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  • For Whom to Vote? Iraqi Culture Adjusts to Free Elections

    12/14/2005 6:08:29 PM PST · by SandRat · 11 replies · 300+ views
    American Forces Press Service ^ | Dec 14, 2005 | Jim Garamone
    FORWARD OPERATING BASE LOYALTY, Iraq, Dec. 14, 2005 – Iraqi police cars sporting stickers urging people to vote for a particular list of candidates are part of the pre-election scene here. One reason is that Iraq government, at this stage of its development, doesn't have anything like the U.S.'s Hatch Act, which forbids U.S. federal employees from engaging in partisan political processes. While Iraqi leaders have tried to separate the police from politics, they haven't been totally successful. There is no history of a secret ballot in Iraq, military officials here said. Saddam Hussein held regular mandatory elections and everyone...