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COVID Mess: ‘Something Very Dark Is Happening’ ^ | 19 January A.D. 2023 | Will Alexander

Posted on 01/19/2023 7:10:37 PM PST by lightman

A co-worker of mine here in California told me about a friend of his, Dave, who never got the COVID shot but, in late December 2021, got COVID. In his early 50s, remarkably fit, with no comorbidities, and with Christmas just a couple of days away, he figured he could ride out the virus at home.

But he only got worse, ending up with symptoms so severe that his wife, fearful for his health, insisted that he go to the hospital after Christmas. With his lungs failing, Dave was put on a ventilator. But once the machine took over his lung function, his lungs atrophied to a point where, without a major medical intervention, he was in big trouble.

Doctors recommended extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO), a procedure that temporarily removes the blood from the body, oxygenates it, removes the carbon dioxide, then pumps the blood back through the body.

But there was one caveat. To get the procedure, both he and his wife would have to get COVID shots – no exceptions. With what the couple was learning about vaccine injuries and the low efficacy of shots and boosters, they felt the risks far outweighed the benefits. Besides, he already had COVID. Natural immunity. Right?

The hospital didn’t budge. No shot, no procedure. With his life in their hands, this quickly morphed into a nightmare. But the couple didn’t budge, either. At first.

With time running out, they searched for the rare hospital that had an expensive ECMO machine that would perform the procedure without forcing them to get the shot. No luck. The best they could find was one that only required him, not her, to get it.

So after months of avoiding it, Dave reluctantly, grudgingly, frustratingly agreed to get the shot. That’s when the nightmare plunged into medical hell.

As his wife described, “his skin boiled off of his body.” Dave had to be mummied in gauze like a burn victim. Aside from now being disfigured for life, his pain was unbearably excruciating – like the feeling of being lit on fire and burning alive.

Admitting that the shot caused the reaction, doctors asked Dave’s wife to consent to the second shot – to be “fully vaccinated” – so they could get to the procedure that could save his life. Understandably, that moment struck her with lightning bolts of life-altering emotional torture. To save his life, she picked what she felt was the best of horrible choices and consented.

But over time, it really wouldn’t matter. The ECMO machine didn’t work. Dave now needed a lung transplant. After being transferred an hour or so to the Los Angeles county health system – the belly of the beast of medieval-like COVID protocols – Dave, mostly alone, quickly lost the will to live.

His wife got the dreaded call around 2 a.m. on May 28 – five months nearly to the day after he entered the first of three hospitals. Dave was dying.

After the call, she made the surreal trip to Los Angeles, fought for nearly an hour to get through a labyrinth of prison-like COVID procedures, and finally made it to her husband’s bedside, where he was screaming in pain.

“Can’t you do something for him?!” she asked.

“No,” said a robotic nurse. “We’re not allowed to medically assist patients at this point.”

That’s how Dave left the world in 2022 – screaming in pain inside a bleak LA County hospital, completely muted to the world, with his traumatized wife watching, consoling, and struggling with the turmoil of a tortuous goodbye.

My co-worker’s wife, a childhood friend of Dave’s wife who helped relay this story to me, ended the saga with a sobering observation.

“The people who let this happen to my friend’s husband,” she said, “are the same ones who talk endlessly about compassion, and who ride around with ‘Be Kind’ bumper stickers on their cars.”

But it’s much worse than that.

Screams from highly credentialed doctors, desperate to save lives, were also effectively muted to the world. They’ve been shouting, for years now, that COVID hospitalizations and deaths could’ve been drastically reduced with early treatment using cheap, safe, but highly effective repurposed drugs.

In December 2020, a full year before Dave got COVID, Wisconsin Sen. Ron Johnson held a Senate hearing on early treatment of COVID using repurposed drugs where intensive care specialist Dr. Pierre Kory delivered impassioned testimony on the “miraculous impact” of Ivermectin as a foundation to protocols in early COVID treatment.

Here’s an extended excerpt from Kory’s testimony that I believe, if authorities had heeded, could’ve saved countless lives who, like Dave, were told to do nothing “until their lips turned blue” before being rushed to a hospital:

“We have a solution to this crisis … In early outpatient treatment, we have three randomized controlled trials, multiple observations, as well as case series showing that, if you take Ivermectin, the need for hospitalization and death will decrease. … It is critical in this disease.

