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A Few of FR's Finest....Every Day....03-21-03...FR's "Gypsy Woman"
Billie and Mama_Bear

Posted on 03/21/2003 12:48:53 AM PST by Mama_Bear

A Few of FR's Finest.....
......Every Day

FR is a Treasure Trove of talented, compassionate, patriotic, wonderful people who gather every day to discuss the latest news and issues; salute and support our military and our leaders;  tell a few jokes;  learn a new word;  write poetry;  pray for those in need;  and congratulate those who are deserving. Thank you, Jim Robinson, for giving us the vehicle in which we can express ourselves.

Free Republic made its debut in September, 1996, and the forum was added in early 1997.   I can remember lurking when there were only a few regulars who posted, and now there are over 60,000 who have registered for posting privileges. The forum is read daily by tens of thousands of concerned citizens and patriots from all around the country and the world.

A Few of FR's Finest November 11, 2001

So many people have written me since my original Veteran's Day Tribute, asking how they, or a loved one, could be included in that tribute. Since I can no longer add the photos to the body of the thread, I've been including them in additional posts as I received enough to make another collage.

Still that doesn't seem to be enough. I think there's never been a better nor more appropriate time to keep the faces of our own Veterans and Active Military in front of FReepers--every day! That's why I wanted to do yet another Daily Thread .....ABOUT FReepers .....and FOR FReepers. But not only about our Military FReepers; for all FReepers! Wouldn't it be nice to get to know a few of the other FReepers as well? That's why, in addition to seeing FR's Finest Military Personnel every day, I thought it might be fun to feature a different FReeper (or FReepers) each day. If you would like to be pictured, or know someone who would, please FReepmail me and we'll turn the spotlight - on YOU - for the day!

And do let me know if you'd like your picture added to the groups of Veterans/Active Military below. I will keep this page updated, and continue to add them to the comment section of the original Veteran's Day thread as well.

TOP:  g'nad, AgThorn's son Justin, SLB, AgThorn's son Brett.
MIDDLE:  fish70, razorback-bert, CheneyChick,Leroy S Mort, Mark17.
BOTTOM:  Terry's Take, Taxman, DinkyDau.

TOP:  ValerieUSA's son Grant, SK1Thurman, kd5cts, RangerVetNam,
dansangel and .45man's son-in-law Tony
BOTTOM:  rangerX, Old China Hand, Trish, Howlin's dad, Mustang

TOP: ohioWfan's son, MamaBear's father-in-law, MamaBear's dad, ladtx
MIDDLE:  The Mayor's niece, M.Kehoe, Beach_Babe's son-in-law
BOTTOM:  deadhead's dad, HiJinx, Severa's hubby, viligantcitizen's granddad.

TOP:  spectr17, RightOnline, SERE_Doc, Tet68.
MIDDLE:  FutureSnakeEater, RightOnline's wife, CIApilot, Clamper1797
BOTTOM:  usmcobra, onedoug, DiverDave, Joe6-pack

We now have eleven groups of veterans/active military; we will post each group of three or four twice a week, with thumbnail/links of the remaining seven or eight groups on each thread. Click on any of the thumbnails below to see the group full-size.


GROUP 1A: TOP: Logos, SwedeGirl's hubby, Neil E Wright, FallGuy, 1John, Sneakypete MIDDLE:  T'wit, COB1, LadyX, Dick Bachert, 68-69TonkinGulfYatchClub BOTTOM:  YankeeinSC, Delta21, JoeSixPack1
GROUP 2A: TOP:  Bosniajmc, AFVetGal, Archy, A Navy Vet MIDDLE:  4TheFlag, Aeronaut, 68Grunt, Xinga BOTTOM:  Codger, AAABest, Clinton's A Liar, Duke809, dcwusmc
GROUP 3A: TOP:  mc5cents, Norb2569, LBGA's son, VanJenerette MIDDLE:  Jim Robinson, KJenerette, davidosborne, KG9Kid BOTTOM:  gwmoore, Equality7-2521, SAMWolf
GROUP 4A: TOP:  porgygirl, Phil V., MudPuppy, NorCoGOP MIDDLE:  RaceBannon, OneidaM, rdb3, jwTexian BOTTOM:  USMC Vet, TheMayor, Vineyard, rhododogma

GROUP 9A: TOP: Q6-God, Scan59, Mama Bear and JKPhoto's son, ofMagog. MIDDLE:  Big'ol_freeper, JustAmy's great uncle, Prodigal Son. BOTTOM:  JustAmy's husband, JustAmy's brother-in-law, JustAmy's brother.
GROUP 10A: TOP: dakine's wife, MeeknMing's dad, Auntbee's nephew, MilitiaMan7, AlasBabylon. BOTTOM:  Joe Brower, Temple Owl, Temple Owl's wife, dutchess' dad, Aomagrat.
GROUP 11A: TOP: ladtx #2 son; DiverDave's twin Don; petuniasevan and husband poorman; Mustard; ladtx #1 son. BOTTOM: AlamoGirl's brother Floyd; AG's dad; AG's brother Jim (inset); WVNan's husband; ladtx' Aunt Eva.


