You can read how TaT and Bishop O'Malley are doing
here. This sure is a disappointment, to say the least. Aksi,the founder of VOTF and one of the biggest dissenters here in Boston, Fr. Cuenin, has just been patted on the back by Bishop O'Malley. You can see what Fr."call me Walter" Cuenin is all about if you do a google search with cuenin and "new yorker" (or check the linked site I put up above) - the interview is no longer on line but parts of it are all over the place - he openly defies the Magisterium regarding same sex marriages (campaigned here for them earlier this year), the teachings on homosexuality, confects his own "Communion bread", etc.
A fear of mine is that TaT will be spread far and wide because Bishop O'Malley gave it the thumbs up.
And parents have no idea! It was just implemented today and all CCD sign-ups and teachers are bought and paid for. Very underhanded.
Curley and Nambla... you don't hear much in the mainstream press, but I just read a piece on the subject in Newsmax online magazine - dealing with selling the NAMBLA magazine subscription that allowed Charles Jaynes "to accept my sexuality and be comfortable with it".