Posted on 07/18/2002 10:08:33 AM PDT by COBOL2Java
Multi-millionaire senator Jon Corzine has been on an anti-market rant. It's puzzling to a lot of people, because he made $400 million at Goldman Sachs. He's the epitome of private sector activity, yet as soon as he buys election, he starts beating up the very institutions that made him wealthy! It's not just a case of, "Well, I have mine now so I can revert to who I really am." So the question is, "Why?"
You have to understand something about liberals. I'm not talking about Mom and Pop Liberal in Champaign-Urbana, who are Democrats because FDR was one. I'm talking about the leaders, elected officials and people that work in Washington. They are no different than the European socialists who look at the United States with disgust. They're intellectual elitists. They think they are entitled to wealth because of their superiority.
They should run the world. They know better. You are just a bunch of serfs that can't manage your own lives. Ah, but they look at America and guess what they see? A nation in which it's the serfs who rule! It's the ordinary American doing extraordinary things every day that makes this economy what it is. It isn't the liberal intelligentsia in the think tanks, Congress or Washington.
You have to believe this, if you're going to understand what motivates these people. It's not that Corzine has gotten his and so now he's free to be himself. He has always been who you see now: someone rigging things in his favor because of his superiority.
This is what the European Union is all about - and when push comes to shove, they're a bunch of wimps and pansies that can't defend themselves against anything. They need us, the nation of the common man, yet they have no faith in the common man. He is an idiot to them. Americans are a bunch of uncivilized, dirty, embarrassing little people.
How else do you explain what these people try to do? You can't make one decision that's right. You have to be given everything. You have to be given your health care, Social Security and retirement. Drugs are the latest thing you must be "given," by having these thieves reach into your pocket and the pockets of your fellow taxpayers to pay for it. They don't expect you to have the talent to do anything for yourself. They'll set up a welfare system that will keep you poor for the rest of your life if you sign on to it.
But they're better than everybody else, so they're doing it for everybody else's benefit. They are superiorists. They are entitled. They are aristocracy. They're born to lead. How many of them actually worked for what they have? Oh, there's the occasional exception, but most of them are entitled in their own minds. They're all out of the Ivy League; they're all part of the striped-pants crowd. These are the people leaking our war plans against Iraq to screw up the operation, because they don't believe in the U.S. military.
They're the same people allowing Saudi Arabians into this country with no visas. It doesn't make any sense to those of us who use common sense, but they literally don't think the Saudis are enemies. It's the United States that is the problem - with our massive military. We threaten too many people with our debauched culture - by which they mean our freedom. If we would just change our ways and let liberals run this country, we wouldn't threaten anybody and everybody would leave us alone.
That's how Jon Corzine gets away with being the hypocrite that he is. These liberals are nothing but pure, unadulterated hypocrites. Nine of the top 12 wealthiest United States senators are Democrats, as we cover in Democrats Open Door, Hit Face. Yet listen to them talk. They run down the acquisition of wealth, and set up straw men like the lottery. You're never going to win, but you're so stupid you'll keep letting them rob you blind to pay for their big-government expansion.
Why, they've even convinced you that wanting to keep the money you work for is selfish and amoral! But do they use any of their own personal wealth to alleviate any of the so-called social problems? Look at Algore. He gave only $353 to charity in 1997. These people are pure, unadulterated hypocrites - and they are a clear and present danger to freedom and liberty. The problem is so many Republicans are scared to death of losing this election year, so they just go along with votes to steal your freedom.
Actually, Maria Can't-well isn't rich any more since Real networks stock dropped, causing her to affix herself in Hitlery's armpit, allegedly under her wing, to benefit from DNC fundraisers. But clearly, nine of top ten senators are wealthiest in that august body, and that little tidbit will come in very handy in discussions with leftist liberals.
Treason against the United States of America?
The RNC is so incredibly inept, you have to wonder if they are truly as stupid as they seem to be, or if they instead simply agree with much of what the Dems are spouting. Given the actions taken by Congressional Republicans, as well W, I'm beginning to buy into the theory that we have a one-party system.
Hey, if Sen. FRist has $20 million, that's because he's a doctor! (Heart surgeon, IIRC.) Where have the others earned their fortunes? Or have they?
1. John F. Kerry (D-MA) $675 million Married into it 2. Jon Corzine (D-NJ) $400 million CEO 4. Jay Rockefeller (D-WV) $200 million inherited 8. Edward Kennedy (D-MA) $30 million inherited 9. Sen. Mark Dayton (D-MN) $20 million inherited
May I politely request where that information is from?
I found the information on Roll Call
Although they break it down there to the top richest in Congress
And there, broken down: "Thirty-three lawmakers on the list are Republicans; 17 are Democrats.
Just looking for accuracy.
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