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The UN: Irrelevant & Malignant ^ | May 29, 2002 | Alan Caruba

Posted on 05/29/2002 12:42:26 PM PDT by Stand Watch Listen

The United States with a population in excess of 287 million people has one vote in the United Nations General Assembly. There are 188 other members. Of these, 130 member nations have populations less than 13 million people. That is less than the State of Florida. Their vote is equal to that of the USA.

It gets worse; there are 31 nations with a full vote that have less than a half million people (500,000). Even our least populated State, Wyoming, has more people. These UN member nations have the same vote as the US, China, India, Russia, Great Britain Japan or any other major power in the world. Indeed, fourteen nations with less than 100,000 people have a vote equal to ours. They include Tuvalu (10,836), San Marino (26,937) and Liechtenstein (31,130).

The real power is in the UN Security Council, composed of permanent members, Great Britain, France, China, Russia, and the United States. All of them, except the US, are Socialist/Communist nations. There are ten other members elected for two-year terms. The one question no one has been able to answer for me is "How much security has the UN provided the world since its inception in 1947?"

The UN Charter says it exists to "save succeeding generations from the scourge of practice tolerance and live together in peace as good neighbors, to unite our strength to maintain international peace and security." This malignancy that passes for an international organization devoted to fostering peace and a bunch of other noble ideals has proven to be utterly useless and totally irrelevant, except as a threat to democracy and freedom everywhere.

These days, the UN is totally devoted to transforming itself into a global government, essentially ending the sovereignty of all member and non-member nations through a matrix of treaties, conferences, and protocols. The UN has its hand in all aspects of life on Earth from trade to the environment. It wants the right to tax everyone, to have its own judicial system, and its own military capability. If it has its way, you will be saluting the UN flag, not the Stars and Stripes.

Founded after World War II, its architects were either Soviets or secret agents of the Soviets, working at the highest levels within the US State Department. Its first, interim Secretary General was none other than Alger Hiss who went to jail for lying about the fact that he was a Soviet agent. The United Nations has never had a Secretary General who wasn't a dedicated Socialist.

The first major conflict that broke out after WWII was the invasion by communist North Korea of South Korea. US troops are still stationed there more than a half-century later after the "United Nations Police Action" that threw the North Koreans and the Red Chinese army back behind the 38th parallel. Frankly, there isn't room to recount all the other so-called United Nations' efforts to maintain the peace that weren't totally dependent on the strength of the United States to achieve any resolution.

The five wars waged against Israel alone are a testimony to the UN's ability to look the other way when a member nation is fighting for its life. There is no single organization in the world that is more anti-Semitic than the United Nations. Its conference "against" racism, held in Durban, South Africa, last year was such a horror of racism, mostly aimed at Israel, the US withdrew its representatives. Between 1967 and 1988, there were 88 Security Council resolutions passed against Israel and not one criticizing a single Arab nation or the PLO. In that same time span, the General Assembly passed 429 anti-Israel resolutions.

In the years since the UN was founded, there have been appalling genocides in Asia and Africa.

When the United States was attacked by al Qaeda, the US did not go to the General Assembly to ask permission to respond; it sent its military to Afghanistan to decimate this threat. The US had learned the lesson of the Gulf War during which, operating under a UN resolution, it was not permitted to go into Baghdad and kill Saddam Hussein and his gang of thugs. Told by Iraq to leave, following its failed invasion of Kuwait, the UN withdrew its inspection teams searching for weapons of mass destruction.

No one seems too upset by this, except of course, those of us who keep calling for the complete withdrawal by the US from the UN. This perfectly sane response to what is clearly an evil organization invariably earns us the knee-jerk nomenclature of "extreme right wingers."

What is "extreme" about opposing an institution that has not only utterly failed to bring about peace, has made no impact on the abuse of human rights around the world, and which poses a threat to our republic? The United Nations is an international malignancy, undermining free societies everywhere, a platform for racism, a mechanism seeking transfer the wealth of industrialized nations to those that do not foster any economic growth of their own.

Remember that the next time a US ambassador to the United Nations casts our one vote in the General Assembly at the same time as Djibouti.

Alan Caruba is the author of "The United Nations Vs. the United States", a pocket guide available exclusively from the National Anxiety Center's Internet site.

Alan Caruba

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1 posted on 05/29/2002 12:42:26 PM PDT by Stand Watch Listen
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To: Stand Watch Listen
The United States with a population in excess of 287 million people has one vote in the United Nations General Assembly. There are 188 other members.

Right and some people weigh 3-4 times as much as others and yet they pay the same price for a plane or a bus ticket. Not to mention that they only get to vote once.

This is not a good argument. I don't assume that the author would propose that China had 4 times more votes than we do. Remeber, only 5 nations are part of the Security Council and each of them can veto anthing she wants.

2 posted on 05/29/2002 12:50:38 PM PDT by A Vast RightWing Conspirator
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To: Stand Watch Listen
I don't know if the problem of small nations having a vote in the UN General Assembly is all that significant. Since the UN can't do much without the vote of the Security Council, the population issue of the General Assembly isn't much of a problem, any more than it is for the U.S. Senate (whose power is tempered by the House and the other 2 branches of government).

China has over a billion people, but giving its government, a dictatorship, a vote in any body is obscene, and calls into question the votes of that body. Tiny Lichtenstein, however, deserves a vote, as its government does not stay in power through murder and intimidation.

3 posted on 05/29/2002 12:56:48 PM PDT by DWPittelli
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To: Stand Watch Listen
The United Nations Wants to Take Your Gun!

4 posted on 05/29/2002 1:12:45 PM PDT by NormsRevenge
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To: A Vast RightWing Conspirator
How about if votes were done by economic prowess? IE: The US with it's $10,000,000,000,000 economy would weigh far more heavily than any other nation.

