Yet another in a long line of false prophets.
Why do people do this? Only the Father knows. Of course, all that has been prophesied comes closer to fulfillment with every passing day, so we should be ready at all times. Trying to outguess God is absurd.
Pack your bags!
The rapture is something that happens in our own hearts when we allow Jesus to come in. The Second Coming is always nigh.
Here we go again. Is he cleaning up on retirement account donations like the last guy who tried this?
One day, one of these morons is going to be right.
Nobody will care or be there to give them the attention they desire.
Talk about equivocation!
The Rapture? It seems likely that a lot of folks will have unrealistic expectations as they clamor in vain for a seat on the bus. The good they’ll see in themselves will be highly delusional but we still won’t really know if the bus itself isn’t just a figment of somebody else’s overactive imagination. The first step would be to give one’s self over to the fear of missing out on perhaps the mother of all opportunities of a lifetime. The next steps would be towards self-preservation and to survive all subsequent scrutiny in order to secure the required voucher. Whether or not these steps could be made by any means necessary is not necessarily clear, and if anyone or any science could see into the future, would The Rapture or something like it be observable? I won’t hold my breath.
Glad someone is in the know....../s
The greatest sign is the increase in the presence of the Holy Spirit on the earth right now. It’s stronger than ever.
The End Times are here again, and again, and again. People are starting to wise up.
All I want in this regard is fire and brimstone to fall on DC.
I’m sticking with Isaac Newton’s prediction of when the end of the age occurs. Around 2070. He was pretty smart.
Here we go again!
This is rich. An article posted by someone who believes in Purgatory. better hurry!!!!
Pope Francis is ready for a time such as this. Does he support your views too?
Neither does this guy. See what I did there?
Too late that already happened back in 1988
Time to re-read my OLD pamphlet 88 REASONS THE RAPTURE WILL BE IN 1988!
Didn’t believe it then, don’t fall for it now.
Matthew 24:36
But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only.
From what little I understand from what I’ve read and heard about it, depending on the person and their sins, for some it could literally be like being in rapture, but probably not for the rest of us. Yikes …
Given the state of the world and the speed and direction things are moving nowadays, this event, along with what follows, could very well be exactly the reset humanity needs. Jesus thinks so, if what I’ve read is true.
So I’m hopeful for that event coming soon, but the Rapture others are predicting seems like a lot of Bible away from where we are now.