Posted on 06/26/2002 4:31:38 AM PDT by FormerLurker
Mercurial Times
...they are a-changin'
Hard-hitting, no-holds-barred commentary from dedicated patriots seeking the truth...that's all.
Don't Fatwa Me
by Anna Zetchus Raetz
Oh, the hullabaloo raised by arming a Jew. Welcome to the 21st Century -- the first decade of it well on its way to garnering the title of The Age Of Hysteria.
And meet the Rabbi Yakove Lloyd, founder and president of the Jewish Defense Group (JDG). A religious Jew. A concerned Jew. A Jew that hasn't forgotten.
And what was that now that needed to be remembered? Oh, yeah, just the minor detail that for every Jew there usually are, on average, ten Jew-haters bent on his or her elimination. We could call it "persecution with genocidal intent". It's not a nice sentiment.
Personally, as a Christian, I'm beginning to "get it". A training video recovered from an Afghani Al Qaeda base shows heavily armed terrorists practicing the fine art of entering homes and shooting the inhabitants, in this case mannequins, mannequins with crosses painted on their chests. (But the real dummies are those who don't take these kinds of visuals seriously.)
What needs to be taken seriously is that there are those who believe that to not submit to Allah and recognize his prophet Mohammed makes one an infidel. That's the lighter side. Defending that disbelief, whether in print or in practice, could make you the lucky recipient of your own personalized fatwa, an Islamic religious edict that trades cash for your coco -- ask Salman Rushdie ('cause you can't ask Daniel Pearl).
At the beginning of this month, Iraqi-based fugitive and probable co-conspirator of the 1993 WTC bombing Abdul Rahman Yasin discussed on CBS' "60 Minutes" how, amid the plethora of large significant structural targets in America, Islamikazes also had Jewish neighborhoods in their sights, and still do. The writers at Reuters called that a "perceived threat". And just last week the Feds said that terrorists may be planning on striking local Jewish synagogues and schools with fuel tankers. That's a lot closer than Tora Bora. Now, I don't know what color-code the government has decided to give this particular threat, but methinks the Rabbi is starting to see red. Is it crazy that a Jew living by one of these neighborhoods might consider locking and loading just on the off-chance that these statements are more than just bellicose rhetoric?
And people should "get it". But then it wouldn't be The Age Of Hysteria, it might then resemble a more Biblical Age, a time when Jews were warriors, and winners.
But the only things that Rabbi Lloyd has won by coming to the conclusion that American Jews should be feistier than the average sitting duck are a lot of labels and verbal lashings, and very little praise.
For instance, as far as the Associated Press is concerned, neither he nor the JDG can be mentioned without the prefacing qualifier "right-wing". This kills me, as I've been newspeaked to believe that "right-wing" is synonymous with, among other horrid inferences, "anti-Semite". They're messing with my conditioning. Perhaps it's time for an infusion of fresh talent in AP's Den of Derogatory Disclaimers, 'cause the "right-wing" catch-all has done run its course.
One of my favorite responses to the Rabbi's idea of armed neighborhood patrols has been, by New York's Mayor Bloomberg and others, to call him and his troops "vigilantes". After having so tortured the original intent of the Bill of Rights' Second Amendment by successfully muddying the clarity of "the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed" so as to now have it hinge on the predicate phrase "a well-regulated militia", these bozos don't even recognize a militia when somebody forms one.
It's because they don't want to recognize it, unless it's to narrow down even that meaning even further. In fact, the Rabbi was told by some elected officials that the "militia" solely refers to a group of people who seek to overthrow the government. Hey, don't give the Rabbi any ideas, because his interest in self-defense has so far resulted in a lot of public so-called "servants" rudely ordering around their salary-paying masters.
Commissioner Ray Kelly of the NYPD stated that "(t)he department will not tolerate anyone brandishing weapons under the guise of protecting others." Uh, you mean like your publicized yet rarely heeded job slogan, Commissioner? Because, if one is honest, too little is ever done in the name of protection. Perhaps the police department's motto should be "to serve and fill out paperwork and hose down the bloodstains after having carefully outlined the corpse with yellow tape".
Rabbi Lloyd's response to Kelly was "(w)hat the police commissioner does not understand is that no matter what he says ... those who have the legal right to carry firearms can carry firearms." But now it seems that not only is the NYPD set to seek out and arrest those who are patrolling with a weapon without the privilege to do so bestowed on them by the benevolent state, but that the patrollers with the privileges will be arrested for "unlawful assembly". If the yellow tape doesn't catch up to you, the red tape certainly will.
