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1 posted on 03/13/2002 3:24:46 AM PST by Enemy Of The State
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To: Travis mcgee; snow bunny; Enemy Of The State;68-69TonkinGulfYatchClub;; JohnHuang2;rightwing2...
2 posted on 03/13/2002 3:26:48 AM PST by Enemy Of The State
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To: Enemy Of The State
They're traitors.
4 posted on 03/13/2002 3:30:41 AM PST by Uncle Bill
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To: Enemy Of The State
Dang...that old saying "Politics makes strange bedfellows"...In this instance, I'm hoping Byrd succeeds on the Amnesty Bill. (At least my Rep voted NAY last evening.)
5 posted on 03/13/2002 3:33:03 AM PST by TomGuy
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To: Enemy Of The State
Good job congress! We are still a melting pot!
18 posted on 03/13/2002 3:51:47 AM PST by VA Advogado
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To: Enemy Of The State
What message does this send to all who enter legally and go through the process legit?
31 posted on 03/13/2002 3:59:42 AM PST by 2Trievers
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To: Enemy Of The State

Bush is pushing Congress to pass a Section 245(i) extension before he goes to Mexico on March 22. Section 245(i) is rolling amnesty. Mexico is demanding amnesty as part of its goal of occupation and conquest of parts of America.


WHAT IS Section 245(i)?
Section 245(i) would restore a provision allowing illegal aliens to pay the INS $1000 and remain in the country, subject to only a cursory U.S. police record check, before receiving green cards. If Section 245(i) is not revived, these illegal aliens will instead be required to return to their country of origin where their application for an immigration visa would be subject to a far more vigorous home country background investigation. The legal procedure for entering the U.S. involves a background check performed in the country of origin to ensure that the immigrant or visitor does not pose a security threat. These laws were put in place for the precise reason of protecting our homeland and preventing a national tragedy like September 11th.


(Republicans in roman; Democrats in italic; Independents underlined)

      H RES 365     2/3 YEA-AND-NAY     12-MAR-2002   6:58 PM
      QUESTION:          On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Agree
      BILL TITLE: Providing for the concurrence by the House with amendments in the amendment of the Senate to H.R. 1885.


