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Spiritually Rooted Diseases [H Wright et al via Life Application Ministries]
PLEASANT VALLEY CHURCH, THOMASTON GEORGIA ^ | unclear Jan 18 2010? | unknown; Henry Wright a source;

Posted on 01/19/2010 12:24:35 PM PST by Quix

"If you are sick & tired of being sick & tired, I believe that Life Application Ministries (LAM) may be your missing link. This is a ministry based on the Word of God. It is the Word of Truth that sets people free, ALL people!"

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Please note that dealing with dis-ease is different than dealing with tribulations and persecutions. The Bible says that we will suffer persecution and that we will endure hardships. (Matthew 5:11-12) But I found that by dealing with our own heart condition and developing a strong and intimate relationship with God, it will increase our faith and build a trust that says, "Though He slay me, yet will I trust Him." (Job 13:15).



We will be victorious "in" our trials, and once we have come out of them (because the Lord says he delivers us out of all our troubles - (Psalm 34:17) we won't even smell like smoke! (Daniel 3:23-27)

Behind every health issue and every emotional or spiritual problem resides the "Spirit of Fear." The Spirit of Fear is the Devil's faith working in people by using lies to control them. And if we dwell on those lies long enough, we will begin to believe them, thus resulting in responding to them which can lead to all kinds of problems. We need to discover the root behind our problems.

The things that we experience may be a manifestation of a root. (Refer to the teaching on Fear) But thank God, we have an advocate, Jesus Christ, who is our Savior and the Truth that sets us free! (Romans 7:24-25, 8:2) He gives us His mind (I Cor. 2:16). He gives us the power to cast down all imaginations and lies. (II Cor. 10:5) We need to discover what our weapons are to cast out the lies from our minds. (Ephesians 6:14) The Bible says that the Devil is the father of lies! (John 8:44) So we need to learn more about Truth so we can discern the lies and get rid of them. As we get closer to our Heavenly Father through His Son Jesus, we shall "know" the truth that sets us free. If we stay in fear, we are not made perfect in Love, and it's the love that casts out all fear - God's love. (I John 4:18) we are not living in truth (faith), and long-term fear could manifest all sorts of problems - physically, mentally and spiritually. (Proverbs 26:2)

Restoring you to our Heavenly Father is our main concern. It's vital to every believer whether or not they have a dis-ease. Revelation 2:4-5 tells us of a church that did so many wonderful things but they lacked in the area of the "Love of God." Having our relationship restored to God is the first step that opens to us the truth that sets us free. The closer we get to our Heavenly Father the more light is shed on our heart, and the more light that is shed on our heart the more "junk" is exposed that are not of Him. People don't understand their part in all this. Jeremiah 5:25 says it's our sins and iniquities that prevent good things from happening to us. Hosea 4:6 says that God's people perish for lack of knowledge. Isaiah 59:1-2 says to Behold, the Lord's hand is not shortened that it cannot save, neither his ear heavy, that it cannot hear; but our iniquities have separated between us and our God, and our sins have hid His face from us, that He will not hear.

God can do anything, but He doesn't go against His own Word. If He sees something in us that has to go, He will cause it to be brought out into the light, and only does this for our good. Not to make us feel bad, but to show us what he wants purged. Then as it's brought out into the light, we confess it to Him through Jesus who has carried all our sins on the cross and washes us clean. When we are clean, then we can have fellowship with God. He demands holiness, and He sees us through the Blood that Jesus gave on the cross for us. This happens immediately when we receive Christ as Savior, however, many believers forget that and live as though they haven't been forgiven. (II Peter 1:9). This ministry is here to help you remember so that you can find your peace and freedom - again.

Many of our dis-eases are being used by God to bring to surface what is in our hearts.

But let me say this very clearly, God did not give you a dis-ease. The dis-ease is the manifestation from a heart condition. Just as a fever is an indication that something is amiss in our bodies. These are warning signs. And we can either cooperate with God and deal with what was exposed or fight Him all the way. "Come let us reason together says the Lord, though your sins be as scarlet they shall be white as snow, though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool." (Isaiah 1:18) God already knows our heart, it's no surprise what is there. We're the ones who are surprised by what is there, and sometimes shocked! But as they come to the surface, don't run, don't hide in the bushes like Adam did. Come to Him as a child to their father, and confess them to Him, recieve forgiveness and be made clean and transparent before him. David sinned, but he was known as a man after God's own heart. Why? Because he was truthful with God, He came to him and confessed his sin before him. The Lord delights in those who walk in truth! (III John 4)

We have designed this website to impart knowledge so that you have what you need to "know" the Love of Christ, the you will be fileled with all the fullness of God. (Ephesians 3:19). We start in the area of Relationships. Even the 10 commandments reflect this. The first 5 commandments are about relationship with God, the last 5 are relationship with others. Jesus summed it up in Matthew 22:38-40. "We are to love the Lord our God with all our heart, soul and mind... and love others as we love ourself." As we get in line with the Word of God about relationships, the chemicals in our bodies begin to balance out resulting in homeostasis (balanced chemicals in the body). It's the unbalanced chemicals in the body that makes us sick. We even say that today, "My chemicals are out of balance." And that is very true. But the real truth is our bodies have the correct amount of chemicals to produce perfect health.

