I admire them for being able to narrow it down to only 200 reasons.
I'm betting that Obama, on his last day, does some clever thing so she can never be tried for anything....similar to what was pulled for Bubba.
Reason #1: Organized crime has enough power in the demrat party. In fact, organized crime is the face of the demrat party. They have a black face and now a white face as their representatives.
Hillary lied, people died.
I am going to go with what Trump said. She has 30 years of experience . . . ALL BAD.
Thank you for whomever did all of the work compiling this list with reference articles linked. This post is worth bookmarking to share as frequently as possible.
Only 200?
How about:
Because she’s a woman.
Note: If she claims so strongly (and her supporters passionately agree) that one of the major reasons why she should have the position is because she is female, then it stands to reason it can be argued that she should not for that very same ludicrous reason.
Just as valid to claim someone deserves the office strictly because they are male. In other words; nonsensical.
#45 is, actually, a good thing and. . I applaud her for it.
The main thing hilLIARy learned in law school was how to evade prosecution
Brilliant. In the style of a state department point paper advocating ACTION (whatever that means over at State) in some sort of foreign country. They don’t write in sentences with subjects, just exhortatory action verbs, propelling (assumed object us) forward towards some lofty and desirable goal.
Well, it’s a start. Just 200?
My public bookmarks are chalk full of reasons.
Tip of the iceberg . . .
It ALL comes down to Florida. This is the state that will decide the election.
that Hillary = 30 years of failure from Trump was a knockout blow !
I Told everyone Trump demolished communist Hillary in the debate. This communist Hillary must be stopped.
That communist witch lied so many times in the debate trying to copy Trumps positions he figured out like reducing regulations on businesses small and large. Its just another lie from commie Hillary . As Trump said Hillary has had 30 years and has never reduced regulations on businesses nor reduce taxes nor nothing . what she really wants is communism with her in Chavezs role as dictator. shes lying lying what an evil communist .
Glad Trump destroyed this evil monster and Her NAFTA approving Husband Clinton
Hillary is what ya call a ‘piece of work’ if you are being kind.