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“Alas, Alas for the Great City!” An Urgent Plea for Prayer at the New Year!
Archdiocese of Washington ^ | 12-30-14 | Msgr. Charles Pope

Posted on 12/31/2014 8:27:36 AM PST by Salvation

“Alas, Alas for the Great City!” An Urgent Plea for Prayer at the New Year!

By: Msgr. Charles Pope

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We are very close to the new year, 2015 AD. And most of us at the new year have it in mind to pray for the future year not only for ourselves, but also for our family, country, and culture. With that in mind, there is something of an admonition to us all that I would share from Scripture. For while we look to the new year with hope, we do well to soberly assess the warnings of God that are seemingly more applicable than ever. Above all we must pray so as to avoid the otherwise necessary chastisements of God and the inevitability of ruin at our own hand if we do not soon repent.

We have good reason to have concern for what we have come to call Western culture.  Our last century was nothing less than a blood bath of world wars, cold wars, killing fields, mass starvations, abortion, and euthanasia. It is conservatively estimated that 100 million were put to death for ideological purposes (e.g., in Hitler’s camps, Stalin’s mass starvations, Pol Pot’s killing fields, Mao’s camps, Rwanda’s genocide, the Balkan genocides). Add to this the war dead and the victims of abortion and the number easily reaches 200 million.

In the middle of that period in the West, we threw in many social revolutions: the sexual revolution, the revolution against authority, the widespread use of hallucinogenic drugs, radical feminism, abortion on demand, contraception, and no-fault divorce. The solitary boast of the tainted 1960s was the civil rights movement, largely granted to it by the 1950s.

It is no surprise then that Americans, still reeling from these selfish and egotistical revolutions, find that most baby boomers are now in various combinations of drug rehab, AA, SA, Overeaters Anonymous, or even jail. Add to this situation vast amounts of psychotherapy, psychotropic drugs, and a self-esteem-driven culture with endless distractions to keep the revolutionaries and their children sane. Then throw in large amounts of antibiotics to treat the sexually transmitted diseases … would someone please call in the exorcist?

We have sown the wind and we are reaping the whirlwind. Enter now the desperate confusion of the “rainbow,” a once beautiful sign of hope that now only bespeaks sexual confusion of a colossal degree. And let no heterosexual gloat until he ponders rampant fornication, easy divorce, abortion, and the disgraceful lack of self-control that has helped usher in the sex-is-just-about-pleasure-and-means-whatever-I-say-it-means culture. Confusion, from top to bottom!

So here we are in 2015. And if we have any sense and any faith at all, we need to fall on our knees and pray for miraculous conversion. I love this country and Western culture. I do not think anything finer has ever graced this globe. But we have become collectively corrupted. Our freedom has become licentiousness; our sense of human dignity has been debased; our comforts have made us lazy and inimical to the Cross and to discipline.

And thus we do well to heed God’s warnings of old to other cultures that had become similarly corrupted.

A little over a week ago, as we wrapped up Advent, Isaiah uttered a warning to a pompous and self-secure empire (Babylon) that its might and power, its wealth and poise, were soon to come to an end. Of special mention was the scorn that God had for Babylon’s arrogant presumption that she would never fall or suffer loss and that her power would be forever. And yet too often this same arrogance besets us today. Listen to what God says to ancient Babylon at the zenith of her power:

Come down, sit in the dust, O virgin daughter Babylon; Sit on the ground, dethroned, O daughter of the Chaldeans. No longer shall you be called dainty and delicate. I will take vengeance, I will yield to no entreaty … Go into darkness and sit in silence, No longer shall you be called sovereign mistress of kingdoms …

Now hear this, voluptuous one, enthroned securely, Saying to yourself, “I, and no one else! I shall never be a widow, or suffer the loss of my children”—Both these things shall come to you suddenly, in a single day: Complete bereavement and widowhood shall come upon you For your many sorceries and the great number of your spells; Because you felt secure in your wickedness, and said, “No one sees me.”

Your wisdom and your knowledge led you astray, And you said to yourself, “I, and no one else!” But upon you shall come evil you will not know how to predict; Disaster shall befall you which you cannot allay. Suddenly there shall come upon you ruin which you will not expect (Isaiah 47: 1-15 selected).