REPUBLICAN 92 123   6
DEMOCRATIC 182 13   16
TOTALS 275 137   22


--- YEAS    275 ---
Abercrombie Hall (OH) Olver
Ackerman Harman Osborne
Allen Hart Ose
Andrews Hastings (FL) Otter
Armey Hastings (WA) Owens
Baca Hill Oxley
Baird Hinchey Pallone
Baldacci Hobson Pascrell
Baldwin Hoeffel Pastor
Becerra Holden Paul
Berkley Holt Payne
Berman Honda Pelosi
Berry Hooley Petri
Biggert Houghton Phelps
Bishop Hoyer Pomeroy
Blumenauer Hyde Portman
Boehlert Inslee Price (NC)
Boehner Israel Pryce (OH)
Bonilla Issa Quinn
Bonior Jackson (IL) Radanovich
Bono Jefferson Rahall
Borski John Rangel
Boswell Johnson (CT) Regula
Boucher Johnson (IL) Reyes
Brady (PA) Johnson, E. B. Reynolds
Brown (FL) Jones (OH) Rivers
Brown (OH) Kanjorski Rodriguez
Buyer Kelly Roemer
Calvert Kennedy (MN) Rogers (KY)
Cannon Kennedy (RI) Ros-Lehtinen
Capps Kildee Ross
Capuano Kilpatrick Rothman
Cardin Kind (WI) Roybal-Allard
Carson (OK) King (NY) Rush
Castle Kirk Ryan (WI)
Chabot Kleczka Sabo
Clay Knollenberg Sanchez
Clayton Kolbe Sanders
Clyburn Kucinich Sandlin
Condit LaFalce Sawyer
Conyers Lampson Schakowsky
Costello Langevin Schiff
Cox Lantos Scott
Coyne Larsen (WA) Sensenbrenner
Cramer Larson (CT) Serrano
Crowley Latham Shaw
Cummings LaTourette Shays
Cunningham Leach Sherman
Davis (CA) Lee Simmons
Davis (FL) Levin Simpson
Davis, Tom Lewis (CA) Skeen
DeFazio Lewis (GA) Skelton
DeGette Lofgren Slaughter
Delahunt Lucas (KY) Smith (NJ)
DeLauro Luther Smith (TX)
DeLay Lynch Smith (WA)
Deutsch Maloney (CT) Snyder
Diaz-Balart Maloney (NY) Solis
Dicks Markey Souder
Dingell Mascara Spratt
Doggett Matheson Stark
Dooley Matsui Stenholm
Doyle McCarthy (MO) Strickland
Dreier McCarthy (NY) Sununu
Dunn McCollum Tanner
Edwards McDermott Tauscher
Ehlers McGovern Tauzin
Ehrlich McHugh Terry
Engel McIntyre Thomas
English McKeon Thompson (CA)
Etheridge McKinney Thornberry
Evans McNulty Tiahrt
Farr Meehan Tiberi
Fattah Meek (FL) Tierney
Filner Meeks (NY) Towns
Fletcher Menendez Turner
Foley Millender-McDonald Udall (CO)
Ford Miller, George Udall (NM)
Fossella Mink Velazquez
Frank Mollohan Walsh
Frost Moore Waters
Gephardt Moran (VA) Watkins (OK)
Gibbons Morella Watson (CA)
Gilchrest Murtha Watt (NC)
Gillmor Nadler Watts (OK)
Gilman Napolitano Waxman
Gonzalez Nethercutt Weller
Goss Ney Wilson (NM)
Green (TX) Northup Woolsey
Green (WI) Nussle Wu
Grucci Oberstar Wynn
Gutierrez Obey  
--- NAYS    137 ---
Aderholt Goodlatte Pitts
Akin Gordon Platts
Bachus Graham Pombo
Baker Granger Putnam
Ballenger Graves Ramstad
Barcia Greenwood Rehberg
Barr Gutknecht Riley
Bartlett Hall (TX) Rogers (MI)
Bass Hansen Rohrabacher
Bereuter Hayes Roukema
Bilirakis Hayworth Royce
Blunt Hefley Ryun (KS)
Boozman Herger Saxton
Boyd Hilliard Schaffer
Brady (TX) Hoekstra Schrock
Brown (SC) Horn Sessions
Bryant Hostettler Shadegg
Burr Hulshof Sherwood
Callahan Hunter Shimkus
Camp Isakson Shows
Cantor Istook Shuster
Capito Jenkins Smith (MI)
Chambliss Jones (NC) Stearns
Clement Kaptur Stump
Coble Keller Stupak
Collins Kerns Sullivan
Combest Kingston Tancredo
Cooksey LaHood Taylor (MS)
Crane Lewis (KY) Taylor (NC)
Crenshaw Linder Thune
Cubin LoBiondo Thurman
Culberson Lucas (OK) Toomey
Davis, Jo Ann Manzullo Upton
Deal McCrery Visclosky
DeMint McInnis Vitter
Duncan Mica Walden
Emerson Miller, Dan Wamp
Everett Miller, Gary Weldon (FL)
Ferguson Miller, Jeff Weldon (PA)
Flake Moran (KS) Whitfield
Forbes Myrick Wicker
Frelinghuysen Norwood Wilson (SC)
Gallegly Pence Wolf
Ganske Peterson (MN) Young (AK)
Gekas Peterson (PA) Young (FL)
Goode Pickering  
--- NOT VOTING    22 ---
Barrett Eshoo Ortiz
Barton Hilleary Sweeney
Bentsen Hinojosa Thompson (MS)
Blagojevich Jackson-Lee (TX) Traficant
Burton Johnson, Sam Weiner
Carson (IN) Lipinski Wexler
Davis (IL) Lowey  
Doolittle Neal  

43 posted on 03/13/2002 4:07:53 AM PST by Enemy Of The State
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To: Enemy Of The State
Folks this is a pure and simple business deal. We are short workers to support the baby boom 's retirement programs. Mexico, being Catholic has 70 million people under age 30. We've aborted about 40 million since 1973. It's purely and simply an issue of "you can't have your cake and eat it too". NOT to do this will cost the Western Hemisphere more in terms of the consequent social unrest on both countries than doing it.
68 posted on 03/13/2002 4:27:47 AM PST by mo
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To: Enemy Of The State
Do not forget this between now and November! E-mail or write your Congress Critter and tell 'em what you think, and that you'll vote against them in November if they voted against you last night. My rep voted NAY on this criminal bill, so he'll be getting a thank you e-mail from me today. It's time to jerk chains, folks.

Scouts Out! Cavalry Ho!

79 posted on 03/13/2002 4:33:42 AM PST by wku man
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To: Enemy Of The State
Face it, we're being screwed by both parties. I vowed over a month ago to never support another Demopub or Republicrat and I won't.
84 posted on 03/13/2002 4:45:26 AM PST by Blood of Tyrants
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To: Enemy Of The State
Congratulations to Clinton and Gore.

99 posted on 03/13/2002 5:11:23 AM PST by Sabertooth
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To: Enemy Of The State
Bush Party Motto...

The Rule of Law:
We Pretend Louder

107 posted on 03/13/2002 5:20:16 AM PST by Sabertooth
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To: Enemy Of The State
<Prediction> In the Presidential election of 2004 a third party candidate will run under a platform of anti-illegal immigration, most likely choice will be Pat Buchanan. Thirty to fifty percent (conservative guess here) of both the Republican and Democratic party's voters will vote for this third party candidate (Might have been impossible pre 9-11, but talk to the people on the street now and see what kind of reaction you get). The end result, we will see our First(?) Third party President. The war on terrorism will not be paramount in voters minds because they will assume the next President will take up the gauntlet or face a massive outcry from the American People. This mid-term election cycle and the next will see a shakeup of people in both the House and Senate. Maybe not so much a shift in parties but a shift from a Yea voter on 245(I) to someone else.



