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All -- I need you to distribute this to everyone on your email list, send to your local media outlets, write letters to your local papers, post on message boards and do anything else you can think of to get this information out in the public domain -- that is the only way it will get out as the press has no interest in connecting the dots.

Richard Gephardt has declared the current business scandals can costs the Republicans 40 seats in the November election.

(Roll Call report on Gephardt's Statement)

Are we going to let the DemocRATS get away with their continual attacks on this Administration and Republicans without a response?

I say it is time to fight back and get the information out. Are you with me on this? If you are, please help distribute this information. More will follow in the days ahead!


1 posted on 07/18/2002 8:13:23 AM PDT by PhiKapMom
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To: PhiKapMom
People in glass houses...
2 posted on 07/18/2002 8:15:04 AM PDT by mhking
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To: MeeknMing; Sabertooth; JohnHuang2
Can you guys ping for me. My other computer is down and I don't have the Senate ping list on my son's!

Mega Thanks guys!

3 posted on 07/18/2002 8:15:21 AM PDT by PhiKapMom
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To: PhiKapMom

Heres the thread currently running on Gephardt's 30-40 seat pick up article.....

Gephardt Eyes Massive Gains: Party Could Pick up 40 House Seats

6 posted on 07/18/2002 9:03:55 AM PDT by deport
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To: PhiKapMom
I'm going nuts around the house running errands & doing chores, so excuse if this is disjointed-- a couple of thoughts:

Make sure others see this: Go here:

Ignorance Making You Ill? Cure It!

for links, tools, & instructions about how to contact a pile of different people, and how to send a link to this story right here ( or anywhere else ) to a "mass email" using Outlook Express.

Somewhat related:

So- how corrupt and hypocritical are the Democrats, anyway?

9 posted on 07/18/2002 9:28:05 AM PDT by backhoe
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To: PhiKapMom; Snow Bunny; CaTexan; onyx; RonDog; Sabertooth; Fred Mertz; Bahbah; dixiechick2000; ...

Clintoon and Dick Gephardt

Terry McAuliffe

Please let me know if you want ON or OFF my General Interest ping list!. . .don't be shy.
10 posted on 07/18/2002 9:31:46 AM PDT by MeekOneGOP
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To: PhiKapMom; Mo1; terilyn; Utah Girl
Remind everyone that the SEC lawyer had ties to the Dems and is known as a very, VERY tough investigator. He apparently is quite ticked off with the suggestion that he didn't dig hard enough on Harken.

Thanks for the thread and a ping to others.
11 posted on 07/18/2002 9:32:54 AM PDT by Fracas
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To: PhiKapMom; MurryMom; dwbh

Heh heh heh!! Do we have any Lib'rals or RINOs who want to bet on that?! Nawww, I didn't think so. I'm predicting a 25-30 seat pick-up fer the GOP House, and a 4-5 Seat Pickup in the Senate. RATS are imploding and this Gephardt quote is nothing but "whistlin' past the graveyard."


15 posted on 07/18/2002 10:08:07 AM PDT by Mudboy Slim
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To: PhiKapMom; floriduh voter; dorben; gatorman; Fearless Flyers; Luke FReeman; Clemenza; ...
Great post.....we need to get this info distributed as the media ignores anything negative about the RATs!

Just imagine if every Freeper wrote a letter to the editor of their local newspaper informing the readers of the truth about Dem's...We could indeed take back the Senate & win more seats in the House!

Pinging some FL Freepers to join the effort.

17 posted on 07/18/2002 10:24:13 AM PDT by JulieRNR21
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To: PhiKapMom
I forwarded your article, to everyone in my e-mail list, PK. Hope they forward it on also!!! : ) Thanks for your post.
19 posted on 07/18/2002 10:28:55 AM PDT by nicmarlo
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To: PhiKapMom
You have seen this, haven't you?

FOB and FOFOB... the clinton friend files

McAwful and many of bill's pals are included.

Be advised you must scroll right to see every link- the old formatting & new board don't get along too well.

21 posted on 07/18/2002 11:11:55 AM PDT by backhoe
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To: PhiKapMom
The hypocrisy also includes Daschle. Follow the link:
22 posted on 07/18/2002 11:35:14 AM PDT by Hostage
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To: PhiKapMom; MeeknMing
I am forwarding this to all on my email list.
Thanks for posting it, PKM.

I believe if the Justice Dept. hands down some indictments on some of these corrupt CEOs by the end of Sept., that will take the wind out of Gephardt's sails..
I hope so, anyway.

Thanks for the ping, Ming!