Be soberly attentive, dear reader, and pray. For it is hard to read words like these and not see how they apply precisely to an age like ours! And before you exultantly say, “Bring it on!” please consider how instantly different our lives would be. Are you really ready for a world with no electricity, no Internet, and no central government with a Bill of Rights? Are you ready to live without roads, running water, and trash collection? Repentance is a far better solution. So pray for a miracle!

What was (is) Babylon? At one level, it is an historical nation-state at the time of the ancient Jews. There were others: Egypt, Assyria, Medo-Persia, and later Greece and Rome. But all these powers, though real historical places, also symbolized the world and all its glories arrayed against God and His kingdom.

  1. Egypt with its power, its fleshpots, and its leeks and onions was something the ancient Jews were always pining after. Abram ran there during a drought instead of trusting God to sustain him in the Holy Land. When Moses led the people out, they were always looking back, forgetting the slavery and remembering the fleshpots. They loved the world and trusted it more than God.
  2. In their fear against invaders, the Jews were ever succumbing to the temptation to make alliances with Assyria and Egypt (i.e., with the world and its power). “Trusting God is too risky. Let’s trust in Egypt or Assyria. Let’s trust in the world to come through for us.”
  3. In Babylonian exile, the Jews left, singing that they would never forget Jerusalem. But after 8o years in Babylon (a symbol of the world and its empires) most had no interest in returning to the Promised Land (a symbol of Heaven) when they were allowed to do so. They preferred Babylon and its hanging gardens to God’s kingdom. Only a small number returned. “Why should I go back to Israel? I have a pretty nice little jewelry shop I run here in Babylon on the corner of Tigris and Euphrates Avenues …”

And thus places like Babylon, Egypt, Sodom, Assyria, and later Greece and Rome, were not just city-states; they were symbols of the world arrayed against God and vying for that place in our heart that belongs to Him. The prophets often accused Jerusalem herself of having become Sodom, Egypt, and Babylon.

But no kingdom of this world can or will stand. In the age of the Church, and even prior to that in the Old Testament period of the Church, kingdoms came and went. Nations rose and fell. Empires emerged and collapsed. Where is Nimrod now? Where is Pharaoh Necho? Where are Cyrus the Persian, Alexander the Great, Caesar Nero, Napoleon, Stalin, and Chairman Mao?

But what of us? All those ancient kingdoms fell not merely because their time was up, but because of sin and the collapse that pride and sin bring. And as for us, how can a nation or culture stand that is increasingly permeated by pride, godlessness, corruption, fornication, abortion, sexual confusion, families in crisis, lack of sexual self-control, gluttony, drug use, alcoholism, rampant pornography, and ridicule of authority, tradition, and faith?

Consider a similar passage from the Book of Revelation (Chapter 18) warning the faithful about “Babylon.” (By 90 AD Babylon was actually long gone. Thus “Babylon” here is a symbol for the world and its tendency to fall into corruption.) John was saying that the “Great City” (Jerusalem – the great city which is allegorically called Sodom and Egypt, where their Lord was crucified – Rev 11:8) had become Babylon. And he develops this theme in Revelation 18. Sadly, by 70 AD, having been given 40 years to repent, Jerusalem was sacked, burned, and utterly destroyed just as this prophecy had warned.

Have America and the West become like Babylon? Does the chilling judgment that came on Jerusalem and many other ancient cultures now apply to us? It would seem so unless repentance comes quickly. Hear and heed the warning given to ancient Jerusalem (which had become like Babylon) on this eve of the new year. Babylon is

I. Dominated by Demons - The text says,  After this I saw another angel coming down from heaven, having great authority; and the earth was made bright with his splendor. And he called out with a mighty voice, “Fallen, fallen is Babylon the great!  It has become a dwelling place of demons,  a haunt of every foul spirit,  a haunt of every foul and hateful bird; for all nations have drunk the wine of her impure passion,  and the kings of the earth have committed fornication with her,  and the merchants of the earth have grown rich with the wealth of her wantonness.” Then I heard another voice from heaven saying,  “Come out of her, my people,  lest you take part in her sins,  lest you share in her plagues; for her sins are heaped high as heaven,  and God has remembered her iniquities. Render to her as she herself has rendered,  and repay her double for her deeds;  mix a double draught for her in the cup she mixed (Rev 18:1-6).

