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Mike Lindell Teases Supreme Court Evidence
Newsweek ^ | Kate Plumber

Posted on 03/12/2024 6:24:22 AM PDT by joesbucks

Mike Lindell has said that he will bring explosive new evidence to the Supreme Court regarding Kari Lake's bid to challenge the use of electronic tabulation systems.

Speaking to Steve Bannon on the podcast War Room, the MyPillow CEO said he had strong evidence in the case that would help him save this country.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

TOPICS: News/Current Events; Politics/Elections; US: Arizona
KEYWORDS: arizona; cryptodemocrat; joesdemocrats; karilake; kateplumber; mikelindell; newsweek; okboomer; stevebannon
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To: srmanuel
Anyone with a fundamental understanding of computer networking and how someone gathers packet captures would almost immediately know his claims were a fraud.

I do computer programing and I have designed several versions of packets to be sent through the network.

You cannot tell what my packets are supposed to do without knowing how the source code is using them to transfer information.

Therefore, how can this guy "prove" those were not captured packets conveying election data or election manipulation instructions?

He pulls this bullsh*t argument that the date on the file is after the election, so therefore they cannot be captured packets from the election.

If *YOU* know anything about computer technology, you know the file date just tells you the date *THAT* copy of the file was created.

It does not prove that the original file was on that date, it just proves the copy you've got was made on that date.

This guy is just trying to game the contest with pseudo arguments hoping ignorant people will fall for them, and of course an ignorant Arbitrator and and ignorant Judge fell for them.

41 posted on 03/12/2024 11:29:43 AM PDT by DiogenesLamp ("of parents owing allegiance to no other sovereignty.")
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To: LS; joesbucks; All

Jbucks is a lefty, don’t feed him kudos. He believes Trump deserves the legal cases against him, wants you to know how good the legal work against DT is. Clearly a troll trying to divide those who aren’t lefties or trying to assist nevertrumpers.

42 posted on 03/12/2024 11:41:43 AM PDT by Lakeshark (Trump. He stands for the great issues of the day. Stay the course!)
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To: DiogenesLamp

If you know anything about packet captures and how they are gathered, how would Mike Lindell have access to the necessary communication links or routers to gather that type of information, consider it was supposed to be from China.

There is no possible way Mike Lindell had access to the network routers of Tier 1 ISP providers, like ATT, Verizon, Level One, etc. Even if he did, he would have to have powerful servers to gather terabytes of data in seconds that travel thru the Fiber links that connect the USA to China.

The only organization that I’m aware of that could do that is the NSA and I serious doubt Mike Lindell had access to the NSA and their tools.

43 posted on 03/12/2024 11:42:14 AM PDT by srmanuel ( )
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To: DiogenesLamp

If Federal Judges are not qualified to rule on matters like this who should ??

A Federal Arbitrator and Judge have both ruled the same way.

BTW, Lindell didn’t actually show the packet captures, he’s refused to show the raw data. He’s only showed packet headers not actual data.

Read up on the guy who sold the packets to Lindell, he’s a known con man who was turned down by others before Lindell paid him for the data.

44 posted on 03/12/2024 11:46:18 AM PDT by srmanuel ( )
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To: srmanuel
If you know anything about packet captures and how they are gathered, how would Mike Lindell have access to the necessary communication links or routers to gather that type of information, consider it was supposed to be from China.

I don't know what this question has to do with the evidence Lindell presented in the form of files.

The guy claiming to have "solved" Lindell's files did correctly identify some of them it seems, but the big file with the vast majority of data in it, he did not identify and did not explain other than to say the file date proves it didn't come from the election.

As far as your question goes, I can say I recall reading a lot about it, and among the various things i've read is that it was captured from over the air data, which may or may not be true, I don't know, but what I do know is how Lindell supposedly captured it was not part of the contest.

There is no possible way Mike Lindell had access to the network routers of Tier 1 ISP providers, like ATT, Verizon, Level One, etc. Even if he did, he would have to have powerful servers to gather terabytes of data in seconds that travel thru the Fiber links that connect the USA to China.

I never took his statement as saying he did any such thing. I had always taken his statement as meaning they had captured packet data from some specific election district using some sort of over the air capture techniques.

He doesn't need to prove this happened all over the nation, he only needs to prove that it happened somewhere and that such skullduggery was actually at work during the election.

