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Posts by hamugbodas

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  • From Calvinist to Catholic

    01/01/2008 11:15:31 AM PST · 221 of 225
    hamugbodas to xzins
    I don’t convert for food. I also don’t appreciate Christians who show their charity by attacking someone else in mockery. I am sure your Lord is most proud of your ‘garage sale’ site comments. Everything marked for free for if any cost was involved, you would be found wanting. Do you hang around on MySpace seeing who can push to the limits? The story of the conversion was posted years ago and I have asked several times for it to be removed. Seems the Internet has a way of staying permanent.

    I do find your folly at the expense of other’s to be most Catholic. This was the same type of garbage I encountered in that Church as well as the Calvinist one. Whether I was fully aware of the doctrines is really a meaningless point of conjecture but your mockery is not. Hold your thoughts up to the Cross of your Lord. I am sure in your ‘hysterical’ mindset He will say, well done faithful ridiculing servant.

  • From Calvinist to Catholic (another powerful conversion story)

    12/28/2007 2:39:27 PM PST · 43 of 44
    hamugbodas to Dr. Eckleburg
    You are very right. If you get dressed in public, then you have yourself to blame and I accept that. Mockery from those who claim Christ as their Savior, I do not. The Love part, where without it you sound like a tinkle of a cymbal is what goads me abit.

    I do find it interesting this ‘powerful conversion story’ of all places has ended up on a ‘garage sale’ website. You know, where your thoughts are posted for free because the thoughts are all marked down for free. No educated opinion, no site of any repute or discussion. Just the run of the mill lets throw out our two cents worth since we have nothing better to do than Google a person’s name to the 9th screen to find a way to bash them and have the Lord smile down on us as we do it in the name of religion. Sounds like the folks who go on myspace and try to see how far they can push someone.

    I will not stay much longer, I actually have a life, albeit not a Catholic or Calvinist one.

  • From Calvinist to Catholic (another powerful conversion story)

    12/27/2007 5:48:53 PM PST · 41 of 44
    hamugbodas to Alex Murphy
    Well, I had no idea this was still circulating. I have asked for this ‘powerful conversion story’ to be removed numerous times. Sadly, it has not and it still finds it way to those who wish to make something of it. Yes, I have been a spiritual wanderer. I found very hateful criticism in the Catholic Church and I must admit, my taste for it did wane to the point of not associating with it anymore. I also found that Masonry is very boring as they really just want to sit around and eat and talk about people behind their backs, much like the Church I left behind so I left them as well.

    I must admit I do not convert for food albeit I am sure that is humorous at another’s expense. Sadly, this has taught me to never publish any type of views on the internet. Truly they are not your own, even this one will be thrashed and trashed at some point.

    Have I fooled around with Hinduism? Yes, I have and I have studied many eastern religions. I am in search of something and everything else I have tried has not brought me to where I wish to be. So, quote scriptures, talk about how I am a boat tossed about on the waters to and fro. Talk about how I will convert for food.

    The difference is I view you all as human beings and will refrain from applying labels to those of you who find the critical side of my journey. Actually it is those who acted like this that actually caused me to leave the Calvinist Church, whether I understood it or not, because of the spite and hate that spewed from them as well.

    Congratulations to all. I am glad I was good folly.