Diseases that are incurable, etiology unknown or there is no cure, may constitute a spiritually rooted disease - a disease that comes from our heart condition. (Some dis-eases are passed down through the generations, and those dis-eases derived from someone in your generations that had spiritual issues.) Dis-eases start at a breakdown with someone in relationship. If you have a dis-ease, ask God where your relationship breach is. You may even have a relationship breach with yourself! Matthew 22:38-40 states that we are to love the Lord our God with all our heart, soul and mind and love our neighbor as ourself upon this hang all the laws and the prophets. In otherwords, when we keep this commandment we fullfill all the law! If we restore those areas of relationship that are not perfected in love, I can guarantee you, you will find your peace. Peace produces homeostasis that can produce good health. You do not need to know the "root" of a disease to find peace, I've found that by restoring our relationships with God, self and others, produces better health to deal with the dis-ease you may have.

This Website also offers a number of teachings on fear, forgiveness, love, bitterness, rejection, and more. Take the time to go through every teaching on this site to help uncover the possible "roots" in your life that could prevent "good things from happening to you." The Bible says to clean the inside of the dish then the outside shall be clean. We are busy putting bandages and drugs and methods on our sicknesses and discomforts, when all along we need to deal with our hearts. Then once we have done all we know to do with prayer, then stand. Having done all, stand! and wait for the salvation of the Lord (Ephesians 6:13).

The following is a short list of spiritually rooted diseases and their possible spiritual roots. (Remember, some of these diseases could have been passed down through your generations.) After research and case studies that Pleasant Valley Church has conducted for more than 20 years, these were the things that were discovered. For more insight, please contact Pleasant Valley Church in Thomaston Georgia.



ROOT - Potential Point of Origin

Accident Prone

Could be a spiritual rooted problem. (Low self image, fear)

Adult on-set Diabetes

Rooted in self-rejection, self-bitterness and self-hatred. Usually from long term rejection, abuse, abandonment from a parent or guardian or spouse. The pancreas is being attacked by the white corpuscles that are supposed to guard us from disease. Yet because this individual has been attacking themselves for years with guilt and self-hatred, the body begins to attack as well.

Acoustic Neuroma

This is a rare tumor, hereditary, a gene missing in that person. Rooted in high stressful situations, fear.


All allergies are rooted in fear, anxiety and stress. Compromised (broken) immune system. Something happened to cause this person to be broken to the point of almost no return. Took a long time to get over… "A merry heart does good like a medicine, but a broken spirit dries up the bones" Allergies are connected with the bone marrow being dried up! Medically proven. It is not because a person is reacting to a chemical or smell. It doesn’t show up on a RAS test. Compromised immune system here. Some people believe it’s because they have been exposed to too many chemicals. That is a lie! What broke the system are long-term fear and anxiety and stress. When you have a compromised immune system, you’ll have allergies. Long term fear and anxiety and stress will destroy your immune system. When you have a breakdown in this area, you may be allergic to more than one thing, this is a phobic disease and panic attacks are associated with it. Deut 28:65-68 – Anxiety comes to one who does not fear the Lord. Separation between us and God – the sin of unforgiveness.

ADD - Attention Deficit Disorder

Serotonin deficiency: Self-hatred, self-bitterness, reversal would be to get the individual to love themselves.


White corpuscle deviate behavior. Problem with self.


Rooted in fear and anxiety.


Rooted in self-hatred, self-rejection, self-bitterness, and lack of self-esteem, insecure. The serotonin levels are lowered, caused by not feeling good about yourself. If you felt good about yourself, your serotonin levels would be normal, and you would not have these diseases. This person becomes "driven" in everything. Having to perform to be accepted. It could be genetic as well, but the root is still spiritual from that ancestor. Also can be from spirit of "control" matriarchal witchcraft, etc. This is also known as a self-mutilation. Anytime there is cell mutation it is a result of bitterness. This is a hidden addiction to food.

  • Desire to eat but won’t because have a fear they won’t be able to stop
  • Feel of no value
  • Feel rejected, unloved (also toward self)
  • Need to identify the person(s) involved in this and begin the healing through confession and forgiveness.


Aneurysms, strokes, heart attacks from exploding blood vessels, varicose veins and hemorrhoids all have something in common, unresolved rage and anger


See Rheumatoid Arthritis


Rooted in fear and anxiety. John Hopkins University in Baltimore Marylyn agreed that Asthma is a fear and anxiety disorder. It wasn't what the person was breathing that caused the attack. There was something internally that was stiffening the wall. Cell wall rigidity. The toxins are building up in the person from the spiritual root. It only appears those "allergic" things is causing it, but that is the deception. We begin avoiding things now, now we have avoidance behavior on top of the real root! Fear is now even stronger, because fear promotes avoidance. Once these individuals are healed of the spiritual root, their toxin levels were gone!


Antigen also known as White Blood Cells.

God created in every cell two enzymes which are tied to your immune system, they are called anti-unconogens. If you have two in every cell, you will NEVER get cancer. Two dimensions can destroy the cells, something internal and something external. Inherited cancer normally means that one anti-unconogen is present, and if that is destroyed, cancer can begin at any time. External destruction can be brought on by radiation, chemicals, PCB’s. Internal destruction is where the spiritual root needs to be dealt with, broken relationship of some kind. With God, self or others. This too can destroy the anti-unconogens resulting in cancer.

Auto-immune disease

Diabetes, Multiple Sclerosis, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Lupus, Crone’s Disease, and other white corpuscle-deviate behavior. (The manifestations of self-hatred, self-guilt, self-conflict, self-rejection, self-bitterness, self-conflict, etc.) As the person attacks himself spiritually, the body attacks the body physically, and the enemy joins in. When we attack ourselves with self-hate and bitterness, we are giving the white corpuscles permission to attack us as well, and giving the enemy permission to do the same!

Back Problems

Root can be in self-rejection. However, it has been noted that the occultism and false religions are usually associated with back problems.

