Posted on 09/27/2021 2:13:25 PM PDT by PROCON
On September 21, the Biden Administration filed an amicus brief in the pending U.S. Supreme Court case of New York Rifle & Pistol Association v. Bruen, supporting New York’s draconian and unconstitutional restrictions on the right to bear firearms in public for self-defense.
This NRA-supported challenge to New York’s “may-issue” licensing scheme for public handgun carry is the first Second Amendment challenge to a firearm law to reach the high court since 2010.
New York’s law presumptively denies the right to bear arms for self-defense unless a license applicant can demonstrate a special need for self-protection that distinguishes the person from the general population.
In practice, this means the rich and well-connected can get unrestricted carry licenses but ordinary people cannot, even if they actually face a greater risk of being violently victimized while going about their daily lives in public. The law effectively nullifies for most New Yorkers what the Supreme Court has already characterized as “the individual right to possess and carry weapons in case of confrontation.”
New York’s “may-issue” scheme in fact gives authorities so much discretion that it has fostered a culture of corruption, particularly within the Licensing Division of the New York City Police Department (NYPD). There have been repeated scandals involving the NYPD Licensing Division’s application process, with “facilitators” offering gifts and bribes to licensing personnel to approve or expedite their clients’ applications. In some cases, this has resulted in the issuance of carry licenses to applicants with otherwise disqualifying criminal histories and in criminal convictions for NYPD officers. In other locales, licenses are issued by elected sheriffs, with preference given to political donors and supporters.
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
Mine fell overboard.
Even thought we have no lakes.
And I don’t have a boat.
But...they really, truly did do that.
“They can now feel safe. We are not here to harm innocent civilians,”...
When the Taliban entered Kabul they issued a statement along the lines of “With the military leaving the city we decided to enter quickly to provide security and policing for the people.”
Bring it. Let’s get this done. It’s getting late…..
Freepers think Far Nation will rebel
I’m unconvinced
Those who care enough are too Damm old....
We can hope
1861 it was a different America
Made me chuckle
Save the labia!
I can’t do that and not get put on Double Secret Probation or Banned, I already feel violated with the way things are. I presume that since these POS SCUMBAGS think they are so smart they know about “Flight or Fight” is and I’m not leaving My America !!!
There is much to think about...
What we are seeing now with the 2-A effort, is very aggressive, and happening following a very aggressive and unlawful series of treasonous activity.
I am going to get a bit controversial here.
The hard left “acting” CIC Milley (ans acting in more than one way), and Milley’s DOD+IC marxist puppet Buyden, is working this 2-A SCOTUS intervention (following orders given him [Biden]), AFTER Pelosi just rammed through the “Red Flag” legislation (including 135 Republican votes), legislation which essentially gives the DOD (not the domestic DOJ-FBI), the right to confiscate civilian arms.
This is happening [AFTER] -
— After multiple fraudulent Coup d’etat attempts, and Trump associates being wrongly imprisoned, including solitary confinement, (which included effort from at least a few DOD personnel, and two at NSC, to falsely frame Trump and those around him)
— AFTER the joint DOD/Fauci distribution of DOD money to SARS/MERS/HIV R&D through DTRA and NIAID, to P4 labs in Wuhan, “Vector” Novosibirsk, Tehran, Milan, and others), with direct connections to virus development and release of CV2/CV19, which was in fact used to strategically spiral and wreck economy, and set up a massive fraudulent and treasonous election scheme to get rid of Trump, and overwhelm his more than overwhelming majority of voters.
— AFTER the second “track” of this scheme utilized a GRU originated SMOTE-B code integrated into Dominion (Soros as ceo), Hart Intercivic (part Romney owned), and ES&S - through Smartmaric voter GUI software, together making up nearly 85% percent of electronic voting machines across America
— AFTER Milley, (based on blatantly left wing contrived false premise), stripped Trump of his constitutional responsibility as civilian CIC over US strategic weapons, and in reality the DOD at large (and by default the IC)
— AND AFTER Milley ordered tens of thousands of troops into DC *AND around the Pentagon, while Trump was still the Constitutionally lawful CIC, quite possibly to avert a lawful SOCOM arrest of Milley and his TREASONOUS chiefs of staff !
At first, Pelosi and Schumer thought tens of thousands of troops in DC was entertaining. However, after approximately three months (if my memory is correct), Pelosi and Schumer went to Milley (NOT Biden or Harris), and requested he remove the troops.
Milley’s response was to essentially blow Pelosi and Schumer off.
Being that Trump lost power over DOD BEFORE his time was up, AND the global socialist dementia puppet and his harris are not calling the DOD shots, and Pelosi and Schumer are not calling the DOD shots — who is dictating DOD/Pentagon orders?
And who is the recipient of Pelosi’s blatantly UNconstitutional designation of the DOD/Pentagon - to confiscate US Citizen arms through “Red Flag” ???
Ironic the CCP flag is a “Red Flag” isn’t bit...
Lordy what a mess we’re in
“Because, for all his sterling qualities, all his great intentions, all his dedication and hard work, PDJT is a PISS POOR judge of character. He took way too much advice from his daughter’s husband, from Rudi Giuliani, and his slimey New York friends.”
It certainly looks that way. I’ve said before, in so many words, that having Jared and Ivanka as top advisors was probably not a good thing.
“Many Democrats shudder at the thought.”
Whatever your ideas of “many,” it obviously ain’t nearly enough, and those that do sure ain’t quakin’ much. Every last one of them up and down BOTH SIDES of the political aisle oughta shit a brick at the mere suggestion.
do not comply
krisanne hall constitutional attorney
great presentation
Yea they know what they are asking for but think we do not have the nerve to take them out.
Correct. We do not.
So, the Supreme Court can nullify the Constitution?
Correct. They have already de facto nullified it when they ruled (3X) that Indian Tribes are guaranteed all Rights in the Constitution because they are a named party, but all others (you, me, us) are not named, and so we have mere privileges which can be revoked at any given time.
Enforce it bitches.
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