Before getting to the details of the latest Florida Polling, I want to draw attention to the hands controlling the strings on the DeSantis puppet.

By now, readers here are very familiar with the Sea Island group, the billionaires, multinational Wall Street entities and DC Republicans who first assembled in Sea Island, Georgia, at the 2016 conference for how to eliminate Trump.  That same group has never changed their intention and is the same group behind the 2023 push to use DeSantis as the fake $100 bill on a fishing string being dragged through the MAGAhood.

In the article about the failing DeSantis campaign completely changing strategies, you might note this quote:

Cody Hall is joining the campaign as a senior communications adviser. He will remain a top political adviser to Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp, having also served as communications director after he worked on his 2018 campaign for governor.”

While most casual political observers will miss it, this is another data point in the Sea Isl construct.  This is the worldview of the new DeSantis campaign senior communications advisor as expressed in 2017: