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The Companionship of the Holy Ghost - Mormon ^ | August 1988 | Carlos E. Asay

Posted on 07/25/2011 10:34:37 AM PDT by greyfoxx39

The Companionship of the Holy Ghost

By Elder Carlos E. Asay

Of the First Quorum of the Seventy

For many unmarried Latter-day Saints, particularly some of the single sisters, courtship and eternal companionship are unrealized dreams. You long for them, you know eternal companionship is a crucial part of the gospel, and yet you feel frustrated because no worthy partner is available.

It is tempting to wish that I could match you with perfect companions in an instant and send you off for the eternities in joyful marriages. But such a solution would be satanic. Satan, you will remember, wanted to dictate the courses of our lives, doing away with our testing and choosing, thus frustrating our Father’s plan and stopping our progress.

Your courtship with a mortal companion is not something you can dictate or plan by yourself. But there is a companionship of great and eternal significance over which you do have full and complete control. It is a companionship that can be obtained and enjoyed by all, regardless of age or sex. It is a companionship that heals loneliness, motivates to excellence, and gives meaning to life. It is the companionship of one of the members of the Godhead—the Holy Ghost, the Holy Spirit, the Comforter, the Revelator, the Sanctifier, the Spirit of the Lord. It is a companionship which will assure you that you’re not alone, and will never be alone.

Mortal companionships—one person with another—are important and essential, and if they are cemented by love and mutual respect, they can become heavenly in nature and bring unspeakable joy. Any such companionship, however, becomes vacant and somewhat meaningless without the influence of the Holy Ghost. No mortal companionship ever overshadowed or surpassed in importance the binding of a person to the Spirit of the Lord.

“Prayed for That Which They Most Desired”

It is significant that while Christ taught and prayed with the Nephites, “they did pray for that which they most desired; and they desired that the Holy Ghost should be given unto them.” (3 Ne. 19:9.) As Church members, we have completed the necessary steps of faith, repentance, and baptism and have had authorized hands placed on our heads to receive the gift of the Holy Ghost. But just as love between friends or companions must be cultivated and nourished like a tender plant, so likewise must a companionship with the Holy Spirit be cultivated.

When I was a young man I fell in love with a beautiful girl. More than anything in the world, I wanted to receive her love and eternal companionship. I therefore behaved my best, spoke my best, and gave my best as I courted her and sought to gain her favor. Even after she was promised to me, I recognized the need to continue the courting. My desire was, and still is, to please her and to avoid any offense. She is my inspiration, my motivation to live on a high and noble level.

The companionship of the Holy Ghost is cultivated in much the same manner. To obtain his influence and companionship, we must be our best; we must be worthy of his presence. I see five things we must do to attract and retain the Holy Spirit.

1. We must keep our bodies clean.

We must not pollute our mortal tabernacles in any way. We must live the Word of Wisdom; we must not misuse our powers of procreation; we must do whatever is possible to avoid disease or other enemies of our physical bodies. “Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you? If any man defile the temple of God, him shall God destroy; for the temple of God is holy, which temple ye are.” (1 Cor. 3:16–17.)

2. We must keep our minds clean.

We must guard against all suggestive and carnal notions and other satanic influences. From the Doctrine and Covenants, we receive this advice and promise: “Let virtue garnish thy thoughts unceasingly; then shall thy confidence wax strong in the presence of God; and the doctrine of the priesthood shall distil upon thy soul as the dews from heaven. The Holy Ghost shall be thy constant companion.” (D&C 121:45–46.)

Few things are more repulsive than evil minds and the filth they produce. Can one hope to enjoy the companionship of the Holy Spirit when one is double-minded—that, when his mind shares time with the evil one? I think not.

