Anyone who doesn't believe these people are evil.. needs to watch the video of Daniel Pearl being murdered by these cowards.
It can be seen at "Boston Pheonix Newspaper" online.
As a nurse I could watch it. And I'm in the camp that thinks Americans NEED to see it. Until Americans GET REAL about what is happening and who we are dealing with things will NOT change, but only get worst.
I will remind everyone that they do behead Daniel Pearl. It did not incite violence in me,.. it just strengthens my resolve that these are evil people. Different than you or I.
It is imperative that we KNOW our enemies. If you can handle this video.. you should see it. If you think you cannot.. don't.
I just think we need to face reality. I realize the Pearl family did not want this out.. but things have changed in the World. Perhaps Daniels life and execution can serve to strengthen Americans to FIGHT. If it can't.. then I don't know what will. I will remind people we watched our soldiers bodies being dragged through Somalia, we watched people jumping from the WTC's (which I wish was being replayed more often... again, to strenghten the resolve of Americans.) Sadly, seeing is believing. I don't think young people should see it.. but I believe Americans who can handle it should.
Just MHO.
God Bless the Pearl Family. God give us all strength to do the right thing in order to protect our soveriegnty.
I'm praying that we will all get behind this Administration and help them to stop more innocent Americans from dying by the hands of these beasts.
I sure hope Fox has someone or something to trace that call.
Semper Fi.
I heard it and was feeling as speechless as Linda Vester and David Asman, the Fox commentators.
This caller named Saeed or Said, who Linda thought was going to be of ME descent when she went to the call, was sitting there with her mouth open, bug-eyed, as this American-born moslem said to her that there is no freedom, there is no liberty in this country, and why should he turn anyone in, as she was urging him to do. He said that there are many, many like him in this country, and when he was inducted into Islam there were at least 50 others with him, just in that one instance.
Really sickening. How are we going to stop people like that guy? This -ism is too popular in the black culture (as this caller seemed to be) and how do we deal with the part of that population who thinks this country is not worth saving?