45 posted on 03/12/2024 11:51:09 AM PDT by DiogenesLamp ("of parents owing allegiance to no other sovereignty.")
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To: All
What is the most effective way to influence elections? Cause people to lose confidence in the results.

How would a foreign actor do that? Using computers to change the outcome.

46 posted on 03/12/2024 11:54:29 AM PDT by 1Old Pro
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To: srmanuel
If Federal Judges are not qualified to rule on matters like this who should ??

Someone more competent. Your real question should be "How do we get rid of incompetent/liar judges?

And I don't know. We have a system for getting lying/incompetent judges in place, but we don't really have a system for getting them out.

A Federal Arbitrator and Judge have both ruled the same way.

And so they are both wrong. I've seen situations where everyone in the room was wrong except for myself. A bunch of people agreeing with each other does not make them factually correct. They could all be wrong, and sometimes this is exactly what has happened.

BTW, Lindell didn’t actually show the packet captures, he’s refused to show the raw data. He’s only showed packet headers not actual data.

I don't recall that at all. I took a look at his file, and it looked to me that it was only raw data, with no headers to explain anything about where it came from or where it was sent to.

I believe the guy who claims to have won his contest even said he had no idea what the "data" meant, and that's why he just tried to pull that time/date trick to claim he won the contest.

Read up on the guy who sold the packets to Lindell, he’s a known con man who was turned down by others before Lindell paid him for the data.

I got the impression that Lindell had been conned, and that he never should have made that challenge, but I saw the guy trying to claim the prize as running his own con and being totally unconcerned about hurting Lindell who had already been conned.

I had no sympathy for the guy trying to exploit Lindell's naivety to get 5 million dollars, so if he's gonna be a hard @$$ about taking Lindell's money, I feel everyone should be a hard @$$ about demanding absolute proof of his claim. (That that data is not captured packet data from the 2020 election.)

I believe the man cannot prove Lindell's data is *NOT* election data, therefore the nasty opportunist should get nothing.

47 posted on 03/12/2024 12:01:53 PM PDT by DiogenesLamp ("of parents owing allegiance to no other sovereignty.")
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To: 1Old Pro
What is the most effective way to influence elections?

Have a collection of mass communications broadcasting studios spewing lies and garbage about a political opponent for years before an election, thereby manipulating the public against their own best interest.

Like they did with Trump and the lying media. They masquerade as "news" and the public thinks it's truthful.

Their real purpose is entirely to manipulate elections.

48 posted on 03/12/2024 12:04:26 PM PDT by DiogenesLamp ("of parents owing allegiance to no other sovereignty.")
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To: DiogenesLamp

Here’s a link to the guy who proved Lindell’s data was bogus, he’s 50-year veteran of the computer industry who voted for Trump.

Here’s another article that goes into detail of Dennis Montgomery who sold the information to Lindell and how Lindell has failed to actually show the data he says he has.

49 posted on 03/12/2024 12:12:48 PM PDT by srmanuel ( )
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To: DiogenesLamp

The person in the shadows is man named Dennis Montgomery who sold the information to Mike Lindell. Montgomery is at the center of all this.

That’s who you need to concentrate on, IMO Lindell was conned by this man, Lindell was the perfect target for a conman, someone who was totally invested in the 2020 election being stolen, Lindell wanted to believe really, really badly that the election was hacked, when Montgomery approached Lindell, Lindell admittedly does not possess the technical expertise to determine if the information was fraudulent, bought it hook, line and sinker.

Here’s an article that goes back to 2003 about Dennis Montgomery and how he conned the Pentagon after 9/11.

If you do a little research into Dennis Montgomery, you will find he has a long history of fraudulent activity.

50 posted on 03/12/2024 12:46:36 PM PDT by srmanuel ( )
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To: srmanuel

Exactly how did the engineer prove it? Curious.

51 posted on 03/12/2024 12:49:10 PM PDT by Fledermaus (Is it me, or all of a sudden have the buried trolls come out on FR like cicadas? It's all noise.)
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To: srmanuel
Quote from your linked article.

"“Oh he doesn’t know what the 23-gigabyte file is, therefore he didn’t prove anything.” That’s what my biggest fear was."

Exactly what I said. *HE* doesn't know what that data is, therefore he cannot prove what it is.

