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Posts by HotHunt

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  • Biden calls senior advisor Cedric Richmond 'boy' and tells Louisiana Governor John Bel Edwards to 'holler' if he needs anything during meeting to address Hurricane Ida

    08/30/2021 3:18:24 PM PDT · 14 of 33
    HotHunt to DFG

    “Stand up, Chuck. Stand up!”

  • Diner Leaves $10,000 Tip for Workers at Florida Restaurant

    08/29/2021 9:55:43 PM PDT · 26 of 30
    HotHunt to SES1066
    I live in Florida near Gainesville.

    It's definitely not central Florida or south Florida. It's only a 90 min. drive to the Georgia border.

    It's north Florida as far as I'd describe it.

  • Debate builds over imposing higher insurance costs for unvaccinated

    08/29/2021 4:52:43 PM PDT · 59 of 61
    HotHunt to just me
    ".... A free bag of fries to alter your DNA...."

    That's the best and most revealing way to put it I've seen so far.

    They are so desperate to get everyone vaccinated that they will resort to any cheap, sleazy or flimsy trick in the book.

    Makes one wonder what really is going on with these vaccines.

  • Debate builds over imposing higher insurance costs for unvaccinated

    08/29/2021 1:47:32 PM PDT · 50 of 61
    HotHunt to bgill
    ".... Smokers typically pay higher insurance rates so it stand to reason that people who refuse to get a COVID shot might see their coverage costs increase....."

    Lost me right there. That doesn't make sense at all.

    Smoking is a known, proven health risk. There are years of actuary tables establishing the risks involved.

    Not getting a covid vaccine is a completely different story. Who's taking the bigger risks, the unvaccinated or the vaccinated with all kinds of side effect risks?

    I would suggest that the results aren't in yet.

    This guy's premise was faulty from the beginning.

  • Air conditioning is one of the greatest inventions of the 20th Century. It’s also killing the 21st

    08/29/2021 1:25:38 PM PDT · 138 of 189
    HotHunt to GOP Poet
    ".... Without air conditioning the southwest would be unbearable...."

    That's not entirely true. I grew up in Arizona and New Mexico and lived most of that time without refrigeration.

    Because it is so dry in that part of the country, we used evaporative coolers to cool our houses. Early on it was the old swamp coolers but technology took over and increased the efficiency and cost of cooling your home quite comfortably.

    Last home I just sold there had a big 6500 BTU Master Cool unit with 12 inch pads. A 50 amp. motor turned a barrel fan for a few dollars a month. Never needed refrigeration even in triple digit heat. Kept our home quite comfortable for the quarter of the price of A/C.

    But I live in hot and humid Florida now and could never survive here without A/C. Too humid for a water or evaporative cooler to work.

  • Air conditioning is one of the greatest inventions of the 20th Century. It’s also killing the 21st

    08/29/2021 11:57:10 AM PDT · 72 of 189
    HotHunt to Oldeconomybuyer
    I read a front page feature article in the Wall Street Journal years ago that claimed, Houston, Texas would never have become a major metropolitan city had it not been for the development of refrigeration cooling. It was too hot and miserable there without it.

    Houston is the fourth largest city in the US.

    I would bet a month's salary that neither one of these "yahoos" would ever give up their air conditioning to go back to the conditions we all used to live and work in.

    It's easy to write and talk about it, but walking the walk versus talking the talk is two different things.

  • Democrats to Take Back Anti-White Woke Racism

    08/29/2021 2:24:57 AM PDT · 4 of 15
    HotHunt to Does so
    I'm a Senior also but the vanity makes sense.

    The democRATS alway take their extremism too far and then have to figure out how to walk back their policies after the public figures out how unAmerican and stupid their ideas really are.

    By then, they've already revealed their hand and people are on to them.

    As a Senior, optimism is the only outlook to have.

  • Tonight's account hijacker/spambot: We think we know how he did it.

    08/28/2021 12:17:37 AM PDT · 56 of 135
    HotHunt to Jim Robinson
    I'm oblivious.

    I signed in when I joined ten years ago and have never logged off.