Bladder Problems

Rooted in compromised immune system. (See compromised immune system in description for details.)

Bone problems

Ps. 31:10 – Iniquity causes us to be weakened and our bones waste away. Sorrow in relationships with God, self or others. Proverbs 3:6-8 – By acknowledging God in all our ways, but fear the Lord (departing from evil) – not taking your own advice but believing the Word of God, THEN it shall be health to thy navel and MARROW TO THE BONES. Disobedience to God’s word will cause your bones to dry up.

Bowel Problems

Medical terminology: Cell Wall rigidity = Causes the body to dry up the liquids that should soften the excretion – but it hardens instead and causes problems. Spiritual root is fear – being abandoned, rejected, resulting in self-rejection, self-bitterness, and self-hatred. Not accepting self, due to a broken relationship with another. Other causes: Inherited curse. Nehemiah 2:9 – we are to break the curse on our life and on our children’s by confessing the sins of the father(s) Ezekiel 18:60-62 - Could be from jealousy of a husband that brings a curse on the wife resulting in infidelity. Thoughts or intents of the heart, needs to be confessed. This can result in disease of bowel, intestines, thighs, and baron ness, bloating stomach. Adultery can cause bowel problems too – Numbers 5:19. People have to seek the truth for their life.

Breast Cancer

Can be inherited, breast-feeding of newborns helps prevent cancer (God’s natural way of prevention), exposure to radiation (mammograms). Most breast cancer is a result of a spiritual problem. 10% of all breast cancer is caused by mammograms. National statistic! Why? Because 10% of all women have a genetic code defect. Women should take a test before this test to be sure their unconogens are in each cell. We need 2, if there is only one, it will be destroyed by the x-ray and is guaranteed that individual will get breast cancer. If the two unconogens are present, you will NEVER get breast cancer. (See anti-unconogen for more details) Deep rooted bitterness and resentment either with a mother or one or more sisters results in breast cancer. We need to get right with our family members! Especially if our husbands are un-nurturing because cancer attacks the nurturing part of the woman’s body (breasts, etc.).


Cancer cells develop in each of us all day long, but a peaceful heart and mind kills the cells! Peace with others/self/God.

Peace of Mind is the antidote to cancers.


Resulted in outside or inside destruction. Outside could be from radiation, chemicals, PCB’s etc. So begin to be aware of your surroundings, what you put in your mouth, household chemicals, and so forth. Inside results from broken relationship with God, Self or others. Both destroy the anti-unconogens and when 2 are not present in all cells, it results in cancer. So what’s going on inside of you? There’s an old saying that goes, "it eats at you like a cancer". When you start to meditate on hatred against an individual who has wronged you, as you start to focus on that with resentment, anger, hatred, retaliation, bitterness, and unforgiveness. Long term, your body is a chemical manufacturing toxins out of bitterness and anger. These will create a volume of toxins and destroy antioncogenes, cell is compromised and you have cancer, just like that! Helplessness breeds cancer.

Cancer – Throat

Broken spirit, unforgiveness, unresolved conflict with others, self, fear and anxiety

Colon Cancer

Not sure right now the exact root, but unforgiveness is definitely part of it. We need to search our heart and ask God who we have not forgiven from our heart!

Cancer – Pancrease

Rooted in Self- bitterness, self-rejection, self-hatred and self- rejection. The white corpuscles attack the pancrease. Normally this disease is diagnosed in early stages as Diabetes. But long term, has a likelihood of developing into cancer.


Viruses are not spiritually rooted. However, if the immune system is down, colds will take root. Spiritual rooted problem is in a broken immune system. People tend to get sick more when an event is about to take place in their life. Why? Because the pressure is on – people get offended easier, and brokenness of heart happens – self-doubt, guilt and so forth roots up and now you have a broken immune system open to any floating virus. The virus itself is not a spiritually rooted problem, but letting it in, is. Keep protected by walking daily – especially during stressful times – in forgiveness with others and toward self. You are just as valuable when the even is NOT happening as when it is. Monitor your heart daily – don’t think something little between you and another won’t matter – any borkennes matters – get it resolved quickly, then the virus cannot take root. "The enemy traffics in darkness"

Cancer – Prostrate

(Uterine cancer – same with women)

Self- conflict with being a man. Self-rejection, self-hatred.


Is a peripheral disease along with yeast infections, fibromyaligia, catatonia, hypo-thyroidism, organic brain syndrome, retention of toxins, etc. They are not the problem, they are the manifestations of anxiety and fear brought on by being broken by a past relationship! Candida albicans is found in the mouth, vagina (vaginitis) intestinal tract. It also causes severe disease in persons with AIDS and chemotherapy patients. The immune system is broken! (See drying of bones in description section.)

Cerebral Palsy

Is not a spiritual rooted disease. It’s caused from a birth defect. Such as no oxygen to the brain, or preemie baby. This will take a creative miracle from God.

CFS – Chronic Fatigue syndrome

Fear and anxiety brought on by a breakdown in relationship with parent or guardian, mostly of a father or male figure resulting in exhausted all the time, droopy, for no apparent reason). Drivenness to meet the expectations of a parent in order to receive love and acceptance. (See Parkinson’s disease – they have the same components.)

Compulsive Behavior

Rooted in serotonin deficiency. Self-problems.

Congestive Heart Failure

Rooted in fear and anxiety, bitterness and self-rejection. "Men’s heart’s fail them for fear" Proverbs. Lack of self-esteem.

Crones Disease

White corpuscle deviate behavior (autoimmune disease). The white corpuscles begin to eat the lining of the colon, causing massive loss of flesh and ulceration. Rooted in self-hatred, self-rejection, and guilt of not performing perfectly to gain love, affection, and acceptance of an unloving parent.