3. We must exercise faith and reserve a place in our hearts for the Holy Spirit.

Manifestations of the Spirit of God, we are told, are forfeited in the absence of faith. Moroni spoke openly of the gifts of the Spirit, including healing and tongues, then cautioned: “All these gifts of which I have spoken, which are spiritual, never will be done away, even as long as the world shall stand, only according to the unbelief of the children of men.” (Moro. 10:19.)

It is most important that we understand “that the Holy Ghost may have place in [our] hearts” only when we exercise faith in Christ. (Moro. 7:32.) How can we be acceptable to the Holy Ghost without recognizing and acknowledging those whom he represents—those of whom he testifies and bears witness? Loving and seeking the Christlike life is true worship—the kind of worship that opens our lives to the power of the Holy Ghost.

4. We must avoid all iniquity, all manner of wickedness.

As stated previously, gifts of the Lord cease when faith is missing. The same applies, and the problem is compounded, when iniquity is present.

Alma said, “No unclean thing can inherit the kingdom of heaven.” (Alma 11:37.) Similarly, no unclean person can achieve a lasting relationship with the Spirit of God.

5. We must pray, feast upon the words of Christ, and walk uprightly before God.

The Spirit of the Lord teaches and entices a man to pray. (See 2 Ne. 32:8–9.) The words of Christ help us to understand who the Holy Spirit is and how he may be invited into our presence. (See 2 Ne. 32:1–3.) The Spirit of God persuades men to do good and to believe in Christ. (See Ether 4:11–12; Moro. 7:16–17.) So prayer, scripture study, and righteous living are musts.

The skeptic or gospel novice might inquire: “Why seek the Holy Ghost? Why strive for his companionship? What is in it for me?” Answers to these questions are abundant if we are receptive to the testimonies of those who know and have associated with the Spirit of the Lord. Some of these testimonies help to answer questions about the value of association with the Holy Ghost.

Would you like to possess perfect foresight, perfected powers to anticipate what to do under certain circumstances? If so, you must do as Nephi directed: “Enter in by the way, and receive the Holy Ghost, [for] it will show unto you all things what ye should do.” (2 Ne. 32:5.)

“Would You Like the Power of Discernment?”

Would you like to have powers of discernment—the power to identify truth? If so, you must read the word of God, acknowledge God’s Goodness, ponder, and ask of God. Through doing this, Moroni testifies, “By the power of the Holy Ghost ye may know the truth of all things.” (Moro. 10:5.)

While I was a mission president in Texas, I was informed that a particular missionary had lost his testimony and wanted to go home. Some checking disclosed that doubts of the divinity of his call had been planted in the young man’s mind by an investigator. In an interview with the so-called investigator, I experienced special powers of discernment that enabled me to know that the man was a minister of another faith, posing as a college student and pretending to be an honest investigator of Mormonism. Confronted with the knowledge that had been revealed to me, he became confused and admitted his fraud. With the deceiver out of the way and the truth known, the missionary stayed and completed an honorable mission.

On one occasion, a missionary in the final week of his mission reminded me that I had given him clearance two years previously to serve a mission. The clearance had been extended with some reservations on my part because he had indulged in a number of transgressions before his mission. He said: “Elder Asay, you allowed me to go into the field after due repentance and after I promised that I would be strictly obedient and would work diligently. I can assure you that I have worked hard and have obeyed every rule.” Then he said something very significant. “I feel that my sins have been forgiven. I feel perfectly clean.” He had been cleansed through selfless service and by developing a close association with the Holy Spirit. He had been through the refiner’s fire, and impurities had been burned away.

“Would You Like to Hear Revelations from God?”

Would you like to have the power to hear, feel, and know the revelations of God? Through the Prophet Joseph Smith, the Lord promised, “I will tell you in your mind and in your heart, by the Holy Ghost. … This is the spirit of revelation.” (D&C 8:2–3.)

I have heard President Marion G. Romney, at the conclusion of his testimony in a temple meeting, say something like this: “You may not have needed to hear what I have said today and you probably didn’t learn anything new. However, I learned something while speaking and I needed to hear these words.” This is a beautiful and open acknowledgment of the influence of the Holy Spirit.

