Reported. Already posted.
The officers have been indoctrinated. The few young ones I know are all liberal and social justice.
Thank the President for saying, "Shut up, Karen!"
General George Patton says thank you.
Time for the moronic Ryan Mccarthy to go.
Could any of these limp wristed "progressives" even explain who Braxton Bragg was and what battles he fought in?
Don’s got to do a better job of who he appoints to these military branch secretaries as well as the SecDef.
I don’t think it matters much what the president wants, I think this will be a state by state thing; on the other hand, why do we care what bases are named for, and why DO we name bases after generals that fought against the united states?
Why is this still such a big deal? We keep fighting over statues of people, and now names of people. Statues of people are not “history”, they simply honor people who were part of history. Plaques are history, historical SITES are history.
Rewriting history is evil.
So nice to have a President with a pair.
All we have to do his convince the leftists that Fort Lee is really named after Sheila Jackson Lee and Fort Jackson is named after Jesse JAckson. THey will believe it and we wont have to change a thing
I thought military leaders weren't supposed to get involved in political issues.
Good. Political insane correctness gone amuck.
Ryan needs to be fired .
Who recommended these Globalists stooges to Trump ?
Its time for Javanka advice to end .
A southern veteran, from Alabama, once told me that the Army named forts, posts, and camps in the south after the worst Civil War generals, union or confederate. Ft. Lee in Virginia being a notable exception.
Yeah, we had a fort here in Alabama named after a yankee general, McClellan. Klinton closed it in violation of all the rules for base closures.
This idea was reported in the New York Times a few years ago.
It took some time to get a foothold. Trash begets trash!
It is a foolish question to ask why the installations are named after Civil War heroes. These bases are mostly in Southern States. Leave them alone.
There are more important issues to be solved.
“Save your Confederate Money, the South will rise again,” just scares the hell out of the liberal pantywaists.
At least the President understands that the base names were an act of reconciliation and healing after the bitter Civil War.
I don’t know....Fort Floyd has a ring to it, LOL! Thank God for President Trump!
It is positions like he has taken here that should ensure for him a landslide victory in November. GOD BLESS PRESIDENT TRUMP!