Generic term. It is a result of chemical imbalance and each person needs to have considerable investigation. Depression is caused from an unloving spirit toward self, resulting in self-rejection or rejection of another. Anytime you come into rejection of self, this will manifest in your body. "Hope deferred makes the heart sick" Proverbs 13:2.

  • A loss of expectation si life, producing crushing of the human spirit
  • Lack of self-esteem
  • Chronic depression can be caused by suppressed anger. Crying is a natural cleanser. Confess your sins (faults) that you may be healed (James 5:16). Time to become trusting again and vulnerable.
  • Depression comes from anxiety.


White corpuscle deviate behavior (autoimmune disease). Self-rejection, self-hate, guilt, self-bitterness. However, it began with separation from another. The seed is rejection of a father. Father establishes the emotional welfare of a child. Fear of man sets in. Hatred of man sets in.


Rooted in rage and anger. Brought on by fear and anxiety. Medical definition: infection causing lower abdominal pain, may feel like appendicitis.


Needs to be dealt with on an individual basis. Can be caused by MCS/EI. Lack of oxygen! First thing to start paying attention to your breathing! Shallow breathing will result in dizziness. Take a conscientious approach and breath deeply when you think about it. Vertigo – fluid in the ear – not sure what this is caused from.

Eczema, psoriasis

Rooted in fear and anxiety. See Psoriasis for more detail.

Elevated Cholesterol

Rooted in fear. Only certain people have a pre-disposition to hardening of the arteries. Triglycerides can be related to a certain inherited problem. The bible says that all heart problems are related to fear. If you have a cholesterol problem and hardening of arteries, you are going to find fear and anxiety right around the corner. Want to know trigliceride level, if up around 300, that person has predisposition to heart attack. Until they are healed they need to watch their cholesterol. Rooted in paranoia and fear.

EMF – Electro Magnetic Field syndrome

Electricity effects them adversely. Rooted in fear and anxiety. Same as MCS/EI.

E.I. – Environment Illness

(People, who cannot tolerate smells, fumes, fabrics, etc.)

Rooted in Fear and anxiety brought on by a breakdown in relationship with parent or guardian. Mostly of a father or male figure.


Unresolved conflict.


Usually the product of smoking. If it’s a spiritually rooted disease or genetic, there is a cure. Once dealt with the spiritual aspect, if any, then pray for a miracle so the genetics will change so that the problem won’t re-appear. And of course, stop smoking. (Smoking is from a spiritually rooted problem of addiction, a void that needs filling.)


Mark 9:17 (Unclean spirit)

This is a result of an evil spirit, and needs to be cast out. It’s even documented in the bible. Where did it come from doesn’t matter. It still needs to be dealt with as a spirit. If it comes through an illness or a knock on the head, it’s an open door for the enemy to come in with the disease. Injury can open the door to epilepsy. Grand mall seizures can be caused by an injury; however, a spirit enters through that door of injury and needs to be cast out, asking God to heal that individual after ministry.

Eye Problems

Psalm 31:9 – Eye is consumed with grief. Psalms 6:7 – Eye is consumed because of grief. Unforgiving your enemies is a spiritual root. Grief here comes from broken relationship with others.


Pain that is localized or all over the body, no inflammation and no reason. Can come in by an injury, but most of the time it’s a spiritual root. Psychogenic Pain (thought). The hypothalamus secretes hormone into a nerve, but it causes the flesh to have pain because there is no place for this hormone to go but it pulsates causing fibromyalgia. Rooted in fear and anxiety. Broken relationship with parent or guardian. Emotional roots of fibromyalgia: Stress, tension, depression, anxiety, striving, fear, or depression. Physical manifestations: Muscle pain, joint pain, and tenderness, no swelling. Serotonin deficiency, resulting in hatred toward self. An emotional conflict. There is always a stressor. There is a reason!

Peace is the antidote! Merck Manual says it is primarily a fear and anxiety disorder. Definite serotonin deficiency, resulting in self-hatred. Not having had the love needed to help them know how to love themselves.

Fibroid Cysts

Caused by self-hatred that was caused from bitterness of a mother. Can be connected with matriarchal control in the home.


This is a spirit. "For God has not given us the spirit of fear, but power, love and a sound mind". These same three things are also the "kingdom of God". "For the Kingdom of God is not meat and drink, but righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Ghost". We need to recognize fear as a spirit, treat it as such, and begin to walk OUT those fearful situations. Genesis Ch 3:10 indicates that fear comes by disobedience, which comes from the Spirit of Fear (enemy). I believe that the spirit of fear was in the garden of Eden and was one in the same who tempted Eve with the fruit, because when they disobeyed they immediately felt fear and shame."

Fluid Retention

A new class of diseases is known as cell wall rigidity. The spiritual root behind this problem is fear, anxiety and stress. This is also documented as a medical prognosis as well. This includes all diseases such as glaucoma, asthma, and other types of fluid retention diseases.


Rooted in extreme fear

Gall Bladder Stone

Caused by self-hatred and self-rejection. Can be someone who is overweight. Primarily a female disorder. Usually hits women who have had children, who may consider themselves over weight. Possibly related to self-hatred and self-rejection over being fat, and avoiding all fat, when that part of the body is designed to handle it.

Gastro-intestinal problems

All are rooted in fear and anxiety. Hiatal hernia, leaky gut, malabsorption (cell wall rigidity) , constipation and diarrhea.