Would you like to enjoy spiritual gifts—powers to heal, be healed, speak in tongues, for example? If so, give heed to the prophet Moroni’s words: “And all these gifts come by the Spirit of Christ; and they come unto every man severally, according as he will.” (Moro. 10:17.)

Would you like convincing powers of speech—the power to speak like an angel? If so, note Nephi’s question, “Do ye not remember that I said unto you that after ye had received the Holy Ghost ye could speak with the tongue of angels?” (2 Ne. 32:2.)

Thirty years ago, while I served as a missionary in the Near East, my companion and I were assigned to visit a branch that had been torn apart by division and apostasy. We approached our assignment humbly and prayerfully. A crucial meeting was held involving the disaffected parties. My companion was selected to preach the sermon that we hoped would bring everyone together again. After we had fasted and prayed earnestly, he stood with confidence and worked the miracle. He spoke with the tongue of an angel. That young, inexperienced elder’s words healed wounds festering in the hearts of men much older than he, prompted confessions, and literally saved a branch of the Church.

“Would You Like the Power to Resist Temptation?”

Would you like the power to ward off and resist temptation? If so, do as Alma and Paul suggested: “Pray continually, … and thus be led by the Holy Spirit.” (Alma 13:28.)

Would you like to obtain perfect peace and assurance in all that you do? If so, make the Holy Ghost your companion and you, too, may receive the type of assurance given Nephi and Lehi: “Peace, peace be unto you, because of your faith in my Well Beloved, who was from the foundation of the world.” (Hel. 5:47.)

Finally, would you like the power to perform beyond your natural abilities? Would you like the help of unseen powers in all that you do? I refer to the power to speak with convincing authority—even the power to receive promptings that enable you to say things that you had not planned. I speak of the power to receive impressions, which, if heeded, bring blessings to you and others.

Mortal men and women are endowed with marvelous abilities and potential. But however great these mortal powers may be, they are only a shadow of those powers that can be claimed through a linkage with the Holy Spirit.

I hope you do not say to yourself that these words about a companionship with the Spirit are for someone else, not you. God is no respecter of persons. His blessings and gifts are not reserved for a precious few. It matters not whether you are an Apostle or a deacon, a Relief Society officer or a Primary teacher. All of us have the promise of gifts of the Spirit if we place ourselves in a position to claim them.

If your introduction to this divine companion seems incomplete, review your baptism and confirmation and determine whether you have really received him as you were commanded to do. Pay careful attention to your physical cleanliness, the cleanliness of your thoughts, the extent of your faith in Christ, your inclination to avoid all manner of sin, and your prayer and study habits.

It is wise from time to time to do some reflective thinking and determine whether you really know the Holy Ghost. Pause long enough to measure your acquaintance with spiritual gifts and powers. See whether foresight, discernment, sanctification, revelation, spiritual gifts, angelic speech, peace of assurance, and attendant blessings are evident in your life. Determine whether spiritual experiences are sprinkled generously throughout your daily living. And, if you find yourself wanting, have the courage to change and place your life in order.

If you will do these things, you need never be alone, for you will have the most important companion of all—the Holy Ghost.

TOPICS: General Discusssion; Other non-Christian; Religion & Culture; Theology
KEYWORDS: antichristian; antimormonfatwa; antimormonhatred; antimormonjihad; antimormonrant; beck; bitterformermormon; glennbeck; inman; mormoaner; mormon; religiousbigotry; romney; zealot
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To: John McDonnell; Normandy; Elsie; Godzilla
Those who continually attack Mormons as enemies of Christ are wasting the days of their probation.

Tell you what, John...if that's true, then take your scissors & go cut out Jude 3 (contending for the faith once delivered to all the saints) & toss it in the trash can.

