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Posts by csconerd

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  • Police: Boiling Water, Pepper Used In Hazing

    05/08/2008 9:45:18 AM PDT · 20 of 27
    csconerd to Abathar

    It’s unfortunate that these people give Fraternities a bad name and/or image. In high school, I was excessively shy and introverted. In my second year of college, I pledged Pi Kappa Alpha and was later initiated.

    My pledgeship went entirely without incident and, in fact, included requirements for weekly study time. When my grades began to suffer, my brothers were there to tutor and provide support. Prior to pledging, I was doing good to hold a 2.0 GPA. After, my GPA rose to 3.25 (not great but a significant improvement).

    I have to say that, without the Pikes, I wouldn’t be anywhere near where I am today in terms of confidence, business success, leadership ability and family. Suffice to say that I grew beyond that shy introvert that I used to be.

    I met my wife at a Fraternity function. Nearly 18 years and a set of twin daughters later, we’re still together and going strong.

    So, don’t judge the Fraternity, as an organization, too harshly as it certainly neither condones nor tolerates such activities. Yes, events such as these are inexcusable and not to be tolerated. The individuals involved need to be held accountable. There’s no room for this sort of behavior in any society. I just wanted to show an example where a Fraternity, coincidentally the one in question, did a great deal of good.

  • 70 years later, 'secret lovers' still wed (HE WAS 19, SHE WAS 14...IN 1935)

    11/24/2005 7:29:01 PM PST · 64 of 93
    csconerd to Prime Choice
    Please look at message #2 on this thread. That is the message to which I replied with my "work in the porn industry" remark.

    I read it. Twice. How does work and marriage lead to porn? Are the new husband and wife now film directors due to their age? How is it salient? Why is the sad cebu sad? Is the canoe wood or aluminum?

    Woops, sorry. I had a Veggie Tales moment. It's similarly relevant though. I wonder why.
  • 70 years later, 'secret lovers' still wed (HE WAS 19, SHE WAS 14...IN 1935)

    11/24/2005 7:15:26 PM PST · 51 of 93
    csconerd to Prime Choice
    Nice red herring. Answer the damned question or shut up.

    Ouch, did I hit a nerve? I always appreciate a civilized response.

    How does your idea of a 14-year-old working as a porn star pertain to the story of a young couple working hard all their lives and being happy together for 70 years (hopefully more)? Oh, yes. It doesn't.

    There are already 14-15 year olds working both legally and illegally. Altering a working age to 14 would not have any bearing on the legal restrictions imposed on adult-oriented businesses. That age is still 18/21 for the most-part.

    The previous post simply stated that a 14-year-old should be able to work if they so desire. Obviously there will be parental/guardian issues to address. That goes without saying.

    I didn't add the red herring. I just baited it further (rather successfully, I might add).
  • 70 years later, 'secret lovers' still wed (HE WAS 19, SHE WAS 14...IN 1935)

    11/24/2005 6:56:38 PM PST · 37 of 93
    csconerd to Prime Choice
    And how would you feel if these 14-year-old girls decide to "work" in the porn industry, hmmm?

    What if they had a long, wonderful life together and she was a productive, tax-paying citizen all that time?

    Oh, this one is better. . . What if she worked at a sweat-shop that had a porn studio where she could sew the clothes she was going to take off for the movies?

    Please, why does everything have to have a negative twist in peoples' minds? Must the worst always be the immediate assumption?

    I read this story and had a warm, mushy feeling inside because my wife and I were married under similar circumstances (she 19, me 20) many years ago.

    I was smiling and reminiscing. Then I got to this post and it slapped me out of my warm, fuzzy feeling rather abruptly.

    Thanks for ruining the mood with negativity. Maybe some porn would cheer me up.
  • Anglican Split Feared as Gay Bishop Is Consecrated (Can you say apostacy?)

    11/04/2003 9:43:55 AM PST · 150 of 196
    csconerd to nothingnew
    Funny, how the closet pedophiles are more acceptable than someone openly gay in the priesthood. I don't agree with either, but if a sinner can't be priest/pastor/preacher/bishop/whatever, there will be none.
  • The perfect IT Education? (IT/Nerd Alert)

    08/07/2003 8:17:45 AM PDT · 149 of 160
    csconerd to dfwgator
    Can't forget these as required reading:

    TCP/IP Illustrated (all 3 volumes) - Stevens
    Digital Telephony - John C. Bellamy
    The Guide to T1 Internetworking - Flanagan

    and finally (and only because I wrote it and will shamelessly plug it on a geek thread)

    Cisco Press Remote Access Exam Ceritification Guide - Morgan
  • Strom Thurmond Dead

    06/26/2003 8:20:51 PM PDT · 66 of 77
    csconerd to nwrep
    phi phi k a
  • SCOTUS strikes down Texas sodomy ban

    06/26/2003 7:23:40 PM PDT · 1,441 of 1,734
    csconerd to Thane_Banquo
    I'm ever so confused here. It's been my contention that this site, and those who frequent it, were in favor of freedoms afforded by the Constitution. In reading the posts of this, and many other threads, I find that some do support freedom, but only if it matches their own individual definitions of the term.

    I do feel that the individual States should have more power than the Federal government. While I feel that State's rights should play in here, I feel that the State of Texas has failed in protecting the freedoms of her citizens when law makers sought to impose their idea of morality on them. Therefore, SCOTUS stepped in.

    The legislation of morals has no place in a truly free society. By insisting on separation of church and state, the Founding Fathers were making it clear that religion had no place in the government of this country.