An active and practical child...

At 7, after Pearl Harbor, she becomes a Little Patriot -

digging foxholes, and collecting scrap metal and paper - she buys
war stamps for her war bonds - and lives under rationed goods
so the troops might have a sufficient quantity.

As time passes, she acquires a spirit
of adventure & wonder...

Age 9 sees her transformed from a 'City Child' to a 'Country Girl.'
She has her own horse instead of pony rides, and roams canal
banks and woods, coexisting with snakes and alligators.

An avid student, she won three spelling medals, and then, the month
she turned 13, she represented Florida in the National Spelling Bee.

She later went on to win the DAR History
Award, and the Bausch-Lomb Science Award.

At 17, she was often found at the beach with her best friend, Phyllis -

....and at their 40th high school reunion, they are seen
together in the picture below at age 58.

By now, some of you might have recognized this FReeper as one of FR's Favorites. Our 'FReeper in the Spotlight' today is none other than.......

Come along with me as we touch
upon some of the highlights
of this amazing FReeper's
most interesting life....

In 1952, she entered the Marine Corps and was a Classroom Subjects Instructor for women recruits at Parris Island, during the Korean Conflict.

In the Dedication Ceremony for the Iwo Jima Monument on the Parade Deck there, she was out front of the eight full companies in the parade, carrying the American Flag as Guidon Bearer, beside the "A" Company Commander.

This photograph was taken in front of that same
monument 50 years later in 2002, at age 68.

She then became "Gypsy Woman," moving 37 times in adulthood, as a military wife until 1969 - then in retail management (8) years and the medical field (18) years.

Living in eight states, LadyX has related many of her experiences on Free Republic, an "Appreciator" of the places and things God has shown her. Those included America and Canada; from the Florida Keys north to Canada above New York, diagonally from Florida to above the Arctic Circle, and in South Dakota and Ohio in mid-America.

She has seen the Blue Ridge, Great Smoky and Rocky Mountains, going around the top end of the latter when driving from South Dakota through Canada to Fairbanks, Alaska, traversing the Alaska Highway in the dead of winter, and in summer, returning.

LadyX at 30

She was in Alaska for the Good Friday Earthquake in 1964 - the Blizzard of '78 in Ohio - numerous hurricanes in Florida and South Carolina and Virginia - has seen the Aurora Borealis, Niagara Falls, Yellowstone National Park and Old Faithful, The Fountain of Youth, the Vicksburg Battle Ground, Mt. McKinley, Mt. Rushmore, Custer State Park, the Yukon Territory and other Canadian Provinces, and many more scenic and historic places and things.

LadyX Teaching School AFB,
age 34 - 4th from left

'Home' included small and large towns as well as cities, such as Rochester, NY, Winston-Salem and Greensboro, NC, Columbia and Charleston and Myrtle Beach, SC, Rapid City, South Dakota, Glendale, Ohio, seven cities and towns in Florida; Liberty, NC, (of course); all the way down to tiny Chincoteague, Virginia.

The latter is an island 2 x 7 miles long, and the setting for the annual wild pony roundups from offshore islands. Her house was one a sea captain had built by the bay on Main Street, two blocks from the location where the ponies are penned after being driven through town.

How fitting that she went to live near ponies! ( The book Misty the Chincoteague Pony was based on one. )

The granddaughter of a minister, and great-granddaughter of two, LadyX reached her defining moment at age 9. Moving from Coral Gables to the country near Melbourne, there were no city lights, and strange sounds emanated from the dark landscape at night!

She one night decided to walk the sand road with her hand firmly tucked into God's - - He reassured her that the rustle in the palmettos was an armadillo hurrying home; The sound of an owl, one calling his mate.

Thereafter, she saw the world through the 'sight' God gave her, and had a heart for things of His. He several times spoke to her through the Holy Spirit, assuring her of things that were part of His Plan for her life, even once directly telling her:

"I know you have appreciated what I have shown you here, but now I have 'something more difficult' for you."

This was as she drove in South Dakota reciting Psalm 121.....

"I will lift up mine eyes to the hills, from whence cometh my help."

(as was always prompted by the sight of the Black Hills) She then found herself, without volition, saying 'goodbye' to familiar landmarks!

Upon arriving at her house, her best friend ran out to yell: "Margaret! The base is on the phone with Bernie, saying YOU ARE GOING TO ALASKA!!" Yes - God had just prepared her for this - HIS PLAN!