24 posted on 07/18/2002 12:16:23 PM PDT by dixiechick2000
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To: PhiKapMom
You might want to add Senator Corzine. Seems that Goldman Sachs has been accused of "laddering" IPO stocks while Corzine headed them up.

See the Washington Times editorial at:
25 posted on 07/18/2002 12:16:53 PM PDT by jackbill
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To: PhiKapMom
The internet and talking to anyone you can buttonhole is the way to get this message out.....DUMP THE DEMOCRATS
27 posted on 07/18/2002 12:34:20 PM PDT by WaterDragon
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To: PhiKapMom
Thanks for your hard work and dedication. Will forward info.
28 posted on 07/18/2002 12:45:43 PM PDT by BlueAngel
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To: PhiKapMom
This artical appeared in the San Diego Union Tribune, and was written by Joseph Perkins. The artical is at this web site:

Enron is a Democratic problem too
January 18, 2002

Remember the famous scene in "Casablanca" when Rick's Cafe Americain is shut down?

"How can you close me up?" asks Rick, played by Humphrey Bogart. "On what grounds?"

"I'm shocked, shocked to find that gambling is going on in here," replies Captain Renault, played by Claude Rains.

At which point a croupier appears, hands Renault a stack of money, and informs him, "Your winnings, sir."

Which brings me to the Enron investigation on Capitol Hill. Some Democrats, like Connecticut Sen. Joe Lieberman and California Rep. Henry Waxman, are trying their darndest to spin it as a Bush administration scandal.

They're shocked, shocked that the president received campaign contributions from Enron chairman Kenneth Lay.

That certain high-ranking members of his administration, including Vice President Dick Cheney, Attorney General John Ashcroft, Economic Adviser Larry Lindsey, Securities and Exchange Commission Chairman Harvey Pitt, have some connection or another with the bankrupt energy giant.

But it's not like the party of Lieberman and Waxman has not been a beneficiary of Enron's largess. Your contributions, sirs.

Not that Democrats have had no connections whatsoever with the Houston-based firm.

In fact, an analysis of federal election documents by The Center for Responsive Politics reveals that 29 Senate Democrats, including Lieberman himself and Majority Leader Tom Daschle received campaign contributions from Enron. As did 71 House Democrats, including Minority Leader Richard Gephardt.

Then there's the $285,000 in Enron cash the Democratic National Committee accepted in 2000. Not to mention the $100,000 Thanksgiving gift the energy giant gave the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee last November, a week before filing Chapter 11 in bankruptcy court.

Enron also retained the services of some of the best Democratic lobbyists, consultants and lawyers money could buy.

Like Jack Quinn, former Vice President Al Gore's former chief of staff, a lobbyist for the nation's seventh-largest company. Robert Bennett, who represented Bill Clinton in the Paula Jones case, Enron's lead Washington lawyer. David Boies, Gore's lead lawyer in the Florida recount, representing the fallen energy giant's former chief financial officer, Andrew Fastow.

And, oh yes, Michael Lewin, Lieberman's former chief of staff, who earned a nice check from Enron by building relationships for the company with Democratic lawmakers.

Both Lieberman and Waxman are concerned with the influence Enron might have had with the Bush administration, given the president's past friendship with Lay, given the ties that Cheney, Ashcroft, Lindsey, Pitt and other administration officials had with the company.

But the fact that Enron and its executives generously supported Bush during his two campaigns for Texas governor, as well as his campaign for the White House, did not compel the president to use the powers of his office to bail the energy giant out of its troubles.

Nor did Enron's connections to Bush administration officials help the beleaguered company avert financial collapse.

The Treasury Department rebuffed repeated requests that Bush officials call the bond-rating agencies on the company's behalf. The requests were made not only by Lay but also by former Clinton Treasury Secretary Robert Rubin, a director of Citigroup, Enron's largest creditor (not to mention Lieberman's largest campaign contributor).

Treasury's decision effectively quashed Enron's pending merger with Dynegy and left Enron with no recourse but bankruptcy.

Meanwhile, both the SEC and the Justice Department have launched investigations of Enron that could lead, conceivably, to asset forfeitures and criminal convictions for the company's senior executives.

So, then, for all its campaign contributions to President Bush, for all its ties to with Bush administration officials, Enron has little to show for it.

That's why, according to the latest CNN/USA Today/Gallup Poll, few Americans blame the Bush administration for Enron's implosion and the hardship suffered by the bankrupt company's former employees.

Lieberman and Waxman can try to persuade the public that Enron's collapse is somehow a Bush administration scandal. But it is hard to make that case when so many Democratic lawmakers have accepted Enron's cash, when so many Democratic insiders continue to use their Washington connections on Enron's behalf.

