Thanks for the post to Logan Lucy Jo. He was really impressed that it was directed to him! LOL He really does find joy is the purest sense of the word.
Thank you for your kindness....
Here's a picture of the baby just as she is about to cup her little fingers around her mommy's hand. Sam has to wear gloves ...everyone this point.
The baby is doing really well considering. She is out from under the blue light for her billi problem, is on the lowest setting on the vent and while she still has received nothing but fluids, as soon as they can, they want to introduce a drop of mommy's milk.
Sam still hasn't been able to hold her because the baby is receiving fluids thru her navel. As soon as she's strong enough, they'll set a pic line and then she can be held.
Sam will be released tomorrow and while her dad's there, she'll stay at a hotel with them, then she'll transfer to the Ronald McDonald house.
Prayers are working :) Praise God and thanks to all who are here offering them.
Hugs and many, many thanks.......
I can tell that from his pictures, Nana. He just lights up a room with those Logan eyes and smile. It's hard to believe he'll be seven years old this year!