“We have a hundred thousand patients in the hospital right now dying. I’m a lung specialist. I’m an ICU specialist. I’ve cared for more dying COVID patients than anyone can imagine. They’re dying because they can’t breathe! They can’t breathe!

“They’re on high-flow oxygen delivery devices, they’re on non-evasive ventilators, and/or they’re sedated, paralyzed, and attached to mechanical ventilators that breathe for them. And I watched them every day. They die. By the time they get to me in the ICU, they’re already dying and almost impossible to recover. Early treatment is key.

“… We are tired. I can’t keep doing this. … If I have to go back to work next week, any further deaths are going to be needless deaths, and I cannot be traumatized by that. I cannot keep caring for patients when I know they could’ve been saved with earlier treatment.

What normal human being with basic common sense would’ve ignored this doctor’s advice? Yet YouTube censored that hearing. And strangely, Kory and some of the world’s most highly published physicians have been maligned as “conspiracy theorists” and spreaders of mis- and disinformation for simply refusing to unsee what they witnessed on the front lines of the pandemic.

“Something very dark was happening,” wrote mRNA pioneer Dr. Robert Malone in his book Lies My Government Told Me after his wife, Jill’s, self-published COVID guide was censored on Amazon in February 2020.

“Little did we realize that this was just a very early example of what was to become a large movement over the next two years – a global movement involving collusion between government, corporatized legacy media, social media, big technology, big finance, and nongovernmental organizations – to completely control and shape all information and thought concerning the public health response to the novel coronavirus.”

Saving lives had, in effect, become a crime.

With all we now know about the catastrophic COVID response, the low efficacy of shots and boosters, and the horrific treatment of the vaccine-injured (like those featured in Jennifer Sharp’s must-see film Anecdotal), Americans still can’t get unencumbered access to cheap, safe, and effective repurposed drugs to treat COVID early. Drugs which, if you believe Dr. Kory (and I do), could’ve saved countless patients, like Dave, from “needless death.”

“Something very dark is happening,” as Dr. Malone put it.

Leaders need to get to the bottom of this whole COVID mess, hold people accountable, and bring justice to the very real flesh-and-blood people who’ve suffered and died horrific deaths.

TOPICS: Culture/Society; Government; News/Current Events
KEYWORDS: antivaxhysteria; bloggers; covid; covid1984; depopulation; greatreset; ivermectin; mfl; profakevaxtrolls; vaccine; vitamind
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To: lightman

“Three years ago this month I had what must have been COVID (but this was long before anyone was talking about it): Deep chills, shortness of breath that persisted for six weeks. Flu on steroids.”

That was me in March of 2020. I am a walker, and was doing 3-5 miles a day when it hit, I walked the neighborhood for weeks coughing but wanted the fresh air and the sun...

It did last a good 6 weeks and felt like an elephant standing on my chest.

61 posted on 01/19/2023 8:19:40 PM PST by Bshaw (A nefarious deceit is upon us all!)
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To: old-ager

I have used this site several times for antibiotics and ordered Ivermectin from them also NEVER have had a problem!! I have a debit card I use ONLY for on line ordering for everything!! I transfer just enough funds for each purchase I make!! I have never had a problem products have always arrived!! The site is called Ziverdo Kit and it can be found on any search engine!!

62 posted on 01/19/2023 8:24:20 PM PST by Trump Girl Kit Cat (Yosemite Sam raising hell)
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To: Golden Eagle

“Ivermectin is of course another well known remedy, but requires prescription.”

No Rx necessary in TN. I bought a 5-day dose to have on hand “just in case”. I chose compounded ‘cause it’s much cheaper than the pills.

I might get some horse paste and take it as prophylactic.

63 posted on 01/19/2023 8:24:42 PM PST by MayflowerMadam (Stupid is supposed to hurt.)
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To: lightman

I’ve got rosacea, so ivermectin was easy for me to get. Not too hard to present as a rosacea patient either, if you get my drift.

64 posted on 01/19/2023 8:25:20 PM PST by FormerFRLurker
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To: Therapsid

I found my Doctor on the same website.
This WUHAN HOAX Has consumed Lives,Treasure and Freedoms from the
entire World’s Population.
Nuremberg Pales in comparison.

65 posted on 01/19/2023 8:26:07 PM PST by Big Red Badger (The Truman Show)
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To: FreedomPoster

Thank you!

