Horatio Bunce
Since May 17, 2002

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I first learned about a man by the name of Horatio Bunce while reading about Colonel Davy Crockett. He was a backwoods Teneseean whose sharp knowledge of our Constitutional Republic caused the before mentioned Crockett to see the folly of legislation passed just a year before their meeting. He had such a clear understanding of what the real issue was that Crockett himself commented that he had not heard a finer speech in the halls of Congress, and vowed never again to violate the Constitution. He never again did.

I myself am completely devoted to this country, and I will do whatever I can to protect it from the people, Republican or Democrat, who try to destroy its legacy, and defame its Constitution

I proudly take this name in honor of a man whose common sense made the difference in one public servant's life.