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To: COUNTrecount
To: COUNTrecount
3 posted on
11/28/2016 7:27:24 AM PST by
(20 Years USAF ATCer, RET. 25 years CDCR CO, RET.)
To: COUNTrecount
'Midnight regulations' are a last chance for a president to make his mark and introduce new laws This is why I hate federal bureaucracies, they have regulating power and under the control of the POTUS. The Constitution does not grant the POTUS law making authority.
4 posted on
11/28/2016 7:30:54 AM PST by
To: COUNTrecount
WHO’S going to enforce those regulations? :)
Trump can do what obummer did with illegals and the IRS.
Ignore anything he wants to.
5 posted on
11/28/2016 7:31:52 AM PST by
(IThe only thing an upper crust conservative hates more than a liberal is a middle class conservative)
To: COUNTrecount
I bet he'll try to bury them in such a way as to make it difficult for DJT to unravel them.He'll need some sharp lawyers...ones schooled in the ways of deal with these regs.
And many other things as well.
To: COUNTrecount
we’re awash in bs !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Gunny G @ Planet WTF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
8 posted on
11/28/2016 7:34:06 AM PST by
("A Constitution changed from Freedom, can never be restored; Liberty, once lost, is lost forever...)
To: COUNTrecount
"...As many as 98 final regulations are reportedly..."How Obama gave America Donald Trump.....
9 posted on
11/28/2016 7:34:21 AM PST by
(I am getting my country back! Hooray!)
To: COUNTrecount
Trump’s first minute noon-time rescinds.
10 posted on
11/28/2016 7:35:38 AM PST by
To: COUNTrecount
He’s doing this so he can say...”I tried”. Otherwise, it’s all for show. Trump is the bulldozer we need and will reverse all the commie, fascist BS that O created.
12 posted on
11/28/2016 7:36:55 AM PST by
To: COUNTrecount
I wish someone would push Obama off a cliff.
15 posted on
11/28/2016 7:40:21 AM PST by
To: COUNTrecount
Presidents should not have this power in their fourth years.
16 posted on
11/28/2016 7:40:33 AM PST by
(No full-term Governors!)
To: COUNTrecount
AKA "Midnight Tyranny."
All of these unilateral illegal "regulations" are invalid laws. The only valid federal laws are those passed by Congress the only constitutionally authorized federal law-making body. Therefore, each of these Obama regulations are unconstitutional federal acts which by definition are each separate acts of tyranny.
NUKE THE UNCONSTITUTIONAL REGULATORY STATE AND VOID ALL UNCONSTITUTIONAL NON-CONGRESSIONALLY-GENERATED REGULATIONS That would include constitutionally-sovereign state nullification and Trump eliminating the Administrative/Regulatory State and also voiding all regulations thereof.
17 posted on
11/28/2016 7:41:06 AM PST by
Jim W N
To: COUNTrecount
Obame trying to secure his LEGACY???
That moment passed about 7 years ago.
To: COUNTrecount
“Midnight regulations” are subject to “morning after” recision.
22 posted on
11/28/2016 7:46:50 AM PST by
To: COUNTrecount
This is a complete and total waste of time and money because on Day One Trump will invalidate each and every one of these unilateral usurpations.
23 posted on
11/28/2016 7:47:36 AM PST by
(Bow to no man)
To: COUNTrecount
It looks to me like Michelle Obama is going to run for office in california. God help us..she will probably win.
She is going to try to outdo HIllary Clinton.
25 posted on
11/28/2016 7:49:43 AM PST by
(Trump Train Hobo TM Rummychick. Example - Ryan Romney Kasich. Quit trying to Jump on the Train)
To: COUNTrecount
all of this can, and should be undone by President Trump with little fanfare. Just erase him.
26 posted on
11/28/2016 7:49:49 AM PST by
(A clear conscience is a sure sign of a poor memory.)
To: COUNTrecount
Everyone of these last minute and previous anti America xo’s can be made invalid shortly after President Trump is sworn in!
27 posted on
11/28/2016 7:49:54 AM PST by
Grampa Dave
(Hey, whining losers,Trump will just go ahead & make things better for us without you!!!!")
To: COUNTrecount
Trump will shred those regs on day one.
29 posted on
11/28/2016 7:54:28 AM PST by
Georgia Girl 2
(The only purpose of a pistol is to fight your way back to the rifle you should never have dropped)
To: COUNTrecount
This is pure b.s. Trump should publicly announce he will revoke all last minute regulations.
Why is it when the democrats decree, we hear that their decrees can not ever be revoked?
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