29 posted on 07/18/2002 1:06:27 PM PDT by tomball
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To: PhiKapMom
"When Dick Gephardt ran for President in 1988, he received an unsecured and unusual $125,000 loan from Federal City Bank. Terry McAuliffe, now the chairman of the Democrat party, ran the bank that gave Gephardt his sweetheart loan while working as Gephardt's chief fundraiser in his campaign!

This violated Federal election law."

And that should be that!! Laws were obviously broken and INDICTMENTS MUST FOLLOW or else our Executive Branch has become toothless and jaded!!



30 posted on 07/18/2002 1:15:07 PM PDT by Mudboy Slim
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To: PhiKapMom
If the media is so died-in-the-wool liberal, what good will it to to bombard them with this information?

No doubt, they already HAVE this info (after all, we do) but are deliberately ignoring it. Won't they just continue to ignore it, no matter how much dust FR stirs up?

IOW, how can we expect the liberal media to do anything other than adhere to the liberal line?

31 posted on 07/18/2002 1:19:12 PM PDT by Hardy Harhar
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To: PhiKapMom
"Ring Dem Bells!!"
(To be sung to Bob Dylan's "Ring Them Bells")

Ring Dem bells, you heathens with yer Big Guv'ment schemes...
Ring Dem bells from yer sanctuaries where Vile Lib'rals preach!!
"Re-Impeach!!" Mudboy cried...
"We got Truth on our side...
"And Clinton's Power's fractured...Sweet Justice be thine!!"

Ring Dem bells, good FReepers, let yer OUTRAGE show!!
Ring Dem bells...make yer righteous stand, so John Ashcroft will know!!
Folks, it's Rush Hour now...
Help us FReep 'gainst the Power!!
Lord, the sun is goin' down upon Left's sacred cows!!

Ring Dem bells, Sweet Justice, tell yer Congressman...
Ring Dem bells so the World will know McAuliffe's SCUM!!
Folks, the Networks are asleep...
But their Power's weak...
And the Country's still filled with lost sheep.

Ring Dem bells...fer Left's Blind Ignorance!!
Ring Dem bells for those morally-bereft!
Ring Dem bells for Left's chosen few...
Who would judge the many...
Yet say, "Slick is KEWL!!"
Ring Dem bells for the Chi-Com SPIES...
For the kids that died...
When innocents FRIED!!

Ring Dem bells, brave Patriots, shan't let Tyranny bloom!!
Ring Dem bells for our Sailors whom Slick Willie entombed!! List of crimes is long...
But Bold FReepers are strong...
And we're breakin' down resistance to Rightin' Wrongs!!

Mudboy Slim

Folks, it's time we demonstrated the Power of FReepin' to those who would deprive us of Justice and Liberty!! Terry McAuliffe, outspoken proponent of Campaign Finance Reform and Chairman of the DNC, has committed multiple FELONIES to get to his position of prominence in the DemocRATic Party, yet no one seems willing to hold him accountable!! As Bill Clinton's Chief Fundraiser in the '96 Presidential elections, McAuliffe was the mastermind behind the Union/DemocRAT scheme to bilk hard-working blue-collar workers out of Millions of Dollars of Pension Funds so as to provide Bill Clinton with the cash to retain his position of Power, and no INDICTMENT has been forthcoming. Elle Bee tells me there is a 5-year Statute of Limitations--expiring this Fall--on this Crime, and George Bush's Attorney General, John Ashcroft, has not said one word about holding the DNC Chairman accountable for his crimes!! THIS INJUSTICE SHALL NOT STAND!!

A small contingent of Justice-loving FReepers have--for over a month--been promoting a series of threads exposing McAuliffe's long criminal history, but now it's time to take the Truth beyond FreeRepublic!! Please assist our efforts with your emails, phone calls, and snail mails to those who need to expose this lowlife SCUM for all the World to see!!

Thanks for your help in Ringin' the Bells of Justice!!


1 Posted on 08/17/2001 22:59:43 PDT by Mudboy Slim (NOW or NEVER Time, FReepers!!)

Quite Sincerely...MUD

34 posted on 07/18/2002 1:40:01 PM PDT by Mudboy Slim
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To: PhiKapMom
Thanks PKM.

We have to get busy and get the word out. It's obvious that CNN and the likes aren't going to report on anything unless it's a Republican.

I've just send several articles to every one on my list including most of the anchors at Fox News.

I'm making this my election mission.

Thanks for helping to make it so easy for me!
38 posted on 07/18/2002 3:22:49 PM PDT by terilyn
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