“… over a quarter of Generation Z adults born between 1997-2003 are LGBTQ-identifying.”
Only through a massive campaign of indoctrination and corruption.
1 posted on
10/30/2022 5:55:08 AM PDT by
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To: fwdude
2 posted on
10/30/2022 5:56:05 AM PDT by
Travis McGee
To: fwdude
To: fwdude
Hmm. I thought we were already at 55%.
4 posted on
10/30/2022 6:00:54 AM PDT by
(Broken hearts are for…well…you know…)
To: fwdude
5 posted on
10/30/2022 6:00:57 AM PDT by
(The Magic Question: Who's paying for it?)
To: fwdude
Several good bxtch slaps should and a reality check help resolve that.
6 posted on
10/30/2022 6:01:08 AM PDT by
(The only thing systemic in America is the left's hatred of it!)
To: fwdude
When Texans decide to take back our schools this homo fantasy will no longer be valid.
To: fwdude
No worries, Musk will move twitter to Austin to get those numbers up.
8 posted on
10/30/2022 6:01:32 AM PDT by
To: fwdude
No way is 20% representative of the population.
9 posted on
10/30/2022 6:01:47 AM PDT by
(Bingo! We have a winner!)
To: fwdude
Y’all know what they say about Texas … steers and queers. I hope that ain’t right.
10 posted on
10/30/2022 6:01:48 AM PDT by
( Scratch a leftist and you'll find a fascist )
To: fwdude
I identify as LGBTQI+++ anytime I’m asked by someone who has no business asking it.
It shuts them up.
To: fwdude
Oh, just make it 100% so that everyone gives up on the idea that it’s cool and special.
13 posted on
10/30/2022 6:03:45 AM PDT by
(We are already in a revolutionary period, and the Rule of Law means nothing. )
To: fwdude
Key concept "identifying". How many normals in the closet, "identifying" for social acceptance? It does happen these days.
Predicting voter trends twenty years from now? Did they correctly predict the present twenty years ago?
Extrapolating current trends, I predict the USA a smoldering ruin in 2040, but there will probably still be a Texas in some form. But no insights into voter sexual preferences.
14 posted on
10/30/2022 6:04:13 AM PDT by
(It's not a slippery slope if it was part of the program all along. )
To: fwdude
To do otherwise will result in imprisonment at a "re-education camp" until that person achieves the proper "groupthink".
15 posted on
10/30/2022 6:04:37 AM PDT by
(Thank you Rush for helping me find FreeRepublic! R)
To: fwdude
17 posted on
10/30/2022 6:06:04 AM PDT by
(There are no solutions; there are only trade-offs. – Thomas Sowell)
To: fwdude
Too bad TX will be destroyed by then byThe Sovereign Lord of the Universe.
His patience is almost out as it is…
18 posted on
10/30/2022 6:06:41 AM PDT by
(Jesus + Something = Nothing ; Jesus + Nothing = Everything )
To: fwdude
100 years ago, it was predicted that 1in 5 horse riders would be riding side saddle...... still waiting.....
19 posted on
10/30/2022 6:07:27 AM PDT by
(politicians, they all seemed like game show hosts to me.... Sting)
To: fwdude
It’s just a fad of declaring one as such and will pass soon. The amount of women actually having sex with women or men having sex with men hasn’t grown much.
20 posted on
10/30/2022 6:07:58 AM PDT by
To: fwdude
Well if the current tempo of brainwashing is maintained, this might prove true...
21 posted on
10/30/2022 6:08:33 AM PDT by
( )
To: fwdude
That’s why the gay movie was such a rousing success, millions of gays flocked to see it, every theatre was sold out, the produced became wildly wealthy overnight. How wait, that movie bombed completely because straight people didn’t go, only gays went and such it was such a bomb it calls into question the numbers they use regarding this demographic, which appears to be vastly overestimated.
22 posted on
10/30/2022 6:08:38 AM PDT by
To: fwdude
LGBTQ: “… over a quarter of Generation Z adults born between 1997-2003 are LGBTQ-identifying.”
Also LGBTQ: “No-one can turn anyone gay.”
So it’s something in the water supply? Ozone hole-induced mutations? 5G cell phones? Vaccines?
24 posted on
10/30/2022 6:12:51 AM PDT by
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