Oh, and don't stop there...cut out other passages like Titus 1:9: He must hold firmly to the trustworthy message as it has been taught, so that he can encourage others by sound doctrine and refute those who oppose it.

Oh, and don't stop there...cut out those get-in-the-way-of-John's-personal-theology like the Acts synagogue passages that have first Paul, and then Apollos refuting/arguing/reasoning with the Jews. [see Acts 17 & 18]

Then you can move on to 2 Cor. 10:3-5, etc.

All Christians must eventually stand before the judgment seat of Christ regarding their service to Him or lack thereof. Better to do what one knows is pleasing to Him than only hoping that He will reward one for seeking to undermine the faith of others.

Undermining faith in an idol -- a false god -- is a good thing, John.

Do you forget that Joseph Smith taught there are gods many?

I will preach on the plurality of Gods...I wish to declare I have always and in all congregations when I have preached on the subject of the Deity, it has been the plurality of Gods. It has been preached by the Elders for fifteen years. (Joseph Smith, History of the Church, vol. 6, p. 474, 1844)

To "undermine" faith in a low-level "god" is a good thing, John. Our faith is to rest in the Ultimate God who was before all -- the "I AM" of eternity past. The one who was never "organized" but always was.

Just because the restorationists moved into a "one-god" mode doesn't erase the Salt Lake D&C-version references to "gods" Smith made, n or his other teachings. Even when Smith was still in Missouri, in a so-called "revelation" he made in Far West, Missouri on July 18, 1838, he wrote: "According to that which was ordained in the midst of the Council of the Eternal God of all other gods before this world was..." (D&C 121:32, Utah version). And then, of course, was the reference to then they shall be gods when Joseph tried to convince his wife Emma to accept other wives in 1843 (D&C 132).

161 posted on 07/27/2011 11:18:37 AM PDT by Colofornian (Friends don't let friends drive drunk on Joe Smith sentimentalism to an outer darkness destination.)
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To: Colofornian
Here is what I wrote to Elsie:

I, John McDonnell, wrote: But I don't waste the days of my probation attacking Mormons, especially since I am convinced that the Book of Mormon itself is true.

Elsie quoted this statement of mine, and replied in these words:

Well Satan; it's not every day I get to reply directly to you; as it is usually one of your expendable minions that is sent into battle. You DO know your fate; don't you? You time is SHORT: is THAT why you are trying SO hard to steer SO many into YOUR hell? The place CREATED for the DEVIL and his ANGELS??

This takes "demonizing one's opponents" to a new level. What set her off must have been my phrase "the days of my probation", which, as anyone who has calmly read the Book of Mormon knows, is in full harmony with Book of Mormon teachings. My concordance shows 13 occurances of "probation" or "probationary" referring to human life on Earth. It simply means that humans are "tested" by God, which is a solid biblical concept. God tests, Satan tempts. Those who are wise pass God's tests, while not yielding to Satan's tempts away from what is pleasing to God. Within the grace of redemption, our temporal life experiences are a preparation for eternal life experiences, when we will know as we are known.

I don't think that Elsie's reacting to a statement of mine by calling me Satan is the kind of response that is pleasing to God. That it went unchallenged by the many anti-Mormons here says something about them as well. One should be careful that one's zeal for "defending the faith" does not descend into hateful name-calling that is lacking in the love for all people that true Christianity is famous for.

I am still waiting for a response to what Elsie wrote about me from someone other than Elsie. Do you, Colofornian, believe that what she wrote about me is pleasing to God?

162 posted on 07/27/2011 11:23:00 AM PDT by John McDonnell
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To: John McDonnell; Colofornian
Do you, Colofornian, believe that what she wrote about me is pleasing to God?

Were John LDS, I'd say we have a case of "PMS" here. But since we are dealing with a restorationist, it appears that the ailment has mutated to some degree.

163 posted on 07/27/2011 11:57:42 AM PDT by Godzilla (3-7-77)
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To: John McDonnell; Religion Moderator; Elsie; Colofornian
I suggest you take your complaint to the Religion Moderator and stop exposing your thin skin.