    I slept through the whole thing.

  • Free Republic hijacked

    08/27/2021 9:55:05 PM PDT · 79 of 129
    HotHunt to OneVike

    It never dawned on me to sign in and out of my FR account. I have been signed in constantly with the same password since I joined 10 years ago.

  • U.S. Leaving Behind 75,000 Vehicles, 600,000 Weapons, 208 Aircraft In Afghanistan, Watchdog Says

    08/27/2021 9:28:07 PM PDT · 23 of 54
    HotHunt to Daffynition
    I detect your sarcasm coming on strong.

    The further our military gets away from fighting wars and more into nation building the worse we do.

    Our military needs to focus on training to kill our enemies and less on how to treat women.

    Our political leaders have gotten our military leaders too far into doing the wrong things.

    Going forward, we need our military trained to take out the enemy and less on good housekeeping in the kitchen.

    I'm just sayin'....

  • U.S. Leaving Behind 75,000 Vehicles, 600,000 Weapons, 208 Aircraft In Afghanistan, Watchdog Says

    08/27/2021 9:17:46 PM PDT · 21 of 54
    HotHunt to Daffynition
    If we had a strong military we built up in Afghanistan, we could've left that equipment and munitions with them to fight with. But realistically, we should have moved all of that equipment back to a rear theater somewhere because we could always guaranty using it again.

    Absent that, we should have booby trapped all of the important and critical armaments and equipment to blow up after(or before) we left.

    But to just leave it for the Taliban (and in turn for ISIS) because we were in a hurry to meet some artificial calendar deadline, is the height of stupidity.

    So stupid in fact, that it makes you wonder whether the military industrial complex didn't want it that way so they could provide all new equipment in the next war.

    After all, that's how the ball bounces.

  • U.S. Leaving Behind 75,000 Vehicles, 600,000 Weapons, 208 Aircraft In Afghanistan, Watchdog Says

    08/27/2021 9:02:50 PM PDT · 17 of 54
    HotHunt to Daffynition; BenLurkin
    Projects the image of an old, pathetic, weak, sick man as the leader of the free world.

    Our enemies are licking their chomps.

    They see a leader on his knees with no confidence or sense of power.

    True patriots find this sickeningly disgusting but I fear those pulling the strings behind Biden intend the US to be knocked off the world stage and what better loser to do that than a napping Joe Biden.

  • US drone strike killed 'ISIS-K planner' in Afghanistan, Pentagon says

    08/27/2021 8:45:31 PM PDT · 104 of 148
    HotHunt to ALASKA
    That's great to hear.

    But is anybody else asking the question, why didn't they do this BEFORE the attack on the Kabul airport?

    Too little but especially TOO LATE to save those Marines and people killed the attack.

    We should be picking these ISIS (and Taliban) terrorists off a regular basis.

    What? We're going to hurt their feelings? Or help with their recruitment?

    These people HATE us and we need to reciprocate in kind.

  • The Suspicious FDA "approval" of the Pfizer Vaccine

    08/27/2021 10:44:14 AM PDT · 23 of 28
    HotHunt to Fractal Trader
    This whole covid, vaccine thing is a load of crap. The experts the politicians and the bureaucrats are listening to for advice are not medically trained and have never treated a covid patient.

    We can't get the straight scoop from any of them. And if we do, it's so fake and spun news to match the government's agenda, that the public has no idea whether to trust that advice or not.

    I've already made my choice about getting the vaccines. I will take a pass.

    I do not see the benefit of the vaccines to counteract the extremely low risk of getting the covid itself, especially if you treat the onset of contracting the covid with known medicines early.

    Personally, I think Pfizer didn't do anything to its vaccine. It just had a huge inventory of the first batch and found a way to get the FDA to give them some formal approval and then remarketed the existing vaccine to get rid of the backlog of unused vaccines they had.

    And a justification for the politicos to mandate the vaccine for businesses, schools, travel companies, sports events, concerts, etc. thereby subjugating the unvaccinated public to a second class citizen, almost criminal, status.