Therefore, it could be election data without him knowing how to decode it.

Therefore, he has not proven his claim that it is not election data.

Why is this hard to get? He's trying to get 5 million out of Lindell, and the man has already been cheated by someone, you are saying it is Dennis Montgomery, but a decent man would just tell Lindell he's been conned, and not try to claim the money.

His "proof" is inconclusive, therefore it is not proof.

He should not get the money.

52 posted on 03/12/2024 12:59:14 PM PDT by DiogenesLamp ("of parents owing allegiance to no other sovereignty.")
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To: Fledermaus
Exactly how did the engineer prove it? Curious.

He didn't. That's why he shouldn't get the money.

He just declared that in his professional opinion the data is gibberish.

Which would be exactly the same result he would have if it was encrypted packet data that he didn't understand.

53 posted on 03/12/2024 1:01:29 PM PDT by DiogenesLamp ("of parents owing allegiance to no other sovereignty.")
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To: DiogenesLamp

That’s a quote from the guy who proved the information was false about Mike Lindell.

IOWs, Lindell had no idea what the data was, and Lindell didn’t prove anything which was the biggest fear of the person who proved it false.

At the very least it proves Lindell was stupid and careless about offering up a 5 million dollar challenge when he had no idea what he was showing and obviously would have no idea if the data was fraudulent.

As I’ve said the guy at the center of this mess is Dennis Montgomery, click on the links I’ve provided in this thread, Montgomery has a history of fraud going back to just after 9/11.

54 posted on 03/12/2024 1:14:56 PM PDT by srmanuel ( )
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To: Fledermaus

Packet captures are just raw data that is unreadable by humans unless it’s run thru packet capture software that can decipher it.

This engineer ran the data thru numerous tools that do this and none of them showed anything pertaining to election fraud.

That’s his claim and two courts have agreed.

Lindell could put this all to bed by releasing the data to the public along with how it was decoded and what it shows, he has up to this point refused to do so.

55 posted on 03/12/2024 1:18:17 PM PDT by srmanuel ( )
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To: srmanuel; Reily; JesusIsLord; Fledermaus; spirited irish
"computer engineer did prove the packet captures were false"

Not exactly. If I may, facts:

The data that was distributed to, and downloaded by/for, the Lindell Challenge participants' examination, did not include any perceivable vote data.

Lindell's challenge: Participants could win if they proved that the data, provided by Lindell, WAS NOT real election data, according to rules the participants agreed to.

The data supplied, was a mixed bag of some info that could be read - but could not be proven to be vote data . . . plus a bunch of info that could not be read, because it was in raw RTF format that could not be reverse-engineered into any readable text.

Meaning, that mess could be reverse-engineered into HEX characters, but the HEX characters are in continuous, very, very long strings that frustrate conversion to sensible words.

Zeidman, re-considering the challenge rules, abandoned the effort to make sense of the data . . . and focused upon the fact, that there was NOTHING to prove that any of the information supplied at the Lindell Challenge, was "packet evidence from the 2020 election."

PS. I have the data. But no computer power, to allow long-term processing of the HEX strings, to see what sensible words may be found in the very large amount of HEX gibberish.

56 posted on 03/12/2024 1:37:50 PM PDT by linMcHlp
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To: srmanuel

“Lindell was conned by this man”


57 posted on 03/12/2024 1:38:32 PM PDT by linMcHlp
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To: linMcHlp


58 posted on 03/12/2024 1:42:14 PM PDT by Fledermaus (Is it me, or all of a sudden have the buried trolls come out on FR like cicadas? It's all noise.)
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To: linMcHlp

Lindell and Dennis Montgomery could put an end to all of this debate, simply come forward with all the data, explain the process used to show the election was hacked by the Chinese.

What tools were used to decipher the data, basically show what no other person has been able to show what was in the data and the process used to reach that conclusion.

The central character in all this is Dennis Montgomery who has a history of making fraudulent claims, Mike Lindell was duped in this situation.

I appreciate your clarification

59 posted on 03/12/2024 2:15:33 PM PDT by srmanuel ( )
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To: joesbucks

What on Earth makes him think that the SCOTUS is going to give him the time of day? Things just don’t work like that. As it is, my understanding is that the Court won’t even be in session that day.

60 posted on 03/12/2024 2:24:14 PM PDT by Coronal
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