It appears that you may be trying to highjack the thread away from the original article with repeated comments about Elsie.

She's a big girl and can speak for herself, BTW

164 posted on 07/27/2011 11:58:38 AM PDT by greyfoxx39 (My God can't be bribed by money or good works or bound by manmade "covenants". Romney's can.)
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To: greyfoxx39

“She’s a big girl and can speak for herself ...” Bwahahahaha, I’m so glad to see you retain your sense of humor, m’Lady.

165 posted on 07/27/2011 12:00:05 PM PDT by MHGinTN (Some, believing they can't be deceived, it's nigh impossible to convince them when they're deceived.)
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To: MHGinTN; ejonesie22

Sometimes it’s just TOOO easy! as Jonesie would say. ;0)

166 posted on 07/27/2011 12:02:28 PM PDT by greyfoxx39 (My God can't be bribed by money or good works or bound by manmade "covenants". Romney's can.)
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To: Godzilla
I don't even get it. I mean LDS and derivatives is enough but to believe in the BOM and NOT be Mormon. If the BOM is true, then Smith is a prophet and he was clear theirs was the only way...

So how does that work...

167 posted on 07/27/2011 12:04:48 PM PDT by ejonesie22 (8/30/10, the day Truth won.)
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To: ejonesie22
If the BOM is true, then Smith is a prophet and he was clear theirs was the only way...

And he was a polygamist. . . .

168 posted on 07/27/2011 12:06:09 PM PDT by Godzilla (3-7-77)
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To: Godzilla

And the poster is parsing ...

169 posted on 07/27/2011 12:09:21 PM PDT by MHGinTN (Some, believing they can't be deceived, it's nigh impossible to convince them when they're deceived.)
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To: ejonesie22
I don't even get it. I mean LDS and derivatives is enough but to believe in the BOM and NOT be Mormon. If the BOM is true, then Smith is a prophet and he was clear theirs was the only way...

So how does that work...

If someone can actually believe anything that Joseph Smith did is "gospel", they can certainly believe any or all the fiction regarding his life and "works". Quakers on the Moon, Kolob, animals are equal to man, work yourself to death and you can become a god....Emma's bunch desired the property and doubtful honor associated with him, so they cherry-picked doctrine and turned their back on their biggest competitor, Brigham.

At least, the COC has thru the years been leaning more and more towards Christianity, but until they toss out the garbage like the BOM, DOC, etc. they have a long, long way to go.

170 posted on 07/27/2011 12:12:55 PM PDT by greyfoxx39 (My God can't be bribed by money or good works or bound by manmade "covenants". Romney's can.)
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To: greyfoxx39

"Our church has Christ's NAME...therefore...."

171 posted on 07/27/2011 12:15:11 PM PDT by greyfoxx39 (My God can't be bribed by money or good works or bound by manmade "covenants". Romney's can.)
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To: Godzilla

And a quack...

172 posted on 07/27/2011 12:26:58 PM PDT by ejonesie22 (8/30/10, the day Truth won.)
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To: greyfoxx39
There is no long way, you either are or you aren't Christian. If you follow the BOM and such you are outside the body...

Just sayin ;-)

173 posted on 07/27/2011 12:32:57 PM PDT by ejonesie22 (8/30/10, the day Truth won.)
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To: John McDonnell; Elsie; All
This is an "open" Religion Forum thread meaning it is in a town square format and posters may argue for and against beliefs, deities, religious authorities, etc. It can become contentious.

And harsh terms are not unusual on "open" RF threads, e.g. cult, Satanic, apostate, anathema, heretic. Those terms are sometimes used in the posters' holy writings.

For instance, it is not unusual for a poster to use the Biblical quote "Get thee behind me, Satan" in a town square format when speaking of the other poster's beliefs.