Fear and anxiety causes cell wall rigidity! For some reason, the fluid doesn’t flow inside and out as it is suppose to so it gets trapped and causes glaucoma. (Fluid retention disease.)

Hashimoto disease

A breakdown in relationship with God, man or others. Anxiety and fear.

Heart Problems, hardening of arteries

Ezekial 11:19 "I will replace your hardened heart with a heart of flesh – compassion, love, peace, gentleness, forgiveness."

Fear and anxiety, not cholesterol. Two types of heart problems, angina, stiffening of cartilage muscle, or an _xplosionary vessel. The explosion type of heart problem results in unresolved rage and anger, and it can be inherited. Angina and exploding vessels have different roots. Here are some classes of exploding vessels: aneurysms, strokes, varicose veins, hemorrhoids, and exploding blood vessels in the heart area producing heart attack, is caused by rage and anger, and hostility and great bitterness. Can be inherited as well. But with that inheritance you also inherit the spirit of fear. The bible says in the last day’s men’s hearts will FAIL them because of fear!

Keep your heart with all diligence (talking about adhering to wisdom) for out of it flows the issues of life. You want life? Then be deligent in putting in your heart the things from God – removing out of the heart that are not from God. Purging by discerning!


Mitro valve Prolapse

Mitro valve prolapse – valve doesn’t close properly. Sister disease of reflux. Caused by stress. An anxiety disorder. Rooted in fear.

Heart Murmur

Genetic disease. You have to get rid of the spiritual root and ask God to change the genetic code so it won’t be passed on any more. Rooted in fear and anxiety.

Heart Palpitations

Rooted in fear and anxiety


Inherited or occupational strain. Not sure if there is a spiritual root. The tear needs to be healed by God.


Unresolved rage and anger. A Hemorrhoid is an intestinal varicose vein.

High Blood Pressure

Unresolved rage and anger. This involves cellwall rigidity, vasco constriction, which forces blood to go down the tube increasing blood pressure. So what do you do? Take a drug to release the cell wall rigidity! The drug is only a fix, it won’t cure.


(Graves Disease) Can produce blindness, heart attacks, goiters, very serious emotional conflict here.


Vascio constriction of vessels increasing pressure. Results are Hypothyroidism, TMJ, Diminished smell and taste, parasites. (resulted in LONG TERM fear and anxiety)


A breakdown in relationship of God, others, self. Brings on fear and anxiety. The penial gland regulates serotonin levels which effects the thyroid. Can be a self-conflict problem, unloving spirit toward self.


Rooted in fear and anxiety. Over production of histamine.

Hodgkin’s disease

Spiritual root may be deep-rooted bitterness, resentment and self-hatred coming from rejection by a father, in most cases.

Irritable Bowel Syndrome

This can be inherited. Lack of roughage does not change genetic code. Its root is in fear and anxiety. Need to find out where the conflict is and deal with it.


Dumb and deaf spirit and needs to be cast out! (Any problems from the neck up is a result of deaf and dumb spirit). Jesus cast out spirits through the bible of those who were insane. Insanity is the result of misfiring neurons.

Irregular Heartbeat

Can be inherited, and if it has been inherited you have inherited the spirit of fear. Fear and anxiety cause rhythmic problems, even if it is genetic.


There are 23 kinds of leukemia. Each one could have a differing root. Spiritual root may be deep-rooted bitterness, resentment and self-hatred coming from rejection by a father, in most cases.

Lower back pain

Range of things: Sciatica, degenerative disc, slip disc, osteoarthritis, spondylosis, scoliosis. The Chiropractor is the "maintenance" way. Any arthritis in the back is rooted in bitterness against yourself, or any unresolved issue. IT can be inherited, and probably some kind of conflict with another female, namely mother. Accidents that cause back problems need to be healed by God. Spiritual root: self-rejection, self-bitterness, self-conflict.

Lung Disease

There is a whole range here. Emphysema is exposure to cigarettes. Emphysema does not reverse itself. God has to do a miracle ONCE the spiritual root is dealt with. We need to be responsible for our temple and what we put in it.


White corpuscle deviate behavior (autoimmune disease). They attack the connective tissue of the organs and eat it. Self-hatred, guilt and condemnation.

Manic Depressant

A genetic inherited mental problem. It is through the recessive gene through the mother’s 26th chromosome that is defective. It produces a permanent reduction of serotonin levels. TX with lithium is the chemical management tool. Long-term manic depressants can become psychotic, a person demonstrating this is very dangerous, because they need professional attention and drugs until it can be dealt with spiritually. This person goes from high to lows, depression to mania. The psychotic stage of manic depression, they will commit suicide and try taking someone along with them.. Lithium is a drug of choice, but is NOT a cure. Only manages the problem. (Clinical depression differs from Manic Depression.) Male victimization causes manic depression in women. Genetic code defect comes in, spirit of infirmity comes in. Could be brought in by false religion, occult, witchcraft, satanic ritual abuse, ouiji boards, etc.

MCS – Multiple Chemical Sensitivity Disorder

Sensitive to clothing articles, touching things, allergic reactions that can cause fainting or convulsions.

Is a direct result of a breakup in relationship between the person and someone else, usually a close family member and always includes one of the following circumstances: Physical abuse, verbal abuse, sexual abuse and drivenness to meet the domineering cold parent in order to receive their love. This breaks the human spirit, allowing the entrance of fear. I John 4:18 – "fear has torment" Love casts out fear. If we don’t get the nurturing, it causes a breaking in mind and body connection. Long term fear results in running from, avoiding that person or place, resulting in MORE fear and anxiety – vicious cycle. In abuse, no one should stay in that situation. Because of this brokenness, this person can’t give love without fear either. Our immune system has been compromised. Proverbs 17:22 says that a merry heart does good like a medicine. We need to be cheerful, it increases our immune system! We are to lift up those feeble arms and put on the garment of praise! Our immune system is in jeopardy when we are depressed. (See immune system in description for more details.)

