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A Few of FR's Finest....Every Day 07-10-02
Billie and Mama_Bear
Posted on 07/10/2002 12:49:44 AM PDT by Mama_Bear
A Few of FR's Finest..... ......Every Day
FR is a Treasure Trove of talented, compassionate, patriotic, wonderful people who gather every day to discuss the latest news and issues; salute and support our military and our leaders; tell a few jokes; learn a new word; write poetry; pray for those in need; and congratulate those who are deserving. Thank you, Jim Robinson, for giving us the vehicle in which we can express ourselves.
Free Republic made its debut in September, 1996, and the forum was added in early 1997. I can remember lurking when there were only a few regulars who posted, and now there are over 60,000 who have registered for posting privileges. The forum is read daily by tens of thousands of concerned citizens and patriots from all around the country and the world.
A Few of FR's Finest November 11, 2001
So many people have written me since my original Veteran's Day Tribute, asking how they, or a loved one, could be included in that tribute. Since I can no longer add the photos to the body of the thread, I've been including them in additional posts as I received enough to make another collage.
Still that doesn't seem to be enough. I think there's never been a better nor more appropriate time to keep the faces of our own Veterans and Active Military in front of FReepers--every day! That's why I wanted to do yet another Daily Thread .....ABOUT FReepers .....and FOR FReepers. But not only about our Military FReepers; for all FReepers! Wouldn't it be nice to get to know a few of the other FReepers as well? That's why, in addition to seeing FR's Finest Military Personnel every day, I thought it might be fun to feature a different FReeper (or FReepers) each day. If you would like to be pictured, or know someone who would, please FReepmail me and we'll turn the spotlight - on YOU - for the day!
And do let me know if you'd like your picture added to the groups of Veterans/Active Military below. I will keep this page updated, and continue to add them to the comment section of the original Veteran's Day thread as well.
TOP: Logos, SwedeGirl's hubby, Neil E Wright, FallGuy, 1John, Sneakypete MIDDLE: T'wit, COB1, LadyX, Dick Bachert, 68-69TonkinGulfYatchClub BOTTOM: YankeeinSC, Delta21, JoeSixPack1
TOP: Bosniajmc, AFVetGal, Archy, A Navy Vet
MIDDLE: 4TheFlag, Aeronaut, 68Grunt, Xinga
BOTTOM: Codger, AAABest, Clinton's A Liar, Duke809, dcwusmc
TOP: mc5cents, Norb2569, LBGA's son, VanJenerette
MIDDLE: Jim Robinson, KJenerette, davidosborne, KG9Kid
BOTTOM: gwmoore, Equality7-2521, SAMWolf
TOP: porgygirl, Phil V., MudPuppy, NorCoGOP
MIDDLE: RaceBannon, OneidaM, rdb3, jwTexian
BOTTOM: USMC Vet, TheMayor, Vineyard, rhododogma
TOP: spectr17, RightOnline, SERE_Doc, Tet68
MIDDLE: FutureSnakeEater, RightOnline's wife, CIApilot, Clamper1797 BOTTOM: usmcobra, onedoug, DiverDave, Joe6-pack
TOP: g'nad, AgThorn's son Justin, SLB, AgThorn's son Brett
MIDDLE: fish70, razorback-bert, CheneyChick,Leroy S Mort, Mark17
BOTTOM: Terry's Take, Taxman, DinkyDau
TOP: ValerieUSA's son Grant, SK1Thurman, kd5cts, RangerVetNam,
dansangel and .45man's son-in-law Tony
BOTTOM: rangerX, Old China Hand, Trish, Howlin's dad, Mustang
TOP: ohioWfan's son, MamaBear's father-in-law, MamaBear's dad, ladtx
MIDDLE: The Mayor's niece, M.Kehoe, Beach_Babe's son-in-law
BOTTOM: deadhead's dad, HiJinx, Severa's hubby, viligantcitizen's granddad.
TOP: Q6-God, Scan59, Mama Bear and JKPhoto's son, ofMagog
MIDDLE: Big'ol_freeper, JustAmy's great uncle, Prodigal Son
BOTTOM: JustAmy's husband, JustAmy's brother-in-law, JustAmy's brother.
If you have not had the pleasure of meeting this amazing woman in person or on the threads, please allow me to introduce her. This is FReeper and activist Saundra Duffy. Saundra is the President of the Fresno/Central Valley Chapter of FreeRepublic, but, as dedicated as she is to this website, you may not see her here often. Saundra is a very busy woman. If she is not going to a FReep, she is probably coming from one. Saundra and her bullhorn seem to be EVERYWHERE!
I wish I could tell you about every rally she has attended and every event that she has organized, but the list would be endless. So I will just say; whether she is confronting the "pro-terrorists" from FResno's FReeper Island, or "educating" the misinformed liberal crowd in Sacramento, Saundra puts 100% of her heart and soul into supporting her cause. This woman is unstoppable; she will go where angels fear to tread!
She and her husband, "lager" (a dedicated FReeper in his own right), make quite a team as they carry the banner of freedom and liberty throughout the California Central Valley. Those who know her will recognize her signature motto...
"For victory and freedom!"
Click below to see Saundra in action at the... "Post-Inaugural Victory Brunch", a Modesto "Condit FReep", and at a FResno "Support our Troops" Rally.
