Posted on 12/05/2002 10:02:34 PM PST by Clintons Are White Trash
I have a lot of gay friends, they are not pedophiles and I will defend them to the end. I will not defend or not post an article simply because of the nature of it's content being contentious or possibly at cross purposes with my own feelings. Trust me, I thought long and hard before this went up.
I don't have any close friends that are homosexual, but I do work around quite a bit, and have never had any problems with harassment. Thankfully, the great majority are low key, and don't wave it in the faces of everyone in the office.
However, the firm I work for has an extensive "diversity" program. I pray that I will never be asked or required to attend one of those noxious and insulting seminars. As everyone who has suffered through one of those knows, they are mini-re-education camps, informing everyone in the office that they are to think in a certain way if they are going to be accepted as the type of employee the company wants. I have heard and read of incidents in which traditional views are ostracized, and sometimes the people who hold those views are characterized as "hateful."
I don't hate anybody for who they are. If I hate someone, it's for what they do. I don't hate homosexuals any more than I hate other sexually dysfunctioned and/or promiscuous people until they do something hateworthy -- such as the above. And I have a long list of heteros I have known that have done hateworthy things before I get to any homosexuals.
BTW: Part of Michael Savage's on-air rage is due to "sensitivity training" that he had to go through at his old station after the station's most liberal talk host was accused of racism for not hitting the "mute" button quickly enough on a caller that called then-newly elected S.F. mayor Willie Brown a "jungle bunny." The management of the station bent over backwards to apologize as if someone had deliberately done something wrong, and "sensitivity training" was part of the price to get Willie off their backs.
Or maybe the priesthood?
Homosexual men, proportionately, abuse far more (teenage) boys than heterosexual men (teenage) girls. This is exactly what happened in the Catholic Church where a minority of priests (homosexuals) committed over 90% of all the abuse in the sex scandal - and virtually all against teenage boys.
Pedophiles are people who are sexually attracted to and abuse pre-pusbescent children. Men who abuse sexually mature teenage boys are homosexual. You're right that not all homosexual men abuse teenage boys. But a great many of them harbor sexual attractions toward teenage boys, and many of those cannot control those attractions. That is why the Catholic Church is suffering from the homosexual abuse of a couple of thousand teenage boys by several hundreds of homosexual priests. Most prudent parents don't send their teenage daughters out alone with heterosexual men. Given that homosexual men are much more likely to abuse teenage boys (as in the Catholic Church scandal), that's even more reason to never allow homosexual men to be alone with teenage boys. As a parent, I laud the Boy Scouts for trying to protect my sons from homosexual molestation and from being in close quarters with homosexual men. Unfortunately, my Church (the Catholic Church) doesn't have the will to do so - and that has led to the rape and destroyed lives of thousands of boys. Homosexual men should not be assumed to be molestors. But many of them are, and they should not have access to teenage boys.
I agree. That would be appropriate for any man who abuses a child or teenager, male or female. I bet the incidence of abuse against teens would decline dramatically. In other countries, sexual kid abusers need to be afraid, very afraid.
Just like the New York Times' reporting on the homosexual teenage boy rape scandal in the Catholic Church. The New York Times can write pages and pages on what's wrong with the Catholic Church, while never once mentioning that almost all of the abuse in its sexual scandal has come at the hands (and other parts) of homosexual men. In fact, the Times will NEVER put the word homosexual in a story about something negative. Cause of course, things like that posted in this article just never happen.
Homosexuals don't like to bring it up, but since they can't pro-create they must recruit. And it's much easier for them to manipulate a young boy into their unnatural 'lifestyle' than it is a grown man. The predatory 'chicken-hawk' is much more of threat than people are being lead to believe.
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