Multiple Sclerosis

White corpuscle deviate behavior (autoimmune disease). Attacking themselves negatively. Self-hate, shame, self-bitterness, self-rejection, any self-conflict. White corpuscles attack and eat the mylon sheath around the nerves. Sclerosis is one being eaten, multiple is that many are being eaten throughout the body. Now we find that not only the mylon sheath is being eaten, the nerves are also being destroyed. You cannot simply lay hands on this person, there is a definite spiritual root which has to be dealt with, then healing will follow.

MCS – Multiple Chemical Sensitivity

(Sensitive to clothing, touching things, allergic reactions that can go as far as fainting or convulsing) Rooted in fear and anxiety brought on by a breakdown in relationship with parent or guardian. Mostly father or male figure.

MPD – Multiple Personality disorder

Evil spirits that need to be cast out. The door can be open through satanic ritual abuse (SRA), or a trauma which allows the evil spirits to come in to help that person deal with the trauma. We do not support integration and infusion, this is very controversial. But we believe they are evil spirits and have seen individuals in their right mind after casting them out! It doesn’t necessarily have to take years!

Mitroval Prolac

Valve doesn’t close properly to heart. Sister disease of reflex. Which is caused by stress.


Internalized Conflict

Mad at self for not handling situations or people the way intended. Conflict with self over that person or situation.

Fear and anxiety. Conflict with self. This is also a result of cellwall rigidity. Vasco constriction. It can be defeated easily if you know your enemy. 26 different kinds of pains, some are organic, some are psychosomatic. Migraines are a disease that can be completely healed. Imitrex is a drug being described today for migraines, however, it has extreme side effects! Here is how a migraine works: Undersecretion of serotonin and over secretion of histamine. Here’s how the mind and body connects: Let’s say you have a conflict with someone or something. It isn’t the conflict that triggers the migraine; it’s the conflict the person is having with himself or herself over that conflict that triggers the migraine. The conflict can be real or imagined or projected. It includes a phobic reality resulting in fear. Penial gland regulates serotonin, and when you are struggling with yourself because of this conflict, you will automatically go into serotonin deficiency. This is how impetrex works: It increases serotonin which is a vasco constrictor, because when the serotonin levels are proper, it keeps the blood vessels the right size to allow the blood to go through the vessels. So when you don’t have a migraine, the serotonin levels are normal. However, when you start going into conflict with yourself your hypothalamus gland senses that with the mind and body connection, the penial gland senses that because of all the activity together, then it allows histamine to secrete in the cranial region. Now serotonin and histamine are contrary to each other. It’s like having two magnets together that spin apart! When you have histamine secretion into the body, and by the way fear and anxiety in the body causes histamine secretion in the body. Because of all this, now you have vasco dialation, and have an expansion of blood vessels in the cranial region, puts pressure on the nerves. Impetrex is an antihistamine and also a serotonin enhancer mixed together, producing balance in your system. But there is a better way! Why risk all the side effects. Self-rejection, self-bitterness, self-hatred and guilt caused by fear have to be dealt with.

Ovarian Cysts

Always results from a conflict with mother, without exception.


Can be rooted in self-hatred and rejection.


Bitterness, envy and jealousy. Controlling nature and comes from an evil root of matriarchal leadership in the home.

Ovarian Cancer

Caused by promiscuity or hatred at being female. Not accepting yourself as a woman.

OCD – Obsessive compulsive behavior

Deficiency of serotonin produced by pineal gland – rejection and self-rejection. If a person doesn’t feel good about themselves it results in 1) obsessed with food 2) rate of metabolism slows and fat builds up. Body responds to who you are in your thoughts. When we look at ourselves, we need to say, "This is not the real me, the real me is deep inside, this body is just the house I live in." People have conflict with themselves because they don’t do everything right! We need to realize the real us is not this shell, it’s deeper!

Ovarian Cysts

Always a result from a conflict with the mother – without acception. (Same as breast cysts)


Mirrors manic depression. Permanent lowered serotonin levels. Self-problem.

Parkinson’s Disease

Proverbs 13:12 – "Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but when the desire comes, it is a tree of life." When people have Parkinson’s, it’s because they lost hope someplace. They never amounted to what was expected of them, from others or from themselves. They became driven to please others, but still never quite being accepted. They were rejected and broken in spirit. Their heart became sick and began living in hopelessness. Now they have self-hatred, self-bitterness, self-guilt, conflict with self. Driven, failure, don’t measure up, never meet own or other’s expectations. Never had expectations fulfilled. Same root as CFS. Medical condition: Dopamene deficiency, neurological misfiring – breakdown – causing tremors and mental breakdown – remembering, etc.

Prostrate Cancer

Caused by promiscuity or hatred at being a male. Not accepting yourself as a man.

Pinched Nerve

Not a spiritual problem. We need to ask God to release that nerve.


Fear and anxiety coupled with self-hatred and rejection. There is an autoimmune component to it. The bible says there is no fear in love. If you hate yourself, fear comes. They struggle with their own identify and the body responds.

Ringing in ears

Damage from accident, or loud noise. This opens the door to a spirit. Witchcraft and occult opens the door as well. Spirit has to be cast out, repent from our sins and receive healing from God.


Rooted in fear and anxiety and stress. Histamine disorder.