However, the (drumroll, please) certifiable winner of the Ridiculous Reaction To The Revolutionary Rabbi Award is presented to Brooklyn City Councilman Bill DiBlasio, who said about the Rabbi, He's not wanted here and he's not welcomed here. His brand of terrorism we don't accept. Good grief, Councilman, what brand of terrorism is it that you do find acceptable? And who, exactly, considers an armed Jew a terror? Councilman DiBlasio should consider the company that statement inadvertently causes him to keep -- such notables as Adolf Hitler, Arafat, and, lately, Ted Turner.
This is the same mentality that a lot of DiBlasio's peers in our Capitol share when discussing the issue of arming our commercial pilots. Instead of the possibility of shooting dead an attempting hijacker, they prefer a policy of shooting down an entire plane.
I had the privilege of interviewing Rabbi Lloyd last week, and he's more than aware of the fact that his own people here in America have contributed significantly to the lunacy and fear that arise whenever the topic of guns does. Most national Jewish groups have rarely met a gun control bill or gun-grabber that they didn't like -- lots of brainwashing, very little Warsaw Ghetto. Not one major Jewish group has spoken out in the Rabbi's defense.
The Rabbi quotes Talmudic Law: "He who comes to slay you, slay him first", which is not unlike our own President's commitment to taking out hostile, threatening regimes before they become successfully-made-good-on-the-threats, murderous regimes. If yellow tape is an unacceptable outline for our nation, why should it become acceptable in our Jewish neighborhoods?
We live in a Republic where its founders were respectful enough of their citizens to guarantee the maintenance of their pre-existent right to self-defense. They didn't envision a nation of sitting ducks. Anyone who doesn't "get this" is a quack. Rabbi Lloyd says, "Every Jew, a .22". Amen, Rabbi, and for every Gentile, too.
June 24, 2002
Anna Zetchus Raetz is a wife, mother, filmmaker (Tailing the Millennium), writer, and national spokeswoman for Liberty Belles. Her Internet radio program, Unspun, can be heard on The Other Radio Network.
Mercurial Times exclusive commentary. Reprints must credit the author and Mercurial Times.
Copyright 2002 - Mercurial Press
"Turn on the light..."
Dam' straight!
Great article. It has always been a puzzle to me that, in general, the Jews are against the 2nd Amendment. If any group of people should be aware of the importance of the people's right to bear arms it should be the Jews.
If German Jews had guns in the 1930s history might be very different. Maybe Isriali Jews should come to the US and give American Jews a reality lesson.
On Wednesday night, 10-11-00, I attended an event sponsored by the National Council of Jewish Women (NCJW). The event was announced in the 10-08-00 edition of the Kansas City Star Sunday Metropolitan Section's Community Calender. The announcement said that Million Mom March (MMM) president would be the guest speaker and the topic was to be "Gun Violence and Gun Control Legislation".
I myself can't understand why most of the Jews here in the US don't get it. It's refreshing to see someone like Rabbi Lloyd come forward, hopefully more will follow his lead.
Hmmm, so those who are for gun control have a form of mental illness. It all makes perfect sense...
Perhaps the police department's motto should be "to serve and fill out paperwork and hose down the bloodstains after having carefully outlined the corpse with yellow tape".
Commissioner Kelly is a fool, to be moderately blunt. What's interesting is the good Rabbi has more NYPD officers in Brooklyn because of his "threat" than anyone has seen in years - if ever. "Kelly's Cops" are protecting the Jewish communities, whether they want to or not. Pretty funny. Who's being manipulated here, Commissioner?
Hmmm, so those who are for gun control have a form of mental illness. It all makes perfect sense...
There is another cure for this illness - being mugged and injured. Works most every time! I see many of these good people in my concealed-carry classes. They can't get their hands on a gun fast enough!
What she fails to realize is that NYC PROHIBITS CONCEALED CARRY for common citizens. It is precisely why her son was shot and killed, as the criminals who walk the streets of NYC have no fear of being shot due to the fact that most if not all citizens there are unarmed.
So in effect she is congratulating the very policy that led to her son's death.
What she fails to realize is that NYC PROHIBITS CONCEALED CARRY for common citizens. It is precisely why her son was shot and killed, as the criminals who walk the streets of NYC have no fear of being shot due to the fact that most if not all citizens there are unarmed.
So in effect she is congratulating the very policy that led to her son's death.
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