And as ancient Jerusalem was said to have the abomination of desolation (Mat 24:15), so too has our age embraced and even celebrated many abominations: abortion, fornication, homosexual acts, and the greed that becomes injustice to the poor. Scripture speaks of four sins that cry out to Heaven for vengeance: murder (Gn 4:10), homosexual acts (acts of sodomy)  (Gn 17:20-21), oppression of the poor (Ex 2:23), and defrauding workers of their just wages (Jas 5:4). There are also sins against the Holy Spirit, sins that harden a soul by rejecting the Holy Spirit. Six sins are in this category: despair, presumption, envy, obstinacy in sin, final impenitence, and deliberate resistance to the known truth.

Welcome to America after the social revolution. Pre-revolution America (prior to 1968) was no paradise, but there was more of a sense of basic right and wrong. Now everything is up for debate, and what used to slink around in back alleys now parades down Main Street in broad daylight.

To all this demonic influence, celebration of depravity, and excessive passion comes the plea, “Come out of here, my people!” Otherwise we will share in Babylon’s punishment. Make no compromises with this modern age, which has become the dwelling place of demons. Celebrating its secularism, our age, in rejecting God, has delivered itself to the machination of demons and all sort of human foolishness.

Stay sober, my friends, and see this age for what it is becoming: the dwelling place of demons, the haunt of every foul spirit, impure passion, and wanton desire. Have custody of your eyes and guard your heart!

II. Defiant in Depravity –   As she glorified herself and played the wanton,  so give her a like measure of torment and mourning.  Since in her heart she says, ‘A queen I sit,  I am no widow, mourning I shall never see’  (Rev 18:7).  

Yes, no matter how high the body count rises from abortion, from the broken lives of children raised without fathers, from exposure to pornography, from the celebration of greed and whatever is base or decadent—the modern West is too drunk to notice the harm she inflicts on herself. 70 million abortions, more than half of children raised in fatherless homes and in chaos … never mind all that! We are liberated. We will do as we please. We will not be told what to do!

And thus defiance and even the celebration of what is wicked and cries to heaven for vengeance continues apace. Despite all sorts statistics that say we are in real trouble, most go on calling “good” or “no big deal” what God calls sin. But God will not be mocked and ultimately we cannot avoid the consequences of our increasing depravity. At some point, God will have to end it if we do not repent.

Sadly, our defiance makes it seem unlikely that we will repent.

III. Destined for Destruction - So shall her plagues come in a single day,  pestilence and mourning and famine,  and she shall be burned with fire;  for mighty is the Lord God who judges her … Alas, alas, for the great city where all who had ships at sea grew rich by her wealth!  In one hour she has been laid waste. Rejoice over her, O heaven, O saints and apostles and prophets, for God has given judgment for you against her!” Then a mighty angel took up a stone like a great millstone and threw it into the sea, saying, “So shall Babylon the great city be thrown down with violence, and shall be found no more; and the sound of harpers and minstrels, of flute players and trumpeters, shall be heard in thee no more; and a craftsman of any craft shall be found in thee no more; and the sound of the millstone shall be heard in thee no more; and the light of a lamp shall shine in thee no more;  and the voice of bridegroom and bride  shall be heard in thee no more;  for thy merchants were the great men of the earth,  and all nations were deceived by thy sorcery. And in her was found the blood of prophets and of saints,  and of all who have been slain on earth” (Rev 18:8, 19-24).

Jerusalem, the great city, the holy city, was utterly destroyed. 1.2 million Jewish people lost their lives in the conflagration. Jerusalem was burned, and when the Romans were finished, not one stone was left on another. Jesus had warned of this day in the Mt. Olivet discourses  (Mark 13Matthew 24Luke 21) and had wept over Jerusalem: O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, killing the prophets and stoning those who are sent to you! How often would I have gathered your children together as a hen gathers her brood under her wings, and you would not! Behold, your house is forsaken and desolate (Matt 23:37-38).

And what of us? Will we repent? Or will we be defiant and destined for destruction? Pray for America. Pray for the West. Pray for our culture, which still has great goodness but has succumbed to much corruption.