Rheumatoid Arthritis

Autoimmune disease. (White corpuscle deviate behavior) Rooted in bitterness and unforgiveness toward another, dead or alive, resulting in self-rejection, self-hate coupled with guilt.. White corpuscle attacks the connective cartilage of the joints and eats it.

Seizures – various types

It’s a neurological breakdown of white corpuscle build up. Seizures need to be looked at one case at a time. We need to deal with casting out the deaf and dumb spirit in any seizure case. (See epilepsy for more information). Dumb spirit: Mark 9:17 – it is an unclean spirit! This spirit is a result of many diseases.


Inflammation, usually left sided, most the time considered a spirit. (See back problems) Sometimes back problems are connected to this, and results in roots of self-hatred, self-bitterness, etc. (See back)


Rooted in fear and anxiety. Causing a secretion of histamine is always connected to fear and anxiety. Anti-histamines are the #1 across the counter drug in America.

Sleep Apnea

Sleep Disorders

All sleep disorders are caused by neurological interference or by hormone over-secretion resulted by unresolved conflict. The hypothalamus gland controls sleep patterns. With regard to sleep apnea it would have its root in deaf and dumb spirit. Someone who has great depression, great occultism, false religion, or somewhere along the way they have opened the door. We are to Cast out the demons, not bind them! (Mathew 18)

Proverbs 3:21-24 "When you attain and acquire wisdom and understanding, and discretion THEN when you lied down your sleep shall be sweet."


Ruler of the principalities in the air. Is not omnipresent. Can only be in one place at a time. He sends his messengers (sometimes messengers of light) to attack us. II Corinthians 11:13-15.

The Lord delivers us to Satan for the destruction of the flesh SO THAT the spirit may be saved in the day of Jesus’ return. I Corinthians 5:5


Involves over secretion of serotonin and epinephrine. Caused by conflict within relating to a confused relationship with family members. Normally a parent that says one things and does another, but wanting the child to do what is right even though the parent does the exact opposite. Causes confusion in a child’s mind, then they begin to question theirselves, resulting in self-rejection, self-guilt and bitterness.


An evil spirit. Needs to be cast out. Then ask God for a creative miracle of the body.


Anxiety and fear disorder, which comes from a constant secretion of histamine.

Spondilyosis, osteoarthritis

Result of injury to possibly compromised tissue. The immune system is effected here. (See back problem)


Unresolved Rage and Anger, and it can be inherited.


Anxiety defect.


Is a virus, and isn’t a spiritual problem. We need God to heal that through prayer.


Rooted in fear and anxiety. Also known in the medical community as a fear and anxiety disorder.

Ulcerative Colitis

Fear and anxiety defect. The nerve sends out a pulsation at the nerve endings, causing ulceration and the ulcers to come. Cause is stress and unresolved conflict. (Could even be with yourself.)


Fear and anxiety opens the door to a compromised immune system and allows parasites and viruses and bacteria and organisms. When your immune system is healed, your immune system attacks those things and destroys them. Cause for ulcers is anxiety and stress.

Varicose veins

Unresolved rage and anger – the same as with aneurysms, strokes, heart attacks from exploding blood vessels and hemorrhoids.


See Candida

Weight Gain

Serotonin deficiency. Weight gain is determined by the rate of metabolism, rate of metabolism can be determined by a spiritual problem. So what’s the more excellent way? Take a drug to increase serotonin or deal with the spiritual problem that will balance out the metabolism? (For more information, see serotonin deficiency in definitions)

Worms (parasites)

(Mark 9:45-50) Parasites = Sin. If our hand, foot, eye offends "me or others", deal with it otherwise the "worms will not die".

Yeast Infections

See Candida

The following are things found in the Bible that have a reaction to our existence. This is only an example, the Bible is full of health related scriptures.:

Scripture Reference Produces
Hope deferred makes the heart sick Proverbs 13:12 Depression, self-pity, doubt and unbelief, heart problems, anxiety and stress, parkinsons
A merry heart does good like a medicine Proverbs 17:22 Joy, peace, health
A broken spirit dries up the bones Proverbs 17:22 Brittle bones, allergies, fear
Shame to a husband is rottenness to his bones Proverbs 12:4 When women shame their husbands, it can produce health issues in a husbands bones
A curse causeless shall not come Proverbs 26:2 There is a reason to everything that happens. Take a look at Deuteronomy 28 to see the list of diseases - these are listed as curses.
Envy is rottenness to the bones Proverbs 14:30 Another bone disease
Critical and perverse lips Proverbs 4:24 Bitterness, strive and every evil thing
God has not given us the spirit of fear II Timothy 1:7 Fear is a spirit that God has not given. Many roots to dis-ease starts with fear.

He that hates reproof shall die Proverbs 12:1 Not much clearer than that. The body begins dying at the cellular level. We have time to get things right in our heart long before final death happens.
He that trusts in the Lord happy is he Proverbs 16:20 When we truly trust God, we will have peace and peace produces health and health produces happiness
Death and life are in the power of the tongue Proverbs 18:21 Our words do matter, it can cause others to feel good or to feel terrible which can, if long term, produce illness.

Miscellaneous Terms:

Arguing Can arguing make you sick? Where strife is every evil thing resides. (James 3:16)
Anxiety Disorder Fear. Many have opted to use the word "stress, or Anxiety" when describing this. But these are nice ways of saying we have fear - but no one wants to admit that.
Bitterness (Unforgiveness)

Bitterness is a root that can breed other problems such as unforgiveness, resententment, retalliation, rage and anger, etc. Bitterness (offense toward someone) has to be dealt with through forgiveness.

