Posted on 03/18/2017 9:26:32 PM PDT by Timpanagos1
By about 3 p.m. Friday, a county morgue in east Ohio was already full and more bodies were expected.
Rick Walters, an investigator for the Stark County coroner's office, had just left for two death scenes: a suicide and an overdose.
From the road, he called the director of the Ohio Emergency Management Agency to ask for help. He needed more space, he explained specifically, a cold-storage trailer to act as an overflow morgue.
As with much of the United States, Ohio is in the throes of a heroin and opioid epidemic that shows no signs of abating.
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[I’ll go out on crazy-limb here. We were better off when a cigarette was the coping mechanism.]
You are on to something.
The Ritalin kids are now adults.
I have never been in this particular situation. The only time I was ever prescribed opioids was when I had an emergency Cesarean which involved a tad more cutting than usual--- and then I ended up taking almost none of it because I was nursing my newborn and didn't want him to get drugged with the milk.
But I knew someone --- a knowledgeable and compassionate person, a CNA hospice nurse and grandmother--- who'd cared beautifully for my father --- who was in bad pain with no relief, from injuries from a fall on an icy street. Right or wrong, I gave her what was left of my meds. Sad to see that, years later, she'd been picked up by the police on controlled-substance charges.
"These people chose this direction for their lives"? That's pretty glib, OrangeHoof. It's pretty cold.
You scorn people not realizing they're as valuable as you. We are not trash.
Just lost my cousin Sharron’s son yesterday. His name was David.
Crimsontidegirl. Right you are!
I know I know lets punish the people who have chronic pain and need opiates to function in society because some folks abuse it. There is a difference between dependence and addiction.
I wonder how many chronic pain folks commit suicide because they cannot get pain drugs due to dumbass government over control. I believe that happen recently to Dennis Prager’s stepson’s dad.
Yes. Heroin deaths have skyrocketed. My little rural community has been impacted.
A lot of coal miners lost their jobs over the last decade or so.
Here in Dayton, Ohio (just 30 minutes north of Cincinnati), we have a huge influx of ILLEGAL Invaders and Dayton is now #1 in heroin overdoses per
he Top 10 Worst Big Cities for Drug Overdoses
1. Dayton, OH
2. Baltimore, MD.
3. Philadelphia, PA
4. New Bedford, MA
5. Birmingham, AL
6. Cincinnati. OH
7. Warren, MI
8. Knoxville, TN
9. Albuquerque, NM
10. Toledo. OH
I asked my son to get the box that has most or all of those. My sister borrowed a couple a while back but I can get the titles for most of what I’ve read it’ll just be later today.
Oddly enough, that along with a one strike and you're out program to help addicts get off of opium is exactly what worked for Mao in China.
For all the talk about "who lost China", China was "lost" to the US when Mao found out the US wasn't dismissing his telling us Chang was in the opium trade, but that we actually knew all along about Chang kai-shek & his inner circle being heavily involved in the opium trade.
How are pharmacists the cause of opiate addiction?
That has always been my theory.
A biddable, giggling herd, quite easy to round up, when the time comes.
I prefer to be awake, aware and wholly lucid at all times.
What disturbs me is the current “pot is wonder cure-all” for every disease known to mankind.
They’re even dosing animals up with it, now.
If pot is such a perfect panacea, why is Tommy Chong dying of cancer?
Theoretically, he should be hale and healthy...and possibly immortal.
what is the netflix show?
I have. My best friend from high school. I don't know why he thought life was so bad - still don't. I never understood beyond the normal, "ugh my parents just don't understand," what was so bad. We talked about everything, (so I thought). He would smoke up all the time, "to escape."
I didn't smoke at all, and he continued to do so, more and more. I quit hanging out with him so much b/c that's ALL he wanted to do. He got a new crowd of friends and started dropping acid b/c "pot just didn't do it anymore."
I left for the military and his mom had actually approached my dad and asked if I could talk or beat some sense in to him the next time I was around on leave. The next time I went to their house, I found out from his parents he had been arrested about an hour or o before I got there. Cops were watching a smack house in the city - they arrested him on the way out and raided the place.