IV. Depressing in Desolation – And the kings of the earth, who committed fornication and were wanton with her, will weep and wail over her when they see the smoke of her burning; they will stand far off, in fear of her torment, and say, “Alas! alas! thou great city, thou mighty city, Babylon!  In one hour has thy judgment come.” And the merchants of the earth weep and mourn for her, since no one buys their cargo any more, cargo of gold, silver, jewels and pearls, fine linen, purple, silk and scarlet, all kinds of scented wood, all articles of ivory, all articles of costly wood, bronze, iron and marble, cinnamon, spice, incense, myrrh, frankincense, wine, oil, fine flour and wheat, cattle and sheep, horses and chariots, and slaves, that is, human souls. “The fruit for which thy soul longed has gone from thee, and all thy dainties and thy splendor are lost to thee, never to be found again!” The merchants of these wares, who gained wealth from her, will stand far off, in fear of her torment, weeping and mourning aloud, “Alas, alas, for the great city that was clothed in fine linen, in purple and scarlet, bedecked with gold, with jewels, and with pearls! In one hour all this wealth has been laid waste.” And all shipmasters and seafaring men, sailors and all whose trade is on the sea, stood far off and cried out as they saw the smoke of her burning, “What city was like the great city?” And they threw dust on their heads, as they wept and mourned, crying out,  “Alas, alas, for the great city” (Rev 18:9-19).

Here’s the bottom line: Satan sails a sinking ship. Nothing of this world can stand except on the firm foundation of Christ and His Church. Too many Christians are in a compromised state with a sinful world. Scripture says, For here we have no lasting city, but we seek the city which is to come. Through him then let us continually offer up a sacrifice of praise to God, that is, the fruit of lips that acknowledge his name. Do not neglect to do good and to share what you have, for such sacrifices are pleasing to God (Heb 13:15-16).

In this new year, pray for our Western world as never before. We have brought great gifts to the world through our marriage with Christ. But now, acting like an angry divorcée, we have forsaken Him and turned to great wickedness. But God still seeks us and wants to renew His covenant with us.

Pray. And before you exultantly say, “Bring on the destruction!” please consider that this is no “made-for-TV movie.” Think about how instantly different our lives would be! Please consider the bloodshed and loss of life. Again, would you be ready for a world with no electricity, no Internet, and no central government with a Bill of Rights? Are you ready to live without roads, running water, and trash collection? Repentance is a far better solution. So pray for a miracle! It doesn’t have to end in destruction. Jerusalem could have repented, and we still can.

The Church will survive. God’s will shall prevail. But what of our beloved country and the West? That is up to us.

So pray at this dawn of the new year. Pray a lot. Only then will it be a “Happy New Year!”

For the sake of His sorrowful passion, have mercy on us and on the whole world>

TOPICS: Apologetics; Catholic; History; Prayer; Theology
KEYWORDS: 2015; babylon; catholic; demons; happynewyear; msgrcharlespope; newyear; prayer; prophecy; satan; usa
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To: Boogieman

Well, the chapter says it is more than influential, it says that the whore “rules over the kings of the earth”.

You may be right but I see all kind of ways of ruling.

Yes, it says the great whore is a city but it also tells us that she sits on many waters,

And it tells us that she sits on a beast with seven heads and ten horns, that could mean that she is supported by the beast up until the eighth beast and the ten horns appear.

Rev 17
9 And here is the mind which hath wisdom. The seven heads are seven mountains, on which the woman sitteth.

The mountains are not literal mountains they are kingdoms.

15 And he saith unto me, The waters which thou sawest, where the whore sitteth, are peoples, and multitudes, and nations, and tongues.

So it can not be a literal city.

I believe that excludes Jerusalem or any other literal city.

81 posted on 12/31/2014 4:13:25 PM PST by ravenwolf
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To: All
I enjoy a good discussion. I like to learn, and I do from these. Let's remember something, though. The bottom line is, we need to find our common ground: a desire for peace; a return to moral values given us by God in the Old Testament; the end of the culture of death- abortion, euthanasia, obsession with and abuse of, God's gift of human procreative intimacy.

Pray against our enemy, the devil. Pray alone, with others of like faith, with those of other faiths, but pray! It is time to stop focusing on our differences and zoom in on our commonality: we are God's children, made in His Image and likeness, and we are thus brethren!

May God bless all of us who seek Him with a loving heart, and may He grant us the grace to unite in prayer for the whole human race! A blessed new year to everyone! Pray without ceasing!

