02/05/2023 3:22:50 PM PST
· 35 of 45 garjog
to BenLurkin
” Biden regime has no compunction about releasing false information”
They said 3 balloon because the bigger the lie the more readily it will be believed.
01/16/2023 8:20:12 AM PST
· 38 of 67 garjog
to ChicagoConservative27
Wonder if the document scandal is just a way to distract from congressional discovery of much worse crimes?
Garland will exonerate him on docs, then during the campaign they will muddy the waters to turn off “moderates”, saying “Republicans can’t stop harassing Biden who has been proven innocent.”
“Why in the heck is a US Govt employee attending this thing”
Attention new congress. We need to ban Gov employees from attending this or any such group.
” just result in the members of that congregation finding a new church to attend.”
No, because the denomination owns the building and many of the people in these congregations worked to raise money to purchase and build the churches. So they don’t want to go to another church. They want their church to be faithful to scripture.
12/24/2022 5:16:30 PM PST
· 130 of 173 garjog
to shadowlands1960
“Changing those page settings to 19” at multiple locations was completely above board...”
I read in a Fox report that Hobb’s side said that the 19 inch ballots were because someone pressed “shrink to fit” on a copy machine and that all of these 19 inch ballots were still eventually counted.
Did Kari’s attorney’s refute that I hope?
For the appeal they can’t add new evidence.
It must be fought for, protected and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children’s children what it was once like in the United States where men were free.” Ronald Reagan