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Leader of Gay Pride Organization is Charged with Sexual Abuse
KMOV News ^
| 12/5/02
| Robert Townsend
Posted on 12/05/2002 10:02:34 PM PST by Clintons Are White Trash
(KMOV) -- The president of a St. Louis gay and lesbian group has been charged with sexually abusing a 14-year-old boy. Rolf Rathmann, 37, is president of Pride St. Louis. Prosecutors say Rathmann is one of four men suspected of having sex with the same 14-year-old victim.
Rathmann is accused of having the sexual relationship with the boy over a five-month period. St. Louis County Prosecutor Bob McCulloch says the acts took place at Blue Bird Park in Ellisville.
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
TOPICS: Breaking News; Front Page News
KEYWORDS: homosexualagenda; homsexualagenda; molestation
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To: Clintons Are White Trash
I posted these thoughts yesterday on another topic, but it sure fits better here!!!!
It is amazing to me that seemingly intelligent people consider homosexuals as normal.
It seems to me that they are ignorant if they can't find the proper use for their sex organs (Procreation and recreation; Not perversion, and deviation)!
The AIDS epidemic is nature's answer to homosexuality. It's a shame that this perversion is also shared bi-sexually, though, because that easily spreads the disease!
God may have let it loose, but it is more than likely just nature's response to perversion. Nature is trying to purge them! (Of course, thanks to congress, AIDS is treated with hundreds of thousands of our tax dollars PER CASE). they sure aren't doing that "for the children"!
And has been shown that homosexual men consistently try to find the youngest, freshest little boys they can get. That is just one of their faults as a constituency. They do abnormal things, but expect us to accept their perversions.
these people have shown a weakness. they cannot make it with the other sex for some reason, so they CHOOSE to get pleasured ANY WAY THEY CAN GET IT! (ever hear about gerbils???)
To the homosexual, I would say "go back into the closet, and stay away from the other little boys and girls. and from me and my family, too! I will pray for you!
To: Hillarys Gate Cult
ooohhhh, my GAWD! I can't BELIEVE you went THERE!
(as in: old joke: In Greece, how do they separate the men from the boys? With a crowbar)
Comment #43 Removed by Moderator
To: Clintons Are White Trash
can't see whole story at source unless I register. do me a solid and post the whole thing, ok?
To: Paul Atreides
Watch them portray the abuser as the victim More likely they'll point out all the heterosexual men who rape little girls, or point to Catholic Priests .... etc. All to justify their immoral behavior.
posted on
12/06/2002 4:54:02 AM PST
To: demosthenes the elder
Sorry! Here is the entire article.
Leader of gay pride organization is charged with sexual abuse
Reporter: Robert Townsend, News 4
(KMOV) -- The president of a St. Louis gay and lesbian group has been charged with sexually abusing a 14-year-old boy. Rolf Rathmann, 37, is president of Pride St. Louis. Prosecutors say Rathmann is one of four men suspected of having sex with the same 14-year-old victim.
Rathmann is accused of having the sexual relationship with the boy over a five-month period. St. Louis County Prosecutor Bob McCulloch says the acts took place at Blue Bird Park in Ellisville.
McCulloch says the young victim is the same boy 50-year-old William Sandefur is charged with sodomizing last year when the victim was 13 years old at that time. Prosecutors charged Sandefur Wednesday.
Rathmann is charged with eight counts of second-degree statutory sodomy. Prosecutors are seeking a warrant for his arrest.
Friday, McCulloch says his office will also seek charges against two more local men accused of sexually molesting the same boy.
To: Clintons Are White Trash
I suppose he will be applying to the Boy Scouts for a job next?
To: Clintons Are White Trash
To: Eric Esot
Board of Directors:
Of all the members of the board, he was the only one with enough "pride" to show his picture. All others are MIA!
Rolf E. Rathmann
Real Job: Flight Attendant
Area in St. Louis: S. City / Dutch Town
How long in St. Louis: Since 1989
How long with Pride St. Louis: Since 1997
Former duties with Pride: Stage Manager and Director of Public Relations
Most Admires: Maya Angelou
Quote: "All the world's a stage, and it's people merely its players" William Shakespeare
To: Clintons Are White Trash
They were in a Gay Predator training seminar on how to handle young Boy Scouts, Altar Boys or students in public schools.
The left wing maggots who control the fishwraps in the St Louis area will not publish this story.
A homosexual male is to be considered a potential sexual predator until proven otherwise. I know of no way to prove that they aren't. So just keep them out of teaching, the Boy Scouts, any male mentoring program and any church activity/function where they might be alone with young boys and might be a predator.
To: gunnedah
It is called Political Correctness, where the media bends over backwards to protect the criminal activities of the perverted diversity groups. They protect them by hiding and spiking the terrible stories like this.
These terrible realities are never published in a maggot controlled fish wrap, nor will you see what happened on ABCNNBCBS national or local news.
Spiking a story like this is done several times each week in each major fishwrap by their maggot editors/publishers.
Comment #52 Removed by Moderator
To: ImphClinton
I guess really what this forum needs is for people to start posting all of the news stories about sexual abuse from the straight community. Gosh the board would just about be shut down with the number of posts. Funny how certain people just post all of the gay abuse stories. No wonder people think gays abuse more kids than straight people.
posted on
12/06/2002 7:14:45 AM PST
Comment #54 Removed by Moderator
To: Lucas1
I do not post all of the gay abuse stories - this is the first one and the reason I did is because I live in St. Louis and I was disgusted that someone who was supposed to be a leader in the gay community would do this.
I have a lot of gay friends, they are not pedophiles and I will defend them to the end. I will not defend or not post an article simply because of the nature of it's content being contentious or possibly at cross purposes with my own feelings. Trust me, I thought long and hard before this went up.
To: Clintons Are White Trash
"I'm shocked, shocked, to find there is gambling going on in here!"
To: ObieTrice
I agree - not all gays are pedophiles. I have gay friends that I love and respect very much - they would be just as disgusted by this as I am.
I posted this because it was newsworthy, not because I am a gaybasher. Quite the opposite.
To: AnnaZ
He can't even get a Shakespeare quote right. Were you also struck by the utter banality of those quotes? How depressing.
posted on
12/06/2002 7:34:39 AM PST
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posted on
12/06/2002 7:36:27 AM PST
To: ImphClinton
Neither has any purpose other than sexual satification. We need to work a little harder to change the language. Sex is for reproduction and, hence, a natural part of every sexual creature. When "sexual" activity is performed for purposes other than reproduction it should be called "erotic" activity. As such, homosexual activity is an oxymoron. Only homoerotic activity is possible. And while sex involves mutual commitment to each other and to the possible family that will result, erotic activity is primarily self-focused. This distinction can be made clear if we quit calling it sex when it is clearly erotic.
homoerotic people
erotic movies
premarital erotic behavior
posted on
12/06/2002 7:39:42 AM PST
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