That said, such terms should not be used in speaking of another poster, personally. For instance, "That is heresy" is not making it personal whereas "You are a heretic" is making it personal.

Do not make the thread "about" individual Freepers, that is also a form of "making it personal."

Discuss the issues all you want but do not make it personal.

174 posted on 07/27/2011 1:48:14 PM PDT by Religion Moderator
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To: John McDonnell

satan lied to Eve, “you to can be god”
satan lied to Joseph Smith, “you to can be god”
Joseph Smith lied to everyone, “you to can be god”
place marker

175 posted on 07/27/2011 3:18:02 PM PDT by svcw (democrats are liars, it's a given)
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To: John McDonnell
I don't think that Elsie's reacting to a statement of mine by calling me Satan is the kind of response that is pleasing to God.

Galatians 5:12

176 posted on 07/27/2011 4:14:59 PM PDT by Elsie (Heck is where people, who don't believe in Gosh, think they are not going)
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To: John McDonnell
One should be careful that one's zeal for "defending the faith" does not descend into hateful name-calling that is lacking in the love for all people that true Christianity is famous for.

Yeah... Sure....


Matthew 15:16
   "Are you still so dull?" Jesus asked them.

Matthew 23
  1.  Then Jesus said to the crowds and to his disciples:
  2.  "The teachers of the law and the Pharisees sit in Moses' seat.
  3.  So you must obey them and do everything they tell you. But do not do what they do, for they do not practice what they preach.
  4.  They tie up heavy loads and put them on men's shoulders, but they themselves are not willing to lift a finger to move them.
  5.  "Everything they do is done for men to see: They make their phylacteries  wide and the tassels on their garments long;
  6.  they love the place of honor at banquets and the most important seats in the synagogues;
  7.  they love to be greeted in the marketplaces and to have men call them `Rabbi.'
  8.  "But you are not to be called `Rabbi,' for you have only one Master and you are all brothers.
  9.  And do not call anyone on earth `father,' for you have one Father, and he is in heaven.
 10.  Nor are you to be called `teacher,' for you have one Teacher, the Christ.
 11.  The greatest among you will be your servant.
 12.  For whoever exalts himself will be humbled, and whoever humbles himself will be exalted.
 13.  "Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You shut the kingdom of heaven in men's faces. You yourselves do not enter, nor will you let those enter who are trying to. 
 14.  Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye devour widows' houses, and for a pretence make long prayer: therefore ye shall receive the greater damnation. 
 15.   "Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You travel over land and sea to win a single convert, and when he becomes one, you make him twice as much a son of hell as you are. 
 16.  "Woe to you, blind guides! You say, `If anyone swears by the temple, it means nothing; but if anyone swears by the gold of the temple, he is bound by his oath.'
 17.  You blind fools! Which is greater: the gold, or the temple that makes the gold sacred?
 18.  You also say, `If anyone swears by the altar, it means nothing; but if anyone swears by the gift on it, he is bound by his oath.'
 19.  You blind men! Which is greater: the gift, or the altar that makes the gift sacred?
 20.  Therefore, he who swears by the altar swears by it and by everything on it.
 21.  And he who swears by the temple swears by it and by the one who dwells in it.
 22.  And he who swears by heaven swears by God's throne and by the one who sits on it.
 23.  "Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You give a tenth of your spices--mint, dill and cummin. But you have neglected the more important matters of the law--justice, mercy and faithfulness. You should have practiced the latter, without neglecting the former.
 24.  You blind guides! You strain out a gnat but swallow a camel.
 25.  "Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You clean the outside of the cup and dish, but inside they are full of greed and self-indulgence.
 26.  Blind Pharisee! First clean the inside of the cup and dish, and then the outside also will be clean.
 27.  "Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites!  You are like whitewashed tombs, which look beautiful on the outside but on the inside are full of dead men's bones and everything unclean.
 28.  In the same way, on the outside you appear to people as righteous but on the inside you are full of hypocrisy and wickedness.
 29.  "Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You build tombs for the prophets and decorate the graves of the righteous.
 30.  And you say, `If we had lived in the days of our forefathers, we would not have taken part with them in shedding the blood of the prophets.'
 31.  So you testify against yourselves that you are the descendants of those who murdered the prophets.
 32.  Fill up, then, the measure of the sin of your forefathers!
 33.  "You snakes! You brood of vipers! How will you escape being condemned to hell?
 34.  Therefore I am sending you prophets and wise men and teachers. Some of them you will kill and crucify; others you will flog in your synagogues and pursue from town to town.
 35.  And so upon you will come all the righteous blood that has been shed on earth, from the blood of righteous Abel to the blood of Zechariah son of Berekiah, whom you murdered between the temple and the altar.
 36.  I tell you the truth, all this will come upon this generation.
 37.  "O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, you who kill the prophets and stone those sent to you, how often I have longed to gather your children together, as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings, but you were not willing.
 38.  Look, your house is left to you desolate.
 39.  For I tell you, you will not see me again until you say, `Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord.' "