My best, and one of my only, friend in high school went from "looking to escape" to addicted to crack (among other things), with four illegitimate children, never allowed to have a drivers license, no diploma, no GED, an extensive criminal record, and no future.
Do I think all, or even most, people who smoke MJ wind up in that situation? No. Do I think that marijuana should be illegal? No.
Do I think we need to crack down on other types of narcotics and illicit drugs, or those who sell (even marijuana) to children? Absolutely, and with extreme prejudice.
Do I think the answer is going after prescription drugs? Yes and no. I'd like to say that the "reasonable man" standard should be employed, but that's a stretch expecting lawmakers and enforcers t employ.
When I first got wounded, our medical officers were reluctant to prescribe narcs "because you might get addicted." So, just suffer through getting shot and/or blown up.
After that initial stupidity, I was given quite a bit of narcs, which I took regularly. However, I had a doctor who gave a damn and monitored how much he prescribed and how I was doing. After about four months, I stopped taking them - no issues. But, I wasn't taking them to get high; I had been taking them b/c I was in debilitating pain.
Later, I was prescribed narcs (by the military) and was observed by a pain management doctor - I had to undergo urinalysis testing and pill counts to ensure I didn't take too many, or wasn't selling them.
In the civilian world, my doctor prescribed me narcs for "breakthrough" pain, but (I took 3-4 total over a 10 month period) seemed reluctant to even do that.
I think we should educate people on the dangerous of narcotics (and things like huffing), discourage ghetto culture and glorifying drugs, and crack down on dealers.
I think we should build the wall and try to prevent illicit drugs from entering the U.S.
I think we should decriminalized marijuana and leave legal age/taxes to the states - let them regulate it, maybe similar restrictions as tobacco for how much you can grow/have for personal use.
I don't think we should prevent/limit access to painkillers. I do think we should track prescription narcotics, and doctors should be required to have regular followup appointments with patients. Perhaps, required addiction screening/counseling in cases of high dosage or long term use for pain management.
I personally do not use marijuana, and I've seen people "graduate" to other drugs. I've also seen people abuse tobacco, alcohol, duster (computer spray), among other things. There will always be those who have abusive and/or addictive personalities. We are never going to eradicate that behavior. However, I think we can take a reasonable approach.
GD the Pusher Man, and Snow Blind Friend (two Steppenwolf songs) written by Hoyt Axton, who understood and was a coke addict. But of course, marijuana isn’t a gateway drug... LOL, it certainly is.
And yes, Duane Allman was a heroin addict and did weigh 75 lbs, when he ran into a flatbed of a truck, while riding his harley. Though talented, he was a junkie, as was Eric Clapton, who talks about it a lot in re: his Crossroads rehab foundation. Clapton btw has stated he no longer can play guitar due to pain of osteoporosis, it has been reported.
you learned nothing from history. Outlaw something people want and you create a black market. Create a black market and criminals get rich. Rich criminals bribe politicians and police. Human behavior and market forces and economics 101.
It happened in the 1920’s and it’s happened since the 1960s.
stop wasting my tax money.
Heroin is “not that bad”? Are you insane, in the face of reams of peer reviewed medical journals and experts in addiction. This is a drug that kills, always leads to more. Using Keith Richards as some kind of reference point—who, at best is inarticulate wasted out wreck, and at worst claims to play guitar- gives an idea of what type of person you think is OK while on heroin. What sophistry.
Legions of addicts inner city and spreading into rural America are proof it is highly destructive. The cost of H has gone down thanks to the mex cartels who should be eliminated. obamaumao made the world safe for heroin and opium, doing the bidding of his muslim masters who have been in the trade for centuries, as well as his Iranian and Frenchie mobster pals who pay his queer freight. Not that bad, yeah, right.
LOL. It’s auto text for sugar
Because Appalachia’s fave drug is the easily cookable crystal meth, which is cheap and plentiful, and heroin prices have come down because of it— to be “marketed” to the area from outside sources. Because as some idiot here says— “heroin is not that bad”.... Like meth is somehow equally benign.
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