Anything less than this is unacceptable...uhh...forget it, we should simply leave the UN and then kick the UN outta NY and wherever else they are infesting America.
5 posted on 05/29/2002 1:50:09 PM PDT by xrp
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To: xrp
Again, we, the Chinese, Russians, Brits and Frenchies can veto anything we want. East Timor can't do that and never will.
6 posted on 05/29/2002 1:59:09 PM PDT by A Vast RightWing Conspirator
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To: Stand Watch Listen
How is the UN supposed to stop a war, when it CAN'T EVEN DELIVER A FRIGGIN SACK OF RICE to a starving Somali???

Shut 'em down, and evict 'em from NY.

7 posted on 05/29/2002 4:51:01 PM PDT by rageaholic
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To: Stand Watch Listen
The UN is dominated by socialists and to a lesser extent, by Islamic states. I would like to see Bush form a new international organization to promote freedom and democracy around the world. It could be called, the Alliance of Free and Sovereign States. The US would be the sole founding member and would grant entry to any country which demonstrates certain minimum levels of civil rights, free markets and democratically elected governments. Every country in the world would hate it, but they would be falling over each other to gain membership. It would soon eclipse NATO, NAFTA, WTO, and the EU and would make the UN irrelevant. The key to making it work would be strict adherence to national sovereignty, and this would mean any nation would be free to withdraw at anytime to avoid the appearance and charge of American neo-colonialism. The new Alliance would simply be an extension of GWs now famous line in the sand, "You are either with us or you are with the terrorists." Let Pax Americana begin.
8 posted on 05/29/2002 5:42:57 PM PDT by Pres Raygun
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To: Stand Watch Listen
     The real power is in the UN Security Council, composed of permanent members, Great
     Britain, France, China, Russia, and the United States. All of them, except the US, are
     Socialist/Communist nations.

   It is irritating enough that the author thinks one-nation one-vote
in the General Assemby constitutes some sort of  'news.'  But to
call all nations on the Security Council socialist/communist except
for the US is of such enormity as to embarrass a stone monkey.

9 posted on 05/29/2002 6:33:07 PM PDT by gcruse
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To: Stand Watch Listen
"the UN is totally devoted to transforming itself into a global government, essentially ending the sovereignty of all member and non-member nations through a matrix of treaties, conferences, and protocols. The UN has its hand in all aspects of life on Earth from trade to the environment. It wants the right to tax everyone, to have its own judicial system, and its own military capability. If it has its way, you will be saluting the UN flag, not the Stars and Stripes."

BTTT Bears repeating for the little good it will do. People just do not want to face reality.

10 posted on 05/29/2002 10:37:56 PM PDT by brat
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To: Stand Watch Listen
The UN is an organization that is seeking to destroy our national sovereignty, and will use any means neccessary to do so.

They undermine our Constitution, change our national landmarks such as Liberty Hall and the Liberty Bell into "World Herritage" sites, and seek to make us vulnerable by transferring our military to their command.

Why do you think Mike New is in as much trouble as he is right now? He refused to serve under a flag that wasn't his.

The UN is the biggest embodyment of evil in our world today.

11 posted on 05/29/2002 10:46:47 PM PDT by Horatio Bunce
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To: DWPittelli
the population issue of the General Assembly isn't much of a problem, any more than it is for the U.S. Senate

The Senate was designed to give small population states a disproportionate share of the vote. That's because ...

(whose power is tempered by the House and the other 2 branches of government).

The General Assembly is broken by design. To be fair, its power should be tempered by at least two other bodies, one based on population and the other based on GDP. Actually, I'm not particularly interested in trying to fix the UN and I wish the US would withdraw from it.

12 posted on 05/30/2002 12:45:39 AM PDT by altair
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To: A Vast RightWing Conspirator
Right and some people weigh 3-4 times as much as others and yet they pay the same price for a plane or a bus ticket.

This will change as the War on Fat progresses. A 300 pound person costs as much to carry in fuel as two 150 pound people, but they pay twice the fare. This is analogous to the cigarette taxes justified by public health care costs.

Not to mention that they only get to vote once.

That's a different issue. I believe the franchise should be granted only to taxpayers and prorated based upon the amount of tax paid (ie. a taxpayer paying $100,000 gets more votes than a taxpayer paying $10,000).

From the article: Tuvalu (10,836). This is the same Tuvalu that is attempting to sue the western world over global warming.

13 posted on 05/30/2002 12:55:54 AM PDT by altair
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To: Tom Jefferson; backhoe; Militiaman7; BARLF; timestax; imintrouble; cake_crumb; Brad's Gramma...
No one seems too upset by this, except of course, those of us who keep calling for the complete withdrawal by the US from the UN. This perfectly sane response to what is clearly an evil organization invariably earns us the knee-jerk nomenclature of "extreme right wingers."

Well, here we go, visit these sites to GET US OUT OF THE UN!!!

Link and petition here

Link and petition here

Link here

14 posted on 05/31/2002 4:52:09 PM PDT by knighthawk
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To: knighthawk
Thanks for the ping.

I hate the U.N.!!!

15 posted on 05/31/2002 7:06:09 PM PDT by lakey
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To: knighthawk
16 posted on 06/02/2002 9:36:32 AM PDT by timestax
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To: lakey
17 posted on 06/23/2002 9:22:28 PM PDT by timestax
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To: Stand Watch Listen
18 posted on 07/08/2002 3:48:03 AM PDT by timestax
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To: timestax
19 posted on 07/09/2002 3:56:14 PM PDT by timestax
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To: Stand Watch Listen

20 posted on 07/09/2002 4:02:11 PM PDT by Militiaman7
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