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Breaking: John Ashcroft says U.S. disrupted plans to attack U.S. with "dirty" radiation bomb.
Posted on 06/10/2002 7:30:38 AM PDT by Dales
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To: mercy
Ah, thanks mercy, I always relish your daily "sky is falling" sit-rep.Holler when it DOES fall, okay?
To: Grampa Dave
Heh :-)
Check the signon dates. This is the original screen name ;-)
posted on
06/10/2002 10:57:45 AM PDT
To: wardaddy
Thank you for injecting some common sense into the profiling argument.
To: Sabertooth
"If every Arab Moslem non-citizen was deported tomorrow, would there be less terrorists in the country?"LOL...of COURSE not, and that was obviously not my point.
To: homeschool mama
What IS this?The Music of the Spheres.
My preferred flavor, though, is
To: Miss Marple
posted on
06/10/2002 11:02:10 AM PDT
To: cake_crumb
LOL...of COURSE not, and that was obviously not my point.
"Of course not?"
Did you mean to say that? You don't think there are any terrorists among the Arab Moslem non-citizens in this country?
To: Chemist_Geek
"That would have the California, Oregon, and Washington State congressional delegations' knickers in a major twist. Relaxed environemntal regulations? Perish the thought!"
You want to bet that if an RDD was set of in any major city in these states these Congressional delegations would not think twice about relaxing the standards........
Comment #509 Removed by Moderator
To: the new spoosman
Sorry - home grown traitor wanting to set off a dirty nuke in DC IS big news to me. Also, turning him over to DOD will make the case the first or possibly first military tribunal etc. I think you should focus on the bad guys instead of trying to find ulterior motives in everything the Bush admin does.
To: The Great Satan; wardaddy
Thank you for injecting some common sense into the profiling argument.
Likewise, but you gotta wonder how common it is anymore.
To: Sabertooth
Don't forget Tabligh-i Jamaat.
To: hchutch
Right now, Rush is on a roll DEFENDING a lot of what Bush wants to do today. Say what you will about the guy, but he's doing good today. That is going to cancel out some of my irritation for a while, IMHO. All it takes to permanently earn the wrath of the Bush Loyalists is for someone to wander off the Bush Reservation just once. They could care less that Rush was a major factor in Bush's election and that he has, only up till recently, consistently defended many a questionable policy decision out of this administration.
posted on
06/10/2002 11:06:16 AM PDT
Comment #514 Removed by Moderator
ya know for a while I've believed ALOHA RONNIE is actually B-1 Bob hisself - any seconds?
To: mercy
Thus reducing his punishment to no more than deportation probably.Ummmm, where do suggest we send him??? He's a U.S. citizen.
posted on
06/10/2002 11:07:04 AM PDT
To: section9
The left is incredibly stupid. If a dirty bomb went off, the Dems would get slaughtered in the next election.
To: habs4ever
Three thousand people die in the greatest single terrorist attack in history which is also the greatest attack against America of all time .... Islamist terrorists have infiltrated our country while the gubmint does next to nothing about it .... Islamists world wide are growing in strength with no real resistence ... we are under threat of radiological attack from at least three regimes ... our nation is held hostage by Wahabi oil barons .... and YOU say I'm guilty of saying "the sky is falling".
Well since we're speaking in trite fashion ... you make Pollyanna sound like a doomsayer.
posted on
06/10/2002 11:09:01 AM PDT
To: Marine Inspector
Did you happen to hear that one idiot who called into FOX news? He was saying he is part of thousands of Islamic extremist who WILL destroy us (my words.. but that was the giest of the conversation). I say America had BETTER wake up fast.. quit playing nicey nice with terrorists *(which is WHAT has gotten us where we are today) and no matter how UGLY it is.. no matter how cruel it may seem.. we need to clean house.
Anyone who doesn't believe these people are evil.. needs to watch the video of Daniel Pearl being murdered by these cowards.
It can be seen at "Boston Pheonix Newspaper" online.
As a nurse I could watch it. And I'm in the camp that thinks Americans NEED to see it. Until Americans GET REAL about what is happening and who we are dealing with things will NOT change, but only get worst.
I will remind everyone that they do behead Daniel Pearl. It did not incite violence in me,.. it just strengthens my resolve that these are evil people. Different than you or I.
It is imperative that we KNOW our enemies. If you can handle this video.. you should see it. If you think you cannot.. don't.
I just think we need to face reality. I realize the Pearl family did not want this out.. but things have changed in the World. Perhaps Daniels life and execution can serve to strengthen Americans to FIGHT. If it can't.. then I don't know what will. I will remind people we watched our soldiers bodies being dragged through Somalia, we watched people jumping from the WTC's (which I wish was being replayed more often... again, to strenghten the resolve of Americans.) Sadly, seeing is believing. I don't think young people should see it.. but I believe Americans who can handle it should.
Just MHO.
God Bless the Pearl Family. God give us all strength to do the right thing in order to protect our soveriegnty.
I'm praying that we will all get behind this Administration and help them to stop more innocent Americans from dying by the hands of these beasts.
To: Republicus2001; ALOHA RONNIE
ya know for a while I've believed ALOHA RONNIE is actually B-1 Bob hisself - any seconds?
Wrongo. I've heard Ronnie call in to Hugh Hewitt. No way he's Dornan.
FYI, ALOHA RONNIE was involved as a medic in the battle portrayed in the Mel Gibson film, "We Were Soldiers."
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