82 posted on 12/31/2014 4:22:48 PM PST by Grateful2God (And Mary kept all these things, and pondered them in her heart.)
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To: Salvation
One great way to pray as per Monsignor Pope's request (and as Fr. Kirby suggests) is by nocturnal adoration; praying at night in an adoration chapel. Because it is more difficult to do so (while others sleep), the impact [graces] can be felt more profoundly. Only through the death of my [agnostic] brother, was I brought out of my sloth to begin adoring at night. Fr. Kirby explains so beautifully the benefits of nocturnal adoration:

A great work of love is being done here,
one that proceeds directly from My Eucharistic Heart
to glorify My Father and to redeem the world,
for the work of redemption is continued
in the Sacrament of My Body and Blood
until the end of time. . . .

I am here [in the Most Blessed Sacrament] for you and for the whole world.
Take your place here before Me,
and abide before My Face,
close to My Heart that is all love.

It is no little thing for a poor human creature of Mine
to prefer My Eucharistic Love to an hour of sleep in the night.
Only in heaven will you know the worth of an hour so spent.
Come to Me, then.
Visit Me, and remain with Me by night,
and I will work for you, and with you, and through you
by day.

By nocturnal adoration you will obtain from My Heart
things which cannot be obtained from Me in any other way,
especially the liberation of souls
from the influence and oppression of the powers of darkness.

More souls are saved and liberated by adoration made during the night
than by any other form of prayer:
this is the prayer that unites you most closely
to My own nights passed entirely in prayer
during My life on earth.

Come to Me, then, by night,
and you shall experience My power and My presence at your side
during the day.
Ask of Me whatsoever you will
by coming to Me at night,
and you will experience My merciful help at break of day.
I love with a love of predilection
those whom I call to be with Me during the hours of the night.

The prayer of adoration at night
has the power and efficacy of that prayer made with fasting
that I recommended to My apostles
as the means of expelling demons
from the souls whom they torture and oppress.
For this reason, the demons fear and hate adoration made at night,
while the Angels rejoice over it,
and place themselves at the service of the soul who desires to do it.

From In Sinu Iesu, The Journal of A Priest
83 posted on 12/31/2014 4:24:38 PM PST by mlizzy ("Tell your troubles to Jesus," my wisecracking father used to say, and now I adoration.)
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To: mlizzy

Thanks for that wonderful link.

84 posted on 12/31/2014 4:32:11 PM PST by Salvation ("With God all things are possible." Matthew 19:26)
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To: mlizzy

How beautiful... God bless you!

85 posted on 12/31/2014 4:32:31 PM PST by Grateful2God (And Mary kept all these things, and pondered them in her heart.)
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To: Salvation; Grateful2God

Thank you. You are welcome.

86 posted on 12/31/2014 4:51:36 PM PST by mlizzy ("Tell your troubles to Jesus," my wisecracking father used to say, and now I adoration.)
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To: Boogieman; Former Fetus
There are prophecies of the destruction of actual Babylon in the Old Testament, but those were already fulfilled when Revelation was written. That destruction was permanent.

I will take exception to this description - Babylon, according to the Prophets, is destroyed in a single hour, like Sodom and Gomorrah, and that it will never be inhabited, nor will the shepherd keep his flock there, and etc. But Babylon was not destroyed - It kinda petered out over centuries - In fact, it was still there during the second Temple period, and was a mainstay of Jewish thought... And during the Gulf war, shepherd were using it as a sheepfold...

Call me a literalist, but I do not think that YHWH is done with Babylon.

87 posted on 12/31/2014 5:36:20 PM PST by roamer_1 (Globalism is just socialism in a business suit.)
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To: ravenwolf

Somewhere I read that Revelation talks about 2 Babylons: a “political” Babylon, most likely a city, a capital of an empire, and a “religious” Babylon, a one-world religion that smooths out the path for Anti Christ to take over the world. I don’t remember all the details, but that would explain why some of the descriptions of Babylon, like you say, cannot refer to a city while in other parts it is clearly referring to one. I just moved and all my books are still packed, so I am writing from memory (not my best asset, lol).

88 posted on 12/31/2014 6:42:53 PM PST by Former Fetus (Saved by grace through faith)
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To: defconw; Salvation
a relatively straight forward piece on the need for us to pray and repent.

And what a beautiful piece it is! It touched me so much that I posted a link to it in my FB page. I have moved a couple hundred miles away from my home church, so I use FB to stay in contact and, in a way, to continue teaching my Sunday school class (I friended all my students). We will be praying for repentance, like another poster said, both personal and national repentance!

