If we lived under Rule of Law, then laws (actual laws that really existed) would matter.
But we now live under Rule of Men, and if they want people to do something, then people are just expected to obey the latest word from on high.
Of course, actual enforcement can be tricky. The government wants to avoid the situation from early in the 19th century when President Andrew Jackson said, “John Marshall has made his decision; now let him enforce it.” That makes for an awkward situation where a potential lack of power can be seen by the public.
So, our government has persuaded Companies to do all the dirty work. Don’t need a law. Don’t need an EO. Just apply a lot of leverage and see how far you can push it. That’s the best way to enact Rule of Men. It’s Big Business working the will of Big Government. It’s fascism.
This is illegal as hell. It is rule-making in avoidance of the Administrative Procedures Act. If Biden wants to make a rule he has to follow the Act. If he doesn't and it has any intended impact on anyone they can sue because it is a rule just one not made lawfully.
Until all the big go~along~to~get~along liberal companies formally enact this policy then get sued by Joe and Jill Public for illegalities and the Biden administration just shrugs its shoulders at the mess. Typical democrat move.
Few understand this.
People I work with at the hospital, generally smart, think its the law. In a conversation I told them all it was, for now, was a TV speech, and that pedo Joe has zero authority to do this, and that osha hasn’t even made the “rule” anyway. They just stared at me lol.
“rule” means the whole or a part of an agency statement of general or particular applicability and future effect designed to implement, interpret, or prescribe law or policy or describing the organization, procedure, or practice requirements of an agency and includes the approval or prescription for the future of rates, wages, corporate or financial structures or reorganizations thereof, prices, facilities, appliances, services or allowances therefor or of valuations, costs, or accounting, or practices bearing on any of the foregoing;
Yep, just a CON JOB.
*** What this “government by press release” also allows is for Republicans like Indiana Gov. Eric Holcomb to complain about Biden’s tyranny while using zip, nada, zilch of their elected authority to stop it. Holcomb has used the same executive rule-by-decree throughout the lockdown era without effective restraint by a supermajority-Republican state legislature, even telling the press churches were required to deliver Christ’s Body and Blood his way while quietly keeping that part out of his executive orders, surely because government dictating religious exercise is obviously unconstitutional and would quickly have generated lawsuits.***
I’m glad the author mentioned my lame governor, Eric Holcomb. He’s a jerk. Though I’m glad he finally let our mask mandate stop in April and so far hasn’t reinstated it. Most Hoosiers I see want nothing to do with those damn face diapers any more.
He’s clever. He didn’t issue the decree, so no one can fight it. The dems and the media made it happen by assuming it had happened. It’s in effect even though it never happened.
I think even the psychos who are pulling Joe’s puppet strings recognize the shaky legal ground the OSHA plan was on.
The primary purpose of the “mandate” was to get woke corporations to go ahead and issue their own mandates.
I think something eventually will come down from OSHA, but Joe’s puppet masters are happy to let the woke corporations do the heavy lifting in the meantime.
Long gone are the days where “big business” opposed Democrats (if that was ever the case.)
The corporate class is a fundamental part of the modern Democrat base.
The problem is, if the government did mandate it, the employers would probably be shielded from liability. Since the government has not mandated it, then the employers bear full legal liability for their inserting themselves into employee healthcare decisions. Side effect from the vaccine? Sue your employer. Get sick from COVID anyway despite the vaccine? Sue your employer. Heck, someone at work sneezes on you, sue em!
My county has mandated the vax for indoor dining since Sept 22. I’ve been to FIVE different restaurants since then, and no one has said a word. Restaurants are too busy trying to entice 16 year olds away from their homework to be bussers (and then train them) to worry about tyrannical nonsense.
And I live in a very leftist county (SF Bay Area); presumably no brownshirts are “turning in” these restaurants. Maybe even the left is getting tired of covid.
This county is almost 90% vaxxed; there’s no need to check cards anyway as nearly everyone is vaxxed. It’s statistically redundant.
“There is no executive order.”
Executive Order 14042
The woke company I work for implemented weekly testing and masks at all times for the unjabbed like me as soon as president dickhead said that crap. I would quit if I could.
99% of all of our government is a con job enforced at the point of a gun.
Unless you are employed by the federal government itself or a federal contractor. Then it’s real.
And if your company is run by a fascist it’s real as well.
A non-existant law cannot be broken. And so why fear it?
Biden rules by executive hoarder.His weakness is Civil Disobedience.