66 posted on 01/19/2023 8:27:59 PM PST by boxlunch (Red State governors, kick the fednazis OUT of red states! BTW, We are a REPUBLIC not a democracy!)
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To: Jane Long

Yes, very interesting. Not all of those studies should be trusted of course, and therefore neither should the listed cumulative scores of each treatment option, but at least most of the options and study information is there for review.

I’ve just been using occasional vitamin supplement, and application of the over the counter budesonide when any potential symptoms appear, and haven’t come down with anything resembling covid yet (knock on wood). I wouldn’t be surprised if I actually had it, and the budesonide knocked it out though, either.

67 posted on 01/19/2023 8:28:28 PM PST by Golden Eagle (The LGBT indoctrination agenda is designed to outlaw the Bible, and anyone who follows it.)
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To: lightman

I probably don’t have to remind Freepers of this, but you have the legal right to refuse any medical treatment. Talk to your spouse or whoever will be making medical decisions on your behalf if you are incapacitated about what treatments you will not accept. Better yet, put it in writing. Do not let this man’s story become yours.

68 posted on 01/19/2023 8:29:44 PM PST by FormerFRLurker
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To: MayflowerMadam
No (ivermectin) Rx necessary in TN.

Wow that is so cool! Is it just available on the shelf? Thanks for sharing.

I tried to talk to a couple of local pharmacists about it, here in Florida, wanting them to give me some names of doctors who were willing to prescribe and they were less than helpful. I bought a whole case of horse paste I still have sitting in reserve just to spite them.

69 posted on 01/19/2023 8:33:54 PM PST by Golden Eagle (The 8LGBT indoctrination agenda is designed to outlaw the Bible, and anyone who follows it.)
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To: Golden Eagle

We’ve been fortunate to have access to early recommended preventative(s), either via our livestock supply, or, docs Rx.

We’ve also stayed on the recommended supplements, as well.

No telling how many have had it.

It should’ve been allowed to run it’s (original) course…as REAL docs/scientists explained and warned. The $hots have only prolonged.

70 posted on 01/19/2023 8:34:06 PM PST by Jane Long (What we were told was a “conspiracy theory” in 2020 is now fact. 🙏🏻 Ps 33:12 of day. )
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To: FreedomPoster

I remember;
I wear a Diaper in the Shower.
Sung to the same tune.

71 posted on 01/19/2023 8:34:21 PM PST by Big Red Badger (The Truman Show)
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To: Jane Long

Yes, Dr, McCollough and a few others were right out front saying you NEVER try to apply a “leaky” (non-xmission blocking) vaccine at the onset of a pandemic, because as you said it will only prolong it and make more mutations etc, but they were run over by the freight train seeking big pharma $$$ for the new vaxx technology they wanted approved. Treatments were basically outlawed, but are still the best proper course of action, along with natural immune boosters.

72 posted on 01/19/2023 8:42:12 PM PST by Golden Eagle (The 8LGBT indoctrination agenda is designed to outlaw the Bible, and anyone who follows it.)
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To: lightman


73 posted on 01/19/2023 8:43:23 PM PST by Irish Eyes
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To: Big Red Badger

Nothing like rebreathing your own exhale...unless it is laden with germ-enhancing moisture.

74 posted on 01/19/2023 8:43:47 PM PST by lightman (I am a binary Trinitarian. Deal with it!)
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To: lightman

ivermectin again? really? in 2021 monoclonals were very effective in saving lives and states set up infusion centers; they were withdrawn when variants developed resistance. In 2022 Paxlovid also proved effective. Both were provided free of charge. Paxlovid is still available with a prescription.

“A total of 1591 participants aged 30 years and older with confirmed COVID-19, experiencing 2 or more symptoms of acute infection for 7 days or less, were enrolled from June 23, 2021, through February 4, 2022, with follow-up data through May 31, 2022, at 91 sites in the US....The median time to recovery was 12 days (IQR, 11-13) in the ivermectin group and 13 days (IQR, 12-14) in the placebo group. There were 10 hospitalizations or deaths in the ivermectin group and 9 in the placebo group (1.2% vs 1.2%; HR, 1.1 [95% CrI, 0.4-2.6]). The most common serious adverse events were COVID-19 pneumonia (ivermectin [n = 5]; placebo [n = 7]) and venous thromboembolism (ivermectin [n = 1]; placebo [n = 5]).

...Conclusions and Relevance Among outpatients with mild to moderate COVID-19, treatment with ivermectin, compared with placebo, did not significantly improve time to recovery. These findings do not support the use of ivermectin in patients with mild to moderate COVID-19.

