Posted on 11/09/2019 3:01:48 AM PST by Cronos
..Steve Fletcher, who monitors events that could signal the end of mankind, believes the Rapture starts this weekend (9 June 2019)
He explained a number of factors had allowed him to pinpoint the end of times which coincides with Pentecost - a day commemorating the descent of the Holy Spirit upon the Apostles and other followers of Jesus Christ while they were in Jerusalem celebrating
He said: Ive been meditating on this.
Theres a connection to the Rapture in the spring and I do not think were going to [have to wait until] August.
I do see biblical reasonings why we should be out of here even before Pentecost.
There are biblical reasons to believe that we can and should and will be out of here for Pentecost.
He explains: Pentecost comes at the beginning of summer and is the only Levitical Feast Day between the three spring feasts (Passover, Unleavened Bread and First Fruits) and the three in the fall.
So Pentecost is considered summer, as it says in Exodus 34:22.
A detail that is shared in three gospels is Jesuss coming in summer.
Its pretty specific that we do not go into summer.
In Matthew 24:32 it says Now learn a parable of the fig tree; When his branch is yet tender, and pullets forth leaves ye know that summer is nigh. So likewise then ye shall see all these things, know that it is near, even at the doors.
We are coming upon summer .. but not in summer.
So this may indicate to us that [Rapture will come] just before Pentecost.
Typing Rapture: June 9, 2019 and Rapture Pentecost 2019 into Youtube brings up tens of thousands of results results, with videos explaining the impending apocalypse. Some have been viewed millions of times.
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
The rise in belief in the pre-tribulation rapture is often wrongly attributed to a 15-year-old Scottish-Irish girl named Margaret McDonald who was of the first to receive a spiritual baptism under a Pentecostal awakening in Scotland. In 1830, she supposedly had a vision of the end times which describes a post-tribulation view of the rapture that was first published in 1840. It was published again in 1861, but two important passages demonstrating a post-tribulation view were removed to encourage confusion concerning the timing of the rapture. The two removed segments were, "This is the fiery trial which is to try us. - It will be for the purging and purifying of the real members of the body of Jesus" and "The trial of the Church is from Antichrist. It is by being filled with the Spirit that we shall be kept".
Time to re-read my booklet 88 REASONS WHY THE RAPTURE WILL BE IN 1988.
And dig out another one on how the end times will begin in 1984.
In the end, no one can produce a clear statement of patristic eschatologyregarding the rapture. What can be concluded is the following:
The early fathers placed strong emphasis upon imminency.
They early fathers understood a literal coming of Christ, and a literal 1,000-year kingdom to follow.
A type of imminent intratribulationism (Crutchfield) or imminentposttribulationism(Walvoord)35withoccasionalpretribulationalinferenceswas believed.
The early fathers understood a kind of practical persecution, due to timesof general Roman persecution that they experienced, rather than a specificfulfillment of future tribulational wrath.
Cruthchfield rightly concludes,
This view of the fathers on imminency, and, in some, references to escaping the time ofthe Tribulation, constitute what may be termed, to quote Erickson, seeds from which thedoctrine of the pretribulational rapture could be developed. . . . Had it not been for thedrought in sound exegesis, brought on by Alexandrian allegorism and later by Augustine,one wonders what kind of crop those seeds might have yieldedlong before J. N. Darbyand the nineteenth century.
Actually, the article at the link is a very interesting read regarding this topic.
who believe in the non-biblical pre-Trib
I always enjoy when you share your thoughts!
Nobody know when. We are just supposed to be ready.
Philippians 3:20-21
This one concept did more to damage Christian belief and life planning than almost any other.
“Why bother planning because Jesus is coming in 20 years”
I probably heard that 100 times in the 70’s.
“People who believe in The Rapture point to Matthew 24, but if they would look at verse 37, they would see that this event is being compared to what happened in the days of Noah.