Contoller Rooted in fear and anxiety of losing control. If a woman, can be rooted in matriarchal witchcraft.
Drivenness The need to perform to gain attention, love and acceptance. Fear of being rejected. It's a form of control. Manipulation brought on by an unloving spirit and fear. The room may come from wanting to please a parent in a home of rejection, strife, anger, unacceptance, unlove and unrest.
Fear Fear is a spirit. "God has not given us the spirit of fear, but power love and a sound mind." (II Tim. 1:7) Fear is the devil's faith and anytime evil is present, fear is always. Fear is the direct opposite of love. Receive God's perfect love for you, it will cast out any fear there. Fear and love cannot reside at the same time. If you are fearing, you are not being made perfect in love. It's not our love that we need, it's God's perfect love in us. If you have difficulty receiving God's love personally, or even know how to do so, refer back to the teachings found under "blocks" in the 6 basic principles. The battle is in our minds. A fear thought comes, we begin to dwell on it, it becomes real, we become one with it, and it's taken root, now manifests in our body through sweat, anxiety, shaking, all kinds of body symptoms. The spirit needs to be cast out and replaced with the Word of God and His love. When fear is present it causes secretion of liquid into the body. A hormone called ACTH is released by the hypothalamus gland, which produces us to want to fight or run.
Hopelessness and Despair Is a result of not knowing your identity, who you are, where you are going. Psalm 139 says to search me and know me. II Corinthians 10:6, II Corinthians 10:5. The battle begins in the mind. We need to take every thought captive and cast out the wrong thoughts of who we are and replace them with what the Bible says we are in God. Doubt and unbelief also causes hopelessness - not beliving God loves you or is really there.
Inherited disease When you have a genetic code defect, you still have a spiritual root because it was passed on to you by "familiar spirits" in the family tree. The bloodline curse as to be stoped. It can be stopped by you. Refer to the generational teaching under "6 basic principles" on this website for more information.
Idolatry Putting anything before God, including yourself and your needs. Fear and worry comes by trying to do things yourself, not trusting God.
Insecurity Rooted in fear. Feeling vulnerable and unprotected. This comes from not trusting God loves you nor receiving that love for yourself. If someone received God's love the way we were created to, this person would never feel insecure. It has nothing to do with the people around you because nothing is for certain in this world. We need to put our confidence in God not in man. (Psalm 118:8) FYI: This scripture is the center most scripture in the Bible, go figure!
Occultism Making itself to be real, when it is fake.
Pharmaceuticals Phamakia is the definition of the word - and pharmakia is defined as sorcery.
Rage and Anger Rooted in biterness against a parent or guardian. Resumalby a male figure mate. Found that men who have rage and anger stems from a mother figure who has rejected or abandoned or abused them.
Self-pity Idolatry - putting self above God. Self-pity keeps us tied to the past hurts and disappointments, causing us to become self-consumed.
Strife The Bible says that whereever strife is is every evil thing. Strife is not the same as "strive." Strife is where there is an undercurrent of unrest, though no one says so. You just "feel" the tension in the air. Anger comes from strife, it starts from within with feelings of discontentment, judgment, etc.
Self-hatred, Self-bitterness, any self problems You don't know how much God loves you, you have not accepted His unconditional love, and you have not accepted that you are righeous in Jesus Christ. A revelation of this love has to take root for you to love and accept yourself. Be sure to study the teaching on God's love.
Anti-Christ Spirit (lovelessness) Comes from generations in family tree. "Familiar Spirit" that has been assigned to the family and is passed down from your fathers. It is not happy unless it is trashing others or self. Out of it then comes the inability to love, producing guilty complex.
Witchcraft - controll nature Stubbornness to the Word of God. Someone who makes up their own words and creates their own kingdom.

The following are things found in the Bible that affect our health:

Scripture Reference Produces
Hope deferred makes the heart sick Proverbs 13:12 Depression, self-pity, doubt and unbelief, heart problems, anxiety and stress, parkinsons
A merry heart does good like a medicine Proverbs 17:22 Joy, peace, health
A broken spirit dries up the bones Proverbs 17:22 Brittle bones, allergies, fear
Shame to a husband is rottenness to his bones Proverbs 12:4 When women shame their husbands, it can produce health issues in a husbands bones
A curse causeless shall not come Proverbs 26:2 There is a reason to everything that happens. Take a look at Deuteronomy 28 to see the list of diseases - these are listed as curses.
Envy is rottenness to the bones Proverbs 14:30 Another bone disease
Critical and perverse lips Proverbs 4:24 Bitterness, strive and every evil thing
God has not given us the spirit of fear II Timothy 1:7 Fear is a spirit that God has not given. Many roots to dis-ease starts with fear.
He that hates reproof shall die Proverbs 12:1 Not much clearer than that. The body begins dying at the cellular level. We have time to get things right in our heart long before final death happens.
He that trusts in the Lord happy is he Proverbs 16:20 When we truly trust God, we will have peace and peace produces health and health produces happiness
Death and life are in the power of the tongue Proverbs 18:21 Our words do matter, it can cause others to feel good or to feel terrible which can, if long term, produce illness.



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To: the long march

Reading Job I see that what he feared came upon him. Fear is sin. He was a righteous man but he was not without sin. He understood covenant. However he did not stand on his covenant fully during his troubles/testing. He did no sacrifice for over 40 chapters yet he sacrificed much in case his children had sinned

61 posted on 10/26/2011 6:29:42 PM PDT by jabez6311
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To: allmendream

chicken lives in a world that still has the curse

62 posted on 10/26/2011 6:29:46 PM PDT by jabez6311
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