When comparing the efficacy data in this study with that for Paxlovid (or even molnupiravir), the difference is stark. Paxlovid and molnupiravir, both direct-acting antiviral drugs, clearly show clinical utility against COVID by well-established mechanisms that have proven successful in inhibiting other viruses like hepatitis C, herpes, and HIV/AIDS. It is difficult to see how tweaking the dose, length of treatment, or adding additional components would make enough of a difference to give ivermectin a place on pharmacy shelves next to current therapies.

A five-day course of Paxlovid costs $530 (the U.S. government paid $5.3 billion for 10 million courses of Paxlovid in November 2021), and those authorized who report a positive home test result from a rapid antigen diagnostic test or a positive PCR test, to their provider are eligible for the pill.... patients should ask their physicians about being prescribed Paxlovid as soon as possible, as treatments are most effective when taken early on.

Patients who test positive can also be prescribed Paxlovid at pharmacies. Patients should bring health records for pharmacists to review for kidney and liver problems.

75 posted on 01/19/2023 8:46:16 PM PST by blueplum ("...this moment is your moment: it belongs to you... " President Donald J. Trump, Jan 20, 2017) )
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To: lightman
My wife and I came down with covid in September of 2021. I caught it first. At first we both thought it was the flu I had every 3 or 4 years or so. By the second week it was obvious that this was something else. I became so weak that needed help to get up out of the recliner. Went to the local clinic, Kaniksu Health in Priest River. Was diagnosed there with pneumonia and was promptly sent to the Hospital in Newport a few miles away. They had a bed open the ER, and that's where I went. They ran a covid test and came back with an immediate positive diagnosis. Meanwhile, I was bagged up with saline because I was so dehydrated.

After a while, the ER doc had a largish portable xray scanner wheeled in to scan my lungs. The results were immediate. He recommended that I immediately receive a bag of IV monoclonal antibody treatment. I agreed, and after another few hours, I began to feel much better. Still weak and exhausted, but nowhere nearly as bad. Just getting rehydrated probably had more to do with that. Doc released me after 10 hours or so with instructions to stay hydrated and to pound down nutrition, in his words, "even if it felt like eating bricks." Soup and protein shakes were all I could manage.

I was starting to come around when my wife began to look bad. I had gotten a BPO meter off Amazon once I came home from the hospital. Her results were alarming. Called the local ambulance service and got her to the hospital where she spent the next 5 days. They treated her with remdesivir which brought her around. Fortunately, there were none of the reported adverse effects.

We are ok now, but we both experienced weakness and brain fog for a couple of months afterward. Neither of us feels like we're back to 100%, even now. But neither of us took the kill shots, either.

76 posted on 01/19/2023 8:53:16 PM PST by Noumenon (You're not voting your way out of this. KTF)
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To: FreedomPoster

Thank you, and thanks for those links.   I will definitely be checking them out much more thoroughly, but I'd like to ask you a couple of quick (dumb) questions about these treatments right away.

Some of the other posts I've seen here seem to point to this paste for animals - Durvet Paste, and if I understand this correctly, the correct proportion of that paste would have to be taken orally, based on weight.   If that is correct, is it taken with food, or water, or just plain?  Is that a one-time only dosage, or does it have to be taken for several consecutive days or more?

77 posted on 01/19/2023 8:54:39 PM PST by Songcraft
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Today you MUST be an active participant in your health care for any medical proceedure in a Hospital setting.

78 posted on 01/19/2023 8:57:20 PM PST by caww (O death, when you seized my Lord, you lost your grip on me......Augustine)
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To: lightman

I was told be doctors and nurses that I could not have had covid, as I would have been very sick... I never got the vaccine. Last month, I was sick for most of the month with the worst respiratory illness I’ve had in decades. Supposedly it was just the flu, as it was very widespread here.

79 posted on 01/19/2023 9:02:29 PM PST by PghBaldy (12/14/12 - 930am -rampage begins... 12/15/12 - 1030am - Obama team scouts photo-op locations.)
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To: MeganC

My wife has taken hydroxychloriqine since the 80’s. But when the COVID regime started the drugstores started refusing to fill the prescriptions, even though they knew she had been prescribed it for decades.

Our doctor did manage to convince them it was not COVID related, and they allowed her to get it again.

80 posted on 01/19/2023 9:06:43 PM PST by gitmo (If your theology doesn't become your biography, what good is it?)
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