The knowledge of His omnipresence has carried her, as an "Appreciator;" and has given her this insight:

"All things and experiences are relative - all things pass - - - but what we do with the opportunities to truly "see" what is around us, and how we respond, makes us what we become."

One of her favorite quotes is from Corrie ten Boom, author of the wonderful book, The Hiding Place:

"This is what the past is for! Every experience God gives us, every person He puts in our lives is the perfect preparation for the future only He can see."

Now retired, LadyX still 'travels' through cyberspace, finding Free Republic in 1997, and enjoying life. (And still enjoying tea parties on the Finest.) :)

She is active on patriotic threads and "The Finest", and participated in the hilarious 1998 escapades of; the original Freeper Island threads with Billie and others in 1998-99; and more recently, the Sea Sagas with ofMagog.

In November 1998, she assisted Freeper wattsmag2 in organizing the first meeting of Freepers from North and South Carolina in Charlotte, NC, finding them all amazingly bright and well - - 'normal!' Among them was Freedom'sWorthIt, who has remained a friend.

Oh, yes - - LadyX does have a 'kitten' !! When his owner became highly allergic to his semi-long hair when he was 2, she adopted him, a naturallyshort-tailed variety. He talks a lot, and even sings, on every 4th note saying 'meow.'


LadyX counts among her most treasured moments meeting two Presidents! In North Carolina, President Gerald Ford made an appearance at a mall in Winston-Salem, and she and her 12-year old daughter positioned themselves where he was likely to come along the rope line.

Young Jennifer, very short, tugged on his coat sleeve as others reached over them to shake hands, and the President looked down at her and asked, "How're you doin', Sweetie?" !! (The Secret Service Agent's reflex action came within an inch of chopping off her arm for touching his President!) President Ford shook hands with LadyX, too, and then angled to the podium to speak.

In February 2002, after his defeat in New Hampshire, candidate George W. Bush stopped in her small, wonderfully conservative South Carolina town to speak.

Creating on the computer lapel signs for herself and her husband that said VETERAN for BUSH - she chose a spot a mere 12' from where he was to speak from the back of a pickup truck in the town circle, separated from him only by grass, and was thus able to get several photographs.

When he finished speaking, she managed to have him sign her invitation to the event, and then positioned herself in front of him where she could shake his hand. Pointing to her lapel sign, about to relate she had made it for him (as opposed to McCain), he interrupted her, and said pointedly, "I NOTICED IT EARLIER" and whipped up his pen and signed it on her body! (And no, unlike the gal whose top was signed by WJC, she did not at the time take it off to look at the autograph!)

LadyX handing George W. Bush her
invitation for him to autograph.

The above photo was snapped by her husband. A shot of this was on Fox News Channel coverage, shown two days later, and the local paper mentioned her twice in addition to an article about her.

That Saturday, the South Carolina Primary handed President Bush his first win on the road to the nomination for and winning of the Office of the President of the United States. "An' ah goes the old Shake & Bake commercial..:)" says LadyX.

LadyX, I hope you enjoy your "tea" today as much as we enjoy your daily presence on "A Few of FR's Finest". Thank you for your contributions to FreeRepublic and for shining the light of your faith on the 'Finest Thread' through the beautiful prayers and insight that you share. You are an important part of our Finest Family.


03-17-03 Happy St. Patrick's Day's Day
03-18-03 To the Bushmobile W04 Man
03-19-03 sparkomatic
03-20-03 JohnHuang2 Essay

Opinions by our own 'King of Ping'
The guy's good, folks!
Thanks, Mixer!

1) Click on the graphic to open the Calendar.
2) Once there you can click on any month and even click to the right to go into next year. Once you are in the month that you joined FR you will need to click on the number in the calendar and then an add item screen will come up.
3) In the next box enter your name in the "Calendar Text" field and then click on submit.
4) If any of the screens fail to load simply click on refresh in your browser and that will usually fix it.
5) If all else fails or simply if you want me to do this for you send me an FReepmail and I will gladly do it for you. ~Mixer

TOPICS: Culture/Society; Miscellaneous; News/Current Events; Political Humor/Cartoons
KEYWORDS: freepers; fun; military; profile; surprises; tribute; usmc; veterans
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You 'knew' so! Because you know I know you and Sis. LOL

When you're right, you're right. ;-)

321 posted on 03/21/2003 4:09:57 PM PST by Mama_Bear (Lori)
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To: WVNan; Billie; Mama_Bear; dansangel; dutchess; daisyscarlett; FreeTheHostages; All
Love it! "That's What Friends Are For" is a great song.

