Faith of Our Fathers ping
A slippery slope following birth control to Planned Parenthood?
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This makes me sick as I was christened in the Catholic Church. 54% of Catholics and 78% of Jews let America and themselves down. It is disgraceful.
Already posted when it was published, 5 days ago.
I'm the only one who is pro-life.
I'm the only one who doesn't want 'free' health care at the expense of my free-dom.
I think most "Catholics" nowadays consider their church to be a social club.
The very word "morality" makes them snort with contempt.
That’s easy. Catholics don’t live their faith. Evangelicals do. You will know them by their fruits.
It clearly sounds like the Vatican must do more to educate American Catholics about their faith. The monastic orders are the obvious choice to send through America on a mission of education, helping the laity steer away from heterodoxy.
Just for them to be available, to speak with and visit the young, adult and old, would be a grand experience for all concerned.
The dumbing down of many voters in general greatly benefited the political left at each and every level. Conservatives don’t even have anything that even comes close to equalling all of the advantages that the political left presently has, and this is why I’m not seriously convinced that this rapid shift to the profound left is only temporary and will end in either ‘10, ‘12, ‘14, ‘16... I give the conservative movement sixty years before it does make any kind of serious political comeback, if it even makes any kind of political comeback to begin with. I really do want to be wrong about all of this, but I don’t believe that I’m wrong. Look at how many countries throughout the entire world still maintain a socialistic form of government, even if they really don’t like it.
They and the church are strong believers in socialism. How many times has the phrase "social justice" been used in catholic newspapers (Social justice meaning taking from those who earned it and giving it so someoen who didn't so that the robber can feel good) Catholic Charaties USA gets over $1,000,000,000 of taxpayer loot annually in grants. Don't think that the church is going to say "no don't trob the taxpayers - we don't want the money."
The Catholic bureaucracy has been bought by the statists in government and paid for with our tax dollars. Look for some more endorsement of the obomanation's gun control agenda like the American council of Catholic Bishops did in 1994 for Clinton's gun bans.
However, it will get stronger albeit probably with a smaller contingent. The fact that so many Bishops are now speaking out against these pro-abortion polititians after so many years of indifference is a good sign of hope.
Catholics who do not attend church are not Catholics - they are former Catholics, or more accurately, secularists.
Real Catholics supported McCain, 54-45%, although he didn’t give them (or anyone else for that matter) much reason to.
That number would have been even higher if the bishops were willing to condemn pro-abortion, pro-stem cell liberals. Instead they go to dinners with them.
There are two distinct Catholic Churches in this country whether we like it or not. One is true, the other heretical.
St. Jude hospital... named after their saint of “lost causes.” Like the rest of us, they have their good and bad moments.
Those 54% of the Catholics that voted for evil should be baned from the Catholic faith. By casting a vote for B Husein Obama they agree and condone: Abortion, Euthanasia, Embryonic Stem Cell research, Human Cloning, and Homosexual Marriage. All of which are strictly forbidden by the Catholic Church and the Word of our Lord.
Religion, unfortunately, is taking a back seat to most Americans, they have been told (over and over and over) that there need to be a separation, and are buying into it.
As for the abortion issue, I don't think there is a Catholic alive that doesn't think its a sin...the problem is that most Catholics don't think it should be regulated, i.e. its a moral issue. The Republicans better find a way to make this a societal issue, or drop it from the platform. (I prefer the former.)
Wow....who'd a thunk it..........???
In the 35 years since Roe v. Wade, Catholics have watched their Church leaders handle pro-abortion Catholic politicians with kid gloves, treating their moral treason as a minor annoyance rather than a public scandal. Yes, the bishops routinely denounced abortion; but at the same time they treated the public supporters of taxpayer-funded abortion with jovial deference. Puzzled lay Catholics concluded that the bishops didn’t really take the issue too seriously, and the laity in turn stopped taking their bishops seriously.
***Sounds a little bit like some chickens coming home to roost, unfortunately. The leadership of the church should not be sending messages that generate the result of “puzzled lay catholics”. This is very sad. But I doubt anything will really change.