And, to read more about her many activities, rallies and demonstrations, visit Saundras PROFILE PAGE.
Saundra, I have said before and will say again .... I don't EVER want to be on the receiving end of your bullhorn! We should all thank our lucky stars that you are on OUR side! I know of no one more passionate, or dedicated, or tenacious than you, and no one more deserving of FR's Finest Spotlight.
God bless you, Saundra. You are a patriot and one of FR's Finest!
FReep On, Sis!
07-08-02 BadJoe
07-09-02 Cool Guy
TOPICS: Culture/Society; Miscellaneous; News/Current Events; Political Humor/Cartoons
KEYWORDS: freepers; fun; military; surprises; tribute
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To: Diver Dave
I sent her an e-mail a while ago. She sometimes doesn't do self-search. Thanks. I was just about to do that also. She usually answers her mail right away, so I know she checks it often.
To: lodwick
If you had bought $1000.00 worth of Nortel stock one year ago, it would now be worth $49.00.
If you had bought $1000.00 worth of Coors (the beer, not the stock) one year ago, drank all the beer, then traded in the cans at a redemption center for the nickel deposit, you would have $107.00.
Given the current conditions of the economy, my advice is to drink heavily and recycle.
Let the Summer begin!
To: g'nad
I just got back from workin' out in the, I'm hungry enuff to eat a offense Mama Bear... LOL! Well, personally, I prefer "horse" - (not to eat ... the expression). ;-)
To: Militiaman7; Saundra Duffy
Hi, MM7! Thanks for coming by and saluting our featured FReeper today. I know that when Saundra gets here, she will be very appreciative of all the salutes, kudos and congratulations.
To: Diver Dave
;-) Solid thinking. Cheers.
posted on
07/10/2002 11:29:56 AM PDT
To: Billie
Thank you, Billie. Ya'll do a good job on this thread. Keep up the good work!
To: Mama_Bear
Wow! I'm thrilled to be recognized here. It's an honor. (If we could get paid for FReeping, I'd be a kazillionaire.) See you at the Infinite FReep and Tailgate Party in Fresno this weekend. I'm bringing my BULLHORN and Lager bought me a drum! Yahoo!! For victory & freedom!!!
To: Mama_Bear
Thanks for the bouquet, Sis. How sweet! For victory & freedom!!!
Beautiful flowers for Saundra, wolfie!
posted on
07/10/2002 11:39:23 AM PDT
To: daisyscarlett; Mama_Bear
Hi, Daisy - such a cute hello. :) I trust you have everything you need for tomorrow's thread, which I always look forward to! You and MB add so much to this thread, and I can't thank you enough.
posted on
07/10/2002 11:42:41 AM PDT
To: Saundra Duffy; AFF
Nice to see you here Saundra.
posted on
07/10/2002 11:45:55 AM PDT
To: JustAmy
You guys are too much. I have some tears flowing; it's humbling to be recognized in this way. All those hours of FReeping and planning to FReep and following up on FReeps. My favorite freeping activity so far was the C-Span event "Post Inaugural Victory Brunch Celebration". No, my favorite freeping activity has to be just knowing that our Chapter BROUGHT DOWN A CONGRESSMAN, that scumbag Gary "OJ" Condit!!! Yahoo! Thanks to Jim Robinson and his family for making possible. For victory & freedom!!!
I just love receiving flowers from you guys. Thanks! For victory & freedom!!!
posted on
07/10/2002 11:53:29 AM PDT
To: Mama_Bear
You guys are making me cry!!!!!!!!!
To: lodwick
Thank you. You do the same, ok?
posted on
07/10/2002 12:06:46 PM PDT
To: Billie
"Thanks, Tonk, for each day coming to pay your respect to the FReeper of the Day!"
I consider it an honor to pay my respects to the FReeper of the Day.
My time is short now-a-days, but I will always stop in.
God Bless Free Republic.
To: whoever
;-) Deal. Thanks Who! Nice to see you this afternoon.
posted on
07/10/2002 12:10:08 PM PDT
To: CounterCounterCulture
Good afternoon, CCC - I am happy to see you here again today. Thank you for coming. I hadn't 'met'
"the Destroyer" yet, and so far I haven't seen her today!
Didn't see much of Cool Guy yesterday either though! Now tell me, when it's your turn, are you going to pull a disappearing act? :)
posted on
07/10/2002 12:10:54 PM PDT
To: Saundra Duffy; ST.LOUIE1; Mama_Bear; Billie; Diver Dave; The Thin Man; lodwick
Biblical Spokespersons What if biblical characters could be recruited as high-tech promoters?
Consider the following tech advocates and their ad slogans:
Noah for We can find a mate for anything. Why not you?
Moses for the Excedrin Headache Resource Center ( Take two tablets and call me in the morning.
The dove for Guaranteed delivery in 40 days and 40 nights.
Adam and Eve for Dell Computers: No Apples for us. We've learned the hard way.
Solomon for Microsoft: Don't cut the baby in half.
Joseph for Nikon Coolpix: Only Nikon can capture the 36-bit color of my megapixel dreamcoat.
Methuselah for Life begins at 960.
Pharaoh for Symantec: If only we'd had Norton AntiPlague 2002 in 2002 ... B.C.E.
Job for NASDAQ: 'Nuff said.
posted on
07/10/2002 12:11:26 PM PDT
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