # of AMERICANs of Mexican descent living in CA. that CA. or any of the Southwest states BELONG TO THE USA and are not "long lost colonies of poor ol'abused Mexico"
  • Today I shot my first handgun, a 9mm Glock model 19 (vanity)

    10/04/2003 3:31:06 AM PDT · 80 of 88
    jake hoyt to TexasCowboy
    Oooh-gah! Me think, Glock Crap!!! okay "Hulk", how bout this-ever shoot an old 1911 (talk about crap) then shoot a kimber match or les byer(SP?) 1911 45. SWEET, same with the GLOCK. They (Glock) had quality control issues in the mid 90s and guess what, some of those guns are still in dealers cases out there.The Glock was a military first weapon, meaning it had to be soldier proof first then fire functionally second.Same philosophy with the Glock in Law enforcement .Have you seen the crappy Sig "Pro" being sold as a"cheaper"(yep "cheaper") alt. to the 226/229 for police agencies-shoot the -"pro" and you'll say the same thing,"Crap".As a utility gun, the glock is rock simple, can be bought with accurized parts and fire 2" groups at 25yds consistantly.We're talking a decent out the box gun with quality for "joe citizen", not the gun enthusiast or Copper. Heck if all he needed was a no frills roscoe,i'd even suggest a "sleeper" gun, the under valued ruger semi- autos in 9mm and 45....
  • Today I shot my first handgun, a 9mm Glock model 19 (vanity)

    10/04/2003 3:16:51 AM PDT · 78 of 88
    jake hoyt to risk
    Hit it on the head-a citizen in their home,after calling "911"(here in L.A. that means a 10-15 min response-Yikes!)and loudly "warning" the intruder , had better know their weapon.(2) to the Body and failure drill (one to the head at 5 yds max.) should stop a violent suspect.if they miss?well hopefully ,the Criminal isn't armed and will flee...
  • Today I shot my first handgun, a 9mm Glock model 19 (vanity)

    10/04/2003 3:11:49 AM PDT · 77 of 88
    jake hoyt to autoresponder
    What the? 9mm and .45 cal have been proven by the FBI to have "virtually " the same effectiveness in shootings -both are 70-75% stoppers.The .45 has the "hype" because it was the only gun used by the military for 90 yrs!With the exception of ball ammo, the 45 cal is pitiful and doesn't deliver the fabled "one shot" stopping power(better look at 38 long, the 357 mag, 41 mag, or 44mag for that type of damage.) The problem with 9mm is over penetration( ball ammo or FMJ rds)- best most effective rd for home defense is still the old .38 cal semi jkt'ed hollow point or safety slug at close range, and the more effective .40 cal(which is why MORE police Depts ,Sheriffs Depts, and State Police agencies are tossing their 9mms AND 45s for the .40!), I have personally seen a .45 jhp rd (230 grs Win.850+ fps) "peel apart" upon striking a carwindshield at LESS than 10yds, then barely penetrate a car door of a nissan maxima -susp gave up only cause he feared a rd would hit him sooner or later) That knock down power? what good is it against armored targets! 45s won't even penetrate 6 layers of a level 2A vest!Its good in that it can deliver a larger bullet to a soft a target and cause trauma,(big holes cause more bleeding, and hopefully shock to the bad guy, which is why Spec Ops units slow them down EVEN more with suppressors/silencers).Its the same argument with the .308 vs .223 crowd. For utility and home defense, i'd suggest a .38/357 revolver in 4 bbl(easy to clean, and store away) then a 9mm with 124 gr jhp or 115 gr jhp "silvertip"- .higher expansion,low recoil,easy to bring on target for smaller statured males/females that aren't very familiar with handguns, then the .45 cal for the homes of us "neanderthal" types- as for a duty weapon -the .40 Sig (226) or the glock-it'll bring you home and can do what the 9mm and .45 can't (big bullet hole, better penetration)
  • Today I shot my first handgun, a 9mm Glock model 19 (vanity)

    10/04/2003 2:47:34 AM PDT · 75 of 88
    jake hoyt to Cagey
    I'll never understand why people "huff" over hi-cap magazines.What ARE YOU going to do with with Hi-cap Mags- history and weapons deployment has proven that Hi-cap mag or rifle clips don't improve accuracy nor do they really give that extra option.Police officers SHOT better when all they had were 6-shot revolvers;Military armed forces ( Army/Marines) were successful up until they replaced the semi-auto m-1 /m-14 with the "spray and pray" M-16 ( the current M-4 shoots ONLY 3-rd bursts,not full auto!) For home defense if you can't counter a threat with (10) rds in a semi-auto pistol,don't you think that you're in "trouble"?I was in Van Nuys when the North Hollywood shootout (1997) occurred. Both Suspects were heavily armed with Assualt rifles modified to fire fully auto and hi -cap magazines, and the "supposedly" outgunned police officers STILL shot them down with combined fire , not from hi-cap mags but from concentrated fire ( no cops died on that one).Clinton Administration had nothing to do with the fear of criminals getting the Hi-cap mags and spraying everything they saw (remember this- the REPUBLICANS were in control of Congress while "Slick Willie" reigned!).Learn to USE the weapon and if you feel so scared about having only a "10" rd mag, do like everyone else , including the Thugs,-go buy more (10)rd mags.......
  • Today I shot my first handgun, a 9mm Glock model 19 (vanity)

    10/04/2003 2:35:35 AM PDT · 74 of 88
    jake hoyt to rudy45
    Its called "flinching"- you are probably over anticipating the recoil in the firearm ( yes,although 9mms are usually "low recoil",lack of familiarity/fear factor can cause a person to wrist snap after a round is fired).Other than that you may be using an improper stance or holding the weapon too close to your body as well as not firmly- try a "weaver" stance and ask your local ranger operator to give you pointers if you don't have a friend thats law enforcement or prior military.