So appreciate the many great friends here on the Finest - - -

322 posted on 03/21/2003 4:11:40 PM PST by LadyX (((( God bless America ))))
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To: Mama_Bear; JustAmy; ST.LOUIE1
Dunno, Louie - I suspect they can belt 'em out pretty well!
323 posted on 03/21/2003 4:13:35 PM PST by LadyX (((( God bless America ))))
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Too bad fuzzy and Sis neither one can carry a tune, LOL

Well!! :-(

(when you're right, you're STILL right. LOL)

I need to get ready to head up to Fresno. TTYL, Louie.

324 posted on 03/21/2003 4:17:08 PM PST by Mama_Bear (Lori)
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Howdy Mr. Wolf. Hope you are feeling fine and dandy tonight. ((((((Hugs)))))) and roses for our very own wolfie.

325 posted on 03/21/2003 4:20:45 PM PST by WVNan
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To: LadyX
Isn't that a great song? Them's my sentiments dearie.
326 posted on 03/21/2003 4:22:30 PM PST by WVNan
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To: All; LadyX
I need to sign off now and get ready to go.

I want to thank everyone who joined us today in honoring our FReeper in the Spotlight. It's been a good day on the thread.

LadyX, you did a great job keeping up with the posts today. Your cheerful, uplifting posts are very much appreciated.......everyday. That 'little light of yours' shines brightly on our thread, and we are blessed to have you as part of our Finest Family.

Got to run. Bye all. :-)

327 posted on 03/21/2003 4:29:25 PM PST by Mama_Bear (Lori)
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To: Mama_Bear
Because you know I know you and Sis. LOL

When you're right, you're right. ;-)

True! : )

You just keep gettin' cuter as the day goes on, fuzzy. : )

328 posted on 03/21/2003 4:37:23 PM PST by ST.LOUIE1
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To: Mama_Bear
Good night Mama. You did a bangup job for a super LadyX.
329 posted on 03/21/2003 4:39:55 PM PST by WVNan
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To: LadyX
Dunno, Louie - I suspect they can belt 'em out pretty well!

Oh, they're loud alright....

...they just can't me. Wolfie's howls are much more melodic. LOL

330 posted on 03/21/2003 4:41:17 PM PST by ST.LOUIE1
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To: Mama_Bear
Well!! :-(

LOL (when you're right, you're STILL right. LOL)

I know. : )

I need to get ready to head up to Fresno. TTYL, Louie.

Ok, take care, have a good FReep! : )

331 posted on 03/21/2003 4:43:26 PM PST by ST.LOUIE1
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To: Mama_Bear
I can't thank you enough for your presentation and graphics, Lori, and appreciate your being here so much during the day.

Know you had to catch up on sleep in the morning, up so late, and have to get to Fresno this evening to support the troops.

332 posted on 03/21/2003 4:44:07 PM PST by LadyX (((( God bless America ))))
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To: WVNan
You did a bangup job for a super LadyX.

Thank you, it was my pleasure. :-)

Good night, Nan.

333 posted on 03/21/2003 4:44:49 PM PST by Mama_Bear (Lori)
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To: WVNan
Howdy Mr. Wolf. Hope you are feeling fine and dandy tonight.
((((((Hugs)))))) and roses for our very own wolfie.

Why, thank you, sweet Nan. Getting a hug and a rose from you, I couldn't be feeling finer. : )


334 posted on 03/21/2003 4:48:14 PM PST by ST.LOUIE1
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To: LadyX
Lady, that was a picture of Alaska and I thought "You'll Be In My Heart" was a fitting song for the way that you feel about your time spent there.
335 posted on 03/21/2003 4:49:39 PM PST by Aquamarine (I'm still reading the thread. :))
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To: WVNan
Found a new quote for us:

~ ~ ~ Friends are family that we choose for ourselves ~ ~ ~

336 posted on 03/21/2003 4:50:56 PM PST by LadyX (((( God bless America ))))
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To: Aquamarine
I know how your thoughts, run, Aqua, and as always, they are greatly appreciated..:))
337 posted on 03/21/2003 4:52:42 PM PST by LadyX (((( God bless America ))))
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To: Aquamarine
Prayers and spring showers for you dear Aqua. Sounds like you've been having a difficult time.

338 posted on 03/21/2003 5:02:31 PM PST by WVNan
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To: LadyX
Hey, that's what I've always said!
339 posted on 03/21/2003 5:03:06 PM PST by WVNan
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To: WVNan
How beautiful Nan. You'd better watch it, I'll swipe that and put it on my profile page or make a sig gif out of it.

I did have a messed up day...was going to take my mom some personal things to the hospital and when I got to her house my brother had been there before me and locked the door so I couldn't get in. Don't know why I don't have a key to her house anymore...its' probably on an old keychain somewhere.
I heard on the radio on the way home that there's going to be a rally in Dahlonega tomorrow and I'm going to try to make it. Just doesn't feel right that I haven't been to one yet.

340 posted on 03/21/2003 5:11:15 PM PST by Aquamarine
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