If we lived under Rule of Law, then laws (actual laws that really existed) would matter.
But we now live under Rule of Men, and if they want people to do something, then people are just expected to obey the latest word from on high.
Of course, actual enforcement can be tricky. The government wants to avoid the situation from early in the 19th century when President Andrew Jackson said, “John Marshall has made his decision; now let him enforce it.” That makes for an awkward situation where a potential lack of power can be seen by the public.
So, our government has persuaded Companies to do all the dirty work. Don’t need a law. Don’t need an EO. Just apply a lot of leverage and see how far you can push it. That’s the best way to enact Rule of Men. It’s Big Business working the will of Big Government. It’s fascism.
Companies don’t do all the work.
I have an official COVID-19 Vaccination Record Card to prove it.
The federal government will punish you severely if you make a fraudulent card.
Liberals are setting up a system can be used by any thug/commie/fascist in power.
If the mandate’s NOT the law - and exist by bullying - then a future President could tell companies to fire people who don’t go to church once a week. Same high-handed thuggery... different ‘rules’...
How would ‘liberals’ feel about that level of power on someone else’s side? Muslim cultures use that one... commies have one ‘law’ for their people and a totally different one for their ‘elites’.