Ask yourself: who was removed from the world in the days of Noah? The wicked or the righteous?”
The righteous....hence the belief in the Rapture that will remove Christians as judgment falls upon the wicked of this Earth.
We’ve read verse backs up the doctrine of the Rapture (TM-Bible!)
Mary ever virgin
The Immaculate Conception
Praying to Mary
It is necessary to go through Mary to get to Jesus for salvation
One must be devoted to Mary to be assured of salvation
And last but not least!
wearing a man-made piece of cloth called the Brown Scapular will keep you from the eternal fire.
Just for fun, I like the Tomorrows World biblical breakdown for several things, including the timeline for the Rapture.
Here are a couple of their programs on it:
The earliest dealing with this issue, other than Jesus introducing the event and Paul dealing with it in more specific terms, is the Pseudo Ephraim (
Sounds a lot like the modern teaching on the Pre-tribulation Rapture!
The earliest I have been able to find, specifically.
believes the Rapture starts this weekend (9 June 2019)
Missed it by that much.
Of course if you want to be technical....the righteous were protected in the ark while the wicked were destroyed hence removed by the flood, then Noah and his family set upon the Earth afterward to replenish the earth with the animals he saved.
The analogy still holds with the Rapture....Christians will be removed and be united with Christ and the dead in Christ will arise while the Earth undergoes a frightful tribulation in which those who followed after the beast and took his mark undergo judgment and along with the Beast, are finally removed and cast into the lake of fire)
The only thing that is the real mystery will be the timing of this rapture. The Latin Bible uses Rapturo for the term after all for the term meaning to be “snatched away or carried off” in 1 Thessalonians 4:17(translated from the greek Harpazo). The English versions of course don’t use “rapture” but rather the term “caught up”. Raptors are large birds who “carry off” their prey. A person said to be taken or entranced by something is said to be “enraptured” by that object.
The term “rapture” came to be used as a short hand(probably taken from the Latin Bible) of saying “to be snatched or caught up”...hence “Hey Brother, are you ready for the Rapture”” as opposed to asking...”Hey brother, are you ready for the great snatching away?” It’s just easier to say the rapture or we will be “raptured”.
Paul said that “we would not all sleep but we would all be changed, in a moment in a twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet.” So at least one must believe in the rapture’s eventual occurrence, even if one believes it to be “at the last trumpet”, whenever that will be. The Bible says it will happen...the only argument is the timing of its occurrence.
It’s pointless. Just because there have been many false predictions (and there definitely have) the anti-rapture crowd will never be converted. It’s about enjoying the mocking.
I think it’s pre- myself, but I understand why people question the timing. I don’t agree but I understand.
It’s O.K., though, let the mockers have their fun.
Yeah, I’ve met the types that follow that list (saying those things are past or won’t happen).
Some of them (not saying OP) can be close to violent.
It’s rather amazing (and shocking) to see.
Stop pinging me on your anti-Rapture threads - anti-pre whatever threads.
You were never asked to do so.
I don’t care that we don’t agree and you know we don’t agree.
So stop stirring the pot with me. Don’t like what I post?
Then ignore it. I don’t ping you other than this to tell you to stop pinging me.
I’m not interested in debating this with you. We have different beliefs. I don’t need to hear what I already know is your opinion on the subject.
Do you recall that dude from Family Radio, named Harold Camping? I was driving home from Travis Air Force Base in 1993, when I heard him predict the second coming of Christ, in 1994. I was so shocked, I almost drove off the road. When I got home, I called Family Radio, to confirm what I had heard. The lady who I talked to, said she did not personally believe that, but Camping did say it. I said I would withdraw all financial support. When it didnt happen, he predicted two different dates in 2011. The dude was a fruitcake.
Family Radio is still around. My understanding from what I've heard is that they have basically repented of Harold Camping's nuttery.
Their current statement of faith has a section talking about local church congregations. One of Harold Camping's problems was that he thought that the time of the local church was over.
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