    Some may call me a cynic or paranoid. But at my age, I've seen a lot of dodgy deals with the government, that I don't trust what they are saying in their press releases or the media is saying in their stories.

  • Resign, you bastard

    08/26/2021 1:07:16 PM PDT · 38 of 86
    HotHunt to Starman417; All
  • Unasked, Obvious Question: Why Aren’t MUSLIM Countries Taking the Afghan Refugees?

    08/26/2021 8:06:46 AM PDT · 45 of 52
    HotHunt to Bon of Babble
    ".... Why aren’t Muslim countries 'stepping forward to take care of their co-religionists'?...."

    It's because, next to the Palestinians, the Afghans are the most despised, despicable, uncouth refugees in the world. They are known for raping girls and women.

    They are so bad, not even their own kind want them. And yet we have idiots in this country encouraging and wanting to take them in.

  • How Not to Convince the Unvaccinated

    08/25/2021 1:40:03 PM PDT · 42 of 79
    HotHunt to NicoDon
    ".... What is the agenda? What’s in the treatment that they aren’t telling anyone about? Is it just a question of money? Or is there something more nefarious about it?...."

    Any intelligent adult would have come to these same conclusions.

    What is it that they are pushing so hard for?

    First, it was get the vaccine.

    Then it was why aren't you getting the vaccines?

    Next it turned into cajoling, bribing, trips to Disneyland, pay-for-play schemes to get you to take the jabs.

    Now it has turned into a culture of blaming those who haven't got the shots and threatening them with taking away their privileges and freedoms.

    What's next? Arrests, fines and prison time for this who haven't complied?

    It is not a big leap to conclude that something nefarious is afoot.

  • How Not to Convince the Unvaccinated

    08/25/2021 1:21:54 PM PDT · 33 of 79
    HotHunt to sauropod
    I don't watch cable TV news anymore but read a lot on the internet.

    There are, and have been, only four recycled stories in the "news feeds" lately.

    Covid, vaccines, Afghanistan and Biden is senile.

    I am so sick and tired of reading about those four subjects over and over again, ad infinitum.

    Resorting to playing digital solitaire on my computer instead.

  • How Not to Convince the Unvaccinated

    08/25/2021 12:50:37 PM PDT · 17 of 79
    HotHunt to lightman
    Biden and Fauci's problem is the same as Obama's was when people weren't buying into ObamaCare.

    His solution? They don't understand it so we need to give them more speeches explaining it.

    It wasn't that people didn't understand ObamaCare. It was that they didn't agree with it.

    No amount of explaining is going to change that.

    The unvaccinated has held pretty steady since the beginning surge to be the first in line to get the jabs.

    People have already decided and no amount of explaining will change that.

  • It’s Time To Stop Terrorizing Our Children

    08/25/2021 8:54:59 AM PDT · 5 of 5
    HotHunt to Kaslin
    Climate change enablers never give the alternative climate if their onerous efforts to stop climate change were successful.

    The alternative to the climate changing is climate stasis or inertness, which means it stays the same or doesn't change. But change from what?

    What or where is that inactivity on the part of the climate. At what stage does the climate need to stay at to satisfy the climate change complainers?

    Throughout my own personal lifetime so far, I have experienced living in locales with extreme heat , extreme cold, rain to the point of severe floods to no rain and droughts. I have lived through tornadoes going over my house to hurricanes pummeling my home. I've had lightening down a tree that fell on my home. I've had electrical fires started from lightening. I've felt earthquakes rumble and move the ground and my house. I've had the ash from an erupting volcano cover my farm and possessions.

    But I survived. And I'm sure Mother Nature is not done with her extremes with me yet.

    The fact is, I never felt threatened by the climate changing and causing weather extremes. I always looked at it as normal.

    I am lucky I never experienced any great losses dues to extreme weather.

    But where does the climate have to be to satisfy the climate change complainers? Where it's at now? Where it was 50 or 100 years ago? Or where it's at in their dreams?

    Fact is, these people are not about climate change, weather change, the environment, recycling, saving the planet, or anything related to temperature of the earth.

    It's all about the socialist/communist revolution and installing a new economic system to replace capitalism.