89 posted on 12/31/2014 6:47:38 PM PST by Former Fetus (Saved by grace through faith)
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To: Former Fetus

Somewhere I read that Revelation talks about 2 Babylons: a “political” Babylon, most likely a city, a capital of an empire, and a “religious” Babylon,

Seems like i heard about it, i believe it was a book describing two Babylon’s as they saw it.

90 posted on 12/31/2014 6:54:41 PM PST by ravenwolf
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To: mlizzy


91 posted on 01/01/2015 8:22:01 AM PST by Salvation ("With God all things are possible." Matthew 19:26)
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To: ravenwolf

“Rev 17
9 And here is the mind which hath wisdom. The seven heads are seven mountains, on which the woman sitteth.

The mountains are not literal mountains they are kingdoms.”

This verse is explaining the symbolism of prior verses. It makes no sense to explain a symbol with another symbol that is left unexplained. So the mountains must be mountains, and not kingdoms. In the same way, when we are told the whore is a city, that is explaining the previous symbol used, so the city can’t be just another symbol.

Revelation is filled with symbols, but thankfully, God explained quite plainly what many of those symbols represent. Just because you don’t like the explanation doesn’t mean that it God didn’t make it perfectly clear. “The whore is a city” means just that, “the whore is a city”. If God had meant to say “the whore is a city, but the city is something else”, He would have just said that.

“15 And he saith unto me, The waters which thou sawest, where the whore sitteth, are peoples, and multitudes, and nations, and tongues.

So it can not be a literal city.”

Any city that is a capitol of an empire would clearly fit that description, as the nature of an empire is to rule over diverse peoples and nations, from a central location.

92 posted on 01/01/2015 12:35:33 PM PST by Boogieman
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To: Salvation
**“The Catholics say that the wine actually turns into Christ`s blood**

Christ’s words at the Last Supper.

You do believe Christ’s words, don’t you? They’re in the Gospels.

I believe Christ's words, I just don't believe you...There's not a bible on the face of the earth that says wine turns into Christ's blood...

93 posted on 01/01/2015 12:41:32 PM PST by Iscool
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To: Boogieman

Any city that is a capitol of an empire would clearly fit that description, as the nature of an empire is to rule over diverse peoples and nations, from a central location.

I guess we see it much different but there are many different interpretations.

94 posted on 01/01/2015 1:52:25 PM PST by ravenwolf
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To: ravenwolf

“there are many different interpretations”

True, but I think only one of them will turn out to be correct.

95 posted on 01/01/2015 4:41:59 PM PST by Boogieman
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To: roamer_1

Yes, I see what you mean. The prophecies in the OT on Babylon may well be speaking of this “Babylon the Great” in Revelation, and not the ancient city.

However, since the identification of “Babylon the Great” seems so clear, I think we would have to conclude all the prophecies were about the city that Revelation identifies, in order to have a consistent interpretation. If Babylon is being used symbolically or allegorically, then I think it will consistently represent the same thing.

96 posted on 01/01/2015 4:48:34 PM PST by Boogieman
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To: Boogieman

True, but I think only one of them will turn out to be correct.

I have no doubt you are right,

If you are correct in the sense that it is a literal city which I admit that you could be, it fits Rome much more now and the last several hundred years than it would ever fit Jerusalem.

This is especially so if my understanding of the blood of the saints having to do with communion.

Remember it is called mystery Babylon for a reason, it is not the usual thing.

97 posted on 01/01/2015 5:30:50 PM PST by ravenwolf
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To: ravenwolf

“ fits Rome much more now and the last several hundred years than it would ever fit Jerusalem.”

Well, Rome did not kill the prophets. Rome isn’t the city identified as “the great city”. God never promised to pour out the cup of his vengeance on Rome. God never called Rome an adulterous harlot. The antichrist doesn’t set up the abomination of desolation in Rome. The armies of the world do not plunder Rome, treading it underfoot for 42 months. Christ does not land on a mountaintop at Rome upon his return.

However, there is one city that all those things are true of, and all the prophecies of the last days also focus on that city.

98 posted on 01/01/2015 5:58:34 PM PST by Boogieman
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To: Boogieman

However, there is one city that all those things are true of, and all the prophecies of the last days also focus on that city.

MYSTERY Babylon.

99 posted on 01/01/2015 6:19:26 PM PST by ravenwolf
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To: ravenwolf

Yes, it’s still a mystery to many.

100 posted on 01/01/2015 6:57:12 PM PST by Boogieman
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