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  • Trump To Begin Presidency By Repealing 70% Of Obama’s Legacy

    12/26/2016 7:45:46 AM PST · by Helicondelta · 122 replies ^ | 26 Dec, 2016
    US President-elect Donald Trump may reverse up to 70 percent of President Barack Obama’s executive orders, practically erasing the legacy of the first African-American head of state, Former House speaker Newt Gingrich told Fox. Obama, who signed over 260 executive orders in his two terms in office, urged Trump, who will be inaugurated on January 20, not to circumvent Congress when trying to enact his agenda. Obama used his executive powers to push through labor, climate and immigration reforms after Congress refused to go along with his proposed programs.
  • There Are No Longer Any Excuses For Obamanomics

    11/18/2011 10:34:35 PM PST · by 2ndDivisionVet · 47 replies
    Forbes ^ | November 17, 2011 | Peter Ferrara
    The history of America’s recessions is provided at the website of the National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER). Before this last recession, since the Great Depression recessions in America have lasted an average of 10 months, with the longest previously lasting 16 months. Yet here we are 47 months after the last recession started, and we still have no real recovery. Instead, unemployment has been stuck at 9% or above for the longest period since the Great Depression. Unemployment for blacks has remained over 15% for over 2 years, with Hispanic unemployment stuck well into double digits over that time...
  • Obama will go down in history as the president who lost Egypt

    01/31/2011 8:25:57 AM PST · by teddyballgame · 28 replies ^ | 1/31/11 | Aluf Benn
    Jimmy Carter will go down in American history as "the president who lost Iran," which during his term went from being a major strategic ally of the United States to being the revolutionary Islamic Republic. Barack Obama will be remembered as the president who "lost" Turkey, Lebanon and Egypt, and during whose tenure America's alliances in the Middle East crumbled. The superficial circumstances are similar. In both cases, a United States in financial crisis and after failed wars loses global influence under a leftist president whose good intentions are interpreted abroad as expressions of weakness. The results are reflected in...

    03/21/2010 3:55:27 PM PDT · by TheDailyChange · 17 replies · 413+ views
    Where will the people go when they realize that America's healthcare system is NOW, NO BETTER than Canada's? What will you do when you or your family members become seriously ill? Do you really think with 30 million probably 100 million (new patients) with the Dems Illegals amnesty program coming into the system that you are going to experience increased quality healthcare in America? No way in He!! I would love to hear from people all over the world who brought their sick family members to this country for care when they had serious illnesses and ask them where they...
  • Obama became the First Prez to Celebrate Gay Pride Month

    07/03/2009 6:39:34 AM PDT · by truthandlife · 15 replies · 790+ views
    Live Prayer ^ | 7/02/09 | Bill Keller
    (Ephesians 2:10; Acts 4:12 ) King Obama became the first President to celebrate GAY PRIDE MONTH at the White House Monday night, warmly welcoming more 250 gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender Americans "to your White House." As I told you prior to the election, this would be the most gay friendly President ever, a man who will help to advance the radical homosexual agenda in this nation. During his 18 minute talk, he spoke openly of his full support to help the radical homosexual movement gain all of the special rights they are seeking as they force society to accept...
  • Barack Obama: The Soft on Tyranny President

    04/21/2009 7:39:44 AM PDT · by Mobile Vulgus · 6 replies · 359+ views
    Publius' Forum ^ | 4/21/09 | Warner Todd Huston
    In May of 2008 when Barack Obama was running for president he made a stop in Miami, Florida, a place well known for being a hotbed of anti-Castro, anti-communist sentiment. Miami is a place where many thousands of self-exiled Cubans settled after they fled a life of religious and political oppression and torture at the hands of Cuban communist dictator Fidel Castro. While in Miami candidate Obama made some strong and passionate statements about how if he were to be elected president his administration would not bow to Castro's tyranny. He excoriated Castro’s oppression and sympathized with the Cuban people...
  • Barack Obama's Savior-Based Economy

    02/10/2009 9:58:54 PM PST · by rabscuttle385 · 19 replies · 1,166+ views
    Human Events ^ | 2009-02-11 | Michelle Malkin
    President Obama is back in messianic campaign mode. It is unbecoming. When he's not snarling at conservative opponents of his endless spending programs, he's pandering to supporters as the nation's community organizer-in-chief. At a stimulus rally in Ft. Myers, Fla., on Tuesday, a woman named Henrietta Hughes stood up to decry the mortgage crisis and ask Obama for his personal help. Choking back tears, she implored: "I have an urgent need. … We need a home, our own kitchen, our own bathroom." If she had more time, she probably would have remembered to ask Obama to fill up her gas...
  • By opposing Obama, Republicans might make the GOP conservative again

    02/05/2009 6:22:54 PM PST · by rabscuttle385 · 23 replies · 742+ views
    City Paper, Charleston, SC ^ | 2009-02-04 | Jack Hunter
    When every single Republican in the House voted against President Barack Obama's $800 billion stimulus package last week, many conservatives cheered, while also saying that it was "too little too late." Perhaps. But I say better late than never. This is a perfect example of how important it has been for Republicans to lose the election. Imagine this week, if President John McCain spent time meeting with leaders of both parties, business execs, and economists and worked overtime to build a bipartisan consensus on his own stimulus package. Given his theatrics during the election — like when he suspended his...
  • Obama worries US debt may shape legacy (On the 8th day? Is Hussein a wuss?)

    01/28/2009 7:31:05 PM PST · by Libloather · 50 replies · 1,396+ views
    Yahoo ^ | 1/27/09
    Obama worries US debt may shape legacyTue Jan 27, 5:21 pm ET WASHINGTON (AFP) – President Barack Obama told Republicans behind closed doors Tuesday that he worried about the soaring US debt because "I will be judged by the legacy I leave behind" on the economy, a source said. Wooing lawmakers openly hostile to his stimulus plan, Obama also warned that the current recession was "different, deeper, and global," and that inaction could cause "irreparable" economic damage, said a Republican participant. But "nobody is more worried about the deficit and the debt than me," he told Republicans who charge the...