Mark 7:26-27
 26.  The woman was a Greek, born in Syrian Phoenicia. She begged Jesus to drive the demon out of her daughter.
 27.  "First let the children eat all they want," he told her, "for it is not right to take the children's bread and toss it to their dogs."

And St. Paul chimes in...

Galatians 5:12
   As for those agitators, I wish they would go the whole way and emasculate themselves!

177 posted on 07/27/2011 4:16:14 PM PDT by Elsie (Heck is where people, who don't believe in Gosh, think they are not going)
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To: Elsie; John McDonnell
One should be careful that one's zeal for "defending the faith" does not descend into hateful name-calling that is lacking in the love for all people that true Christianity is famous for.

They see us rollin'; they hatin'...

178 posted on 07/27/2011 4:38:16 PM PDT by MarkBsnr (I would not believe in the Gospel if the authority of the Catholic Church did not move me to do so..)
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To: Colofornian
...but you are now claiming that Gentile Christians have a shepherd other than Jesus because He wasn't sent to us, eh?

Classic misrepresentation. I made no such claim. I was merely stating what is obvious from the New Testament itself. The Acts of the Apostles is the record of a major shift in missionary outreach from the descendents of Israel (to whom Jesus Himself ministered) to the Gentiles (to whom the disciples of Jesus eventually ministered). When Gentiles become Christians, obviously Christ becomes their shepherd as well. Duh!

In Matthew 15:24 we have Jesus teaching: "I am not sent but unto the lost sheep of the house of Israel." So I was true to the New Testament when I interpreted the "other sheep" of John 10:16 as predicting a future appearance to decendants of the house of Israel. The Book of Mormon records less than a hundredth part of His Mesoamerican ministry, but those passages contain some unfragmented glimpses of a ministry that even in words only are stunningly beautiful. Thank you, Jesus, for allowing us to have an account of what some of that was like. May we soon become worthy to receive the remainder of the records of Your Mesoamerican ministry!

179 posted on 07/27/2011 4:50:30 PM PDT by John McDonnell
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To: John McDonnell
In Matthew 15:24 we have Jesus teaching: "I am not sent but unto the lost sheep of the house of Israel." So I was true to the New Testament when I interpreted the "other sheep" of John 10:16 as predicting a future appearance to decendants of the house of Israel. The Book of Mormon records less than a hundredth part of His Mesoamerican ministry, but those passages contain some unfragmented glimpses of a ministry that even in words only are stunningly beautiful. Thank you, Jesus, for allowing us to have an account of what some of that was like. May we soon become worthy to receive the remainder of the records of Your Mesoamerican ministry!


180 posted on 07/27/2011 5:33:32 PM PDT by greyfoxx39 (My God can't be bribed by money or good works or bound by manmade "covenants". Romney's can.)
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