    Hypocrisy is rampant on both the left and the right. So, I take a simple stance in day to day life. If my actions cause no harm or infringement on the rights of others, then leave me alone about them. Don't impose your ideas of right/wrong on others. Don't impose your religious beliefs on others. Not everyone wishes to hear the message you're attempting to deliver.

    Don't like guns? Don't own one, but don't expect me to give mine up. Don't like abortion? Don't have one, I don't like it, so I won't have one. Don't like anal sex? Don't have anal sex. I certainly won't be doing it.

    This thread makes me laugh when those posting here relate this situation to child molestation and other such issues. The basic difference is that in this ruling, sex between CONSENTING ADULTS is private and protected in whatever form it may choose to take, and there is no victimization. No rights are violated (unless you count those of the defendants when they were arrested). Therefore, no crime has occurred.

    When a child is molested, there is NO legal consent. The child is a victim. There is a violation of rights. There is a crime.

    It is possible to maintain your convictions and still have a free society. It means supporting a tolerant society. Many in this country cannot fathom such a thought. I'm most certain that many will spew hatred and "what-if's" at me as a result of this post. That's fine. It is their right. My message is not meant to be inflamatory, but it will be seen as such by many.

    All I'm saying is that if you're going to claim to stand for freedom, then stand for freedom. . . ALL Freedoms, even those with which you may not agree.

    All this talk of the 4th Amendment and 10th Amendments in this case. . . What of the 9th? The Constitution doesn't discuss sex. However, James Madison had the vision to make it known that the rights listed in the document were not the only God-given rights that the people of this nation possessed.

    "The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people."

    In other words, you have the right to choose your own path.
  • What SCO Wants, SCO Gets - (Linux Assault)

    06/19/2003 5:12:08 AM PDT · 31 of 109
    csconerd to Ernest_at_the_Beach
    How about this one? It cracked me up...
  • New System Could Speed Up Internet Downloads - Movies in seconds

    06/05/2003 9:21:11 AM PDT · 21 of 22
    csconerd to jlogajan
    Check out this draft and the references at the bottom of it. It's very interesting.
  • New System Could Speed Up Internet Downloads - Movies in seconds

    06/05/2003 8:29:11 AM PDT · 16 of 22
    csconerd to unix
    The basic premise here seems to be looking at the delay between the end of the requesting GET command and the arrival of the first byte of the response. The bulk of the delay, is typically due to the server.

    By measuring this round-trip timer (RTT), the max throughput can be calculated. By implementing slight modification to TCP's increase and decrease parameters for TCP connections with larger congestion windows, TCP should be able to achieve high throughput with more realistic requirements for the steady-state packet drop rate.

    It's a relatively simple change to an old methodology. It takes the existing protocol stack and change behavior a bit. It will maintain compatibility with existing operations.

    Since its window size is based on initial delay and a "slow start" (not starting with a large window size), it won't add congestion to existing infrastructure. It will only transmit what the network can handle, so there should be no additional risk of congetion collapse.

    Since UDP has no such congestion mechanisms, it isn't a good choice for this type of operation.

    I'll shut up now. . .
  • More than Sodomy?

    03/26/2003 1:47:47 PM PST · 116 of 169
    csconerd to Stone Mountain
    Long story, short... I have a hard time siding with *any* law that serves to legislate morality, even if I agree with the premise of the law. I'm a big fan of the government staying out of my life entirely. The less power we allow the government to take, the better off we'll all be.

    If, what I do has no effect on the rights of others, then leave me alone. If I do something that steps on the rights of someone else, ok, fine... I should be held accountable. I fail to see how this case was affecting anyone else in any way/shape/form.

    I'll pay my taxes and respect the right of others to pursue happiness. Just leave me alone to do the same.

    I may not agree with homosexual intercourse, but that gives me no right to try to impede, or legislate, people's private lives.
  • MCSEs: We are all idiots

    11/08/2001 7:25:42 PM PST · 81 of 96
    csconerd to Justa
    I have to say that overall, I agree. There are too many cert seekers. Some of the replies to this thread recommend going for Linux or Cisco certs. Well, guess what. . . Those markets are in the toilet too. I'm a Cisco Instructor and a CCIE. When my company went bankrupt and dumped me (along with the rest of the instructor/consultant core), I thought I'd have a job immediately based on my background. It should be easy for a published CCIE to get a job, right? NO.

    Well, I found one after a month. It came with a 30% pay cut however. I'm not overly happy about that.

    The issue at the moment is that there a literally thousands of CCNA/MCSE's looking for entry level stuff. The barrier they're hitting is that all the entry level stuff has been filled by people with 5+ years experience. So, it's virtually impossible to break into the market.

    As an instructor, I get physically ill at the cert chasers. Even though they pay the bills. I don't teach the exams. I teach the technologies. I tell them straight up that I really don't care if they're in exam prep mode, I'm here to teach real-world technologies.

    Those people who post on the newsgroups, etc. bragging about the fact that they're paper certified and have never touched the gear make me sick. They usually suffer a bombardment of flames letting them know how much the fact that they're devaluing the certifications of those of us who have worked our butts off for this.

    I've been a victim of the cert madness. But, I'd been doing this stuff for years before I got any cert. The cert newbies don't want to pay their dues, get some bruises and actually learn the concepts. They just want their piece of paper and think they should get a $200K/yr job since they got their CNE. Get real.

    I'll shut up now.

    Csconerd: MCNE, MCSE, CCSI, CCIE, ABCD, ASAP, RSVP. . . and so on.