On another note, I will make it my crusade to see that the elected officials in my district, and any other district that I can, who voted Yea on 245(I) are not reelected. I will make sure to pass the word around about a candidates vote on this matter. The politicians may not think this little vote will come back to haunt them, but boy are they in for a rude awakening. America and Americans should always come before ANYONE else.

116 posted on 03/13/2002 5:43:02 AM PST by JustAnAmerican
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To: Enemy Of The State
"It is not right to let families be victimized by, if you will pardon the expression, bureaucratic indifference or incompetence," Armey said. "That is not right and we don't believe that is the way it should be."

And here we see the extent to which even Republicans will lie when it comes to illegal aliens.

First, there is nothing in this bill which improves the operations of the INS, which is a completely overworked, underfunded, and (as a result) broken organization. The bill simply dumps another 600,000 illegal aliens into the dysfunctional INS, thereby hurting each and every legal immigrant who is in the system legally and by extreme and tedious effort.

Second, families are "victimized" (to quote Armey) because one or more members of the "family" are in the United States illegally. This is literally saying that the families of criminals are "victimized" because our judicial system exercises "bureaucratic indifference" by exercising the law.

118 posted on 03/13/2002 5:45:14 AM PST by angkor
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To: Enemy Of The State
What a sad joke. Essentially, "We know you broke the laws and side-stepped the process that all other immigrants who enter the U.S. legally need to abide by. Because of your uncanny ability to circumvent the system, we will reward you and spit in the face of those dumb enough to actually go through the process."

One of the arguments of the proponents is that if the illegals were returned to their own countries, they would probably not be granted Visas. Might that be a good reason to set the example? If you're not willing to jump through the hoops, you will be sent back and suffer the consequences.

121 posted on 03/13/2002 5:58:27 AM PST by LoneGOPinCT
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To: Enemy Of The State
This is why I will not vote for Bush in the next election - he panders to the latino vote, but forgets about his conservative base. Bush is a one-world globalist, when he should be an American first. I despise globalists, the U.N., or any other org. that seeks to destroy the U.S. Constitution - and make no mistake - that is what they must do to usher in globalism, and the process is well underway. This conservative will vote for the Constitution Party next election. They are the only ones that that really want to follow the Constitution. Bush is not a true conservative - he backed Riordan, a flaming liberal in every respect, in the California Primary! Bush had better go after the Latino vote because many of us middle-aged conservative white guys won't vote for him.
124 posted on 03/13/2002 6:04:48 AM PST by exmarine
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To: Enemy Of The State
Already posted, with 400+ comments last night...
125 posted on 03/13/2002 6:09:45 AM PST by FreedominJesusChrist
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To: Enemy Of The State
I am just appalled by this. No one is a bigger supporter of the President than I am, but I am very angry with him for this one.
129 posted on 03/13/2002 6:26:36 AM PST by Bigg Red
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To: Enemy Of The State, sonofliberty2, goldstategop
Well, after reading this article, the bill attached as it is to the Border Security bill is not as bad as it sounded since it extends 245i for only 8 and one half months. However, I am still hoping Senate President pro-tem Byrd kills it because when you give away a little principle here and a little there, eventually you end up losing it all including our free constitutional republic. We conservatives are all too well familiar with this game.
133 posted on 03/13/2002 6:36:41 AM PST by rightwing2
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To: Enemy Of The State
One word - Strategery!

I've held off judgement on this until more facts were revealed and now it appears that the bill is really the 'Border Security Bill', not the 'Amnesty Bill' the left would like us to believe. Yet another example of how the left and the media are trying to discourage/divide the conservative base. Yet another example of how we should be comforted that the new administration is really looking out for the interests of our nation and does not deserve the kneejerk rush to judgement/criticism it receives from many self proclaimed conservatives here. The only thing the left really got out of this was an brief extension of a (Clinton) policy that was already in place. And that policy actually helps us further define who the deserving immigrants are from the non-deserving. I don't like sending messages that circumventing the law has it's rewards, but this actually appears to be a winning proposition. Of course, if the Senate kills it, then the conservatives win as well.


149 posted on 03/13/2002 7:35:23 AM PST by Magnum44
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To: Enemy Of The State
"It is not right to let families be victimized by, if you will pardon the expression, bureaucratic indifference or incompetence," Armey said. "That is not right and we don't believe that is the way it should be."

ah sheesh.... that warm and fuzzy feely thing again...
The immigration portion of the bill would extend a deadline for giving **hundreds of thousands** of illegal immigrants the chance to apply for residency without leaving the United States. Many of those immigrants are here on work visas that have expired, but they did not leave the country, officials said. **WHO is going to TRACK these people?
A reinstated program would only apply to illegal immigrants who can prove they are spouses or relatives of U.S. citizens, legal residents or employees sponsored by employers before Aug. 14. Question: How much time will they be given to provide proof? Answer: enough time to blend in, disappear, and contaminate our water supply.

160 posted on 03/13/2002 8:03:18 AM PST by fivecatsandadog
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